我在深夜里旅行 谁陪我遗忘_关于我与Outreachy一起进行的夏季旅行的最终思考...

我在深夜里旅行 谁陪我遗忘

by Toni Shortsleeve

通过托尼·肖特里夫(Toni Shortsleeve)

关于我与Outreachy一起进行的夏季旅行的最终思考 (Final Reflections on my Summer Journey with Outreachy)

Working as an Outreachy intern with LibreHealth this summer has been a great experience! Needless to say, I had mixed emotions when it was time to hand in my final project. I am proud of what I’ve contributed, thankful to have worked with great mentors and a fabulous intern-mate, and saddened that it ended.

今年夏天,在LibreHealth担任外展实习生是一次很棒的经历! 不用说,当我要完成我的最后一个项目时,我充满了感慨。 我为自己的贡献感到自豪,很高兴能与出色的导师和出色的实习生一起工作,并为结局感到难过。

For those needing to catch up, you can read about the beginning of my experience. The rest of my journey links will be at the end of this article. For those of you who have been with me throughout this summer, I’ll just jump right in.

对于那些需要跟上的人,您可以阅读有关我的经验的开始 。 我的其余旅程链接将在本文的结尾。 对于整个夏天一直陪伴着我的那些人,我会直接加入。

专案 (Projects)

As a Documentation Intern, I provided some of the documentation on the LibreHealth Electronic Health Records system in English. Adele was my intern-mate. She translated all of the documentation into French. You can follow her journey here.

作为一名文档实习生,我用英语提供了有关LibreHealth电子病历系统的一些文档。 阿黛尔是我的实习生。 她将所有文档翻译成法语。 您可以在这里跟随她的旅程。

From May 23 to August 31, I contributed four documents to the LibreHealth wiki.

从5月23日到8月31日,我向LibreHealth Wiki提供了四个文档。

用户指南 (User Guide)

My first document was the LibreHealth EHR User Guide. This was an overview of the basic appearance and features of the LibreHealth EHR system. We walked through the different screens and focused on the different functionalities of the system. The goal was to help the user run the electronic health record system smoothly and efficiently. We explored the Login, User Preferences, and Menu Navigation sections.

我的第一个文档是《 LibreHealth EHR用户指南》 。 这是LibreHealth EHR系统的基本外观和功能的概述。 我们浏览了不同的屏幕,并专注于系统的不同功能。 目的是帮助用户平稳有效地运行电子健康记录系统。 我们探讨了“登录”,“用户首选项”和“菜单导航”部分。

I followed a video by my EHR mentor Harley Tuck called LibreHealth EHR Introduction To Libre. Even though it was only a few months old, things had changed. I used the website demo to capture the flow and images not covered in the video. I like the way Harley speaks — clear, articulate and precise. I tried to keep the tone of the User Guides conversational, as he did.

我跟随我的EHR导师Harley Tuck观看了一个名为LibreHealth EHR Introduction to Libre的视频 。 即使只有几个月的时间,情况还是发生了变化。 我使用网站演示捕获了视频中未涵盖的流程和图像。 我喜欢Harley的讲话方式-清晰,清晰,准确。 我像他一样努力保持用户指南的基调。

A doctor, also referred to as a provider, was already listed in the demo. I created a new facility — also referred to as a practice — to show the various methods of calendars and user preferences.

演示中已经列出了医生(也称为提供者)。 我创建了一个新工具(也称为练习)来显示日历和用户首选项的各种方法。

供应商订单 (Provider Orders)

The second document was the LibreHealth EHR Provider Orders guide. I created a patient who was in need of a referral for an x-ray. Then I created the lab that would perform the x-ray so that we could send the orders.

第二份文件是《 LibreHealth EHR提供者订单指南》。 我创建了一个需要转诊X射线的患者。 然后,我创建了执行X射线检查的实验室,以便我们可以发送订单。

I used the same doctor and facility that I had used for the previous User Guide. I also created three users. They were the Front Desk Receptionist, the LPN, and the Transcriber.

我使用了与以前的《用户指南》相同的医生和设施。 我还创建了三个用户。 他们是前台接待员,LPN和转录员。

或造访 (Encounters or Visits)

The third document was the LibreHealth EHR Encounters guide. It was similar to the Provider Orders. However, instead of sending the patient to another provider, we administered medication on-site.

