aws 认证_引入#AWSCertified挑战:您的第一个AWS认证之路

aws 认证

You may already know that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the largest, oldest, and most popular cloud service provider. But did you know they offer professional certifications, too?

您可能已经知道Amazon Web Services(AWS)是最大,最古老和最受欢迎的云服务提供商。 但是您知道他们也提供专业认证吗?

These AWS cloud certifications come straight from Amazon itself. The exams to earn them are quite challenging, but they will make an impact on your résumé and CV. They can help you steer your career in a variety of emerging cloud roles such as DevOps or Site Reliability Engineering.

这些AWS云认证直接来自Amazon本身。 赢得考试的难度很大,但它们会对您的简历和简历产生影响。 它们可以帮助您在各种新兴的云角色(例如DevOps或Site Reliability Engineering)中引导您的职业。

One big advantage of using the cloud (which is basically just a collection of other people's computers) is that you no longer need to purchase your own servers and plug them into the internet.


Instead you can rent virtual servers in the cloud and run your applications on them. And as of 2020, most companies do this.

相反,您可以在云中租用虚拟服务器,然后在这些服务器上运行应用程序。 截至2020年,大多数公司都会这样做。

By the time you finish this challenge, you'll be an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. You'll also have at least one Associate-tier AWS certification. And if you're up for it, you may have one of the much-coveted Professional-tier certifications or a specialty certification as well.

当您完成这一挑战时,您将成为AWS认证的云实践者。 您还将至少拥有一项协理级AWS认证。 而且,如果您愿意这样做,那么您可能会拥有备受追捧的专业级认证或专业认证之一。

That's at least 3 certifications - each with its own rigorous examination process.


First things first, you should know that AWS does charge examination fees to take these exams and get certified. (It's USD $100 to $300 per test. More details below.)

首先,您应该知道AWS确实收取考试费以参加这些考试并获得认证。 (每次测试的费用为$ 100到$ 300。下面有更多详细信息。)

But aside from those exam fees, you won't have to spend a single dollar preparing for the exams. How is that possible? Because freeCodeCamp has dozens of hours of free AWS certification prep courses on our YouTube channel. That's how.

但是,除了这些考试费用之外,您不必花一美元准备考试。 那怎么可能? 因为freeCodeCamp在我们的YouTube频道上提供了数十小时的免费AWS认证准备课程。 这就是如何。

My friend and fellow Star Trek fan Andrew Brown has designed full-length courses for each of these certifications. And his company, ExamPro, has graciously made these freely available to developers around the world.

我的朋友和《星际迷航》的同伴安德鲁·布朗(Andrew Brown)为每种认证设计了全长课程。 他的公司ExamPro慷慨地将这些工具免费提供给世界各地的开发人员。

I'll link to the videos below. But first, here are the rules of the challenge, should you choose to accept it.

我将链接到下面的视频。 但是首先,如果您选择接受挑战,这是挑战的规则。

AWS认证挑战赛的规则 (The Rules of the AWSCertified Challenge)

  1. Tweet out a photo of yourself giving a thumbs-up and announcing that you are committing to the #AWSCertified challenge.

  2. Each day tweet at least one time about your progress and what you've learned or done, using the #AWSCertified hashtag.

  3. Each day, reply with encouragement to at least 2 other people who are also using the #AWSCertified hashtag.

  4. Each time you earn a certification, print it out, pose with it, and tweet a triumphant photo.


That's it. Unlike #100DaysOfCode, there is no set end date to this challenge. It's over when it's over, which should only be a few months if you're working each day toward your certifications.

而已。 与#100DaysOfCode不同,此挑战没有设定结束日期。 结束了,结束了,如果您每天都在努力获得认证,那应该只有几个月。

Note that AWS has recommended work experience for each certification. Don't fret when you see AWS mention things like: "2 years of comprehensive experience designing, operating, and troubleshooting solutions using the AWS cloud."  These are just recommendations.

请注意,AWS推荐了每种证书的工作经验。 当您看到AWS提及以下内容时,请不要担心:“ 2年使用AWS云设计,操作和故障排除解决方案的全面经验。” 这些只是建议。

If you know enough to pass the test, you can get certified - even if you haven't yet done professional projects that use AWS.


AWS提供哪些认证? (What certifications does AWS offer?)

In total, AWS offers 12 certifications. Here's a breakdown of the tests, how much they cost, and how long the certifications are valid for.

AWS总共提供12项认证。 这是测试的明细,测试的成本以及认证的有效期限。

云计算为新开发人员创造了很多机会 (Cloud Computing Has Created Lots of Opportunities for New Developers)

The rise of cloud services over the past decade has changed the way developers build and run web apps.


And since almost every app in 2020 is a web app or has a significant web app component, you could argue that cloud computing has changed the nature of software development itself.


Most new companies are "cloud-native" - meaning they forgo data centers entirely and just use cloud services like AWS.


Some large companies and governments still run their own data-centers. But most of these are also adopting a hybrid model where they connect their data centers to the cloud.

一些大公司和政府仍在运营自己的数据中心。 但是,其中大多数还采用了一种混合模型,将数据中心连接到云。

The rise of cloud computing has created a variety of new technical roles called "cloud roles." These roles may depend less on traditional computer science fundamentals. Instead, they focus more on configuring, combining, and maintaining cloud services to create cohesive products and services.

