

One of the questions we often get asked from readers is: how do I get additional links to appear under my site’s search results in Google?


Sometimes when you search for a company name in Google (like “wpbeginner”), you may notice that the search listing is larger than others because it contains sitelinks to other important pages from the website.

有时,当您在Google中搜索公司名称时(例如“ wpbeginner”),您可能会注意到搜索列表比其他列表大,因为它包含指向该网站其他重要页面的站点链接。

These sitelinks in Google helps your brand stand out and get more exposure. In this article, we will share how you can get Google sitelinks for your WordPress site.

Google中的这些附加链接可帮助您的品牌脱颖而出并获得更多的曝光率。 在本文中,我们将分享如何获取WordPress网站的Google网站链接。

How to Get Google Sitelinks in WordPress

Since this is a comprehensive guide on adding Google sitelinks, we have created a table of content for easy browsing:


Google sitelinks are additional sub-pages that appear under the first site in search engine ranking results (SERPs). These are often internal links to the most popular pages of that website. Google sitelinks are often shown when you search for a specific brand keyword because they help the user easily navigate around the website.

Google附加链接是出现在搜索引擎排名结果(SERP)中第一个网站下方的其他子页面。 这些通常是指向该网站最受欢迎页面的内部链接。 当您搜索特定的品牌关键字时,通常会显示Google网站链接,因为它们可以帮助用户轻松浏览网站。

The exact number of Google sitelinks may vary for each website. A typical brand name search in Google can contain two, four, or six sitelinks displayed underneath the website name.

每个网站的Google网站链接的确切数量可能会有所不同。 在Google中,典型的品牌名称搜索可以在网站名称下方显示两个,四个或六个网站链接。

Here’s an example of what a Google sitelink looks like:


What are Google Sitelinks?

Google sitelinks are chosen by their algorithm to provide the best user experience because it allows users to head directly to the top pages without extra clicks.


If your website is brand new or does not get a lot of traffic, then Google may not display any sitelinks for your keyword.


Don’t worry, we’ll share some tips on how to influence Google sitelinks for your website. But before we do, let’s talk about why Google sitelinks are important.

不用担心,我们将分享一些有关如何影响您网站的Google网站链接的提示。 但是在我们这样做之前,让我们先谈谈为什么Google附加链接很重要。

Google sitelinks are coveted by business owners and SEO professionals because they help your brand stand out. Here are the top 5 reasons why Google sitelinks are important.

企业主和SEO专家垂涎Google附加链接,因为它们可以帮助您的品牌脱颖而出。 以下是Google附加链接如此重要的5大原因。

1. Google Sitelinks Improve Your Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

1. Google附加链接可提高点击率(CTR)

Studies show that the top 3 spots in Google get the most clicks. When sitelinks are shown for a specific brand, it takes up the same amount of space as three regular search listings.

研究表明,Google中排名前3位的点击次数最多。 当显示特定品牌的附加链接时,它占用的空间与三个常规搜索列表相同。

This significantly increases your overall click-through rate. Simply put, more visitors will visit your website from the keyword.

这样可以大大提高您的总体点击率。 简而言之,更多的访问者将从关键字访问您的网站。

Google Search Click-Through-Rate by Position

2. Google Sitelinks Help Build Trust and Credibility

2. Google附加链接可帮助建立信任和信誉

As we mentioned earlier, Google Sitelinks are not shown for all websites. When Google display sitelinks for a brand, it means that a website is popular, well-optimized, and/or that Google believes the results are useful for the visitor.

正如我们前面提到的,并非所有网站都显示Google网站链接。 当Google显示某个品牌的网站链接时,表示该网站很受欢迎,经过了优化和/或Google认为搜索结果对访问者有用。

Google sitelinks take up a lot of screen space (a.k.a digital real-estate). This tells the user that Google believes the #1 result is a lot more relevant than others on the page.

Google附加链接占用了大量的屏幕空间(又称数字房地产)。 这告诉用户Google认为排名第一的结果比页面上的其他结果更为相关。

Google Sitelinks Above the Fold (Digital Real Estate)

On mobile, the same sitelinks take even more screen space, further highlighting the brands credibility.


3. Google Sitelinks Can Increase Product Awareness

3. Google附加链接可以提高产品知名度

Google sitelinks highlight the most important pages on the website. This is based on what Google’s algorithm believes to be the most relevant to the user’s search intent.

