
Every WordPress installation comes with two plugins pre-installed. One of them is Akismet, which is definitely in our list of must have WordPress plugins. Even though Akismet comes pre-installed, it is not activated by default. You will have to take some extra steps to activate it. In this article, we will explain what is Akismet and why you should start using it right away. We will also show you how to setup Akismet on your WordPress site.

每个WordPress安装都预装了两个插件。 Akismet就是其中之一,它肯定在我们的必备WordPress插件列表中。 即使预先安装了Akismet,默认情况下也不会激活它。 您将不得不采取一些额外的步骤来激活它。 在本文中,我们将解释什么是Akismet以及为什么您应该立即开始使用它。 我们还将向您展示如何在WordPress网站上设置Akismet。

什么是Akismet? (What is Akismet?)

Akismet is a comment spam filtering service. The name Akismet comes from Automattic and Kismet. Auttomatic is the company behind Akismet, and it was founded by the WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg. Akismet catches blog comment and pingback spam using their algorithms. This algorithm learns from its mistakes and from the actions taken by participating websites. For example, when a number of websites start reporting similar looking content as spam, then Akismet will learn to identify that kind of content as SPAM in the future. As of June 14, 2013, Akismet has caught more than 83 Billion spam comments.

Akismet是评论垃圾邮件过滤服务。 Akismet这个名字来自Automattic和Kismet。 Auttomatic是Akismet背后的公司,由WordPress联合创始人Matt Mullenweg创立。 Akismet使用其算法捕获博客评论和pingback垃圾邮件。 该算法从错误和参与网站采取的行动中学习。 例如,当许多网站开始报告外观类似垃圾邮件的内容时,Akismet将在将来学习将这类内容识别为垃圾邮件。 截至2013年6月14日,Akismet已捕获了超过830亿条垃圾邮件评论。

为什么要使用Akismet? (Why you should use Akismet?)

On popular websites, the amount of spam comments could get as high as 85%. This means out of every 100 comments only 15 are legitimate. Comment moderation is a time consuming task, and Akismet can save you hours. Akismet will catch spam comments before it lands in your moderation queue as pending. This allows you to focus your energy on moderating comments by real users.

在受欢迎的网站上,垃圾邮件评论的数量可能高达85%。 这意味着每100条评论中只有15条是合法的。 评论审核是一项耗时的任务,Akismet可以为您节省时间。 Akismet将在垃圾邮件评论进入待审核队列之前将其捕获。 这使您可以将精力集中在审核实际用户的评论上。

Criticism by Users


In the past users have criticized Akismet for giving false positives. False positives are legitimate comments that gets marked as spam by Akismet. This can happen for variety of reasons. One of the most common reason is if a user’s comment is marked as spam by a number of blogs, then Akismet would learn to mark all comments by that user as spam. Like any other automated platform, Akismet is not perfect, but it is the best there is.

过去,用户批评Akismet提供了误报。 误报是由Akismet标记为垃圾邮件的合法评论。 发生这种情况可能有多种原因。 最常见的原因之一是,如果许多博客将用户的评论标记为垃圾邮件,那么Akismet将学会将该用户的所有评论标记为垃圾邮件。 像任何其他自动化平台一样,Akismet并不是完美的,但它是最好的。

How to Know if your Comment was Detected as Spam


If your comment was marked as spam by Akismet, then you will not see the Awaiting Moderation notice like you normally would. If you submit a comment on a site, and you do not see your comment text along with a notice saying awaiting moderation, then you should immediately contact the site administrator. They can help pull your comment out of the spam box, and overtime Akismet will learn from its mistakes.

如果您的评论被Akismet标记为垃圾邮件,那么您将不会像通常那样看到“等待审核”通知。 如果您在网站上提交评论,但看不到评论文本以及等待审核的通知,则应立即与网站管理员联系。 他们可以帮助您从垃圾邮件箱中删除您的评论,超时的Akismet将从错误中吸取教训。

如何在WordPress中设置Akismet (How to Set up Akismet in WordPress)

First thing you need to do is go to Plugins and activate Akismet.