云计算的兴起创造了各种各样的新技术角色,称为“云角色”。 这些角色可能较少依赖传统的计算机科学基础知识。 相反,他们更多地专注于配置,组合和维护云服务以创建具有凝聚力的产品和服务。

These new roles have created a several new entry points into software development and system administration careers.


In this article, I'll dive deep into the various cloud-focused developer roles out there, so you can choose the one that is the best fit for your background and your interests.


The roles I'll cover here are:


  • Solutions Architect

  • Cloud Engineer

  • SysOps Admin

  • DevOps Admin

  • Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

  • Data Scientist

  • Data Engineer

  • Data Analyst

  • Security Engineer


I'll also recommend a certification path for each of these roles. And I'll explain the fees for each certification exam.

我还将为每个角色推荐一条认证途径。 我将解释每次认证考试的费用。

Also since this is freeCodeCamp - where your cup of free learning resources runneth over - I'll link you to a ton of free in-depth courses for each of these exams.


Let's get started.


AWS认证解决方案架构师角色介绍 (The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Role Explained)

As of 2020, AWS has more than 150 different cloud services - so many that even veteran developers don't know them all.


The job of a Solutions Architect is to have a broad knowledge of these core AWS services, and to constantly understand new services as they come out, and how they can be used for business ends.


A Solutions Architect isn't always responsible for implementing their own solutions. But they do gather research and propose ideas to their team.

解决方案架构师并不总是负责实施自己的解决方案。 但是他们确实会收集研究成果并向他们的团队提出建议。

Of all the roles I'll discuss here, the Solutions Architect role is the one that requires the least amount of programming knowledge.

在我将在这里讨论的所有角色中,Solutions Architect角色是需要最少编程知识的角色。

If you like strategy, planning, and solving problems, you’ll love the Solutions Architect role.


And if you don’t know where to start your career, the Solutions Architect certification gives you the broadest exposure to cloud concepts so that you can then further specialize from there.

而且,如果您不知道从哪里开始职业生涯,则可以通过Solutions Architect认证获得对云概念最广泛的了解,以便从那里进一步进行专业化。

  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS Solutions Architect Associate ($150 exam)

    AWS解决方案架构师助理($ 150考试)
  3. AWS Solutions Architect Professional ($300 exam)

    AWS解决方案架构师专业人士($ 300考试)

AWS认证的云工程师角色介绍 (The AWS Certified Cloud Engineer Role Explained)

A Cloud Engineer is a more general role. It involves the same responsibilities as being a web developer, but places a greater emphasis on making use of  cloud services.

云工程师是更一般的角色。 它承担着与作为Web开发人员相同的职责,但是更加强调使用云服务。

Cloud Engineers focus more on the implementation details of developer solutions rather than infrastructure solutions. Cloud Engineers aren't normally tasked with setting up servers or networking. (Those are handled by SysOps - a role I'll explain below in a minute).

云工程师更多地关注开发人员解决方案的实施细节,而不是基础架构解决方案。 云工程师通常不需要设置服务器或网络。 (这些操作由SysOps处理-我将在下面稍后解释一个角色)。

Out of all the roles I'm going to cover here today, Cloud Engineer is the role that requires the most programming knowledge.

在我今天将要介绍的所有角色中,Cloud Engineer是需要最多编程知识的角色。

  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS Certified Developer Associate ($150 exam)

    AWS认证开发人员助理($ 150考试)

AWS认证的SysOps管理员角色已解释 (The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Role Explained)

The SysOps (System Operations) role involves maintaining existing cloud infrastructure. SysOps Administrators patch, monitor, and stress-test servers.

SysOps(系统运营)角色涉及维护现有的云基础架构。 SysOps Administrators对服务器进行修补,监视和压力测试。

SysOps Administrators are also responsible for reacting to incidents that occur. So if a web server goes down in the middle of the night and you're the on-duty SysOps person, you'll be the one waking up to fix it. :)

SysOps管理员还负责对发生的事件做出React。 因此,如果某个网络服务器在深夜停机,并且您是值班的SysOps员工,那么您将成为唤醒它的人来修复它。 :)

The SysOps role is usually seen as a first step to becoming a full-blown DevOps engineer (Developer Operations - I'll explain it below).


The SysOps role requires you to have deep infrastructure knowledge. You need to know how servers and networks work. And you need to be good with operating systems like Linux (and maybe Unix or Windows).

SysOps角色要求您具有深入的基础架构知识。 您需要了解服务器和网络的工作方式。 而且您需要对Linux(以及Unix或Windows)等操作系统有所了解。

This role doesn't require very much scripting knowledge.


  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS SysOps Administrator ($150 exam)

    AWS SysOps Administrator($ 150考试)

解释了AWS认证的DevOps管理员角色 (The AWS Certified DevOps Administrator Role Explained)

The DevOps (Developer Operations) role involves automating infrastructure using code. DevOps Administrators help their organizations minimize infrastructure costs.

DevOps(开发人员运营)角色涉及使用代码自动化基础架构。 DevOps管理员可以帮助他们的组织将基础架构成本降至最低。

For example, a DevOps Administrator might write a script that spins up extra servers during peak time, then spins those servers down when business is slow to save money.


DevOps is a proactive role. They are actively trying to reduce the amount of work a SysOps Administrator needs to do to maintain infrastructure.

DevOps是一个积极的角色。 他们正在积极尝试减少SysOps管理员维护基础结构所需的工作量。

The DevOps role requires both extensive infrastructure knowledge and extensive  scripting knowledge.