Google网站链接突出显示了网站上最重要的页面。 这是基于Google认为与用户搜索意图最相关的算法。

For a company like OptinMonster, this works out great because it lets new users quickly become aware of their product, features, pricing, and even blog content.

对于像OptinMonster这样的公司来说 ,这非常有效,因为它可以使新用户Swift了解他们的产品,功能,价格,甚至博客内容。

Google Sitelinks Key Product Pages

A new user may not know that the OptinMonster blog has the best conversion optimization tips, but because of Google sitelinks they’re more likely to check it out.

新用户可能不知道OptinMonster博客具有最佳的转换优化技巧 ,但是由于Google站点链接,他们更有可能将其检出。

For an eCommerce website or online store, Google sitelinks may even show more personalized results to help users quickly discover and purchase available products.

对于电子商务网站或在线商店 ,Google网站链接甚至可以显示更具个性化的结果,以帮助用户快速发现和购买可用产品。

For example, when we search for Apple, Google sitelinks are personalized to not only show the top Apple products but also the closest physical Apple stores.


Google Sitelinks Personalized Results

This lets us easily discover Apple’s top products, and even have one-click access to the stores, hours, and directions. This is extremely helpful and makes it much more likely for the user to make a purchase.

这使我们可以轻松发现Apple的顶级产品,甚至可以一键式访问商店,营业时间和路线。 这非常有帮助,使用户更有可能进行购买。

4. Google Sitelinks Allow Users to Discover Top Pages

4. Google附加链接允许用户发现首页

Google sitelinks can also act as a great “Start Here” point for websites with a lot of content. This makes it easier for users to discover the top pages on your website.

对于包含大量内容的网站,Google网站链接也可以作为“从这里开始”的绝佳起点。 这使用户更容易发现您网站上的首页。

For example, if a new user searches for WPBeginner, they will see our most popular (and most helpful) content first such as our Start Here page, our guide on How to Start a Blog, How to Make a Website, our 200+ WordPress tutorials category, our WordPress Beginner’s Guide category, and of course our popular WordPress blog.

例如,如果新用户搜索WPBeginner,他们将首先看到我们最受欢迎(且最有用)的内容,例如我们的“ 从这里开始”页面 ,关于如何创建博客的指南, 如何建立网站 ,我们的200多个WordPress教程类别,我们的WordPress入门指南类别,当然还有我们流行的WordPress博客

WPBeginner Google Sitelinks

5. Google Sitelinks Search Lets Users Browse Deeper Pages

5. Google网站链接搜索可让用户浏览更深的页面

For some websites, Google sitelinks may be accompanied by a dedicated site-specific search box. This Google sitelinks search box allow users to search within the specific website directly from Google.

对于某些网站,Google网站链接可能会附带一个专门针对特定网站的搜索框。 这个Google网站连结搜寻框可让使用者直接从Google搜寻特定网站。

This is an extremely powerful feature, so Google only adds it for websites with a lot of content because they believe that including a search box will be the most useful for the user.


Google Sitelink search box only appears with sites that contain a lot of content like WPBeginner, YouTube, Wikipedia, etc.

Google Sitelink搜索框仅与包含很多内容的网站一起出现,例如WPBeginner,YouTube,Wikipedia等。

What are Google Sitelinks?

Now that you know the importance of Google sitelinks, let’s take a look at how you can add Google sitelinks to your website.


There’s no guaranteed way to get Google Sitelinks for your website. Unlike other SEO features, there’s no button that you can click in Google Search Console to enable sitelinks for your WordPress site.

无法保证为您的网站获取Google网站链接。 与其他SEO功能不同,您无法在Google Search Console中单击任何按钮来启用WordPress网站的站点链接。

Google sitelinks are automated, and they are displayed entirely based on Google’s algorithm. However you can follow certain SEO best practices to significantly improve your chances of getting Google sitelinks for your website.

Google附加链接是自动化的,并且完全基于Google的算法进行显示。 但是,您可以遵循某些SEO最佳做法,以大大提高获取网站Google附加链接的机会。

Let’s take a look at the 8 best practices to get sitelinks for your website.


1. Your Website Name Must be Unique


Google sitelinks are primarily displayed on brand specific search queries, and they’re only added for the site that ranks #1 for that search results.


If you have a generic brand name like “Global HR Expert Consulting”, then you will likely struggle to rank at the top. Even if you get to position #1, Google still has a hard time deciding if the user is really searching for your company or the general topic.

