Blog World Expo 2010和Freebies(最终概述)

So if you have been updated with the blog, then you must have seen tons of articles that we posted covering Blog World Expo 2010 sessions. Well, this article is a personal overview of mine, Syed Balkhi. I had a blast at the event because I love networking. It was a great conference with a lot of talented people. I was glad that I got to meet few of them. I also got to meet some of my good friends including but not limited to:

因此,如果您已经更新了博客,那么您肯定已经看过我们发布的涵盖Blog World Expo 2010会议的大量文章。 好吧,本文是我的Syed Balkhi的个人概述。 我在活动中大吃一惊,因为我喜欢网络。 这次会议有很多有才华的人参加。 我很高兴见到其中几个人。 我还遇到了一些我的好朋友,包括但不限于:

John Chow, Darren Rowse, Zac Johnson, Calvin Lee (@mayhemstudios), Patrick O’ Keefe, Brad Williams, Jeremy Schoemaker, and other web celebrities like Brian Clark, Jim Kukral, Chris Garrett, Sonia Simone etc. Below are the pics of mine with some of the awesome folks.

John Chow,Darren Rowse,Zac Johnson,Calvin Lee(@mayhemstudios),Patrick O'Keefe,Brad Williams,Jeremy Schoemaker和其他网络名人,例如Br​​ian Clark,Jim Kukral,Chris Garrett,Sonia Simone等。我和一些很棒的人在一起。

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Well most people think that these conferences are just educational. I think that you can have a lot of fun as well. My entire goal for the conference was to network, and that goal was accomplished. But my buddy John Chow and I accomplished other stuff such as successful goodies hunting at the Expo Hall Floor.

好吧,大多数人认为这些会议只是教育性的。 我认为您也可以从中获得很多乐趣。 我参加会议的整个目标是建立人脉,而这个目标已经实现。 但是我的好友John Chow和我完成了其他工作,例如在Expo Hall地板上成功搜寻好东西。

Getting Free Stuff at Blog World

P.S. I am not a great photographer, so I stole John’s image from this post (I am certain he won’t mind).


The main things that you see there is a Seagate GoFlex HardDrive with the Networking Pack. This can let me have my own cloud storage, forget paying for DropBox. They are in stores in Walmart. John and I also got a Kodak camera, Artisteer bag, and other mini goodies. Let’s talk a little more about Seagate and how I got it. We had no intention of going to their booth, but thanks to Jeri Ann, whom I had met earlier via twitter. She chased me down and took me there. Good thing that she knew who I was because she didn’t even recognize John. It was like John who? and then she read his name tag. I wish I had recorded that moment. Nonetheless, thanks Jeri and Seagate for giving us the drive.

您看到的主要内容是带有Networking Pack的Seagate GoFlex HardDrive。 这可以让我拥有自己的云存储,而不必为DropBox付费。 他们在沃尔玛的商店里。 约翰和我还有柯达相机,Artisteer包和其他迷你小东西。 让我们再谈一些有关希捷以及我是如何得到的。 我们无意去他们的展位,但要感谢我早些时候通过Twitter认识的Jeri Ann 。 她追我下来,带我去那里。 她知道我是谁的好事,因为她甚至都不认识约翰。 就像约翰是谁? 然后她读了他的名字标签。 我希望我已经记录了这一刻。 尽管如此,还是感谢Jeri和Seagate给我们带来动力。

It was a great conference, and we would be there again next year. Lastly, I want to thank my awesome sponsors for making this trip possible.

这是一次伟大的会议,明年我们将再次相聚。 最后,我要感谢我的杰出赞助者使这次旅行成为可能。

赞助商 (Sponsors)


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BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。


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ContactMe是组织和发展业务/博客的最简单方法。 您可以创建联系表格,并利用他们提供的所有工具来保持与所有潜在客户的最新联系,并有可能将其转换为客户。

Aviva Web Directory

Aviva Web Directory

Aviva Web目录

Aviva Web Directory is one of the most prestigious web directories on the world wide web. It has been on the web since 2005 and has thousands of websites listed in it. Jeff was kind enough to be one of our daily sponsors. He is also giving $25 off on any listing price if you use the coupon “wpbeginner”. Get your site listed in their for SEO benefits.

Aviva Web Directory是万维网上最负盛名的Web目录之一。 自2005年以来它一直在网络上,并且其中列出了数千个网站。 杰夫很友善,可以成为我们的日常赞助商之一。 如果您使用优惠券“ wpbeginner”,他还将在任何挂牌价上提供$ 25的折扣。 将您的网站列在他们的SEO权益中。

Headway Themes

Headway Themes


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进展远不只是WordPress主题。 它是一个由自己动手和开发人员通过简单的拖放创建网站的系统。 您只需单击,拖放即可在短短几分钟内创建自己的自定义WordPress主题。 它是WordPress主题最受欢迎的框架之一。 Grant非常友好,可以为WPBeginner用户提供20%的优惠券。 只需使用优惠券“ wpbeginner ”。

StudioPress Themes

StudioPress WordPress Themes

StudioPress WordPress主题

Formerly known as the famous Revolution Themes, StudioPress has always strived for excellence and produced high quality themes. It is one of the most popular theme provider.

StudioPress以前被称为著名的Revolution Themes,它一直追求卓越并制作高质量的主题。 它是最受欢迎的主题提供程序之一。






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