

by Carlos Sz

由Carlos Sz

我辍学去追求成为网络开发人员和设计师的梦想 (I dropped out of college to pursue my dreams of being a web developer and designer)

When I was 14, I discovered HTML. Thanks to my computer science teacher at school. And from there I started working on HTML. A few months later, thanks to a friend who was a graphic designer, I also discovered Photoshop. I started combining the design with the code to make web pages with the text editor of that time — Notepad.

14岁那年,我发现了HTML。 感谢我在学校的计算机科学老师。 从那开始,我开始研究HTML。 几个月后,由于一位平面设计师的朋友,我也发现了Photoshop。 我开始将设计与代码结合起来,使用当时的文本编辑器(记事本)制作网页。

I was one of the best students in my school, which meant to everyone what I should be as an adult — an Engineer. On my part I love to spend time on the internet, reading, discovering things, and perfecting my knowledge of design and web development. I created an online community. A project to study for the examination of admission into higher education in my country. And I became well known, to the point that some people from Google Spain contacted me to participate in one of their projects. When they discovered that I was a 14 year old boy, it was not possible, however I had my first contact with Google.

我是学校里最好的学生之一,这对每个人来说都意味着我成年后应该成为一名工程师。 就我而言,我喜欢花时间在互联网上,阅读,发现事物并完善我的设计和Web开发知识。 我创建了一个在线社区。 一个研究我国高等教育入学考试的项目。 而且我广为人知,以至于来自西班牙Google的一些人联系我参加了他们的一个项目 当他们发现我是14岁的男孩时,这是不可能的,但是我是第一次与Google接触。

After graduating from high school, I enrolled at the university to study electromechanical engineering as recommended by my parents. At that time I felt empty. I felt that in the six semesters I had been studying I was not learning anything that I thought was interesting or wanted to do for the rest of my life.

高中毕业后,我按照父母的推荐就读于大学,学习机电工程。 那时我感到空虚。 我觉得在我学习的六个学期中,我没有学习到我认为有生之年或想做的任何事情。

In college I was learning things that didn’t help in anything I wanted to achieve. The classes were very boring, the people I was studying with didn’t seem incredible to me as to consider them colleagues or future members of my team. I was learning a lot of calculus, mechanics and electricity, but only theoretically because most universities don’t have the infrastructure to do practical classes on these subjects. And they don’t encourage you to think beyond passing the exams.

在大学里,我正在学习对我想达到的目标没有帮助的东西。 这些课程非常无聊,与我一起学习的人对我来说似乎并不令人难以置信,因为他们是同事或团队的未来成员。 我学了很多微积分,力学和电学,但是只是从理论上讲,因为大多数大学都没有基础设施来学习这些学科的实践课程。 而且,他们不鼓励您思考通过考试以外的问题。

I also had a job as a teleoperator for Spain and I hated it completely so I decided to leave it also to have total availability of time.


Spending less time at the university and trying to bring my hobbies with me, I started meeting a lot of interesting people in online learning platforms where I started to sneak around without my parents knowledge. This made my performance in college to drop and after thinking about it, I decided to talk to my parents and tell them about what I had in mind. I wanted to quit college.

我花了更少的时间在大学上,并尝试带上我的爱好,我开始在在线学习平台上结识许多有趣的人,在那儿,我开始在父母不知情的情况下四处溜达。 这使我在大学的表现下降了,考虑了一下之后,我决定与父母交谈并告诉他们我的想法。 我想退出大学。

After many conversations, some fights and his great disappointment, my father decided to give me the opportunity to leave him for a while and achieve something important with what I liked so I got to it. As soon as the semester ended, I wrote to one of the platforms of education in which I participated most. Platzi, commented on my case and I was invited to their offices in the capital of my country, 400 kilometers from my city.

经过多次交谈,打架和对他的极大失望,我父亲决定给我机会离开他一段时间,用我喜欢的东西做一些重要的事情,所以我去了 学期结束后,我写信给我参与最多的教育平台之一。 普拉茨(Platzi)对我的案子发表了评论,我被邀请到他们国家的首都(距离城市400公里)的办公室。

Without my parents approval, I decided to take the risk of traveling there. I met a lot of people including my best friend Juan David. They helped me get on my new way of life.

