

by freeCodeCamp


2015年值得推崇的25位编码者 (25 Coders Worth Following on Twitter in 2015)

Our community upvoted the following 25 coders, in no particular order, as “Coders Worth Following in 2015”:


Brendan Eich (@BrendanEich)Brendan Eich invented JavaScript, co-founded Mozilla, and has served as its CTO and CEO.

Brendan Eich ( @BrendanEich )Brendan Eich发明了JavaScript,与他人共同创立了Mozilla,并曾担任其CTO和CEO。

Sara Chipps (@SaraJChipps) NYC-based JavaScript developer and cofounder of Girl Develop It.

Sara Chipps ( @SaraJChipps )是纽约JavaScript开发人员,也是Girl Develop It的共同创始人。

Addy Osmani (@addyosmani)An engineer on Google’s Chrome Team. Author of Developing Backbone.js Applications and Learning JavaScript Design Patterns.

Addy Osmani ( @addyosmani )是Google Chrome小组的工程师。 开发Backbone.js应用程序学习JavaScript设计模式的作者

Jafar Husain (@jhusain)Specialist in building web servers and clients using Functional Reactive Programming. Architected Falkor, a RESTful data access framework that powers most Netflix clients.

Jafar Husain ( @jhusain )是使用功能性React式编程来构建Web服务器和客户端的专家。 Architected Falkor,这是一个支持大多数Netflix客户的RESTful数据访问框架。

Pamela Fox (@pamelafox)Coding curriculum designer at Khan Academy.

汗学院的Pamela Fox ( @pamelafox )编码课程设计师。

Eric Elliot (@_ericelliott)A veteran JavaScript architect who’s on a mission to end homelessness with code. He wrote the popular book Programming JavaScript Applications.

埃里克·艾略特 ( Eric Elliot) ( @_ericelliott )是一位资深JavaScript架构师,其使命是用代码结束无家可归。 他写了很受欢迎的《 Programming JavaScript Applications》

Jen Myers (@antiheroine)Chicago-based web developer at Pluralsight. and founder of Code and Cupcakes, a series of mother/daughter beginner coding events.

Jen Myers ( @antiheroine )位于Pluralsight的芝加哥Web开发人员。 以及Code and Cupcakes的创始人,这是一系列母亲/女儿初学者编码活动。

Brad Green (@bradlygreen)Engineering director at Google. Manages AngularJS and GreenTea (CRM) Author of the book AngularJS.

布拉德·格林 ( @bradlygreen )是Google的工程总监。 管理AngularJS和GreenTea(CRM)本书AngularJS的作者

Christian Heilmann (@codepo8)A United Kingdom-based Microsoft developer. He translates complex technical concepts into an understandable format for general audiences. He’s published books on JavaScript, API design, and Accessibility.

Christian Heilmann ( @ codepo8 )是英国的Microsoft开发人员。 他将复杂的技术概念转换为普通读者可以理解的格式。 他出版了有关JavaScriptAPI设计辅助功能的书籍

Kyle Simpson (@getify)An Open Web Evangelist and JavaScript enthusiast from Austin, Texas.

Kyle Simpson ( @getify )来自得克萨斯州奥斯丁的开放Web传播者和JavaScript爱好者。

Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan)CSS and SVG expert. Author of the Codrops CSS Reference and Smashing Book #5.

Sara Soueidan ( @SaraSoueidan )CSS和SVG专家。 Codrops CSS参考粉碎书#5的作者

David Walsh (@davidwalshblog)Madison, Wisconsin-based web developer and evangelist for Mozilla. Runs the popular David Walsh Blog.

David Walsh ( @davidwalshblog ),麦迪逊,威斯康星州的Web开发人员,Mozilla的推广者。 运行流行的David Walsh博客。

Marijn Haverbeke (@marijnjh)Creator of CodeMirror and author of Eloquent JavaScript.