  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS SysOps Administrator ($150 exam)

    AWS SysOps Administrator($ 150考试)
  3. AWS DevOps Professional ($300 exam)

    AWS DevOps Professional($ 300考试)
  4. AWS Advanced Networking Specialty ($300 exam)

    AWS Advanced Networking专业版($ 300考试)

AWS认证的站点可靠性工程师角色介绍 (The AWS Certified Site Reliability Engineer Role Explained)

The Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) role focuses on implementing strategies for disaster recovery, fault tolerance, and high availability. SRE's also work to boost performance of both developers on their team, and of the infrastructure itself.

站点可靠性工程师(SRE)角色致力于实施灾难恢复,容错和高可用性的策略。 SRE还致力于提高开发人员团队和基础架构本身的性能。

SRE's play a proactive role to ensure everything runs smoothly. It requires a broad range of knowledge.

SRE发挥积极作用,以确保一切顺利进行。 它需要广泛的知识。

  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS Developer Associate ($150 exam)

    AWS开发人员助理($ 150考试)
  3. AWS Solutions Architect Associate ($150 exam)

    AWS解决方案架构师助理($ 150考试)
  4. AWS SysOps Administrator ($150 exam)

    AWS SysOps Administrator($ 150考试)

AWS认证数据科学家角色介绍 (The AWS Certified Data Scientist Role Explained)

The Data Scientist role involves trying to predict the future.


Data Scientists use statistics, machine learning, and other academic knowledge to help create automated data-driven business solutions. This is a more reactive role.

数据科学家使用统计数据,机器学习和其他学术知识来帮助创建自动化的数据驱动型业务解决方案。 这是一个更加被动的角色。

It is true that Data Scientists roles traditionally require an academic background, and many Data Scientists have Ph.D.'s and extensive mathematics training.


This said, the demand for Data Scientists is so great among many employers that just being able to use simple Machine Learning solutions is enough to help you get the job.


You can also find Data Science roles that use managed Machine Learning services.


If you are not afraid of math, and want to work with big data, this role may be a good fit for you.


  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS Solutions Architect Associate ($150 exam)

    AWS解决方案架构师助理($ 150考试)
  3. AWS Databases Specialty ($300 exam)

    AWS数据库专业($ 300考试)
  4. AWS Analytics Specialty ($300 exam)

    AWS Analytics Specialty($ 300考试)

AWS认证数据工程师角色介绍 (The AWS Certified Data Engineer Role Explained)

When a Data Scientist creates a data solution, they are building a prototype that doesn't necessarily scale. That's where a Data Engineer comes in.

当数据科学家创建数据解决方案时,他们正在构建不一定能扩展的原型。 那就是数据工程师进来的地方。

The Data Engineer’s role is to wrap that solution around infrastructure that does work at scale.


A Data Engineer has to think about how to move and store data. They need deep knowledge of how to configure and scale databases and messaging systems. They also need to understand how to seamlessly integrate different APIs.

数据工程师必须考虑如何移动和存储数据。 他们需要有关如何配置和扩展数据库和消息传递系统的深入知识。 他们还需要了解如何无缝集成不同的API。

The Data Engineer role is ideal if you want to work with big data and large scale infrastructure, but you don't want to learn so much math and domain expertise.


  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS Developer Associate ($150 exam)

    AWS开发人员助理($ 150考试)
  3. AWS DevOps Professional ($300 exam)

    AWS DevOps Professional($ 300考试)
  4. AWS Databases Specialty ($300 exam)

    AWS数据库专业($ 300考试)

AWS认证数据分析师角色介绍 (The AWS Certified Data Analyst Role Explained)

The Data Analyst role involves analyzing data and creating data visualizations.


Data Analysts are curators of data. They are masters of complex SQL queries. They can use enterprise-grade Business Intelligence tools. Or they can just use off-the-shelf JavaScript frameworks to slap together their visualizations.

数据分析师是数据的策划人。 他们是复杂SQL查询的大师。 他们可以使用企业级商业智能工具。 或者,他们可以仅使用现成JavaScript框架将其可视化图拍在一起。

If you don't have a strong foundation in math, but do know a bit about web development and want to work with big data - the Data Analyst role may be a good fit for you.


  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS Developer Associate ($150 exam)

    AWS开发人员助理($ 150考试)
  3. AWS Databases Specialty ($300 exam)

    AWS数据库专业($ 300考试)
  4. AWS Analytics Specialty ($300 exam)

    AWS Analytics Specialty($ 300考试)

AWS认证的安全工程师角色介绍 (The AWS Certified Security Engineer Role Explained)

With the rise of truly big data over the past decade, security breaches can have massive repercussions. It seems like every month we hear about some company getting hacked and exposing millions of user records to hackers.

在过去十年中,随着真正大数据的兴起,安全漏洞可能会产生巨大影响。 似乎每个月我们都会听到一些公司被黑客入侵并将数百万条用户记录暴露给黑客的消息。

Even smaller companies and local nonprofits have to worry about security. Cloud computing introduces even more security considerations, so there are ton of new career opportunities in this field.

甚至较小的公司和当地的非营利组织也必须担心安全性。 云计算引入了更多的安全考虑,因此在该领域中有大量新的职业机会。

There's also a wide variety of specializations within the field of Cyber Security. I could write an entire article about just these specializations, and it would be at least as long as this one is.