没有父母的同意,我决定冒险去那里旅行。 我遇到了很多人,包括我最好的朋友胡安·戴维(Juan David)。 他们帮助我走上了新的生活方式。

The first thing I did was to retake my personal projects. I contacted Google again to participate in the project that I had not been able to participate in because of my age. And since I was 20 years old, I could do it. I was accepted and after two months I received one of the first things that confirmed that I made the right decision. I was invited to Google Spain, all expense paid by Google. Being Latin American, to think of a trip like this is something really difficult and I was going to be paid everything. It was incredible.

我做的第一件事是重新开始我的个人项目。 我再次与Google联系,以参加由于年龄原因而无法参加的项目。 而且由于我20岁,所以我可以做到。 我被录取了,两个月后,我收到了确认我做出正确决定的第一件事。 我应邀参加了Google西班牙,所有费用均由Google支付 作为拉丁美洲人,想到这样的旅行真的很困难,我将获得应有的报酬。 实在太棒了。

I returned to my country eager to get a new job where I could apply everything I had learned. I was looking for a couple of weeks until I got a job again, this time in a very large company with a diverse team and where I started working as a Digital Graphics designer.

我回到祖国,渴望找到一份新工作,在这里我可以运用所学到的一切。 我一直在找几个星期,直到我再次找到工作,这次是在一家拥有多元化团队的超大型公司中,在那里我开始担任数字图形设计师。

Getting your first job is one of the most complex things you are going to encounter. Most companies look for young people but with a lot of experience which is clearly difficult to find.

获得第一份工作是您将要遇到的最复杂的事情之一。 大多数公司都在寻找年轻人,但是拥有很多经验,这显然很难找到。

In my experience, what best helped me to find my first job and what I would recommend would be:


  • Create a personal brand:


    Take care of your professional social networks. Have a good Linkedin profile, follow the people you admire, write about yourself, the things you like, and want to achieve. Add the courses and projects you are doing.

    照顾好您的专业社交网络。 拥有良好的LinkedIn个人资料,关注您喜欢的人,写下您自己,喜欢的事情以及想要实现的事情。 添加您正在做的课程和项目。

  • Have a portfolio:


    It is very important to apply what you are learning. The best way to do it is to create real projects. Create companies and implement all the digital processes. Create improvements of websites or products you like as you would like to see. And share it in sites such as GitHub, Dribbble, Medium and Twitter, among others. In most jobs, your portfolio is more important than your resume.

    应用所学内容非常重要。 最好的方法是创建实际项目。 创建公司并实施所有数字流程。 创建您想要看到的网站或产品的改进。 并在GitHub,Dribbble,Medium和Twitter等网站中共享它。 在大多数工作中,投资组合比简历更重要。

  • Teach what you learn:


    The best way to learn is by teaching. Participate in learning platforms (communities) and help your peers, participating in these forums. Join social networking groups and demonstrate what you know.

    最好的学习方法是通过教学。 参加学习平台(社区)并帮助您的同龄人参加这些论坛。 加入社交网络小组并展示您的知识。

In my first job I began to invest all my free time in studying web programming in platforms like Platzi (Spanish), Treehouse, Acamica (Spanish) and Udacity. I started helping the development department because I learned from them and sometimes I helped them solve problems. I told my boss what was happening and after a test I was able to move to the engineering department as a web developer. It was incredible the first week. I could demonstrate all my talent and thanks to it in 3 months, I was promoted to development leader. A position in which I am right now. I am in the process of a new promotion in another country.

在我的第一份工作中,我开始将所有的业余时间投入到在Platzi (西班牙语), TreehouseAcamica (西班牙语)和Udacity之类的平台上学习Web编程。 一世 开始帮助开发部门,因为我从他们那里学到了知识,有时我帮助他们解决问题 我告诉老板发生了什么,经过测试,我得以以一名Web开发人员的身份转到工程部门。 第一周真是不可思议。 我可以展示我所有的才能,并在3个月的时间里将我提升为开发主管。 我现在所处的位置。 我正在另一个国家进行新晋升。

I’m also continuing with my project with Google. A couple of weeks ago I was invited again, this time to the offices of Mountain View, California. I met more incredible people and spent some crazy days with some of the top designers and engineers of the Google team.