如果您有一个通用的品牌名称,例如“ Global HR Expert Consulting”,那么您可能很难排在首位。 即使您排名第一,Google仍然很难决定用户是否在真正地搜索您的公司或一般主题。

This is why generic brand names don’t have sitelinks:


No Google Sitelinks for Generic Brands

Unless of course your brand becomes a household name like Apple, in which case Google knows the search intent is for people interested in the tech company, Apple, and not the fruit.


Since most companies will not have the marketing budget like Apple to become a worldwide brand, its better to select a more unique name for your company like WPBeginner, OptinMonster, etc.


Now if you already have an established brand, we definitely don’t recommend changing it just to get sitelinks because this is a very complicated task, and it has its own risks. For more details, see our guide on: how to move your site to a new domain.

现在,如果您已经拥有一个知名品牌,我们绝对不建议您仅仅为了获得站点链接而对其进行更改,因为这是一项非常复杂的任务,并且有其自身的风险。 有关更多详细信息,请参见我们的指南: 如何将您的网站移至新域

2. Rank at Position #1 for Your Brand Name


As we mentioned earlier, Google sitelinks are only assigned to the first search result, so you need to work on ranking #1 for your brand term.


This can take some time for a new company, but with enough promotion you can get there.


For example, our new website, WP Mail SMTP, doesn’t rank #1 for its keyword, so we don’t have Google sitelinks yet.

例如,我们的新网站WP Mail SMTP的关键字排名并未排名第一,因此我们还没有Google站点链接。

Whereas our other new website, RafflePress ranks #1, so it has Google sitelinks.


RafflePress Site Link Example

To improve your website’s ranking, you need to follow our WordPress SEO guide and implement the best practices. You also need to do keyword research and write quality blog posts that are optimized for SEO. After that, you need get backlinks to your site.

要提高您网站的排名,您需要遵循我们的WordPress SEO指南并实施最佳做法。 您还需要进行关键字研究并撰写针对SEO优化的高质量博客文章。 在那之后,您需要获得反向链接到您的站点。

3. Use Proper Structured Data for SEO


Search engines use automated bots to crawl and index your website. These search engine bots look for structured data to better understand what is the website and the specific page is about.

搜索引擎使用自动漫游器对您的网站进行爬网和编制索引。 这些搜索引擎机器人会寻找结构化数据,以更好地了解网站和特定页面的含义。

Structured data can help improve your chances of getting a Google sitelink, featured snippet, and even appear in the answers box.


You can set this up by using a WordPress SEO plugin like Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, or another similar plugin that lets you add meta data and other schema elements.

您可以使用WordPress SEO插件(例如Yoast SEO,All in One SEO)或另一个类似的插件(可让您添加元数据和其他架构元素)进行设置。

Again like with anything else, Schema markups or Structured Data doesn’t guarantee that Google will add sitelinks, but it definitely improves your chances.


4. Have Clear Website Structure and Navigation


As a website owner, it is your job to make sure that Google and other search engines can easily find their way around your website.


You can do this by organizing your top pages in well-thought out hierarchical dropdown WordPress menus.


You can add breadcrumb navigation on your website to make it easy for users and search engines to see the site structure.

您可以在网站上添加面包屑导航 ,以使用户和搜索引擎可以轻松查看网站结构。

You also need to make sure that you have the important website pages like About, Pricing, Contact, etc created and linked from various areas of your website.


5. Create a Sitemap and Add Your Site to Google Search Console

5.创建站点地图并将您的站点添加到Google Search Console

Google and other search engines rely on XML sitemaps to properly discover and index all pages from your website.


You need to create an XML sitemap, and then submit it to Google search console.

您需要创建一个XML网站地图 ,然后将其提交给Google Search Console。

This will make it easier for Google to discover all the pages on your site, and it can also help increase your chances of getting a Google sitelink.


6. Make Internal Linking a Habit


Internal linking is one of the most important part of on-page SEO. You need to make sure that you’re frequently linking to your top internal pages on your website.

内部链接是页面SEO的最重要部分之一。 您需要确保经常链接到网站上的顶部内部页面。

Since Google uses backlinks as a ranking signal, internal linking helps Google see which pages are the most important on your site.


You can see how we have linked to various of our internal website content from this article.


7. Improve Page Titles and Make them Relevant


Page titles are probably the most important on-page SEO element. You need to make sure that your page title is relevant to the keyword you’re trying to rank for.

