

Are you looking for the best affiliate marketing tools and plugins?


Affiliate marketing is a smart way to make money online by promoting products and services that you like and use. When your users make a purchase with your tracking link, then you earn a commission (it’s a win win).

联盟营销是通过宣传您喜欢和使用的产品和服务来在线赚钱的明智方法。 当您的用户通过您的跟踪链接进行购买时,您将获得佣金(双赢)。

In this article, we’ll share our handpicked list of the best affiliate marketing tools and plugins for WordPress.


Best Affiliate Marketing Tools and Plugins for WordPress
最佳会员营销工具和插件 (Best Affiliate Marketing Tools and Plugins)

WordPress is the most popular website builder among affiliate marketers and bloggers. Mainly because it gives you access to the best plugins and tools to promote your partners while bringing more traffic to your website.

WordPress是会员营销人员和博客作者中最受欢迎的网站构建器 。 主要是因为它使您可以使用最好的插件和工具来促进您的合作伙伴,同时为您的网站带来更多流量

However since there are so many WordPress plugins available, often beginners get confused about which plugins and tools they should use?


That’s why we did the research for you … and for us because we also monetize our website partially through affiliate marketing.


In our experience, you’ll need tools that help you do the following:


  • Easily add affiliate links to your articles

  • Manage and save affiliate links inside WordPress

  • Create shareable affiliate links for social media and podcasts

  • Grow your audience and build a loyal following

  • Track the performance of your best affiliate campaigns


That being said, let’s take a look at the best affiliate marketing tools and plugins that help you grow your business.


影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you’d prefer written instructions, just keep reading.


1.漂亮的链接 (1. Pretty Links)

Pretty Links

Pretty Links is a popular affiliate link management plugin for WordPress trusted by over 200,000 websites.

Pretty Links是一个受欢迎的WordPress会员链接管理插件,受到超过200,000个网站的信任。

It allows you to easily add links to your WordPress posts, create short and memorable affiliate URLs for podcasts / social media, cloak affiliate links, and more.


You can also enable auto-linking feature to automatically add affiliate links for certain keywords. The plugin allows you to set up redirects which comes in handy if an affiliate link is returning a 404 error.

您还可以启用自动链接功能,以自动添加某些关键字的会员链接。 该插件允许您设置重定向,如果会员链接返回404错误 ,该重定向将非常有用。

Pretty Links shows detailed link reports in your WordPress admin dashboard. This allows you to see which affiliate links are doing better on your website.

Pretty Links在WordPress管理控制台中显示详细的链接报告。 这使您可以查看哪些联属会员链接在您的网站上效果更好。

2.渴会员 (2. ThirstyAffiliates)


ThirstyAffiliates is another powerful affiliate link management tool for WordPress. It allows you to manage your affiliate links within the WordPress admin dashboard easily.

ThirstyAffiliates是另一个强大的WordPress会员链接管理工具。 它使您可以轻松地在WordPress管理信息中心内管理您的会员链接。

You can quickly insert links into posts, cloak links, auto-insert affiliate links, and even see how each link is performing on your site. You can also sort your links into categories, which makes it easier to organize your affiliate partners.

您可以快速将链接插入帖子,伪装链接,自动插入会员链接,甚至查看每个链接在您网站上的效果。 您还可以按类别对链接进行排序,这使组织联盟伙伴变得更加容易。

The reason why the top two spots in our list are taken by link management plugins is because it’s that important. You need to choose either Pretty Links or Thirsty Affiliates.

之所以将我们列表中的前两位排在链接管理插件之列,是因为它是如此重要。 您需要选择“漂亮链接”或“渴会员”。

3. MonsterInsights (3. MonsterInsights)


As a smart affiliate marketer, you need to know which articles are getting more traffic, where are users coming from, and what are they doing while viewing your website.


This is where MonsterInsights comes in. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress (trusted by 2 million websites). It shows you actionable insights and web analytics reports within your WordPress dashboard.

这就是MonsterInsights出现的地方。它是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件(受到200万个网站的信任)。 它向您显示WordPress仪表板中的可行见解和Web分析报告。

MonsterInsights makes it super easy to automatically track your affiliate links. It comes with a link tracking feature that helps monitor URL clicks, banner ads, and other outbound links. You can combine this with page insights and other reports to get a more comprehensive analysis.