网络安全领域内还有各种各样的专业领域。 我可以写整篇关于这些专业的文章,而且至少要写一篇这样的文章。

But here's a sane starting point if you want to become a Security Engineer who works with cloud services.


  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ($100 exam)

    AWS认证的云实践者($ 100考试)
  2. AWS Solutions Architect Associate ($150 exam)

    AWS解决方案架构师助理($ 150考试)
  3. AWS Security Specialty ($300 exam)

    AWS安全专家($ 300考试)

云认证的兴起 (The Rise of Cloud Certifications)

10 years ago, most certifications in the tech industry weren't taken very seriously. Some of this was because of confusion around what constituted a "certification" versus merely a "certificate." (The difference - an instructor may hand you a certificate at the end of a weekend workshop, but you have to work hard and pass some sort of evaluation to earn a certification.)

10年前,技术行业中的大多数认证还没有得到非常认真的对待。 其中一些是因为围绕什么构成“证书”而不是仅“证书”感到困惑。 (与众不同的是-讲师可能会在周末研讨会结束时向您提供证书 ,但您必须努力工作并通过某种评估才能获得证书 。)

AWS has raised the reputation of developer certifications. They've done this this by certifying everyone directly, and providing verified certifications on their own servers.

AWS提高了开发人员认证的声誉。 他们通过直接认证每个人并在自己的服务器上提供经过验证的认证来做到这一点。

These AWS certifications are already notoriously challenging, and AWS updates their exams each quarter with new questions to keep developers on their toes. AWS also strictly monitors test-takers through proctored test centers. (That's right - you have to physically report to a test center to take these exams.)

这些AWS认证已经众所周知地具有挑战性,AWS每季度都会更新其考试以提出新问题,以使开发人员保持警惕。 AWS还通过托管的测试中心严格监控应试者。 (是的-您必须亲自向考试中心报告才能参加这些考试。)

我有零云经验。 我如何开始? (I Have Zero Cloud Experience. How Do I Get Started?)

If you're learning about cloud services for the first time, you'll definitely want to start with the Certified Cloud Practitioner course. It teaches you all the foundational knowledge you need, and it gives you hands on experience with the AWS platform.

如果您是第一次学习云服务,那么您肯定要从“认证云实践者”课程开始。 它教您所需的所有基础知识,并为您提供有关AWS平台的实践经验。

It’s also a great confidence booster. You can pass the exam after only around 10 hours of study. So you could realistically become AWS Certified within a week.

这也是极大的信心助推器。 您只需学习大约10个小时,即可通过考试。 因此,您实际上可以在一周内获得AWS认证。

Here's the full course - free and with no ads - from freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel:


Also be sure to join freeCodeCamp’s #AWSCertified Discord channel to ask questions and get help along the way.

另外,请确保加入freeCodeCamp的#AWSCertified Discord频道,以提出问题并获得帮助。

为什么我应该通过其他云服务提供商学习AWS? (Why Should I Learn AWS Over Other Cloud Service Providers?)

The "Big 3" cloud service providers all have similar offerings. You can easily transfer the concepts you learn for AWS over to other platforms. (In case you're wondering, aside from AWS, there's Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.)

“三大”云服务提供商都提供类似的产品。 您可以轻松地将为AWS学习的概念转移到其他平台。 (如果您想知道,除了AWS之外,还有Microsoft Azure和Google Cloud Platform。)

There are advantages to choosing AWS as your primary cloud service provider when learning the cloud.


AWS优势1:种类繁多的工具 (AWS Advantage 1: The Widest Variety of Tools)

AWS has been around the longest - since the early 2000s. They have the largest library of cloud service offerings, with over 150 services. So learning AWS first will give you exposure to the widest variety of cloud tools.

自2000年代初以来,AWS的时间最长。 他们拥有最大的云服务产品库,提供150多种服务。 因此,首先学习AWS将使您接触到最广泛的云工具。

AWS优势2:良好的学生支持 (AWS Advantage 2: Good Student Support)

Like Amazon, AWS puts a strong emphasis on customer support. You can pay AWS $30 per month to gain access to their support plan, where you can email them questions and they will help you get unstuck. This can help you accelerate your learning and keep you from getting stuck for too long.

像亚马逊一样,AWS也非常重视客户支持。 您可以每月向AWS支付30美元,以访问他们的支持计划,您可以在其中向他们发送问题电子邮件,他们将帮助您解决问题。 这可以帮助您加快学习速度,并避免太长时间卡住。

AWS also has extensive technical documentation - arguably more comprehensive than Google or Microsoft's. It's actually possible to pass many AWS Certification exams just by reading AWS's official documentation and technical whitepapers. (And again, we offer free in-depth courses for these exams, so you may not have to rely on this documentation as much.)

AWS还拥有广泛的技术文档-可以说比Google或Microsoft的文档更全面。 只需阅读AWS的官方文档和技术白皮书,实际上就有可能通过许多AWS认证考试。 (同样,我们为这些考试提供免费的深入课程,因此您可能不必太依赖此文档。)

AWS的优势3:更多的雇主使用AWS,因此存在更大的就业市场 (AWS Advantage 3: More Employers Use AWS So There's a Bigger Job Market)

Perhaps the most important advantage of earning AWS certifications first is that more than 50% of the Fortune 500 companies - and many governments - use AWS. So until Microsoft and Google capture more of the market, AWS certifications offer the most potential job opportunities.