我还将继续我在Google的项目。 几周前,我再次受邀,这次是去加利福尼亚山景城的办公室。 我遇到了更多不可思议的人,并与Google团队的一些顶级设计师和工程师度过了疯狂的一天。

What I can say about my case is that from the moment I decided to leave university to the point where I am now as a development leader it has been a year and a half. I am 22 years and I am working on what I like, in projects with one of the most important companies on the planet. And knowing many countries, people, and amazing cultures.

关于我的情况,我可以说的是,从我决定离开大学那一刻起,到现在成为一名发展负责人的那一年已经过去了一年半。 我今年22岁,我正在与星球上最重要的公司之一一起从事自己喜欢的项目。 并且了解许多国家,人民和惊人的文化。

All thanks to having followed my heart and having left the university. Don’t be afraid to follow your heart, as Steve Jobs said:

非常感谢跟随我的心,离开了大学。 正如史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)所说,不要害怕跟随你的心:

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t give up. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.
您的工作将占据您一生的大部分时间,而真正令您满意的唯一方法就是做您认为出色的工作。 做伟大工作的唯一方法就是热爱自己所做的事情。 如果尚未找到,请继续寻找。 不要放弃 与内心所有事情一样,当您找到它时就会知道。

我从到目前为止的经验中学到的东西: (Things I learned from my experience so far:)

1.照顾好你的时间 (1. Take care of your time)

Most people invest their time in leisure. Watching TV, netflix series, movies, and many other things that are not productive at all. Do the opposite and spend all your time reading, studying, learning. Knowledge is there, on the Internet. It’s just a matter of having a little dedication and taking care of all the time you have available. This is the difference between successful people and those who are not.

大多数人将时间花在休闲上。 看电视,netflix系列,电影和许多其他根本不起作用的东西。 相反,花所有时间阅读,学习和学习。 互联网上有知识。 这只是一点点奉献精神,并尽可能照顾所有可用时间的问题 这就是成功人士与未成功人士之间的区别。

2. 与启发你的人一起 (2. Surround yourself with people who inspire you)

Having people around you who help, support, and motivate you to learn is very important. You’re always going to become a bit like the people around you. So you should try to surround yourself with amazing people who help you become incredible.

让您周围的人帮助,支持和激励您学习非常重要。 您总是会变得有点像周围的人。 因此,您应该尝试与能帮助您变得不可思议的杰出人才相处。

3. 参与社区 (3. Participate in communities)

In every city there are communities of people who come together to talk and learn about a specific topic. This is a great opportunity to meet the kind of people you can learn from. If you don’t find a community in your city, you have a chance. Create your own!

在每个城市中,都有许多人聚集在一起讨论和了解特定主题。 这是认识您可以向其学习的人的绝好机会。 如果您在城市中找不到社区,那么您就有机会。 创建自己的!

4. 创建项目 (4. Create projects)

Some people believe that just by taking courses and reading about the subject they are interested in they are learning but they are not. The best way to do it is to apply the knowledge you are learning in real projects. This will help you face real problems and you will be much better prepared when you start applying it professionally.

有些人认为,仅通过学习课程并阅读他们感兴趣的主题,他们就可以学习,但不是。 最好的方法是将您正在学习的知识应用到实际项目中。 这将帮助您面对实际的问题,并且在开始专业应用它时将为您做充分的准备。

5. 爱你所做的事 (5. Love what you do)

There is a big difference between people who work hard, those who do it out of obligation and those who do it out of passion. If you do things out of obligation you won’t do them so well or get the same results as when you do them with passion. Love what you do, enjoy the stress, the hard work and the incredible results it brings.

努力工作的人,出于义务而努力的人与出于热情而努力的人之间存在很大的差异。 如果你毫无义务地做事,你将不会做到那样好,也无法得到与热情地做事相同的结果 热爱您的工作,享受压力,辛勤工作和带来的令人难以置信的结果。

I hope you enjoyed my experience. I hope they have been helpful to those who are going through something like my case. Don’t be afraid, if you do what you like, work hard and do it with passion. Nothing can go wrong. Thank you for reading it and I’d appreciate your feedback.

希望您喜欢我的经历。 我希望他们对那些正在经历像我的案子的人有所帮助。 不要害怕,如果您喜欢做什么,那就努力工作并满怀激情。 没错。 感谢您阅读,感谢您的反馈。

You can follow me in Twitter or Instagram.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/i-dropped-out-of-college-to-pursue-my-dreams-of-being-a-web-developer-and-designer-1abfecb44232/


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