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翻译 二进制算法_本地二进制模式算法:其背后的数学❗️

二进制算法 ????介绍 (???? Introduction)The main idea behind LBP is to describe the neighborhood of image elements using binary codes. This method is usually used to study their local properties and identify the c...

2020-09-30 11:45:55 740

翻译 pytorch预测时间序列_流预测:PyTorch中内置的时间序列预测库

pytorch预测时间序列Flow Forecast is a recently created open-source framework that aims to make it easy to use state of the art machine learning models to forecast and/or classify complex temporal data. Addi...

2020-09-30 11:35:59 1822

翻译 来自天秤座的梦想_天秤座:单线全自动机器学习

来自天秤座的梦想Libra is one of the python package, which helps in performing deep learning on a given data set with minimum no of lines of code. The recent usages of Machine Learning in many of daily applica...

2020-09-30 11:26:05 507

翻译 r语言 支持向量机实现_支持向量机解密:R中的实现

r语言 支持向量机实现Support Vector Machine, popularly abbreviated as SVM is a supervised learning algorithm used for both regression and classification but more commonly used for classification. SVMs have been...

2020-09-30 11:16:11 3002

翻译 图卷积 节点分类_了解图卷积网络以进行节点分类

图卷积 节点分类Neural Networks have gained massive success in the last decade. However, early variants of Neural Networks could only be implemented using regular or Euclidean data, while a lot of data in the...

2020-09-17 08:26:18 4567

翻译 如何学习机器学习微积分_机器学习中的微积分

如何学习机器学习微积分 重点 (Top highlight) 机器学习 , 数学 (Machine Learning, Mathematics) 一,引言 (I. Introduction)A machine learning algorithm (such as classification, clustering or regression) uses a training dataset...

2020-09-17 08:16:29 953

翻译 时间序列动态模型与静态模型_用基于树的模型接近时间序列

时间序列动态模型与静态模型In this article, I’m going to show a generic way how to approach a time-series prediction problem with a machine learning model. I’m using a tree-based model LightGBM as an example here, ...

2020-09-17 08:07:25 2790

翻译 pc分布使用率情况_如何在不违反法律的情况下获得廉价和免费的PC游戏

pc分布使用率情况Being a PC gamer can be an expensive business. You spend hundreds on your hardware and then you have to buy the games to play. So, how do you reduce the cost? 乙 eing一个PC游戏玩家可以是一个昂贵的业务。 您在硬件​​...

2020-09-17 08:03:15 2071

翻译 pyspark机器学习_机器学习:使用Pyspark进行线性回归

pyspark机器学习Introduction: 简介 : PySpark is the Python API written in python to support Apache Spark. Apache Spark is a distributed framework that can handle Big Data analysis. Spark is written in Scala...

2020-09-17 07:57:13 2463

翻译 airbnb_Airbnb对观众情感联系的误解导致双重抵制

airbnbIn the first months of the pandemic, Airbnb’s model — along with the rest of the travel industry — was sent reeling. But although Airbnb has seen bookings begin to surge through the summer and f...

2020-09-17 07:53:06 379

翻译 揭露动画_揭露网络中的重要节点

揭露动画Written by Kilver J. Campos, Nicolas Poza Moreno, Alejandro Alvarez, Tomas Vera. 由Kilver J. Campos , Nicolas Poza Moreno , Alejandro Alvarez , Tomas Vera撰写。 The detection of the most important no...

2020-09-17 07:47:24 1217

翻译 滴滴收购优步谈判过程_大流行之后,优步正在为绿色业务做准备

滴滴收购优步谈判过程Uber has promised to zero out its carbon emissions by 2040 and claims that 100% of rides will happen in electric vehicles within the next decade in cities within the U.S., Canada, and Europe...

2020-09-17 07:43:02 357

翻译 网页怎么预先加载模型_使用预先训练的模型进行转移学习

网页怎么预先加载模型 深度学习 (Deep Learning) 什么是转学? (What is Transfer Learning?)Transfer learning is a research problem in machine learning that focuses on storing knowledge gained while solving one problem and ...

