

by Shubheksha


我是如何进入Mozilla的Outreachy开源实习计划的 (How I got into Mozilla’s Outreachy open source internship program)

I recently joined Mozilla’s Outreachy program as an intern. If you haven’t heard of this program before, let me start by answering some basic questions.

我最近以实习生身份加入了Mozilla的Outreachy计划。 如果您以前从未听说过该程序,那么让我从回答一些基本问题开始。

什么是外展? (What is Outreachy?)

Outreachy is a program for folks from underrepresented groups. It aims to getting them more involved with open source through remote internships.

外展服务是针对代表性不足人群的一项计划。 它旨在通过远程实习使他们更多地参与开源。

Organizations like Mozilla, Wikimedia, Gnome, and Linux Kernel take part in the program. They hire interns to work on their projects.

MozillaWikimediaGnomeLinux Kernel等组织都参与了该计划。 他们雇用实习生从事他们​​的项目。

It’s kind of like Google Summer of Code, except that both organizations and corporate sponsors both help pay interns.

类似于Google Summer of Code,不同的是,组织和公司赞助商都帮助支付实习生费用。

Another major difference is that it happens twice a year. There are both summer and winter cohorts. Participation isn’t limited to just students like Google Summer of Code, either.

另一个主要区别是它每年发生两次。 夏季和冬季都有队列。 参加的不仅限于像Google Summer of Code这样的学生。

Every intern works on a project for an organization under the supervision of a mentor. The duration of the program is three months.

每个实习生都在导师的指导下为组织的项目工作。 该课程为期三个月。

You can read the full details of the program here.


I’m working for Mozilla on web-ext, a command line utility to help with the development of WebExtensions. WebExtensions are cross platform addons, the future of browser addons. They can run in browsers like Firefox, Chrome, and Opera with only minor changes.

我正在Mozilla的web-ext上工作, web-ext是一个命令行实用程序,可帮助开发WebExtensions 。 WebExtensions是跨平台的插件,是浏览器插件的未来。 它们只需很小的更改即可在Firefox,Chrome和Opera等浏览器中运行。

我如何参与Outreachy的? (How did I get involved with Outreachy?)

My involvement with Outreachy has got a lot to do with how I started contributing to open source. I wrote all about this in a previous story.

我对Outreachy的参与与我开始为开源做出贡献有很大关系。 我在上一个故事中写了所有这些内容。

A Beginner’s Very Bumpy Journey Through The World of Open SourceDid you land on this story looking for advice on how to start contributing to open source? There are tons of these…

开源世界中初学者的颠簸之旅 您是否踏上了这个故事,以寻求有关如何开始为开源做出贡献的建议? 这些都有很多……

I had long known about both Outreachy and Google Summer of Code, and I’d always wanted to take part. But thought I wouldn’t stand a chance. I doubted why anyone would pay me to work on their project. I didn’t have a lot of prior experience. Nor could I prove that I had a decent level of expertise in the technologies I was working with.

我很早就了解Outreachy和Google Summer of Code,并且我一直想参加。 但以为我不会有机会。 我怀疑为什么有人会付钱给我从事他们的项目。 我以前没有很多经验。 我也无法证明我在所使用的技术方面拥有相当专业的知识。

If you’re in the same boat, all I’d like to say to you is: stop. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

如果您在同一条船上,我想对您说的是: stop 。 别对自己这么苛刻。

It may surprise you to know how I actually applied and got selected for Outreachy. It might as well be labelled an accident.

知道我实际上是如何申请并被Outreachy选中的,这可能会让您感到惊讶。 它也可能被标记为事故。

I had been contributing to the web-ext tool for about a month or so. I happened to ping one of the Outreachy interns from the summer cohort of 2016, Anjana Vakil, to ask for advice on how to prepare and apply for Outreachy.

我已经为Web-ext工具贡献了大约一个月的时间。 我碰巧对来自2016年夏季队列的Outreachy实习生之一Anjana Vakil进行了咨询,以寻求有关如何准备和申请Outreachy的建议。

This was quite sometime before the organizations were announced, let alone projects. I wanted to start preparing as early as possible to maximize my chances of getting in. So I told her about my background and involvement with Mozilla. She told me if I had a project in mind that I’d like to work on during Outreachy, I shouldn’t hesitate in talking to the maintainers. I should definitely ask them if it’ll be a viable fit for Outreachy.

这是在宣布组织之前的某个时间,更不用说项目了。 我想尽早开始做准备,以最大程度地获得进入的机会。因此,我告诉了她我的背景和与Mozilla的关系。 她告诉我,如果我有一个我想在Outreachy期间从事的项目,我会毫不犹豫地与维护者交谈。 我绝对应该问他们,这是否适合Outreachy。

I had been contributing to web-ext for a month or so by then while juggling my usual college and having a great time. After sitting on that thought for quite sometime, I finally mustered enough courage. I asked Kumar McMillan, my mentor, if web-ext could use some more help and time over a span of three months. And he seemed delighted by the idea!

到那时,我一直在为web-ext贡献一个月左右的时间,同时还兼顾了我平时的大学生活并玩得很开心。 在思考了一段时间之后,我终于鼓起了足够的勇气。 我问我的导师库马尔·麦克米兰(Kumar McMillan),在三个月的时间里,web-ext是否可以使用更多帮助和时间。 他似乎很高兴这个主意!

In the meanwhile, I continued contributing to web-ext.