Activate Akismet in WordPress

Upon activation, Akismet adds a new menu item at Plugins » Akismet Configuration. Clicking on Akismet Configuration will take you to Akismet Configuration screen. On this page, you will be asked to enter your Akismet API Key. Leave this page open and open a new browser window. We will come back to this page after creating an API key for Akismet.

激活后,Akismet将在“ 插件”»“ Akismet配置”中添加一个新菜单项。 单击“ Akismet配置”将带您进入“ Akismet配置”屏幕。 在此页面上,将要求您输入Akismet API密钥。 保持此页面打开并打开新的浏览器窗口。 为Akismet创建API密钥后,我们将返回此页面。

如何获取Akismet的API密钥 (How to Get API Key for Akismet)

In order to set up Akismet on your website, you need an API Key. Go to Akismet website and click on Get a WordPress Key Button.

为了在您的网站上设置Akismet,您需要一个API密钥。 转到Akismet网站,然后单击“ 获取WordPress密钥按钮”。

Get an Akismet Key for your WordPress website

This will take you to Akismet plans and pricing page. Akismet is free for non-business and personal sites. For business websites, there are different plans and packages available. Choose an option that best suits you. The pricing is setup on honor system, so theoretically you can get away by using a personal plan on a low traffic site. No matter which plan you choose the remaining steps will be similar. Click on the Sign up button to proceed.

这将带您到Akismet计划和定价页面。 Akismet对于非商业和个人网站是免费的。 对于商业网站,有不同的计划和软件包可用。 选择最适合您的选项。 定价是在荣誉系统上设置的,因此从理论上讲,您可以在人流量少的网站上使用个人计划来逃避。 无论您选择哪种计划,其余步骤都将相似。 单击注册按钮继续。

Choose an Akismet Subscription plan for your website

Clicking on the sign up will bring you to the next screen where you will be asked to sign up with WordPress.com. WordPress.com is a blog hosting service by Automattic, the same company that brings you Akismet. However, WordPress.com is not the same as your WordPress.org self hosted website. For more information, check out Self Hosted WordPress.org vs. Free WordPress.com [Infograph] and How are WordPress.com and WordPress.org Related. You can create a WordPress.com account without creating a blog. Click on Sign up with WordPress.com button to continue. This will open a pop up window with a simple sign up form.

单击注册将带您进入下一个屏幕,在该屏幕上将要求您使用WordPress.com进行注册。 WordPress.com是Automattic的博客托管服务,该公司为您带来了Akismet。 但是,WordPress.com与您的WordPress.org自托管网站不同。 有关更多信息,请查看Self Hosted WordPress.org与免费WordPress.com [Infograph]以及WordPress.com和WordPress.org之间的关系 。 您可以创建WordPress.com帐户,而无需创建博客。 单击“使用WordPress.com注册”按钮继续。 这将打开一个带有简单注册表单的弹出窗口。

Akismet sign up with WordPress.com Account

If you already have a WordPress.com account, then you can click on the link I already have a WordPress.com account. If you don’t have a WordPress.com account, then simply fill out the details and create one.

如果您已经拥有WordPress.com帐户,则可以单击链接我已经拥有WordPress.com帐户。 如果您没有WordPress.com帐户,则只需填写详细信息并创建一个即可。

Once the authentication with WordPress.com is complete, you will be taken back to the Akismet website. There you will be asked to provide some user details along with the payment information. If you picked the free plan, then simply drag the price amount to $0.

完成WordPress.com的身份验证后,您将被带回Akismet网站。 在那里,您将被要求提供一些用户详细信息以及付款信息。 如果您选择了免费计划,则只需将价格金额拖至$ 0。

Akismet signup and payment page

Click the continue button and you’ll be taken to the screen that shows your API key. You will also receive an email from Akismet containing your API Key.

点击继续按钮,您将进入显示API密钥的屏幕。 您还将收到来自Akismet的包含API密钥的电子邮件。

Copy your Akismet API Key

Remember, an API key is like a password. Do not share it with anyone. In case you lose or forget your API key, you can always visit Akismet.com and click on the sign in button to access your account page. After signing in you will see your Akismet API key hidden. Click on Reveal link to display your API key.