2020-09-17 07:37:57 1146

翻译 没有人分摊账单,但venmo却在腾飞

The Covid-19 crisis shifted a large portion of American retail online virtually overnight, but the gradual post-pandemic reopening has led to an interesting second shift: Online payment companies have...

2020-09-12 12:28:01 1205

翻译 angluar cdk_使用CDK将自动扩展机器学习模型推理堆栈部署到AWS

angluar cdkFor several years now, data science and machine learning were sexy and lots of companies embraced “artificial intelligence” as a new powerful tool to automate complex tasks as a black box. ...

2020-09-09 21:01:49 247

翻译 th:href 锚链接报错_锚点:简单介绍

th:href 锚链接报错演示地址 关于模型解释性(XAI)的所有评论: (All ado about Model Explainability (XAI):)There is now a laundry list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms to solve each AI problem. The more complex...

2020-09-09 20:50:59 620

翻译 线性嵌入 pytorch_使用Pytorch从头开始创建您的迷你单词嵌入

线性嵌入 pytorch 机器学习 (Machine Learning) 介绍: (Introduction:)On a lighter note, the embedding of a particular word (In Higher Dimension) is nothing but a vector representation of that word (In Lower Dime...

2020-09-09 20:41:48 689

翻译 机器学习速成课程_机器学习速成课程:

机器学习速成课程Whether you know it or not, machine learning has seeped into every aspect of our lives, now is a critical time for everyone to have a basic understanding in machine learning. This article is d...

2020-09-09 20:20:27 630

翻译 python绘制决策树_在Python中为ML绘制决策面的动手指南

python绘制决策树 介绍 (Introduction)Lately, I have been struggling for a while to visualize the generated model of a classification model. I relied only on the classification report and the confusion matrix...

2020-09-09 20:09:38 820

翻译 量子聚类代码_量子聚类

量子聚类代码Following up on my recent article titled, “Maximum Quantum Classification,” in which I started with the data points already mapped to qubits and grouped together, here is an algorithm for doing ...

2020-09-09 19:59:13 1113

翻译 使用OpenCV和Tensorflow在排球中跟踪球

介绍 (Introduction)After the first experience of applying AI in sport, I was inspired to continue. Home exercises are looked like an insignificant goal and I targeted team plays. 在将AI应用于体育方面的第一次经验之后,我...

2020-09-09 19:49:22 600

翻译 apollo奶奶_向您的奶奶解释深度学习神经网络

apollo奶奶“You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother” “除非您能向祖母解释,否则您不会真正理解某事” Not sure where this quote originally came from, it is sometimes kind of half-attr...

2020-09-09 19:38:55 176

翻译 python 套索回归_适用于python的自适应套索

python 套索回归This is my second post on the series about penalized regression. In the first one we talked about how to implement a sparse group lasso in python, one of the best variable selection alterna...

2020-09-09 19:28:33 2958

翻译 机器学习模型部署到网页_将机器学习模型部署到生产中的挑战

机器学习模型部署到网页Also published on my website. 还发布在 我的网站上 。 目录 (Table of contents)Traditional Software Development vs Machine LearningMachine Learning WorkflowStage #1: Data Management- Large Data Size- ...

2020-09-09 19:18:46 1495

翻译 机器学习为什么重要_机器学习:它是如何工作的; 更重要的是,为什么它起作用?...

机器学习为什么重要Back in 2017, I was introduced to a cool wor(l)d. The word by itself was very intriguing. I was interested and wanted to know more. So as any normal person would, I opened my web browser and ...

2020-09-09 19:09:17 407

翻译 计算机与计算机网络_让计算机承担责任

计算机与计算机网络For all of human history our innovation and ingenuity have been accelerating at a staggering pace. The stone age, which lasted us a good two and a half million years, eventually gave way to t...

2020-09-09 18:59:18 261

翻译 php ml 使用_使用ML在朋友中找到最有趣的朋友

php ml 使用A technical walkthrough of how to find the funniest Friend in FRIENDS 如何在朋友中找到最有趣的朋友的技术演练 After finishing Andrew Ng’s machine learning courses, I decided it was time to try a project of my o...