MonsterInsights使自动跟踪您的会员链接变得非常容易。 它具有链接跟踪功能,可帮助监视URL单击,横幅广告和其他出站链接。 您可以将其与页面见解和其他报告结合起来以获得更全面的分析。

MonsterInsights is user-friendly and easy to set up. For detailed instructions, see our beginner’s guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

MonsterInsights易于使用且易于设置。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)的初学者指南。

4. RafflePress (4. RafflePress)


RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway plugin on the market. It allows you to create viral giveaways and contests on your website, which helps you quickly get a lot of traffic.

RafflePress是市场上最好的WordPress赠品插件 。 它使您可以在网站上创建病毒赠品和竞赛,从而帮助您快速获得大量流量。

It comes with a drag and drop giveaway builder to create engaging highly engaging giveaway campaigns. This helps you run campaigns promoting specific affiliate products, run seasonal campaigns, or grow your email list.

它带有拖放式赠品构建器,可用于创建引人入胜的极具吸引力的赠品活动。 这可以帮助您开展推广特定联属网络营销产品的活动,开展季节性活动或扩大电子邮件列表

For more details see our complete RafflePress review or head over to step by step instructions and run your first giveaway or contest in WordPress.


5.持续接触 (5. Constant Contact)

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is the best email marketing service on the internet. It allows you to stay in touch with your website visitors even after they leave your website.

持续联系是互联网上最好的电子邮件营销服务 。 它使您即使在网站访问者离开您的网站后也能与他们保持联系。

You can easily create an email newsletter, run email campaigns, and grow your subscribers with their platform.

您可以轻松地创建电子邮件时事通讯 ,运行电子邮件活动并通过其平台扩大用户数量。

You can create beautiful email campaigns in seconds by using its drag and drop email builder with tons of templates. You can promote your affiliate partners via your newsletter which opens up another channel to grow your affiliate earnings outside of your website.

通过使用带有大量模板的拖放式电子邮件构建器,您可以在几秒钟内创建精美的电子邮件活动。 您可以通过时事通讯提升您的会员合作伙伴,该通讯打开了另一个渠道,可以在您的网站之外增加会员的收入。

Constant Contact provides detailed stats on how your campaigns are doing, and you can run A/B test to see what format your users find more engaging.

持续联系提供了有关广告系列效果的详细统计信息,您可以运行A / B测试以查看用户发现哪种格式更具吸引力。

Alternative: SendinBlue / ConvertKit

选择: SendinBlue / ConvertKit

6. OptinMonster (6. OptinMonster)


OptinMonster is the best lead generation and conversion optimization tool on the market. It comes with a powerful Exit-Intent® technology to convert your abandoning visitors into subscribers and customers.

OptinMonster是市场上最好的销售线索生成和转化优化工具。 它具有强大的Exit-Intent®技术,可将您遗弃的访客转化为订户和客户。

You can use OptinMonster to add affiliate links to lightbox popups, slide-in signup forms, sidebar forms, floating bars, and more.

您可以使用OptinMonster将会员链接添加到灯箱弹出窗口 ,滑入式注册表单,侧边栏表单,浮动栏等。

Each optin allows you to create new opportunities to maximize your affiliate commission, convert website visitors into subscribers, keep users engaged and spend more time on your site.


OptinMonster allows you to run split tests and boost your email signup rates. You should check out our guide on how to build your email list in WordPress.

OptinMonster允许您运行拆分测试并提高电子邮件注册率。 您应该查看有关如何在WordPress中建立电子邮件列表的指南。

7. WP RSS聚合器 (7. WP RSS Aggregator)

WP RSS Aggregator

WP RSS Aggregator is a popular WordPress RSS plugin. It is ideal to fetch content from affiliate networks into your WordPress site. You can use it as a content aggregator, news curator, and combine it with your original content to increase your affiliate earnings.

WP RSS Aggregator是一个流行的WordPress RSS插件。 从联盟网络中获取内容到您的WordPress网站是理想的。 您可以将其用作内容汇总器,新闻策展人,并将其与原始内容结合使用以增加您的会员收入。

With its powerful add-ons, you can set up auto blogs with your affiliate networks. It will automatically fetch products as posts into your WordPress blog, and you can edit those posts to add your own original content.

借助其强大的附加组件,您可以与会员网络建立自动博客 。 它会自动将产品作为帖子提取到您的WordPress博客中,并且您可以编辑这些帖子以添加自己的原始内容。

8. SEMRush (8. SEMRush)


SEMRush is one of the best SEO tools on the market. It is a complete SEO and marketing toolkit for content creators and highly effective for affiliate marketers.

