java 学到什么实习_我的外展实习从今天开始! 到目前为止,这是我已经完成并学到的东西。...

java 学到什么实习

by Toni Shortsleeve

通过托尼·肖特里夫(Toni Shortsleeve)

我的外展实习从今天开始! 到目前为止,这是我已经完成并学到的东西。 (My Outreachy internship begins today! Here’s what I’ve done and learned so far.)

Today marks the first day of my official full-time Outreachy Internship with LibreHealth. If you missed my first story about how I got this wonderful internship, check it out here. It’s been quite a journey!

今天是我在LibreHealth进行的正式全职外展实习的第一天。 如果您错过了关于我如何获得这种出色实习机会的第一个故事,请在此处查看 。 这是一段漫长的旅程!

I’m thankful for the break between being accepted and actually getting started. It has allowed me to wrap up some of my previous projects, and I spent part of my time preparing for today. In this article, I’ll give a brief overview of what I’ve done — and learned — so far.

对于被接受和真正开始之间的突破,我深表感谢。 它使我能够完成以前的一些项目,并且花了我的一部分时间为今天做准备。 在本文中,我将简要概述到目前为止我已经完成的工作和学到的知识。

入门 (Getting started)

I’ve been doing research on the clinical practice workflow and procedures through the LibreHealth YouTube videos. Since there are two videos that had not been transcribed yet — and they were the subjects I needed a stronger understanding of — that’s where I began.

我一直在通过LibreHealth YouTube视频对临床实践工作流程和程序进行研究。 由于有两个尚未录制的视频-它们是我需要更深入了解的主题-所以我就从这里开始。

I worked with the LibreHealth Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. I created a patient who was in need of a referral for an x-ray. Then I created the lab that would perform the x-ray.

我使用了LibreHealth电子健康记录(EHR)系统。 我创建了一个需要转诊X射线的患者。 然后,我创建了执行X射线检查的实验室。

I also created three users. They were the Front Desk Receptionist, the LPN, and the Transcriber. I didn’t even know there was a transcriber in the medical field, but now it makes a little more sense.

我还创建了三个用户。 他们是前台接待员,LPN和转录员。 我什至不知道医学领域中有一个转录器,但是现在它变得更有意义了。

谁可以做什么 (Who can do what)

The Front Desk receptionist, Tina, is only allowed to see specific patient demographics. She welcomes the patient and assigns available exam rooms. In this setting, Tina will escort the patient to the Nurse’s Station.

前台接待员Tina仅被允许查看特定的患者人口统计信息。 她欢迎患者并分配可用的检查室。 在这种情况下,蒂娜(Tina)将护送患者前往护士站。

At the Nurse’s Station, Dana is the LPN who will take the vitals of the patient. This requires a specific form that must be filled in properly. This is an intimidating form. It was asking for both imperial and metric measurements. So it was a pleasant surprise to find that the system automatically calculated the metrics for me.

在护士站,达娜(Dana)是LPN,负责患者的生命。 这要求必须正确填写特定表格。 这是一种令人生畏的形式。 它要求同时进行英制和公制测量。 因此,发现该系统自动为我计算了度量标准是一个令人惊喜的惊喜。

Once Dana completes the process of entering the patient’s vital information, she escorts the patient to the exam room.


The doctor was already in the system as a provider, so I did not need to create a profile for her.


注释和代码 (Notes and codes)

But the doctor did need to make a Subjective, Objective, Assessment Plan (SOAP) note. This was complex. It needed to say what the patient said, what the doctor saw, what the doctor suggests the issue may be, and then how the patient should be treated for it.

但是医生确实需要做一个主观,客观的评估计划(SOAP)笔记。 这很复杂。 它需要说出患者的话,医生所见,医生建议的问题可能是什么,然后应如何对待患者。

At first, I thought that “Objective” would make more sense if it were labeled “Observation.” But then I realized it might mean that that the doctor should be an objective observer.

