

by Iskender Piyale-Sheard

由Iskender Piyale-Sheard

如何以开发者的身份环游世界 (How to travel the world as a developer)

We’ve all seen it. That Facebook photo of a friend posing on a paradisiacal beach — with a laptop and a coconut drink — and the caption: “my office for the day.”

我们都看过了。 Facebook上一个朋友在天堂般的海滩上摆姿势的照片-带着笔记本电脑和椰子饮料-标题:“我今天的办公室”。

For a lot of people, this is living the dream. And it’s not hard to see why.

对于很多人来说,这是梦想。 不难看出为什么。

Having a job that allows you to make your own hours and travel at the same time is pretty cool. But it’s not always easy.

有一份可以让您自己工作和旅行的工作真是太酷了。 但这并不总是那么容易。

So let’s talk about how you can get started. We’ll discuss some of the best resources you can take advantage of, and some things to watch out for along the way.

因此,让我们谈谈如何开始。 我们将讨论一些您可以利用的最佳资源,以及在此过程中需要注意的一些事项。

树立对远程工作的现实期望 (Set Realistic Expectations of Remote Work)

First off, let’s get one thing straight. The beach is an awful place to work. You may have tried it once or twice to make all of our friends back home jealous of your incredible new lifestyle. But the fact of the matter is:

首先,让我们弄清楚一件事。 海滩是一个糟糕的工作场所。 您可能尝试过一两次,以使我们所有的朋友都嫉妒您难以置信的新生活方式。 但事实是:

  • The beach has no WiFi.

  • Sand and salt mess up your computer (sand + magsafe adapter = no fun)

    沙子和盐弄乱了您的计算机(沙子+ magsafe适配器=不好玩)
  • You get horrible sun glare on your monitor.


And there are a hundred other reasons why you don’t actually want to try and work on a beach.


The reality of remote work is you’ll probably be spending most of your time in cafes, co-working spaces, public areas with wifi, and at home. And that’s great! There’s nothing wrong with that!

远程工作的现实是,您可能大部分时间都花在咖啡馆,共同工作空间,带wifi的公共区域以及家里。 太好了! 没什么错!

And for the record, all those people posting ridiculous photos of their “office for the day” are mostly full of it.


Take it from me — I’ve personally gone to these sorts of satirical extremes:


远程开发人员面临的挑战 (Challenges That Remote Developers Face)

Some of the biggest challenges that remote developers face while working abroad are:


  • Unreliable/slow wifi

  • Finding consistent places to work (daytime/nighttime)

  • Being surrounded by people on vacation (while you need to clock in hours for work)

  • Coordinating work with people in different timezones

  • Finding places to hop on a call with your coworkers/clients

  • Navigating the legal issues around working remotely abroad without a work permit

  • Staying focused while making your own hours


These may not seem like particularly big challenges at first, but when you’re on the road for a while they really start to pile up. And the more inconveniences you have, the more difficult it is to keep a steady routine.

乍一看,这些挑战似乎并不是什么特别大的挑战,但是当您行驶一会儿时,它们确实开始堆积起来。 而且,您带来的不便越多,保持稳定的例行程序就越困难。

那好东西呢? (What About The Good Stuff?)

Now that we’ve cut through a lot of the difficult stuff, why don’t we dig into the juicy bits. What makes remote work great?

现在,我们已经解决了许多困难的问题,为什么我们不深入探讨多汁的问题。 是什么使远程工作很棒?

Remote work can be extremely rewarding if you get into a good groove with it. One of the best things about it is that even if you are working 40–50 hours week (or often more for business owners), as soon as you’re on a break, you get to pop out for lunch in Japan, or go for an after-work surf in Bali, or zip home on your scooter through some luscious green rice paddies in Vietnam.

如果您擅长远程工作,那么远程工作可能会非常有益。 最好的事情之一是,即使您每周工作40至50个小时(或者对于企业主来说通常更多),但是一旦休息,您就可以在日本外出午餐或去在巴厘岛下班后进行冲浪,或者在越南的一些甜美绿色稻田里骑着摩托车回家。

You’ll start to notice that even if you don’t have many of the luxuries you might have back home (a car, a 4K TV, your blazing fast wifi, your entire home being automated with a Raspberry Pi), the novelty of living in a drastically different environment is a very fulfilling experience.

您会开始注意到,即使您家中没有很多奢侈品(汽车,4K电视,超快的无线网络,Raspberry Pi可以使整个家庭自动化),其新颖性在完全不同的环境中生活是非常令人满意的经历。

It’s really the novelty of all the small interactions you have outside of work, the places you get to explore on evenings and weekends or on a particularly nice afternoon that make remote work extremely satisfying. You get to make friends with locals, learn as much of a new language as you can, and soak in all that incredible culture.

