wordpress 摘要_WordPress存档页面中的完整文章与摘要(摘要)?

wordpress 摘要

Once again one of our users asked the question, why do we use summary instead of full posts in the archive pages of WPBeginner. In this article, we will discuss whether you should use full post or summary in your WordPress archive pages? We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of full post vs summary (excerpt)? Lastly, we will end with a conclusion on which is the ideal solution for most websites.

我们的一位用户再次问这个问题,为什么我们要使用摘要而不是WPBeginner存档页面中的完整帖子。 在本文中,我们将讨论您是否应该在WordPress存档页面中使用全文或摘要? 我们将讨论整篇文章与摘要(摘录)的优缺点? 最后,我们将得出结论,即对于大多数网站而言,哪种解决方案是理想的解决方案。

在档案中使用摘要与完整帖子的好处 (Benefits of Using Summary vs Full Post in Archives)

We try to optimize WPBeginner for a better user experience. We want users to easily browse the website and find what they are looking for. At the same time we also want search engines to help users find content on our website. Hence our approach towards handling archive pages is geared towards a better user experience as well as good WordPress SEO.

我们尝试优化WPBeginner,以获得更好的用户体验。 我们希望用户轻松浏览网站并找到他们想要的东西。 同时,我们还希望搜索引擎能够帮助用户在我们的网站上找到内容。 因此,我们处理存档页面的方法旨在获得更好的用户体验以及良好的WordPress SEO

1. Faster Load Time


At WPBeginner, our posts usually contain a good number of images with screenshots. By using excerpts in our archive pages, we significantly improve the page load time for archive pages. Imagine an archive page that shows 10 posts per page (which is pretty standard). Now if each of those 10 pages are 500+ words long with 5 images each, then your user have a lot to scroll through. The page will also load slower than normal. By using excerpts, we significantly improve the user experience. Users can load and browse through our category, tags, date, and other archive pages quickly and easily.

在WPBeginner,我们的帖子通常包含大量带有截图的图像。 通过在存档页面中使用摘录,我们大大缩短了存档页面的页面加载时间。 想象一下一个存档页面,每页显示10个帖子(这是非常标准的)。 现在,如果这10页中的每页长500多个单词,每页有5张图像,那么您的用户将有很多内容可以滚动。 该页面的加载速度也会比平常慢。 通过使用摘录,我们可以显着改善用户体验。 用户可以快速,轻松地加载和浏览我们的类别,标签,日期和其他存档页面。

As for search engines, Google particularly loves faster page load times.


2. Prevents Duplicate Content


By showing excerpts on your archive pages, you can prevent being flagged for duplicate content in search engines. For example, WordPress by default has category, tags, date, and author archives. Publishing full posts in archives will make each article appear in full length at several different pages on your site. Even though search engines are quite smart in finding canonical URL for each post, they can still flag the site for duplicate content which will effect your search engine rankings.

通过在存档页面上显示摘录,可以防止在搜索引擎中将其标记为重复内容。 例如,默认情况下,WordPress具有类别,标签,日期和作者档案。 在档案库中发布完整的帖子将使每篇文章的全文显示在您网站的几个不同页面上。 即使搜索引擎非常聪明地为每个帖子查找规范的URL,它们仍然可以标记网站中重复的内容,这将影响您的搜索引擎排名。

Note: If you use full post, then simply use the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin and set all archive pages to noindex, follow.

注意:如果使用完整文章,则只需使用WordPress SEO by Yoast插件并将所有存档页面设置为noindex,请按照以下步骤操作。

3. Increases Pageviews and Reduces Bounce rate


People often tend to leave the website that loads slow. We have already mentioned that using excerpts make the page load faster. By using excerpts, you are reducing the bounce rate. You are also increasing pageviews because the user has to click through to the full post page in order to read the full article. Both of these metrics, pageviews and bounce rate, plays an important rate in your advertising revenue.

人们经常倾向于离开加载缓慢的网站。 我们已经提到过,使用摘录可使页面加载更快。 通过使用摘录,可以降低跳出率。 您还增加了综合浏览量,因为用户必须点击进入完整的帖子页面才能阅读全文。 网页浏览量和跳出率这两个指标均对广告收入产生重要影响。

Read more tips about: How to increase pageviews and reduce bounce rate in WordPress

阅读有关以下内容的更多提示: 如何在WordPress中增加网页浏览量并降低跳出率

在存档中使用摘要或完整帖子的缺点 (Disadvantages of Using Summary vs Full Post in Archives)

1. Bad Excerpts


If you are using the_excerpt(); in your archive templates, your automated excerpt will have a fix length of 55 words. This is too short and sometimes your sentences will be cut in half and make no sense. You can always change the default excerpt length however that doesn’t fix the problem entirely. You can always write a custom excerpt on your post edit screen, but most folks don’t take the time to do so (including us). Another solution is to write catchy introductions which will most likely make the user interested.

如果您正在使用the_excerpt(); 在存档模板中,自动摘录的固定长度为55个字。 这太短了,有时您的句子会被切成两半,毫无意义。 您始终可以更改默认摘录长度,但这不能完全解决问题。 您始终可以在帖子编辑屏幕上编写自定义摘录,但大多数人(包括我们)都不花时间这样做。 另一个解决方案是编写引人入胜的介绍,这很可能会使用户感兴趣。

2. Hidden Content


Some users prefer to read everything on one page rather than having to go to a different page to read the entire article. These users will be unhappy with excerpts, but you can’t keep everyone happy.

一些用户更喜欢阅读一页上的所有内容,而不是不得不转到另一页来阅读整篇文章。 这些用户对摘录不满意,但您不能让所有人满意。

结论 (Conclusion)

If your articles are short and do not contain a lot of images, then you can get away with displaying full posts on your archive pages. However in most cases, we always recommend using summary (excerpts) for your archive pages. Most good themes like Genesis comes with a built-in option that allows you to choose between full post vs excerpts from the settings. However, we have an article that will show you how to display post excerpts in WordPress themes. We hope that this article answered the question whether you should use full post or summary in your WordPress archive pages. What do you use on your site? Full posts or archives? Let us know in the comments below.

如果您的文章简短且不包含大量图像,那么您可以在存档页面上显示完整的帖子,从而摆脱困境。 但是,在大多数情况下,我们始终建议您为存档页面使用摘要(摘录)。 大多数好的主题(如Genesis)都带有内置选项,可让您从设置中选择完整文章还是摘录。 但是,我们有一篇文章将向您展示如何显示WordPress主题中的帖子摘录 。 我们希望本文回答了您是否应该在WordPress存档页面中使用完整文章或摘要的问题。 您在网站上使用什么? 完整的帖子或档案? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/full-post-vs-summary-excerpt-in-your-wordpress-archive/

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