

WordPress is the most popular open source blog system. Due to it ease of use and extensibility, it is almost de facto of blog industry standard. With their plugin management module, developers are free to build their own custom plugin to add new features. Some examples are page specific SEO features, photo gallery, spam combating and more.

WordPress是最流行的开源博客系统。 由于它的易用性和可扩展性,几乎是博客行业标准的事实。 利用其插件管理模块,开发人员可以自由构建自己的自定义插件以添加新功能。 一些示例是特定于页面的SEO功能,照片库,反垃圾邮件等等。

Writing your own WordPress plugin is not that difficult if you are a web developer with basic PHP skills. The only thing you will need, coupled with your PHP skills, is some direction, some resources, a little information on how WordPress expects your plugin to behave, and most importantly a great idea.

如果您是具有基本PHP技能的Web开发人员,那么编写自己的WordPress插件并不困难。 您唯一需要的就是您PHP技能,以及一些方向,一些资源,有关WordPress如何期望您的插件行为的一些信息,最重要的是,一个好主意。

A plugin is a simple program, a set of functions, that adds a specific set of features and services that can be executed in different sections of your WordPress site.


Today, I have compiled a list of the best tutorials to help you create your own plugin(s).


编写插件– WordPress Codex (Writing a Plugin – WordPress Codex)

Writing a Plugin - WordPress Codex

The best way to learn anything new is to start at the source. Here you can start by learning the basics in WordPress official site. This plugin overview guide takes you through the initial stages of plugin development, from naming your plugin, creating the plugins first PHP file, setting up a unique directory for a multi-file plugin (if you choose to use CSS, Javascript), using and understanding WP hooks and template tags, creating option pages and saving plugin data to the database.

学习新事物的最好方法是从源头开始。 在这里,您可以通过学习WordPress官方站点中的基础知识开始。 本插件概述指南将带您进入插件开发的初始阶段,从命名插件,创建插件的第一个PHP文件,为多文件插件设置唯一目录(如果您选择使用CSS,Javascript),使用和了解WP挂钩和模板标记,创建选项页并将插件数据保存到数据库。

WordPress插件剖析 (Anatomy of a WordPress Plugin)

Anatomy of a WordPress Plugin

This tutorial from Nettuts covers pretty much the same information as the official WordPress site, but it is more illustrated and easy to follow. It explains the concept of how to build your widgets, and how to write your widgets admin panel. It is a must read for a new developer.

Nettuts的本教程涵盖了与WordPress官方站点几乎相同的信息,但它具有更多的说明性且易于遵循。 它说明了如何构建窗口小部件以及如何编写窗口小部件管理面板的概念。 对于新开发人员来说,这是一本必读的书。

如何编写WordPress插件? (How to write a WordPress Plugin ?)

How to write a WordPress Plugin

A rather basic tutorial that teach you to setup your own plugin, not bad to get your first hands on.


从头开始创建自定义WordPress插件 (Create a Custom WordPress Plugin From Scratch)

Create a Custom WordPress Plugin from Scratch

This tutorial will describe the implementation of a WordPress plugin starting from scratch. The plugin will connect to an external OSCommerce database and display random products on your WordPress site.

本教程将从头开始描述WordPress插件的实现。 该插件将连接到外部OSCommerce数据库,并在WordPress网站上显示随机产品。

WordPress插件教程– Hello World (WordPress Plugin Tutorial – Hello World)

In this tutorial, you will go over how to make a simple Hello World plugin.

在本教程中,您将学习如何制作一个简单的Hello World插件。

如何制作社交书签WordPress插件–逐步 (How to Make a Social Bookmarking WordPress Plugin – Step by Step)

Work on a more real life applicable plugins, learn how to develop your bookmark plugin one step at a time. This tutorial will teach you another level of knowledge with creating plugins and accessing API features of the social network system, not to forget admin panel, conditional tags and WordPress hooks.

研究更现实的适用插件,学习如何一次开发书签插件。 本教程将通过创建插件和访问社交网络系统的API功能来教给您另一层次的知识,不要忘记管理面板,条件标签和WordPress挂钩。

WP教程:您的第一个WP插件 (WP Tutorial: Your First WP Plugin)

This is a video tutorial in which you will learn how to create your first WordPress plugin.


WordPress插件开发中的速成课程 (A Crash-Course in WordPress Plugin Development)

A Crash-Course in WordPress Plugin Development

This is a screencast tutorial from nettuts showing how to create a WordPress plugin from scratch that allows a blog editor to easily format articles.


构建插件–比您想象的要容易(视频) (Building a Plugin – It’s Easier Than You Think (Video))

This video tutorial demonstrates the basics of constructing a plugin, designing it to make the changes you want, and then using that plugin to alter your WordPress site in a persistent way.


20行中的第一个WP插件 (First WP Plugin in 20 Lines)

First WP Plugin in 20 Lines

This tutorial is for newbie plugin developers, it doesn’t explain how to use WP nor how to code PHP. What it does do is create a plugin in only 20 lines, which is pretty cool.

本教程是针对新手插件开发人员的,它没有说明如何使用WP或如何编写PHP。 它的作用是仅用20行创建一个插件,这非常酷。

构建一个WordPress插件 (Building a WordPress Plugin)

This easy to read tutorial takes you through the full process, of developing a plugin.


开发WordPress插件–幻灯片 (Developing WordPress Plugins – Slides)

Developing WordPress Plugins - Slides

If you have any questions or suggestions about this article feel free to post a comment below.


Ryan TurkiRyan is a 17 Years old Web Developer/Designer. He’s interested in every thing around the Web especially web development and designing. He loves using jQuery, HTML, PHP, MYSQL, CSS, and AJAX. You can follow him on Twitter Ryan是17岁的Web开发人员/设计师。 他对Web上的所有事物都感兴趣,尤其是Web开发和设计。 他喜欢使用jQuery,HTML,PHP,MYSQL,CSS和AJAX。 您可以在Twitter

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-wordpress-plugin/






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