首先获得AWS认证的最重要的优势也许是,超过50%的财富500强公司-以及许多政府-使用AWS。 因此,在Microsoft和Google占领更多市场之前,AWS认证提供了最潜在的就业机会。

超越三巨头的其他云服务提供商 (Other Cloud Service Providers Beyond the Big 3)

There are a few newcomers to the cloud provider space that you may encounter on the job. I wouldn't recommend studying specifically to get certified on these quite yet, but it's good to be aware of them.

在工作中可能会遇到一些新的云提供商领域的人。 我不建议您专门研究以获得这些方面的认证,但是了解它们是一件好事。

IBM launched its own broad range of cloud offerings services a few years ago, but it may have stagnated. They seem to be investing more into Machine Learning these days with Watson and other AI projects.

IBM几年前推出了自己的广泛的云产品服务,但可能停滞了。 如今,他们似乎正在与Watson和其他AI项目一起在机器学习方面投入更多。

Alibaba Cloud is the AWS of Asia. It has broad service offerings just like AWS. In theory, if you knew how to use AWS, you could also use Alibaba Cloud. If you are reading this from China, I encourage you to look into Alibaba Cloud's tools and certifications. Otherwise, I recommend focusing on the Big 3, as they're more widely used internationally.

阿里云是亚洲的AWS。 像AWS一样,它具有广泛的服务产品。 从理论上讲,如果您知道如何使用AWS,也可以使用阿里云。 如果您是从中国读到的,我鼓励您研究阿里云的工具和认证。 否则,我建议您专注于三巨头,因为它们在国际上得到了越来越广泛的使用。

Netlify is a layer of abstraction on top of the Big 3 cloud providers. It's not exactly a cloud service provider. But it does have an easy-to-use interface that makes it easy to go cross-cloud for hosting, deployment, and serverless.

Netlify是三大云提供商之上的抽象层。 它并非完全是云服务提供商。 但是它确实具有易于使用的界面,可以轻松跨云进行托管,部署和无服务器。

Digital Ocean and Linode started out as hosting providers, and have each added a few extra services, such as load balancing and automatic backups. If you learn how to use one of the Big 3, you can easily pick up and run with both Linode and Digital Ocean. They are much simpler to use.

Digital Ocean和Linode最初是作为托管服务提供商,并且各自添加了一些额外的服务,例如负载平衡和自动备份。 如果您学习如何使用三巨头之一,则可以轻松使用Linode和Digital Ocean进行运行。 它们更容易使用。

Heroku is not a cloud service provider but a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Heroku abstracts away your cloud infrastructure so you can more easily deploy your web app. If your goal is to become a full-stack developer, Heroku lets you focus on just the coding part. Most companies outgrow Heroku very quickly because it becomes quite expensive at scale.

Heroku不是云服务提供商,而是平台即服务(PaaS)。 Heroku抽象化了您的云基础架构,因此您可以更轻松地部署Web应用程序。 如果您的目标是成为一名全职开发人员,那么Heroku可以让您专注于编码部分。 大多数公司很快就超过了Heroku,因为它在规模上变得相当昂贵。

所有11个AWS认证的细目分类 (A Breakdown of all 11 AWS Certifications)

Each of the 11 certifications falls into one of four categories, with some being much harder than others.


  • Foundational - Easy

  • Associates - Hard

  • Professional - Dark Souls Hard

  • Specialty - Varies


基础层 (Foundational Tier)

There is only 1 AWS Certification on the foundational tier which is the AWS Certification Cloud Practitioner (CCP).

在基础层上只有1个AWS认证,即AWS Certification Cloud Practitioner(CCP)。

This will give you a solid foundation in the main tools available on AWS. It will also teach you important concepts about security, using AWS's interface, and how its billing works.

这将为您在AWS上可用的主要工具中打下坚实的基础。 它还将教您有关安全性,使用AWS界面以及其计费方式的重要概念。

Regardless of how you want to specialize, your cloud journey should always start with earning the CCP.


联盟层 (Associates Tier)

There are 3 AWS Certifications at the associates tier which are:


  • Solutions Architect Associate

  • SysOps Administrator Associate

  • Developer Associate


If you like working with operating systems, infrastructure, and networking, then you'll want to earn the SysOps Administrator Associate.

如果您喜欢使用操作系统,基础架构和网络,则需要获得SysOps Administrator Associate。

If you are more focused on product management, business, and problem solving, you’ll want to earn the Solutions Architect Associate.


And if enjoy programming and have a background as a full-stack developer, you’ll want to earn the Developer Associate.

并且,如果喜欢编程并且拥有全职开发人员的背景,那么您将希望获得Developer Associate。

专业层 (Professional Tier)

There are 2 AWS Certifications at the professional tier:


  • Solutions Architect Professional

  • DevOps Engineer Professional


If you're a developer who's ready to embark on one of the hardest certification challenges of your life, then earn the Solutions Architect Professional.

如果您是准备承担您一生中最艰巨的认证挑战的开发人员,那么请获取Solutions Architect Professional。

If you're less interested in software development, and more interested in building infrastructure, then earn the DevOps Engineer Professional.

如果您对软件开发的兴趣较小,而对构建基础结构的兴趣较大,那么请获取DevOps Engineer Professional。

专业认证 (Specialty Certifications)

There are 6 AWS Certifications at the specialty tier:


  • Advanced Networking

  • Security

  • Machine Learning

  • Analytics

  • Databases

  • Alexa Skill Builder


All these exams are quite difficult, with the exception of the Alexa Skill Builder.