在工作之余进行的所有小型互动确实是新颖的,在晚上和周末或在一个特别美好的下午,您可以探索的地方使远程工作变得异常令人满意。 您可以与当地人交朋友,学习尽可能多的新语言,并沉浸在所有令人难以置信的文化中。

“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” — Bill Bryson
“在我看来,最大的奖励和奢侈的旅行是能够像第一次体验日常一样,处于几乎没有人熟悉的地方,这是理所当然的。” —比尔·布赖森

如何开始 (How To Get Started)

There are a few ways of going about getting started with remote work — either by getting a new job, taking on freelance work, or negotiating with your boss.


Method #1: Find a remote job on a website like RemoteOK or any one of these 25 other websites.


Method #2: Find some freelance work opportunities through friends and acquaintances to build a client base. Or try websites like Upwork or Toptal.

方法2:通过朋友和熟人找到一些自由工作的机会,以建立客户群。 或尝试使用UpworkToptal之类的网站。

Method #3: Negotiate a few small baby steps for remote work with your boss, then knock it out of the park. Try a couple days, then push for a couple weeks. Read this Lifehacker article on how to convince your boss.

方法#3:与老板商量几个小步骤以进行远程工作,然后将其从公园中踢出。 尝试几天,然后再推几个星期。 阅读有关如何说服老板的Lifehacker文章

明智的话(一些小技巧) (Word To The Wise (a few little tips))

The biggest factors in making your remote work experience successful is maintaining a balanced healthy and sustainable lifestyle. So start establishing some routines.

成功实现远程工作经验的最大因素是保持平衡的健康和可持续的生活方式。 因此,开始建立一些例程。

您通常会做饭/锻炼吗? (Do you normally cook/work out?)

Eating out all the time is an easy (and delicious) trap to fall into. Make sure you find ways to keep a healthy diet, and not be too frequently seduced by the tasty but junky tourist food. Work out? Find a gym, go for runs, or find some ways to get that exercise in.

一直在外吃饭是一个容易(且美味)的陷阱。 确保您找到保持健康饮食的方法,并且不要被美味可口的旅游食品所吸引。 锻炼? 寻找体育馆,进行跑步或寻找一些锻炼方法。

你有套路吗? (Do you have a routine?)

Set some standard office hours for yourself and stick to them. Wake up early and get your brain working, make a cup of tea, go for a walk and get the day started. It’s ok to stray away from the routine here and there but for the most part keep it consistent.

为自己设定一些标准的办公时间,并遵守这些时间。 早起,让您的大脑工作,喝杯茶,散步,开始新的一天。 可以不时地偏离例程,但是在大多数情况下都应保持一致。

你有稳定的地方吗? (Do you have a steady spot?)

Where are you going to be working from day to day? Find a cafe that has decent wifi and is open during the hours you need to work. Not enough? Then get a membership at a co-working space, hint they have awesome places all over the world. Scout out some great spots on Workfrom.

您每天在哪里工作? 寻找一个有不错的wifi并在您需要工作的时间内营业的咖啡馆。 不够? 然后在共同工作的空间获得会员资格,暗示他们在世界各地都有很棒的地方。 侦察Workfrom上的一些亮点。

您对去哪里有个模糊的想法? (Do you have a vague idea of where to travel to?)

You don’t have to have things planned out to a T. But getting some opinions on nice places to go that have reliable internet, great 4G SIM cards (major bonus points for places like Thailand and Taiwan).

您不必为T计划任何事情。但是,对于具有可靠互联网,出色4G SIM卡(在泰国和台湾等地的主要奖励积分)的好去处,您会获得一些意见。

The best places to start your search is on NomadList. You can filter by weather, ease of access, cost of living, internet speeds, and much more.

开始搜索的最佳位置是NomadList 。 您可以按天气,交通便利性,生活费用,互联网速度等进行过滤。

Do you have people around you who are working too?Hanging around in hostels and the like can be challenging because everyone you’ll meet will likely be on vacation. Not the ideal scenario for you, someone who is trying to take on sustainable long-term travel. Find others like yourself who are working remotely and you’ll benefit immensely.

您周围是否也有人在工作? 在宿舍等周围闲逛可能会充满挑战,因为您将遇到的每个人都可能在度假。 对于您来说,这不是一个理想的情况,您正在尝试进行可持续的长期旅行。 找到像您这样的远程工作人员,您将受益匪浅。

向他人学习 (Learn From Others)

Over the course of your travels, you’ll meet lots of incredibly talented developers and entrepreneurs. One thing I’d emphasize more than anything else I’ve mentioned so far is to take advantage of opportunities to meet them.