第三份文件是《 LibreHealth EHR遭遇者指南》。 它类似于提供者订单。 但是,我们没有将患者送往其他提供者,而是在现场进行了药物治疗。

This is where I learned a lot about healthcare codes. Understanding how the services, procedure and justification — for insurance billing — worked together to create the fees to be paid.

这是我从中学到很多医疗保健法规的地方。 了解保险计费的服务,程序和理由如何共同创建要支付的费用。

Notice the two CTP4 codes:99203 is the initial patient visit at $25.96372 is the injection at no cost. The fee for the injection was covered in the medication — HCPCS code.

请注意,这两个CTP4代码:99203是初始患者就诊,价格为$ 25.96372是免费注射。 注射费用已包含在药物中-HCPCS代码。

HCPCS J28000 is the medication in solution form at $27.

HCPCS J28000是溶液形式的药物,价格为27美元。

They all came together with the ICD10 Diagnosis code of M54.5 as low back pain.


费用表 (Fee Sheets)

The final document was HOW TO: Create Fee Sheet List Categories. This How To guide showed how the administrator would add a medication and the proper code to a Fee Sheet List. The information on the Fee Sheet List will be used for the billing of the visit on the Fee Sheet.

最终文档为“ 如何:创建费用表清单类别” 。 本方法指南显示了管理员如何将药物和正确的代码添加到“费用表”中。 费用表清单上的信息将用于对费用表上的访问进行计费。

得到教训 (Lessons Learned)

维基 (Wiki)

Wiki is wide open for contributors. This means that we had to be very careful on how we named our files and images. Otherwise you may end up using someone else’s images.

Wiki对贡献者开放。 这意味着我们在命名文件和图像时必须非常小心。 否则,您可能最终会使用别人的图像。

I solved this issue by prefixing the image by the document or section nick-name and then the actual image name. For instance: orders-vapgar.jpg.

我通过在图像或文档的部分昵称之前加上图像的实际名称来解决该问题。 例如: orders-vapgar.jpg

Wiki markdown is not the same as the GitHub ReadME.md files. And it is not HTML. I had to make a code attitude adjustment, because I couldn’t quite style the way I normally would.

Wiki markdown与GitHub ReadME.md文件不同。 它不是HTML。 我不得不调整代码的姿态,因为我无法像往常一样调整样式。

The <;p> tag didn’t work for me at all. So I tried a <br/> tag. No, that didn’t work either. However, the <br> tag did work.

< ; p>标记根本不适合我。 所以我ied a <br/>标签。 不,那也不行。 owev ,<br>标签确实起作用。

I couldn’t break columns up — as you would on a grid. However, <div>,<span> and <blockquote> solved my problem.

我无法拆分列-就像在网格上一样。 然而, <dv>, <S pan> and <BLOCKQUOTE>解决我的问题。

I could not use the <img src=“section-image.jpg” /> tag. Images are referred to as files. So instead, I had to call [[Files:section-image.jpg]].

我无法使用<img src=“section-image.jpg” />标签。 图像称为文件。 因此,我不得不call [[Files:section-image .jpg]]。

My code to create a two row, two column image section looked like this:


<div><blockquote>‘’’Referral Transaction’’’: ‘Referral Date’ = ‘’’Procedure Order’’’: ‘Order Date’<br><br><span>[[File:trans-refDate.jpg|500px]] [[File:trans-ordDate.jpg|500px]]</span><br><br></blockquote></div>

<div> <blockquote> '''Referral Transaction''': 'Referral Date' = '''Procedure Order''': 'Order Date' <br><br> <span> [[File:trans-refDate.jpg|500px]] [[File:trans-ordDate.jpg|500px]]</sp an> <br> <br> </ blockquote> </ div>

It was different for me, and took some time to adjust.


卫生保健 (Healthcare)

SOAP Notes is not about soap to wash with. It is the doctor and nurse notes that reflect the patient statements, and the doctor’s objective observations, assessment of the situation, and the plan of treatment for the patient.

SOAP Notes与肥皂无关。 是医生和护士的笔记反映出患者的陈述,医生的客观观察,情况评估以及患者的治疗计划。

Also, if it’s not on the SOAP Note Plan, Don’t Do It….