除了Alexa Skill Builder以外,所有这些考试都非常困难。

The hardest of these specialty certifications is the Machine Learning Specialty because it requires you to have a sound theoretical foundation in Machine Learning.


即将成为AWS认证的人才可以雇用我吗? (Will Becoming AWS Certified Get Me Hired?)

Rather than think of AWS certifications as a "guaranteed job", think in terms of them increasing your odds. Here's two cases where they increase your chances of getting a job (and increase your potential earning power):

与其将AWS认证视为“保证工作”,不如将它们视为增加您成功几率的方法。 这是两种情况,它们会增加您获得工作的机会(并增加您的潜在收入能力):

情况1:职位发布上显示认证要求 (Case 1: The Certification Requirements Show Up on Job Postings)

In bigger tech hubs like San Francisco and Toronto, the "preferred requirements" sections of job postings increasingly mention cloud certifications. So one or more AWS Certifications can really help you stand out from the crowd.

在旧金山和多伦多等较大的技术枢纽中,职位发布的“首选要求”部分越来越多地提到云认证。 因此,一项或多项AWS认证可以真正帮助您在人群中脱颖而出。

案例2:聘用AWS认证持有人的APN激励措施 (Case 2: The APN Incentives Hiring AWS Certified Holders)

The Amazon Partner Network (APN) is a global partnership program run by AWS. Employers join the APN so they can:

亚马逊合作伙伴网络(APN)是由AWS运营的全球合作伙伴计划。 雇主加入APN,因此他们可以:

  • get more business opportunities with other APN members

  • participate in conferences and other marketing events (Both online and offline)

  • receive AWS credits

  • receive specialized training


For a company to remain part of the APN, they must employ a certain number of employees who are AWS Certified at different tiers.


There are hundreds of companies that are part of the APN, such as: Deloitte, Onica, DataDog, Citrix, Autodesk, TrendMicro, Atlassian, Github, Intel, VMWare, New Relic, Cisco, DataBricks, Akamai, and Redhat.

APN包含数百家公司,例如:Deloitte,Onica,DataDog,Citrix,Autodesk,TrendMicro,Atlassian,Github,Intel,VMWare,New Relic,Cisco,DataBricks,Akamai和Redhat。

You can increase your odds of being short-listed for jobs at these employers if you hold a combination of AWS Certifications tiers (foundational, associates, professional, specialty).


获得云角色不需要认证 (Certification Is Not Required To Get A Cloud Role)

Don't disqualify yourself for a cloud role just because you don’t have AWS certification. For example, AWS itself often hires people who don't hold any AWS certifications. Getting AWS Certified and being able to do the job are two different matters.

不要仅仅因为没有AWS认证就失去了担任云角色的资格。 例如,AWS本身通常会雇用没有任何AWS认证的人员。 获得AWS认证并能够完成这项工作是两个不同的问题。

It can be hard to pass the Professional or Specialty-tier AWS Certifications without hands-on experience. But if you can earn those certifications, they're a strong indication to employers that you can succeed in that job.

如果没有实际经验,可能很难通过专业或专业级的AWS认证。 但是,如果您能获得这些证书,则可以向雇主强烈表明您可以成功完成这项工作。

Also, even if you don't care about becoming AWS-certified, you will still benefit from going through the free courses. It's not like the cloud is going to go away. The genie is out of the bottle, and every developer in 2020 should understand how it works - even at an abstract level.

此外,即使您不希望获得AWS认证,您仍然可以从免费课程中受益。 并不是说云将消失。 这个精灵已经破灭了,每个2020年的开发人员都应该了解它的工作原理-即使是抽象的水平。

成为AWS认证的人会在美国或加拿大为我找到工作吗? (Will Becoming AWS Certified Get Me A Job In the US or Canada?)

This depends on a number of factors concerning geopolitics, visa laws, and local economies. But I can say this - earning AWS certifications can increase your odds of getting hired abroad.

这取决于与地缘政治,签证法和当地经济有关的许多因素。 但是我可以这样说-获得AWS认证可以增加您在国外被录用的几率。

There are recruitment companies which specialize in filling cloud computing roles.


For example, Vanhack identifies talented developers globally - such as from India or Brazil - and helps them relocate to the US or Canada. For cloud roles, they specialize in placing DevOps Engineers and Site Reliability Engineers.

例如,Vanhack在全球范围内(例如来自印度或巴西的)确定有才华的开发人员,并帮助他们迁移到美国或加拿大。 对于云角色,他们专门安排DevOps工程师和站点可靠性工程师。

Jefferson Frank is a global expert in AWS recruitment. If you hold an AWS Professional-tier certification - or a Specialty certification - and have around 10 years of existing experience - then you have a high chance of getting recruited by them.

Jefferson Frank是AWS招聘的全球专家。 如果您拥有AWS专业级证书或专业证书,并且已有大约10年的经验,那么您很有可能会被他们招募。

DevOps Engineer and Site Reliability Engineer roles are the most commonly outsourced cloud roles. So if you want to be able to work from your home country, you may want to focus on one of these roles.

DevOps工程师和站点可靠性工程师角色是最常见的外包云角色。 因此,如果您希望能够在自己的祖国工作,则可能需要专注于这些角色之一。

Since the Solutions Architect role requires a great deal of in-person communication, it's generally an in-office or traveling role.