在您旅行的过程中,您会遇到许多非常有才华的开发人员和企业家。 到目前为止,我要强调的一件事是要抓住机遇,与他们相遇。

Check out and find events near you. Go to co-working spaces and find local startups to meet with.

前往 ,查找您附近的活动。 转到共同工作空间,然后找到本地的初创公司。

Being exposed to developers and entrepreneurs from all over the world is one of the most educational and rewarding experiences you’ll have. It will open your mind to diverse perspectives, philosophies, and expertise. There’s really nothing like it.

与来自世界各地的开发人员和企业家接触是您将获得的最具教育性和回报的体验之一。 它将使您对各种观点,哲学和专业知识敞开胸怀。 真的没有像这样的东西。

共同务虚会呢? (What About Co-working Retreats?)

Some people call them co-working retreats, others call them co-workations. There are a million different names for these types of events.

有些人称他们为合作社务虚会,另一些人称他们为合作社。 这些事件的名称有上百万种。

One way or another, you’ve probably heard murmurs or gotten ads on Facebook about how to travel around the world for a year with a group of like-minded people. As a matter of fact, that’s how I started my work-travel adventure. For a year, I was the Trip Facilitator for a group called Hacker Paradise.

无论是哪种方式,您可能已经在Facebook上听到了一些杂音或在广告上刊登了有关如何与一群志趣相投的人一起环游世界一年的广告。 事实上,这就是我开始工作旅行冒险的方式。 一年来,我是一个名为Hacker Paradise的小组的旅行促进者。

Today, these types of retreats are a dime a dozen. Everyone and their uncle has started some sort of travel+work, yoga+coworking, surfing+coworking retreat, and they can vary significantly in length, quality and price. Here’s a whole list of ones you can check out.

今天,这些类型的务虚会是一角钱。 每个人和他们的叔叔已经开始某种旅行+工作,瑜伽+接班,冲浪+接班的休假,并且他们的长度,质量和价格可能有很大差异。 这是您可以查看完整列表

My only word of advice here is be careful and read lots of reviews before making a big commitment.


Recent bootcamp grad? Have a long think about this decision? Immediately delving into long term travel by yourself is probably a mistake. Your biggest goal right now should be to hack on new projects, contribute to open source, and solidify and build upon all the skills you’ve learned.

最近的训练营毕业生? 考虑这个决定有多长的时间? 立即自行研究长期旅行可能是一个错误。 您目前最大的目标应该是入侵新项目,为开源做贡献,并巩固和利用您所学的所有技能。

That being said, while you’re looking for work, joining a co-working retreat for developers for a few weeks could prove to be extremely beneficial. It could get you collaborating with brilliant developers. Together, you could hack on fun projects. You could build an incredible network of people who can share opportunities, connections, and advice.

话虽如此,当您正在寻找工作时,加入为开发人员参加的联合务虚会可能会非常有益。 它可以使您与杰出的开发人员合作。 在一起,您可以破解有趣的项目。 您可以建立一个令人难以置信的人脉网络,他们可以分享机会,联系和建议。

长话短说 (Long Story Short)

Want to work and travel? Awesome! Find a way and make it happen. Talk to successful people you know who’ve done it and ask for advice. Just like learning to code, you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

想工作和旅行吗? 太棒了! 找到一种方法并实现它。 与您认识的成功人士交谈,并寻求建议。 就像学习编码一样,您必须适应不舒服。

DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself. Just like in programming, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of all the awesome tools and resources people use to make their work/travel lives easier and more effective.

干:不要重复自己。 就像在编程中一样,您不需要重新发明轮子。 利用人们使用的所有出色工具和资源,使他们的工作/旅行生活更轻松,更有效。

Take advantage of the incredible people you’ll meet and learn from them. Keep those connections close and they will inevitably come back to benefit you later.

利用您将遇到的难以置信的人,并向他们学习。 保持这些连接紧密,它们不可避免地会在以后使您受益。

Good luck and happy travels! Questions? Feel free to reach me on Twitter @izzydoesizzy.

祝你好运,旅途愉快! 有什么问题吗 随时通过Twitter @izzydoesizzy与我联系

关于伊兹 (About Izzy)

Iskender Piyale-Sheard (aka Izzy) is the Community Manager at Lighthouse Labs, a web/iOS bootcamp in Canada. In his spare time, he likes to write about career growth, teach himself to code and work on fun community projects.

Iskender Piyale-Sheard(又名Izzy)是Lighthouse Labs (加拿大Web / iOS训练营)的社区经理。 在业余时间,他喜欢写关于职业发展的文章,自学编程并从事有趣的社区项目

Find him at:








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