SEMRush是市场上最好的SEO工具之一。 它是面向内容创建者的完整SEO和营销工具包,对于联盟营销人员而言非常有效。

It comes with an incredibly powerful keyword research tool, which allows you to track keywords, find new ideas, see your keyword rankings, and more.

它带有功能强大的关键字研究工具 ,可让您跟踪关键字,找到新想法,查看关键字排名等。

You can use it to run competitor analysis and see which keywords your competitors are ranking for. SEMRush then provides actionable tips to beat them in search rankings with their SEO writing assistant tool.

您可以使用它来进行竞争对手分析,并查看竞争对手为哪些关键字排名。 SEMRush然后提供可行的技巧,以其SEO写作助手工具在搜索排名中脱颖而出。

You can use the same keyword research and competition analysis tools to see which affiliate products are popular among your competitors, find new affiliate partners, or find new niche products to promote.


Alternative: Ahrefs

另类: Ahrefs

9. WPForms (9. WPForms)


WPForms is the most beginner-friendly WordPress contact form plugin. It comes with a drag and drop form builder to create any type of forms on your website easily.

WPForms是最适合初学者的WordPress联系人表单插件 。 它带有一个拖放式表单生成器,可轻松在您的网站上创建任何类型的表单。

You can use WPForms to create an affiliate sign up form and allow potential partners to send affiliate requests on your website. It integrates with popular services like Constant Contact to automatically send replies to your users.

您可以使用WPForms创建会员注册表单,并允许潜在的合作伙伴在您的网站上发送会员请求。 它与诸如常数联系人之类的流行服务集成,可自动将回复发送给您的用户。

WPForms also offers multiple pre-built templates for a user registration form, a sign up form, a poll/survey form, and more.

WPForms还为用户注册表单 ,注册表单,轮询/调查表单等提供了多个预构建的模板。

10. AdSanity (10. AdSanity)


AdSanity is the best ad management plugin for WordPress. It comes with powerful display options to place ad banners on your header, sidebar, and footer of the website.

AdSanityWordPress最好的广告管理插件 。 它带有强大的显示选项,可将广告横幅放置在网站的页眉,侧边栏和页脚上。

The plugin allows you to add affiliate links to your ads and get more clicks. With the publishing options, you can also set the start and end date for ads so you can promote exclusive deals from your affiliate partners.

该插件可让您向广告添加会员链接并获得更多点击。 使用发布选项,您还可以设置广告的开始日期和结束日期,以便促进会员合作伙伴的独家交易。

It is the perfect tool for website owners who also use Google AdSense and other ad programs to supplement their revenue. You can easily place ad code to your website and dynamically display ads without editing WordPress theme files.

对于同时使用Google AdSense和其他广告程序来增加收入的网站所有者来说,这是一个完美的工具。 您可以轻松地在网站上放置广告代码并动态显示广告,而无需编辑WordPress主题文件。

It shows complete graphical stats for individual ads, so you’ll know which ad placement is performing well on your website. You can also select a date range to view custom reports for specific ads.

它显示了各个广告的完整图形统计信息,因此您将知道哪个广告展示位置在您的网站上效果良好。 您还可以选择日期范围以查看特定广告的自定义报告。

奖励: 皇家会员 (Bonus: Affiliate Royale)

Affiliate Royale

Affiliate Royale is a powerful affiliate tracking and management tool for businesses that want to start their own affiliate program.

Affiliate Royale是一款功能强大的会员跟踪和管理工具,适用于希望启动自己的会员计划的企业。

You can use it to set up your affiliate program in a few minutes. With Affiliate Royale, you can monitor affiliate clicks, sales, and payments.

您可以在几分钟内使用它来设置您的会员计划。 使用Affiliate Royale,您可以监控会员的点击次数,销售和付款。

It is highly compatible with popular platforms like MemberPress, PayPal, WooCommerce, Authorize.net, and more.

它与MemberPress ,PayPal, WooCommerce ,Authorize.net等流行平台高度兼容。

Alternative: AffiliateWP

替代方案: AffiliateWP

We hope this article helped you find the best affiliate marketing tools and plugins for WordPress. You may also want to check our handpicked list of the best live chat software and best WordPress plugins to grow your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳联盟营销工具和插件。 您可能还需要查看我们精选的最佳实时聊天软件最佳WordPress插件列表,以发展您的网站。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/10-best-affiliate-marketing-tools-and-plugins-for-wordpress/


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