我要学习多长时间才能获得AWS认证? (How Long Do I Have Study To Become AWS Certified?)

For each certification, AWS has a recommended amount of experience listed in their Exam Study Guides. These will say things like: "2 years of comprehensive experience designing, operating, and troubleshooting solutions using the AWS cloud."

对于每种认证,AWS的“考试学习指南”中均列出了建议的经验。 他们会说:“拥有2年使用AWS云设计,操作和故障排除解决方案的全面经验。”

This is just a recommendation. In practice, many people pass these certification exams within a few months and without any professional experience.

这只是一个建议。 实际上,许多人在几个月内就通过了这些认证考试,并且没有任何专业经验。

Here's a breakdown of what we usually hear from people who just passed:


赚取AWS认证云从业人员需要多长时间? (How Long Does it Take to Earn the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner?)

Some people pass after only 4-10 hours of study. Most people pass in 1 week, but some take as long as 3 weeks. Much of this depends on how much prior technology experience you have.

有些人仅经过4到10个小时的学习即可通过。 大多数人会在1周内过关,但有些人则需要3周之久。 这在很大程度上取决于您拥有多少现有技术经验。

获得AWS助理认证需要多长时间? (How Long Does it Take to Earn the AWS Associate Certifications?)

These Associate-tier certifications generally require 1 to 3 months of study.


The Solutions Architect Associate is the easiest to study for because it requires the least amount of hands-on knowledge. Most of the test is theory, which you can learn from these free ExamPro courses on freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel.

解决方案架构师助理最容易学习,因为它需要最少的动手知识。 大部分测试都是理论,您可以从freeCodeCamp的YouTube频道上的这些免费ExamPro课程中学习。

If after earning the Solutions Architect Associate you move on to the Developer Associate or the SysOps Associate, around 50% of the exams will be things you previously learned, saving you further study time.


The Developer Associate is currently the hardest to pass because it deals with a lot more programming and hands-on knowledge.


It's not uncommon for people to pass all three Associate-tier exams just weeks apart from one other.


Sometimes people will want to pass all the associates to prepare for a specialty.


If you can jump straight to the Professional tier and pass them, there’s not much point in earning all the Associate certifications. But keep in mind: the professional-tier examinations are at least 10x harder than the Associates-tier ones.

如果您可以直接跳到Professional级别并通过它们,那么获得所有Associate认证都没有多大意义。 但请记住:专业级别的考试至少比联属会员级别的考试难10倍。

Earning the Associate-tier certifications can instead serve as a jumping off point for starting your job search. You can always come back and earn the Professional-tier Certifications once you have some work experience.

获得协理级证书可以代替您开始寻找工作的起点。 拥有一定的工作经验后,您随时可以回来获得专业级认证。

专业级认证 (The Professional-tier Certifications)

The Professional-tier certifications are quite hard. Most people run out of time before completing all the questions.

专业级认证非常困难。 大多数人在完成所有问题之前都没时间了。

There are many correct answers on these exams, but for each question you have to choose the most optimal answer.


If you don't already work at a company where you can get hands-on experience using AWS, you’re probably looking at around 6 months of study before you'll be ready for these Professional-tier exams.


专业认证 (The Specialty Certifications)

The Specialty Certifications are not as hard as the Professional-tier certifications.


The Alexa Skill Builder is quite easy, but it's a bit overpriced compared to the other certifications when you consider it. So many people don’t obtain that certification.

Alexa Skill Builder非常简单,但是考虑到它,与其他认证相比价格有些高。 许多人没有获得该认证。

The other specialty certifications can require 2 to 4 months of study.


获得AWS认证需要多少费用? (How Much Does It Cost to Get AWS Certified?)

AWS creates the exam questions. Two partnered test center networks (PSI and Pearson Vue) administer the exam itself at one of their offices.

AWS创建考试题。 由两个合作的考试中心网络(PSI和Pearson Vue)在其办公室之一管理考试。

It does cost money to sit for the certification exams.


  • The Certified Cloud Practitioner exam costs $100.

    认证的Cloud Practitioner考试费用为$ 100。
  • The Associate-tier certification exams each cost $150 per exam you choose to take.

    您选择参加的协理级认证考试每项费用为$ 150。
  • And the Professional-tier and Specialty Certifications each cost $150 per exam.

    专业级和专业认证每项考试的费用为$ 150。

有没有办法节省认证考试费用? (Is There a Way to Save Money on Certifications Exam Fees?)

Yes. If you pass an exam, you get half off your next exam. So if you pass the CCP, and then you take the Solutions Architect Associate, it only costs $75 instead of the usual $150.

是。 如果您通过考试,那么下次考试将减半。 因此,如果您通过CCP,然后选择解决方案架构师助理,则只需花费75美元,而不是通常的150美元。

认证有效期有多长? (How Long Are Certifications Valid?)

When you pass an AWS Certification exam, it only lasts for 3 years before it becomes invalid.


When people get their Professional-tier certifications, they rarely bother renewing their Associate-tier certifications. This is because once you hold a Professional-tier certification, you no longer need to prove that you can pass the easier exams.

当人们获得专业级别的认证时,他们很少会费心更新他们的助理级别的认证。 这是因为一旦获得了专业级别的认证,就不再需要证明您可以通过更简单的考试。

我是否需要信用卡才能使用AWS? (Do I Need A Credit Card To Use AWS?)