2020-09-09 18:49:25 704

翻译 元学习 迁移学习_元学习就是您所需要的

元学习 迁移学习Update: This post is part of a blog series on Meta-Learning that I’m working on. Check out part 1 and part 2. 更新 :这篇文章是我正在从事的有关元学习的博客系列的一部分。 检出 第1 部分 和 第2部分 。 Neural networks have been highly...

2020-09-09 18:38:55 1977

翻译 我们如何在Pinterest Ads中使用AutoML,多任务学习和多塔模型

Ernest Wang | Software Engineer, Ads Ranking 欧内斯特·王| 软件工程师,广告排名 People come to Pinterest in an exploration mindset, often engaging with ads the same way they do with organic Pins. Within ads our miss...

2020-09-09 18:18:34 709

翻译 机器学习分类猫狗_六周机器学习项目怎么样? 初学者对猫狗的分类问题(第4周)...

机器学习分类猫狗It’s been 3 weeks since I had started my 6 week ML project and I’m feeling very happy that I was able to do quite a lot of stuff and learn new things from this project. It is always better to ...

2020-09-09 18:08:21 304

翻译 noscope_NoScope:将神经网络查询扩展到现实世界

noscopeNeural networks have expanded the breadth of tasks we can perform and revolutionized the accuracies at which we can achieve them. However, they are computationally expensive and thus make it di...

2020-09-08 04:32:57 537

翻译 卷积神经网络模型 创建_从头开始创建卷积神经网络:

卷积神经网络模型 创建In recent years, Convolutional Neural Networks have been the first choice for Image processing in Machine Learning projects. Let’s look at how Convolutional Neural Networks work and try to ...

2020-09-08 04:23:12 637

翻译 bert如何应用于下游任务_培训特定于法律域的BERT

bert如何应用于下游任务Google’s Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) is a large-scale pre-trained autoencoding language model developed in 2018. Its development has been described as t...

2020-09-08 04:13:17 1471

翻译 机器学习 噪声敏感_具有高度敏感数据的机器学习

机器学习 噪声敏感Most machine learning models in academia are trained and evaluated on publicly available datasets. For companies working in the finance sector or in identity verification this isn’t always po...

2020-09-08 04:03:50 951

翻译 机器学习预测nba_通过机器学习预测2020年NBA季后赛支架

机器学习预测nbaPaul the Octopus was a short-lived (26 January 2008–26 October 2010) cephalopod kept at the Sea Life Centre in Oberhausen, Germany, who became instantly famous because of his alleged ability ...

2020-09-08 03:44:17 13695

翻译 已知两点坐标拾取怎么操作_已知的操作员学习-第1部分

已知两点坐标拾取怎么操作 有关深层学习的FAU讲义 (FAU LECTURE NOTES ON DEEP LEARNING)These are the lecture notes for FAU’s YouTube Lecture “Deep Learning”. This is a full transcript of the lecture video & matching slid...

2020-09-08 03:22:58 145

翻译 coco数据集格式示例_OpenAI的光辉可以从一些示例中生成训练数据集

coco数据集格式示例I recently started a new newsletter focus on AI education. TheSequence is a no-BS( meaning no hype, no news etc) AI-focused newsletter that takes 5 minutes to read. The goal is to keep you ...

2020-09-08 03:13:47 581

翻译 卷积神经网络 svm分类器_使用卷积神经网络的狗品种分类器

卷积神经网络 svm分类器 介绍 (Introduction)Do you know the breed of the dog in the picture above? If you don’t then it’s completely fine because I don’t know either. Well, we come across a lot of different breed...

2020-09-08 03:03:27 1650

翻译 monk js_使用Monk AI进行手分割应用程序(Ego-Hands Dataset)

monk js 计算机视觉 (Computer Vision)Making computer vision easy with Monk, low code Deep Learning tool and a unified wrapper for computer vision. 通过Monk,低代码深度学习工具和统一的计算机视觉包装器,可以轻松实现计算机视觉。 介绍 (Introductio...

2020-09-08 02:53:28 743

翻译 半监督学习 图像分类_自我监督学习的图像分类。

半监督学习 图像分类In this post we explore the benefits of applying self-supervised learning to the image classification problem in computer vision. 在这篇文章中,我们探讨了将自我监督学习应用于计算机视觉中图像分类问题的好处。 If you don’t have a ...

2020-09-08 02:23:12 2426



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