敏捷开发管理工具 free_在发现Free Code Camp之前,我如何浪费两年的时间尝试学习Web开发...

敏捷开发管理工具 free

by Sophanarith Sok

通过Sophanarith Sok

在发现Free Code Camp之前,我如何浪费两年的时间尝试学习Web开发 (How I wasted two years of my life trying to learn web development before discovering Free Code Camp)

It was two years ago. A time before Free Code Camp even existed. I googled “how to become a web developer,” and a long list of languages appeared. I did some research, and it seemed like Ruby was the most popular language.

那是两年前。 自由代码训练营还没有出现的时间。 我用Google搜索“如何成为一名Web开发人员”,出现了许多语言。 我做了一些研究,似乎Ruby是最受欢迎的语言。

“If I learn Ruby in 4 months, I can build cool things! Maybe even get hired as a junior developer, and learn even more cool stuff!” I thought to myself.

“如果我在4个月内学习Ruby,我就能打造出很棒的东西! 甚至可以被聘为初级开发人员,并学习更多更酷的东西!” 我心想。

This was the most delusional idea that my brain had ever conceived. Keep in mind, at this point I had barely touched HTML, let alone CSS and JavaScript.

这是我的大脑有史以来最妄想的想法。 请记住,在这一点上,我几乎没有接触过HTML,更不用说CSS和JavaScript了。

After searching for some books, I found a very well-received beginners book on programming called, “Learn to Program” by Chris Pine. It introduced me to the basics of programming.

在搜寻了几本书之后,我发现了一本非常受欢迎的初学者书籍,书名叫Chris Pine,名为“ Learn to Program”。 它向我介绍了编程的基础知识。

Each chapter had several simple algorithm problems that you could complete as a review. After about a month working through the book for many hours every day, I was eventually able to run through the entire book in a single day and solve every problem within a few minutes.

每章都有几个简单的算法问题,您可以作为回顾来完成。 每天花大约一个月的时间研究整个小时后,我终于能够在一天之内浏览整本书,并在几分钟之内解决所有问题。

At this point, I had a pretty big ego, and I felt that I was pretty good at being a programmer. I thought, “Hey, I can run through this book in a day. I’m a programmer! Right?”

在这一点上,我有一个很大的自我,我觉得自己很擅长做程序员。 我想:“嘿,我可以在一天内读完这本书。 我是程序员! 对?”

I was incredibly wrong. I had only scratched the surface of a gigantic iceberg that never really has a base, but rather continues to widen the deeper down you go.

我错了。 我只刮过一个从未真正有过冰山的巨大冰山的表面,而是继续往深处延伸。

Like an ancestor from thousands of years ago that explored an entire island and realized that across the sea, there is an entire world, above the clouds, there is an entire universe.


With the power of Sublime Text 2, Ruby, and one book, I thought I could create anything I imagined. Now, two years later, I realize that that was simply far from the reality.

凭借Sublime Text 2,Ruby和一本书的强大功能,我认为我可以创造出我想像的任何东西。 两年后的现在,我意识到这与现实完全相去甚远。

If I could go back in time and speak to my past self, I would tell him that the realities of his ambitions are bigger than he could fathom, and that this is a long grueling journey should be taken seriously. “Stop treating programming like a game because your life depends on it. And in two years, you will realize how serious this really is, and how much time you’ve wasted.”

如果我能时光倒流地谈论过去的自我,我会告诉他,他的野心比他想像的要大得多,这是一个漫长的艰苦旅程,应该认真对待。 “停止将编程视为游戏,因为您的生活取决于它。 在两年内,您将意识到这确实有多严重,以及您浪费了多少时间。”

Maybe I shouldn’t be too hard on myself. After all, I didn’t really know where to start. I had one book, and would run through course over at Codecademy.

也许我不应该对自己太苛刻。 毕竟,我真的不知道从哪里开始。 我有一本书,将在Codecademy的所有课程中进行。

During this time, I didn’t know what a development stack was, not to even mention the scope of back end development and front end development. My idea at the time was that, you pick a language, code some stuff, and everything should work like magic. Nobody gave me an overview of what the development process of building a web application was like.

在这段时间里,我不知道开发堆栈是什么,更不用说后端开发和前端开发的范围了。 当时我的想法是,选择一种语言,编写一些代码,一切都应该像魔术一样工作。 没有人给我概述构建Web应用程序的开发过程。

Even after completing the book “Learn to Program”, I knew how to code some algorithms, but I had no idea what purpose they would serve in an application, other than to solve the silly challenges at the end of a chapter.