Yes, you do. You need a credit card to create an account. This is the case for all cloud service providers.

是的你是。 您需要信用卡才能创建帐户。 所有云服务提供商都属于这种情况。

You also need a credit card to register for certification exams.


It may be possible to use pre-paid credits or a virtual credit card app to create your AWS account and to pay for exams.


Note that if you're from a country which is under sanctions from the US, you may not be able to create an AWS account or sit for exams. If this situation applies to you, you may consider looking into Alibaba Cloud or other international providers.

请注意,如果您来自受到美国制裁的国家/地区,则可能无法创建AW​​S账户或参加考试。 如果您遇到这种情况,您可以考虑研究阿里云或其他国际提供商。

如果我处于免费等级,AWS会向我的信用卡收费吗? (Will AWS Charge My Credit Card if I'm on Their Free Tier?)

AWS may validate your card by making a small one-time charge of less than a dollar, so be careful about international transaction costs.


AWS comes with a free-tier for a few months. As long as you don’t exceed its limits or continue using it after your free period is over, you shouldn’t see any charges to your credit card from AWS.

AWS提供了免费的几个月服务。 只要您没有超过其限制或在免费期结束后继续使用它,就不会从AWS看到信用卡的任何费用。

云角色的人能赚多少钱? (How Much Money Do People in Cloud Roles Make?)

It depends on which country you're in, and how you've specialized. Remote opportunities often pay less. DevOps Engineer and Site Reliability Engineer roles are among the highest paying remote jobs.

这取决于您所在的国家/地区以及您的专业水平。 远程机会的薪水通常较低。 DevOps工程师和站点可靠性工程师是收入最高的远程工作之一。

Here's an example:


Daniel Vassallo worked at AWS for 5 years and is now making an annual salary of US $500,000.

Daniel Vassallo在AWS工作了5年,现在的年薪为500,000美元。

Note though that he was working for AWS in their Seattle headquarters, and he already had years of experience prior to AWS. So his salary is certainly on the high side of what you could expect.

请注意,尽管他在AWS西雅图总部为AWS工作,但他在AWS之前已经有多年的经验。 因此,他的薪水肯定超出您的期望。

If you are just starting your technology career, you could make anywhere between $50,000 and $150,000. This comes down to many factors, including your willingness to aggressively apply for jobs and successfully negotiate for higher compensation.

如果您刚刚开始技术职业,则可以赚到50,000美元到150,000美元之间的任何钱。 这取决于许多因素,包括您愿意积极申请工作并成功谈判获得更高薪酬的意愿。

用于研究AWS认证的freeCodeCamp资源 (freeCodeCamp Resources for Studying for the AWS Certifications)

freeCodeCamp’s YouTube channel has complete multi-hour free courses to help you prepare for these AWS certifications.


And I'll add more courses here as we publish these in the coming days.


OK-您准备好应对挑战了吗? (OK - Are You Ready to Commit to the Challenge?)

Again, here are the rules:


  1. Tweet out a photo of yourself giving a thumbs-up and announcing that you are committing to the #AWSCertified challenge.

  2. Each day tweet at least one time about your progress and what you've learned or done, using the #AWSCertified hashtag.

  3. Each day, reply with encouragement to at least 2 other people who are also using the #AWSCertified hashtag.

  4. Each time you earn a certification, print it out, pose with it, and tweet a triumphant photo.


I will keep this article up-to-date. It will serve as the central document that the #AWSCertified challenge centralizes around.

我将使本文保持最新。 它将作为#AWSCertified挑战集中围绕的中心文档。

In addition to the community around the #AWSCertified hashtag on Twitter, we also have a Discord chat room where you can hang out with other people preparing for these certifications and ask questions. You can join the Discord chat room here.

除了Twitter上#AWSCertified主题标签周围的社区之外,我们还有一个Discord聊天室,您可以在这里与其他准备这些证书并提出问题的人员一起出去玩。 您可以在此处加入Discord聊天室

And that's it.


If you're up for the challenge, we'll see you on Twitter and Discord.


As always, thanks for being a part of the freeCodeCamp global developer community. Happy coding.

与往常一样,感谢您成为freeCodeCamp全球开发人员社区的一部分。 快乐的编码。

附录:一些其他免费的AWS学习资源 (Appendix: Some Additional Free AWS Learning Resources)

  • AWS A-to-Z is a curated list of need-to-know terms to help round out your cloud-computing vocabulary. This is particularly useful for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (the first certification).

    AWS A-to-Z是精选的需要知道的术语列表,有助于完善您的云计算词汇。 这对于AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner(第一项认证)特别有用。

  • CloudNewbies is a Discord support group where you chat with like-minded self-learners who are getting AWS Certified. This is a nice supplemental Discord to the official #AWSCertified Discord.

    CloudNewbies是Discord支持小组,您可以在此与获得AWS认证的志趣相投的自学者聊天。 这是对官方#AWSCertified Discord的不错补充。

  • Serverless Stack is a free course on how to build a serverless web-app on AWS. It touches on a lot of core services. You can use it as a self-study guide to getting hands-on experience. It's particularly helpful for the AWS Developer Associate and Solutions Architect Associate certifications.

    无服务器堆栈是有关如何在AWS上构建无服务器Web应用程序的免费课程。 它涉及许多核心服务。 您可以将其用作获得动手经验的自学指南。 这对于AWS开发人员助理和解决方案架构师助理证书特别有用。


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