最初,我认为如果将“客观”标记为“观察”,则更有意义。 但是后来我意识到这可能意味着医生应该成为客观的观察者。

According to my mentor, my first try was close — but I had a couple of things backwards. Once I was heading in the right direction, my updated SOAP made sense, too. One mistake I made: I signed it too soon. Then I had to start over, because e-signing a SOAP will lock it and I wasn’t ready for that yet.

根据我的导师的说法,我的第一次尝试已经结束,但是我有些倒退了。 一旦我朝着正确的方向前进,我更新的SOAP也是有意义的。 我犯了一个错误:我签得太早了。 然后我不得不重新开始,因为电子签名SOAP将锁定它,而我还没有为此做好准备。

Then the doctor needed to create a Procedure Order — this is also known as a Provider Order. This order form tells the staff what needs to be done for the patient, such as sending samples to a lab or referring to a specialist. It also requires a diagnosis code.

然后,医生需要创建一个程序订单-这也称为提供者订单。 此订购单告诉工作人员需要为患者做些什么,例如将样品发送到实验室或咨询专科医生。 它还需要诊断代码。

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 10th revision is the most current clinical cataloging system. I went back to Google and found the ICD10 code for an x-ray of a sprained wrist. There a lot of sub-codes! What part of the hand? Is this the initial x-ray or a sequential view?

国际疾病分类 (ICD)第10版是最新的临床分类系统。 我回到Google,找到了腕部扭伤的X射线ICD10代码。 有很多子代码! 手的哪一部分? 这是初始X射线还是顺序视图?

I checked with my mentor again, and I got the code right! This was a lot more difficult than finding a simple JavaScript error or resolving why my code wasn’t rendering on the screen. Learning something new every day!

我再次与导师核对,发现代码正确! 这比找到一个简单JavaScript错误或解决为什么我的代码没有在屏幕上呈现要困难得多。 每天学习新东西!

发送 (Sending it on)

Marc is the Clinician who is tasked with transcribing the Procedure Order and sending it to the lab.


His job is interesting. He creates a Referral Form based on the information from the Procedure Order.

他的工作很有趣。 他根据程序订单中的信息创建推荐表格。

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) 4th Edition is the most current medical code set that is used to report medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures and services for medical billing purposes.

当前程序术语 (CPT)第4版是最新的医疗法规集,用于报告医疗,手术和诊断程序以及为医疗计费目的提供的服务。

Marc added CPT4 codes based on the ICD10 code.


And this is where I was stuck for a while. Once again my mentor came to the rescue so I could continue forward.

这就是我被困了一段时间的地方。 我的导师再次来救援,所以我可以继续前进。

Once Marc submitted and e-signed the Referral Form, the patient was able to pay and check out — and hopefully schedule that x-ray.


我的文件 (My documentation)

My document was submitted for review on May 22, the day before my new Outreachy Internship officially began. I have been given a lot of areas that need to be revised.

我的文件于5月22日(即新的“外展实习”正式开始的前一天)提交审核。 我得到了很多需要修改的地方。

I have my work cut out for me. I will revise the current document, and transcribe the other video based on the feedback from this document.

我的工作适合我。 我将修订当前文档,并根据该文档的反馈抄录其他视频。

I am hopeful that within a few short weeks I will be able to track the Radiology work-flow. It’s part of the LibreHealth system, but it’s a totally different style and workflow from anything I’ve worked with before.

我希望在短短的几周内我将能够追踪放射学的工作流程。 它是LibreHealth系统的一部分,但是它与我以前使用过的所有样式和工作流程完全不同。

还有更多 (More to come)

I am so glad I had the time to accomplish as much as I did in preparation for this internship. Although I didn’t immediately get everything right, I am learning a lot and looking forward to learning more.

我很高兴我有足够的时间完成准备实习的工作。 尽管我没有立即把所有事情都做好,但我正在学习很多东西,并期待学习更多。

Thank you for being with me on my Outreachy journey.



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