If not for Anjana, the idea of proposing a project I’d like to work on wouldn’t have ever crossed my mind. A huge thanks to her! :)

如果不是Anjana的话,提出一个我想进行的项目的想法永远不会浮现在我的脑海。 非常感谢她! :)

The next step was waiting for the announcement of the organizations and their projects. I spoke to my mentor and prioritized the tasks that were to be accomplished, then submitted an application. Then I just waited for the announcement of the results on the Outreachy page. And one day I looked there and saw my name. I had made it.

下一步是等待组织及其项目的宣布。 我与导师交谈,确定了要完成的任务的优先级,然后提交了申请。 然后,我只是等待Outreachy页面上的结果宣布。 有一天,我看着那里,看到了我的名字。 我做到了

A lot of you might be wondering at this point if you need to start as early I did to get selected. The answer is no. When I started contributing to web-ext, Outreachy wasn’t anywhere in my mind. I picked it because it seemed approachable to me. The maintainers were extremely kind, emphatic and ready to help me contribute in anyway possible. A huge shout out to Kumar McMillan and Luca Greco — you guys are amazing! :)

在这一点上,很多人可能想知道您是否需要尽早开始入选。 答案是不。 当我开始为网络扩展做贡献时,Outreachy不在我的脑海中。 我选择它是因为它对我来说似乎很平易近人。 维护人员非常友好,乐于助人,随时准备帮助我尽一切可能。 向库玛·麦克米兰 ( Kumar McMillan)卢卡·格雷科 ( Luca Greco)大喊大叫-你们真了不起! :)

您从Outreachy中得到什么? (What do you get out of Outreachy?)

1.学习: (1. Learning:)

This is the primary reason why I’d encourage anyone eligible to take part in Outreachy. The amount of learning involved is invaluable. You get to work with some of the smartest people out there on real world projects which people use. You learn valuable software engineering skills that you’ll use in your day to day job as a developer.

这就是我鼓励任何有资格参加外展活动的人的主要原因。 所涉及的学习量是无价的。 您可以与一些最聪明的人一起在人们使用的现实世界项目中工作。 您将学到宝贵的软件工程技能,这些知识将在您作为开发人员的日常工作中使用。

As is often the case with people trying to contribute to OSS, you won’t get lost midway because of lack of help/direction. Your mentor is there to help you. You learn how to work with remote teams which are spread geographically over the world.

就像人们试图为OSS做出贡献一样,您不会因为缺乏帮助/指导而中途迷路。 您的导师在那里为您提供帮助。 您将学习如何与遍布全球的远程团队合作。

2.金钱: (2. Money:)

Outreachy isn’t just limited to students and they expect to work full time for 40 hours/week. The money can serve as an incentive to folks who’re older looking for a career change or getting more involved with open source.

外展活动不仅限于学生,他们希望每周工作40个小时。 这笔钱可以激励那些年纪大的人,他们寻求职业改变或更多地参与开源。

Each intern gets $5,500 USD, and an extra $500 USD travel grant to use within a year of their internship period.

每个实习生可获得$ 5,500 USD,以及额外的$ 500 USD差旅补助金,以在其实习期间内使用。

3.信心: (3. Confidence:)

Working on a real world project which is used by people gives a lot of confidence in your skills and your work as a developer.


A lot of past interns from these programs who were complete newbies at the start of it have gone to help other newcomers get started with open source.


Outreachy helps lay a foundation for your involvement in open source as it gives you credibility and experience.


4. Mozilla的特殊待遇 (4. Mozilla specific perks)

All Mozilla interns get LDAP credentials. This means you get a e-mail address like all regular employees. You get to take part in team meetings and have access to pretty much everything.

所有Mozilla实习生都将获得LDAP凭据。 这意味着您将获得@ mozilla.com电子邮件地址,就像所有普通员工一样。 您可以参加团队会议,并可以访问几乎所有内容。

All interns get a laptop to keep. What you get varies from year to year. This year they gave a 15" Macbook Pro retina 2015 model to all the interns.

所有实习生都拥有一台笔记本电脑。 您得到的每年不同。 今年,他们为所有实习生提供了15英寸Macbook Pro retina 2015模型。

In the past, interns were invited to attend All-Hands, the Mozilla company work week, which happens twice every year in various parts of the world.

在过去,实习生应邀出席全手 ,Mozilla的公司工作周,每年两次,这发生在世界各地。

我对Outreachy感到非常兴奋。 (I’m super excited about Outreachy.)

All in all, I’m super excited to be working with Mozilla on the web-ext project. It’s a really exciting time to be working on tooling for WebExtensions as they’re going to be the future going forward.

总而言之,我很高兴与Mozilla一起进行web-ext项目。 为WebExtensions开发工具是一个非常激动人心的时刻,因为它们将成为未来的发展方向。

Last but not the least, a huge shout out to everyone who helps in making Outreachy a reality: Larissa Shapiro and Elizabeth Noonan at Mozilla, and Marina, Sarah Sharp, and other Outreachy admins as well.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,向帮助实现Outreachy的所有人大声疾呼:Mozilla的Larissa Shapiro和Elizabeth Noonan,以及MarinaSarah Sharp和其他Outreachy管理员。

If you’re thinking of applying for the next round of Outreachy but don’t feel confident enough or have doubts about navigating the application process, feel free to drop me a line. I’d love to chat with you. :)

如果您正在考虑申请下一轮Outreachy,但又没有足够的信心或对申请流程感到怀疑,请随时与我联系。 我很想和你聊天。 :)



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