Work flow is very specific. Many of the staff members have restricted access to various areas of the patient information.

工作流程非常具体。 许多工作人员限制访问患者信息的各个区域。

Billing, Medication, Fees and Justification codes are very stringent. I double-checked a lot with my mentor to make sure that my work was correct.

帐单,药物,费用和理由代码非常严格。 我与导师仔细检查了一下,以确保我的工作是正确的。

文件样式 (Documentation Styles)

My first three documents carried a conversational tone. However, the last document was a Step-By-Step instructional style.

我的前三个文件带有对话的语气。 但是,最后一个文档是循序渐进的教学风格。

It wasn’t easy for me to place arrows and numbers in this one. Although it was the smallest document, it took more of my focus to get it how my mentor wanted it.

对于我来说,在其中放置箭头和数字并不容易。 尽管这是最小的文档,但我花了更多的精力来了解导师的要求。

成就成就 (Achievements)

This summer was filled with many blessings and feelings of positive achievement for me.


I learned a lot about the health care practices, codes and work flows. I also learned a lot about technical and user documentation.

我从医疗保健实践,守则和工作流程中学到了很多东西。 我还学到了很多有关技术和用户文档的知识。

And I learned more than one way to create markdown documents.


外展 (Outreachy)

This summer would not have gone this direction if I had not first been accepted to the Outreachy internship. It meant a lot to me that out of 45 candidates, I was considered to be someone who could help with their LibreHealth project.

如果我没有先被外展实习生录取,那么今年夏天就不会朝这个方向走。 对我而言,在45名候选人中,我被认为是可以帮助其LibreHealth项目的人。

That they were willing to pay me while I learned was even more awesome.


Then, they provided a travel stipend for the New York Minute of my Journey.


I recommend that every female tech student apply for the Outreachy Internship when the rounds open up.


freeCodeCamp (freeCodeCamp)

One of my duties as an Outreachy intern was to write every two weeks about my experiences. I really don’t consider myself a writer, so this seemed like it would be a daunting task.

我作为外展实习生的职责之一是每两周写一次有关我的经历的文章。 我真的不认为自己是作家,所以这似乎是一项艰巨的任务。

As a freeCodeCamp camper, and an editor for freeCodeCamp on Medium, I had the perfect publishing platform. Fortunately, our founder Quincy Larson agreed.

作为一个freeCodeCamp的露营者,以及Medium上的freeCodeCamp的编辑器,我拥有一个完美的发布平台。 幸运的是,我们的创始人Quincy Larson同意了。

Our executive editor, Abigail Rennemeyer, has been the first to see my drafts — after my husband, Alex Shortsleeve. She has led me to write more and stop making 1-minute articles.

在我的丈夫Alex Shortsleeve之后 ,我们的执行编辑Abigail Rennemeyer成为了第一个查看我的草案的人。 她使我写了更多文章,不再写1分钟的文章。

And, we have an awesome editing team who makes my final work look good. But the images are all on me…

而且,我们有一支很棒的编辑团队,可以使我的最终作品看起来不错。 但是这些图像都在我身上……

杰出贡献奖 (Top Contributor Award)

I was one of two hundred Campers who were awarded the Top Contributor badge from freeCodeCamp. It was a great honor, but I wasn’t sure I could afford to travel to the other side of the mainland.

我是获得freeCodeCamp杰出贡献者徽章的200名营员之一。 这是一个很大的荣誉,但我不确定我能否负担得起去大陆的另一边。

That’s when my LibreHealth mentor had me contact my Outreachy organizer. I was approved for the travel stipend! I arrived late Friday night and left early Sunday morning. But my Saturday was awesome!

那是我的LibreHealth导师让我联系Outreachy组织者的时候。 我被批准了旅行津贴! 我星期五晚上到达,周日凌晨离开。 但是我的星期六很棒!

I was able to meet some of my heroes and authors, a couple of my favorite moderators and the great people running study groups from all over the world. It was incredible. You can see the live stream here.