页面标题可能是最重要的页面SEO元素。 您需要确保页面标题与您要为其排名的关键字相关。

Google uses page titles to generate the sitelinks, so you need to make sure that your page titles are relevant.


TrustPulse team has done a great job with their page titles:


Google Sitelinks Generated from Page Title

You can define the post or page title inside your WordPress SEO plugin settings for that respective page.

您可以在相应页面的WordPress SEO插件设置内定义帖子或页面标题。

8. Increase Your Brand Awareness


As we mentioned earlier, that Google sitelinks are typically shown for established websites.


You don’t have to be a big brand like Apple or WPBeginner, but you need to raise enough awareness for Google to notice you.


Your website’s authority and presence online plays an important factor in Google’s ranking algorithm.


Here are few things you can do to boost your brand awareness:


  • social media profiles for your brand and make sure they link to you社交媒体资料 ,并确保它们链接到您
  • positive business reviews about your brand on Facebook, Yelp, Google, and other review aggregators.正面商业评论
  • Guest blog on popular industry websites

  • Participate in community discussions and/or give interviews

  • Do press releases and reach out to news outlets to cover your brand


Brand awareness helps increase the number of brand search which is an indicator Google uses to determine if Sitelinks should be added for that particular term.


Just like Google sitelinks, the search box with sitelinks is also added based on Google’s discretion. The Google sitelinks search box is typically dedicated to websites with a large number of content such as WPBeginner, Wikipedia, YouTube etc.

与Google附加链接一样,带有附加链接的搜索框也是根据Google的判断而添加的。 Google站点链接搜索框通常专用于包含大量内容的网站,例如WPBeginner,Wikipedia,YouTube等。

What are Google Sitelinks?

With that said, you can add some code snippets on your website to encourage Google to display a site search box along with your Google sitelinks.


If you’re using the Yoast SEO plugin, then it adds the JSON+LD markup for site search automatically.

如果您使用的是Yoast SEO插件 ,那么它将添加JSON + LD标记以自动进行网站搜索。

If you’re not, then you can use the Sitelinks Search Box plugin to add the relevant JSON LD schema markup.

如果不是这样,则可以使用附加链接搜索框插件添加相关的JSON LD模式标记。

有关Google附加链接的常见问题 (Frequently Asked Questions about Google Sitelinks)

In our Facebook Group and support channels, we have received many questions related to Google sitelinks. Below are the top ones.

在我们的Facebook组和支持渠道中,我们收到了许多与Google网站链接有关的问题。 以下是最热门的。

How do I remove sitelinks from Google?


In the past, Google allowed webmasters to “demote” sitelinks from the Google search console. However that option was removed to simplify things. The only way to remove a specific page from Google sitelinks is to either delete the page or set it to noindex. There’s no way to disable Google sitelinks once they’re added unless you de-index your entire website which is not recommended.

过去,Google允许网站管理员从Google搜索控制台“删除”网站链接。 但是,为了简化起见,删除了该选项。 从Google网站链接中删除特定页面的唯一方法是删除页面或将其设置为noindex。 一旦添加了Google网站链接,就无法禁用它,除非您对整个网站取消索引(不建议这样做)。

How do I change Sitelinks in Google?


There is no way to change Sitelinks in Google. The Google algorithm automatically selects the relevant pages on your site and add it to the sitelink. You can customize the page titles, but it’s entirely up to Google as to what text they display. There’s no way to edit the text on Google sitelinks since it’s automated.

无法在Google中更改附加链接。 Google算法会自动选择您网站上的相关网页,并将其添加到附加链接中。 您可以自定义页面标题,但显示的文字完全取决于Google。 由于它是自动的,因此无法在Google附加链接上编辑文字。

Can I pay to get Google sitelinks?


Sometimes beginners can confuse Google sitelinks with the Google Adwords Sitelink extension. When you’re paying for ads, Google lets you use the sitelink extension to add additional sublinks as part of your ad. This does not influence the Google sitelinks on your organic listing.

有时,初学者可能会将Google附加链接与Google Adwords附加链接相混淆。 在为广告付款时,Google允许您使用附加链接来添加其他子链接作为广告的一部分。 这不会影响您的自然列表中的Google网站链接。

We hope this article helped you learn how to get Google sitelinks for your WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on how to increase your blog traffic and how to monetize your blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何为WordPress网站获取Google网站链接。 您可能还希望查看有关如何增加博客流量以及如何通过博客获利的指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-get-google-sitelinks-for-your-wordpress-site/






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