请记住,API密钥就像密码。 不要与任何人共享。 如果您丢失或忘记了API密钥,可以随时访问Akismet.com并单击登录按钮以访问您的帐户页面。 登录后,您将看到隐藏的Akismet API密钥。 单击“显示”链接以显示您的API密钥。

Get your Akismet API Key anytime from your Akismet Account page
在WordPress中使用Akismet API密钥 (Using Akismet API Key in WordPress)

Copy your Akismet API key and go back to your WordPress website’s admin area. Go to Plugins » Akismet Configuration and paste the API key. Rest of the options on this screen are optional. Once you click on Update Options button, Akismet will now verify your key and show you a success message:

复制您的Akismet API密钥,然后返回到WordPress网站的管理区域。 转到插件»Akismet配置,然后粘贴API密钥。 该屏幕上的其余选项是可选的。 单击更新选项按钮后,Akismet现在将验证您的密钥并显示一条成功消息:

Akismet all set up and ready to catch spam
在网站的后端和前端显示Akismet统计信息 (Showing Akismet Stats on Back and Front-end of your Site)

After logging in to your WordPress website, you will see an overview of Akismet Stats. It will show you the number of Spam comments caught by Akismet, and how many of them are in your spam queue right now. It is highly recommended that you take a look at your spam queue every once in a while so that you don’t miss a legitimate comment getting deleted by mistake.

登录到WordPress网站后,您将看到Akismet Stats的概述。 它会向您显示Akismet捕获的垃圾邮件评论的数量,以及当前在您的垃圾邮件队列中的评论数量。 强烈建议您不时查看一下垃圾邮件队列,以免遗漏被误删除的合法评论。

Akismat stats overview on WordPress admin dashboard

There is a detailed view of Akismat stats available under Dashboard » Akismat Stats menu item. Clicking on it will show you detailed statistics of spam and ham comments on your website. You can also see the number of spam comments caught by Akismet since you activated it.

仪表板»Akismat Stats菜单项下可以找到Akismat Stats的详细视图。 单击它会向您显示您网站上垃圾邮件和火腿评论的详细统计信息。 您还可以查看自激活以来Akismet捕获的垃圾邮件评论数。

Detailed Akismet Stats for Ham and Spam comments on your website

If you want to display the number of spam comments Akismet has caught on your website, then you can use the Akismet Widget. Go to Appearance » Widgets, drag and drop Akismet Widget to your sidebar.

如果要显示Akismet在您的网站上捕获的垃圾评论的数量,则可以使用Akismet窗口小部件。 转到外观»窗口小部件 ,将Akismet 窗口小部件拖放到侧边栏中。

Akismet widget to display the number of spam comments caught by the plugin

We hope this article helped you set up Akismet on your website, get an Akismet API Key and learn why Akismet is important. Spam comments is a big issue faced by many WordPress sites. As your site grow, you will find that you need other options to work along side with Akismet to reduce the amount of spam. For example, you can block spam comment bots in WordPress with honeypot. Since most spammers want to leave spam links on your website, you can remove website URL field from WordPress comment form like we do. We have also compiled a list of tips and tools to combat comment spam in WordPress. For questions and feedback please leave a comment below.

我们希望本文能帮助您在网站上设置Akismet,获取Akismet API密钥并了解Akismet为什么如此重要。 垃圾邮件评论是许多WordPress网站面临的一个大问题。 随着站点的增长,您会发现需要与Akismet一起使用的其他选项,以减少垃圾邮件的数量。 例如,您可以使用honeypot阻止WordPress中的垃圾邮件评论bot。 由于大多数垃圾邮件发送者都希望在您的网站上保留垃圾邮件链接,因此您可以像我们一样从WordPress评论表单中删除网站URL字段 。 我们还整理了一些技巧和工具列表, 以打击 WordPress中的垃圾评论 。 对于问题和反馈,请在下面留下评论。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/akismet-101-guide-for-all-wordpress-users/

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