我能够结识一些英雄和作家,几个我最喜欢的主持人以及管理来自世界各地的学习小组的伟大人物。 实在太棒了。 您可以在此处查看直播。

Honestly, I feel like I didn’t do much to deserve this. I just enjoyed editing some of my favorite authors’ articles, and answering the questions I thought I knew the answers to on the Forum. But I’m glad they didn’t realize I was just being nosy…

老实说,我觉得我没有做太多应得的。 我只是喜欢编辑一些我喜欢的作者的文章,并在论坛上回答我认为自己知道答案的问题。 但是我很高兴他们没有意识到我只是在爱管闲事……

遗憾与希望 (Regrets and Hopes)

I had hopes of learning more about the LibreHealth Radiology Information System. I began to work on two different documents, the User Guide and the Tech guide.

我希望能更多地了解LibreHealth放射学信息系统。 我开始处理两个不同的文档,即《用户指南》和《技术指南》。

I wasn’t able to complete it due to technical difficulties. I am hoping that the next intern will be able to create it properly.

由于技术困难,我无法完成它。 我希望下一个实习生能够正确创建它。

给未来实习生的建议 (Advice for future interns)

As of September 19, applications for the Outreachy December 2018 to March 2019 internships are now open. You can apply here.

从9月19日开始,外展2018年12月至2019年3月的实习申请现已开放。 您可以在这里申请。

Find something that interests you. Something you can enjoy learning and that you can contribute to.

找到您感兴趣的东西。 您可以享受学习并为之贡献的东西。

Follow the Outreachy guidelines. Your project will also have guidelines in place for you. You can make them both happen. When in doubt — such as deadline dates — ask your Outreachy Organizer.

遵循外联准则。 您的项目还将有适合您的指南。 您可以使它们同时发生。 如有疑问(例如截止日期),请询问您的外展组织者。

Be patient. Not everyone is in your time zone. And everyone has a different schedule. So place your question out there, but realize that it may take a couple of days to get an answer.

耐心一点。 并非每个人都在您所在的时区。 每个人都有不同的时间表。 因此,将您的问题放在那儿,但要意识到可能要花几天时间才能得到答案。

Remember the holidays. In America, we have a lot of national holidays. And every state has it’s own days of celebration set aside. Family usually comes first for this. If you have a holiday coming up — where work, services and banks are shut down — let your team know ahead of time.

记住假期。 在美国,我们有很多国定假日。 每个州都有自己庆祝的日子。 家庭通常是第一位。 如果您有个假期需要关闭工作,服务和银行,请提前告知您的团队。

Be transparent. You will be working within an open source environment. Don’t Direct Message your mentor unless it is a question about your personal workload. The rest of the team and mentors need to see what everyone is doing.

要透明。 您将在开源环境中工作。 除非是关于您个人工作量的问题,否则不要直接向您的导师发送消息。 团队的其他成员和导师需要了解每个人的工作。

Be friendly and play nice. Yes, this is a competition. But keep it a friendly competition.

要友善,玩得好。 是的,这是一场比赛。 但是要保持友好的竞争。

升值 (Appreciation)

Special thanks to my mentors, Harley Tuck and Robby O’Connor. You both kept me on path, encouraged me to stretch myself, and applauded when I got it right.

特别感谢我的导师Harley Tuck和Robby O'Connor。 你们俩都让我走上了正轨,鼓励我伸展自己的身体,当我做对的时候鼓掌。

And my thanks to you, my readers. Your feedback has been priceless. And the fact that you have stayed with me on my journey has really helped make my Summer a special season.

感谢您,我的读者。 您的反馈是无价的。 您在旅途中一直陪伴着我的事实,确实使我的夏季成为了一个特别的季节。

现在怎么办? (What now?)

The Autumn season begins with the ending of a special editing project, and the beginning of working with a fellow camper on an interesting new library.


I will also return to my freeCodeCamp curriculum and see if I can make real progress on my React-Redux challenges. And hopefully make something special to share with the world.

我还将返回我的freeCodeCamp课程,看看我是否可以在React-Redux挑战方面取得真正的进步。 并希望与世界分享一些特别的东西。

以前的文章 (Previous Articles)

You can catch me on GitHub or join me on Twitter. You can also visit my website.

您可以在GitHub找到我,也可以在Twitter 加入我。 您也可以访问我的网站

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/final-reflections-on-my-summer-journey-with-outreachy-3d38375f8b0/

我在深夜里旅行 谁陪我遗忘

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