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by Gitter


建立在线社区 (Building Online Communities:

François Chollet is an AI and deep learning researcher at Google. He’s the author of Keras — a minimalist, highly modular neural networks library, written in Python and capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. With a goal to become everyone’s go-to interface for deep learning, Keras has quickly grown to over 50,000 users. Francois told us about the open source community around the project, and shared his thoughts on the future of deep learning and AI. If you’re interested in deep learning, be sure to stop by the Keras community channel on Gitter.

弗朗索瓦·乔莱特 是Google的AI和深度学习研究员。 他是Keras的作者-Keras是一个极简的,高度模块化的神经网络库,使用Python编写,并且能够在TensorFlow或Theano上运行 为了成为每个人都可以使用的深度学习界面,Keras已Swift成长为超过50,000个用户。 Francois向我们介绍了有关该项目的开源社区,并分享了他对深度学习和AI未来的看法。 如果您对深度学习感兴趣,请一定不要错过Gitter上Keras社区频道

Hi François! Tell us about the project. What is Keras, and what’s the story behind it?

嗨,弗朗索瓦! 告诉我们有关Keras.io项目的信息。 什么是Keras,它背后的故事是什么?

Keras is a deep learning framework for Python. It started in March 2015 as a small side-project of mine, but quickly exploded in popularity. Today Keras has over 50,000 users, including many startups, hundreds of researchers, and even large companies and research organizations such as CERN, Netflix, Yelp, Square, and OpenAI.

Keras是Python的深度学习框架。 它始于2015年3月,是我的一个小型附属项目,但很快受到欢迎。 如今,Keras拥有超过50,000个用户,其中包括许多创业公司,数百名研究人员,甚至还有大型公司和研究组织,例如CERN,Netflix,Yelp,Square和OpenAI。

I think Keras has done a great deal to make deep learning easier to get started with, and more accessible, which is a topic I care about a lot.


What common goals do you have as a community?


On a basic level, the Keras community is about maintaining the Keras codebase and applying deep learning techniques to interesting and useful problems, sharing knowledge and code in the process.


But at a higher level, our cause as a community is making artificial intelligence and deep learning more accessible. That’s why Keras exists in the first place, and that’s why many people in the Keras community are working on the popularization of deep learning via blog posts, tutorials, etc.

但是在更高的层次上,我们作为社区的事业正在使人工智能和深度学习更加容易获得。 这就是为什么Keras首先存在的原因,也是Keras社区中许多人通过博客文章,教程等致力于深度学习普及的原因。

We’re trying to put deep learning into the hands of as many people as possible, because we think it will have a huge impact on our collective future.


What are the expectations for deep learning / neural networks, and what is, in your opinion, the future of these fields?


If you look at the history of artificial intelligence, we’ve been trying to solve problems such as image recognition or speech recognition for decades, and until very recently we did not have any real solutions. They were considered to be tremendously hard problems. But in the span of just a few years, deep learning has changed all of that. It has been a true revolution.

如果您查看人工智能的历史,几十年来我们一直在尝试解决诸如图像识别或语音识别之类的问题,直到最近,我们还没有任何真正的解决方案。 他们被认为是非常困难的问题。 但是在短短几年内,深度学习已改变了所有这一切。 这是一次真正的革命。

We now have excellent computer vision systems, speech recognition systems, and more. All supervised perception problems are now considered to be essentially solved. It’s hard to overstate how much of a game-changer deep learning has been in AI.

现在,我们拥有出色的计算机视觉系统,语音识别系统等。 现在,所有监督的感知问题都被认为已基本解决。 很难夸大AI中有多少改变游戏规则的深度学习。

Because of these initial successes, the expectations for what’s next are tremendous. But deep learning is not some universal solution, it has limits.

由于取得了这些最初的成功,因此对下一步的期望很高。 但是深度学习不是某些通用的解决方案,它具有局限性。

Many people, often people who are not directly involved with deep learning research, are not aware of these limits and believe that our current techniques will just keep scaling up and will go on to “solve AI”. After all, if you can train a deep neural network to drive a car, how much harder can it be to train it to do everything else humans can do? Well, pretty hard as it turns out. There is far more to human intelligence than what our current data-intensive supervised learning techniques can achieve.