Marijn Haverbeke ( @marijnjh ) CodeMirror的创建者和Eloquent JavaScript的作者。

Henrik Joreteg (@HenrikJoreteg)Creator of Human JavaScript and creator of Talky.io and Ampersand.js.

Henrik Joreteg ( @HenrikJoreteg ) 人类JavaScript的创建者以及Talky.io和Ampersand.js的创建者。

Lea Verou (@LeaVerou)Cambridge, Massachusetts based front-end developer and Author of CSS Secrets: Better Solutions to Everyday Web Design Problems.

Lea Verou ( @LeaVerou )位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是前端开发人员和CSS Secrets的作者:日常Web设计问题的更好解决方案。

Max Ogden (@maxogden)Portland, Oregon public data enthusiast and creator of JavaScript for Cats.

Max Ogden ( @maxogden )是俄勒冈州波特兰市的公共数据爱好者, 也是Cats JavaScript的创建者。

Jen Dewalt (@JenniferDewalt)Creator of 180 websites in 180 days.

Jen Dewalt( @JenniferDewalt )在180天内创建了180个网站。

Misko Hevery (@mhevery)Agile Coach at Google. Heavily involved in AngularJS and JsTestDriver.

Google的Misko Hevery ( @mhevery )敏捷教练。 大量参与AngularJS和JsTestDriver。

Amos Haviv (@amoshaviv)Creator of MEAN.js and contributor to Node.js, MongoDB, and AngularJS.

Amos Haviv ( @amoshaviv ) MEAN.js的创建者,也是Node.js,MongoDB和AngularJS的贡献者。

Roie Cohen (@roieki)Contributor to MEAN.js.

Roie Cohen ( @roieki )是MEAN.js的贡献者。

John Resig (@jeresig)Creator of jQuery and developer at Khan Academy.

John Resig ( @jeresig )jQuery的创建者和可汗学院的开发人员。

Tracy Chou (@triketora)Engineer at Pinterest and popular Quora answerer.

PinterestTracy Chou( @triketora )工程师和流行的Quora回答者。

Valeri Karpov (@code_barbarian)Maintains Mongoose.js. Author of Professional AngularJS. Coined the term “MEAN stack”.

Valeri Karpov ( @code_barbarian )维护Mongoose.js。 专业AngularJS的作者。 术语“ MEAN stack”。

Paul Irish (@paul_irish)Works on Chrome DevTools. Contributor to Modernizr, Yeoman, CSS3 Please and HTML5 Boilerplate. Curator of HTML5 Rocks.

Paul Irish ( @paul_irish )在Chrome DevTools上工作。 Modernizr,Yeoman,CSS3 Please和HTML5 Boilerplate的贡献者。 HTML5 Rocks的策展人。

Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)Designer at CodePen. Author at Real CSS Tricks. Podcaster at the Shop Talk Show.

Chris Coyier ( @chriscoyier ) CodePen的设计师。 Real CSS Tricks的作者。 在商店脱口秀节目播客。

Axel Rauschmayer (@rauschma)Munich, Germany based web developer. Author of Speaking JavaScript.

Axel Rauschmayer( @rauschma )是德国慕尼黑的Web开发人员。 讲JavaScript的作者

除了关注这些编码器之外,您还应该关注@freeccodecamp 。 我们发布了有关学习编码,为非营利组织编码以及获得编码工作的推文。 (In addition to following these coders, you should also follow @freeccodecamp. We tweet about learning to code, coding for nonprofits, and getting a coding job.)
非常感谢@biancamihai@rattanak@serhiicss将这些编码器提交给我们的Camper News网站,并感谢我们所有社区的支持。 (A big thanks to @biancamihai, @rattanak, and @serhiicss for submitting these coders to our Camper News site, and all of our community for upvoting them.)

Originally published at blog.freecodecamp.com on June 9, 2015.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/25-coders-worth-following-on-twitter-in-2015-327c33f779d2/


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