This was basically my learning experiencing for about two years. I just blindly jumped from one online resource to the next, not sure how each piece of technology tied in together with the others, or what I could build with it.

基本上这是我大约两年的学习经历。 我只是盲目地从一种在线资源跳到了另一种在线资源,不确定每项技术如何与其他技术结合在一起,或者我可以用它来构建什么。

Then something great happened. I discovered Free Code Camp. I remember reading the description on the front page. I thought to myself, “I can get a JOB if I complete this curriculum?! Are you sure? It wouldn’t hurt to try. I’ve already completed every course on Codecademy, and I can run through an entire book in a single day! How hard can this be? Piece of cake. If I finish Free Code Camp and I can’t get a job, then I will write a horrible review and call it a scam! That’s what I’ll do!”

然后发生了一件大事。 我发现了Free Code Camp。 我记得阅读过首页上的说明。 我心想:“如果完成本课程,我可以得到工作吗?! 你确定吗? 尝试不会有什么坏处。 我已经完成了Codecademy上的所有课程,并且一天之内就可以读完整本书! 这有多难? 小菜一碟。 如果我完成了Free Code Camp,但没有找到工作,那么我将写一篇糟糕的评论,并将其称为骗局! 那就是我要做的!”

所以我开始... (So then I started…)

I took a glance and the curriculum layout. It was simple, but one thing caught my attention. At the end of the curriculum, once you finish everything, there it was… the glorious access to nonprofit opportunities that would allow me to gain real world experience AND have a positive change on the world! That sounds pretty damn wonderful! I really want to work on that!

我看了一眼,并确定了课程安排。 很简单,但是有一件事引起了我的注意。 在课程结束时,一旦您完成所有工作,便…光荣地获得了非营利机会,这将使我获得现实世界的经验并对世界产生积极的变化! 听起来真是太棒了! 我真的很想为此工作!

The first few way points on HTML and CSS were a piece of cake. I was plowing through them. Of course I was. “I am a pro at this, duh,” I thought to myself.

HTML和CSS的最初几个方法点很容易。 我在翻耕他们。 我当然是。 “我在这方面是个专家,老兄,”我心想。

Then I hit the JavaScript challenges. “Wow, all of this is just review of what I already know! Pfff… I’m already halfway finished!” I ignorantly believed.

然后我遇到了JavaScript挑战。 “哇,所有这些只是我已经知道的回顾! Pfff…我已经完成一半了!” 我无知地相信。

然后我遇到了算法挑战... (Then I hit the algorithm challenges…)

The first few were pretty easy. But then, on the fifth one, reality hit. It was a simple task. Just capitalize the first letter of each word. Logically it was easy. But I couldn’t do it. That’s when I realized that I was not fit to be a Web Developer.

前几个很简单。 但随后,在第五个问题上,现实受到打击。 这是一个简单的任务。 只需将每个单词的首字母大写。 从逻辑上讲,这很容易。 但是我做不到。 从那时起,我意识到自己不适合成为Web开发人员。

“If I can’t tell my computer to simply capitalize every character in every word, how am I going to be able to build real applications that do far more than just that?” I thought.

“如果我不能告诉我的计算机简单地将每个单词中的每个字符都大写,那么我将如何构建真正的应用程序呢?” 我想。

Of course, I wasn’t going to give up that easy. I will never let the computer defeat me. I am a human — the same species that created this machine. If I want to command it to do something, I will find a way. I am its commander.

当然,我不会轻易放弃。 我永远不会让计算机打败我。 我是人类-与创造这台机器的物种相同。 如果我想命令它做某事,我会找到一种方法。 我是它的指挥官。

After many hours of googling, I managed to come up with some code that I typed myself, and I clicked the green “submit” button and it passed.


That’s when something special happened. I felt the rush of accomplishment that you only get when you spend hours trying to figure something out, then finally see that all the your tests have passed. This was literally one of the most satisfying moments of my life.

那是什么特别的事情发生了。 我感到只有在花几个小时试图弄清楚某些东西,然后终于看到所有的测试都通过了时,才有成就感。 从字面上看,这是我一生中最令人满意的时刻之一。

More satisfying than any moment in any game I have ever played. I was hooked. I wanted to complete each algorithm, because to me, each algorithm was a boss that I had to defeat, and every boss I defeated would earn me experience points that would level me up to a more skillful coder.