许多人(通常不是直接参与深度学习研究的人)并不了解这些限制,并相信我们当前的技术将继续扩大规模,并会继续“解决AI”问题。 毕竟,如果您可以训练一个深层的神经网络来驾驶汽车,那么训练它去做人类可以做的所有其他事情会困难得多? 好吧,事实证明这很难。 人类智能远远超出了我们当前的数据密集型有监督学习技术所能达到的目标。

So I see deep learning as being simultaneously revolutionary and somewhat overhyped. But overall, I am optimistic about the future of the field. After a breakthrough, scientific progress tends to follow a sigmoid curve, with fast progress at first as the field drives more attention and investment, which progressively slows down as the low-hanging fruit gets reaped and increasingly more efforts become necessary to make a dent.

因此,我认为深度学习既具有革命性,又有点夸大其词。 但总的来说,我对该领域的未来感到乐观。 在取得突破之后,科学进步趋向于呈S形曲线,首先是快速的进步,因为该领域吸引了更多的关注和投资,随着低垂的果实获得收成,并且逐渐地需要更多的努力来降低其影响力,科学进步会逐渐放缓。

With deep learning in 2016, it seems that we are still in the first half of that sigmoid. We’re making progress increasingly faster year after year. That will not last indefinitely, but by the time things slow down, my hope is that we will understand a lot more about the nature of intelligence.

通过2016年的深度学习,似乎我们仍处于该乙状结肠的前半部分。 年复一年,我们的进步越来越快。 这不会无限期地持续下去,但是随着事情变慢,我希望我们将对智能的本质有更多的了解。

What issues related to the project are you personally most excited about these days?


The next chapter for Keras will be tighter integration with the TensorFlow framework, more support from Google, and overseeing adoption by a majority of companies and researchers out there. Keras will become everyone’s go-to interface for deep learning. I’m excited about making this happen.

Keras的下一章将与TensorFlow框架进行更紧密的集成,获得Google的更多支持,并监督大多数公司和研究人员的采用。 Keras将成为每个人进行深度学习的首选界面。 我为实现这一目标而感到兴奋。

What are the most important factors that you have taken into account while creating and maintaining the community? What factors contribute to the success of your community?

在创建和维护社区时,要考虑哪些最重要的因素? 哪些因素有助于您社区的成功?

A few things I’ve learned:


  • Make sure your users and community members have adequate places to go to for support, questions, etc. A mailing list doesn’t cut it, live chat is always better. Gitter is great for that purpose.

    确保您的用户和社区成员有足够的地方去寻求支持,问题等。邮件列表并不能解决问题,实时聊天总是更好的选择。 为此,吉特(Gitter)很棒。
  • On the product / software side, focus on user experience. If your product has a great user experience, people will come. The community will grow. Everything else will follow.

    在产品/软件方面,关注用户体验。 如果您的产品具有出色的用户体验,就会有人来。 社区将成长。 其他一切都会随之而来。
  • Get to know your users. Meet them in person. Organize meetups. Observe people trying out your product / framework for the first time. Learn from them.

    了解您的用户。 亲自见他们。 组织聚会。 观察人们第一次尝试您的产品/框架。 向他们学习。

What are the main issues discussed in the channel on Gitter?


We use Gitter mostly to handle support questions, but also for development discussion, general discussion around deep learning news, or anything else that’s on our mind.


What advice would you give to someone who wants to get into the field of deep learning and neural networks?


The best way to get into deep learning at this point is to experiment by yourself, using existing code examples and tutorials as a starting point. Keras has the simplest interface out there, so it’s perfect to get started. It also has dozens of well-curated, easy code examples that you can learn from.

此时进入深度学习的最佳方法是使用现有的代码示例和教程作为起点,自己进行实验。 Keras具有最简单的界面,因此非常适合上手。 它还提供了许多精心策划的简单代码示例 ,您可以从中学习。

Here are a few tutorials that teach simultaneously deep learning and Keras, pretty much from scratch, and that are easy to follow (as long as you have some Python background, which is a prerequisite in any case):


Thank you!


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