比我玩过的任何游戏都更满足。 我迷上了。 我完成每个算法,因为对我来说,每个算法都是我必须击败的老板,而我击败的每个老板都会为我赢得经验,这将使我成为一个更熟练的编码器。

I knew I was going to defeat each boss and become a better coder. What I didn’t know was that it was going to take me six grueling months.

知道我将击败每个老板,并成为一个更好的程序员。 我不知道的是,这将花我六个月的时间。

是的,我花了六个月才能完成所有算法。 但是我也确实完成了所有的前端项目,所以我想我并不太简陋。 (Yes, it took me six months to complete all the algorithms. But I did complete all the Front End Projects, too, so I guess I wasn’t too shabby.)

At this point, I had put in about 1,000 hours of work into FreeCodeCamp. My comprehension of JavaScript coding was far superior to when I initially started. I did find myself staring at my computer for very long hours and on many occasions I would see the sunrise.

至此,我已经为FreeCodeCamp投入了大约1000个小时的工作。 我对JavaScript编码的理解远胜于刚开始时。 我确实发现自己盯着电脑看了很长时间,在很多情况下我会看到日出。

I learned how to write algorithms that checked for correct formatting, manipulated sentences, deciphered codes, calculated a planet’s average altitude in its orbital period, built a fully functional calculator, and more. In only six months, I learned to do all these things.

我学会了如何编写算法,以检查格式是否正确,句子是否正确,解密的代码,计算行星在其轨道周期内的平均高度,如何构建功能全面的计算器等等。 在仅仅六个月的时间里,我学会了做所有这些事情。

I played around with Node, Express, and Angular, and researched the MEAN stack by peeking into sample projects. I began to understand how web applications were made. And that’s when I realized that Free Code Camp is the real deal.

我研究了Node,Express和Angular,并通过查看示例项目研究了MEAN堆栈。 我开始了解Web应用程序的制作方式。 那时我才意识到Free Code Camp是真正的交易。

It has been almost a year since I started working on Free Code Camp, and I still have not reached the nonprofit section that I’ve had my heart set on. But that doesn’t matter, because the skill jump I’ve made between when I first discovered Free Code Camp and now is astonishing. If Free Code Camp had been available when I was in high school, I can only imagine the level I would be at right now, or how far in I would be in terms of my career.

自从我开始从事Free Code Camp以来已经快一年了,但我还没有到达我心目中的非营利部门。 但这没关系,因为从我第一次发现Free Code Camp到现在,我获得了惊人的技能提升。 如果我上高中时就可以参加Free Code Camp,那么我只能想象我现在所处的水平,或者说我的职业生涯将走多远。

The most ridiculous thing about all of this is, of course, that Free Code Camp is free. They offer an amazing community, a full stack curriculum that constantly gets updated, and the opportunity to gain real work experience while helping nonprofits. They even have their own job postings section! I am skeptical that many tuition-charging coding bootcamps even offer as much content and opportunity as Free Code Camp does.

所有这一切最荒谬的事情是,免费代码营是免费的。 他们提供了一个了不起的社区,一整套不断更新的课程表,并有机会在帮助非营利组织的同时获得了真实的工作经验。 他们甚至有自己的职位发布区! 我对此感到怀疑的是,许多收费编码训练营甚至提供了与免费编码营一样多的内容和机会。

Finally, I would like to say that Free Code Camp is very hard. But that’s what makes it so great. It provides a realistic overview of what it takes to become a developer. Finish the curriculum, and you’ll be a developer. It’s simple. It’s hard. It’s real. All you have to do is keep going until every challenge on the map is checked off.

最后,我想说,免费代码训练营非常艰辛。 但这就是使它如此出色的原因。 它提供了成为开发人员所需的现实概述。 完成课程,您将成为一名开发人员。 这很简单。 这个很难(硬。 它是真实的。 您要做的就是继续前进,直到选中地图上的所有挑战为止。

I still have about 1,000 more hours to go because of their newly added content. But every hour translates into more skills that I can acquire, so I can become the developer that I strive to be.

由于它们的新添加内容,我还有大约1,000个小时的路程。 但是每个小时都会转化为我可以获得的更多技能,因此我可以成为我努力成为的开发人员。

It’s quite a long journey and I may fall off schedule or struggle, but I am enjoying every bit of it.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-wasted-2-years-of-my-life-trying-to-learn-web-development-prior-to-discovering-freecodecamp-916cbdcf8a1/

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