
Disqus pronounced “discuss” is a popular third-party commenting system for WordPress. If you’ve been browsing the web for more than a week, then you’ve probably come across a site that’s using Disqus. A lot of popular sites including CNN, The Next Web, Bloomberg, CNBC, The Atlantic, and now WPBeginner are using Disqus. In this article, we will show you how to add Disqus comment system in WordPress. We will also discuss the reasons why we switched to using Disqus.

发音为“ discuss”的Disqus是流行的WordPress第三方评论系统。 如果您浏览网络已有一个多星期,那么您可能遇到过使用Disqus的网站。 许多受欢迎的站点,包括CNN,The Next Web,Bloomberg,CNBC,The Atlantic和现在的WPBeginner都在使用Disqus。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress中添加Disqus评论系统。 我们还将讨论切换到使用Disqus的原因。

Update: We no longer use Disqus on our site. Here are the reasons why we switched away from Disqus.

更新:我们不再在我们的网站上使用Disqus。 这就是为什么我们放弃使用Disqus的原因。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


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在WordPress中添加Disqus评论系统 (Adding Disqus Commenting System in WordPress)

Adding Disqus commenting system to WordPress is very easy. First thing you need to do is go to Disqus website and login or signup for a new account. Once you are logged in, click on For Websites link next to the Disqus logo.

向WordPress添加Disqus评论系统非常简单。 您需要做的第一件事是访问Disqus网站并登录或注册一个新帐户。 登录后,单击Disqus徽标旁边的“ 用于网站”链接。

Disqus for websites

On the next screen, you need to click on Add Disqus to Your Site button next to your profile pic on the top right corner of the screen.


This will take you to a signup form where you need to provide your website information. Provide the title of your blog or website and then choose a unique URL for your website on the disqus commenting system. This unique URL will be the place where you can access all your comments after you have installed Disqus on your site. Lastly choose a category for your website. Once you are done, hit the Finish Registration button.

这将带您到一个注册表单,您需要在其中提供您的网站信息。 提供博客或网站的标题,然后在Disqus评论系统上为您的网站选择唯一的URL。 在站点上安装Disqus后,可以使用该唯一的URL访问所有注释。 最后,为您的网站选择一个类别。 完成后,点击“ 完成注册”按钮。

Registering your site for Disqus commenting system

After the registration, you will be asked to choose your platform. You need to click on WordPress, and it will show you further instructions to setup Disqus commenting system on your WordPress site. Don’t worry we will walk you through these instructions.

注册后,将要求您选择平台。 您需要单击WordPress,它将向您显示进一步的说明,以在WordPress网站上设置Disqus评论系统。 不用担心,我们将引导您完成这些说明。

Now that you have registered your site for Disqus commenting system, it is time to connect your WordPress site to the Disqus platform. To do this, you need to install and activate the Disqus Comment System plugin. Upon activation, go to Comments » Settings and sign in with your Disqus account.

现在,您已经为Disqus评论系统注册了站点,是时候将WordPress网站连接到Disqus平台了。 为此,您需要安装并激活Disqus评论系统插件。 激活后,转到注释»设置,然后使用您的Disqus帐户登录。

Login with your Disqus account

Once you are logged in, you will be shown the site you registered for Disqus commenting system. Select the site and click on the next button to finish the set up.

登录后,将显示您为Disqus评论系统注册的站点。 选择站点,然后单击下一步按钮以完成设置。

Select your site to install Disqus comments

That’s all. You have successfully added Disqus comment system to your site. You can see it in action by visiting any post on your site, and you will see Disqus comments instead of WordPress comments on your site.

就这样。 您已成功将Disqus评论系统添加到您的站点。 您可以通过访问网站上的任何帖子来查看它的运行情况,并且您将在网站上看到Disqus评论而不是WordPress评论。

将旧的WordPress评论导出到Disqus (Exporting Older WordPress Comments into Disqus)

Since Disqus commenting system takes over the display of comments on your WordPress site, this means that the comments stored on your WordPress site will not be visible to users. To fix this, you will have to export those comments to Disqus commenting system. In WordPress admin area, go to Comments » Disqus and click on the plugin settings tab on the top right corner of the screen.

由于Disqus评论系统将接管WordPress网站上的评论显示,因此这意味着用户看不到存储在WordPress网站上的评论。 要解决此问题,您必须将这些评论导出到Disqus评论系统。 在WordPress管理区域中,转到评论»Disqus ,然后单击屏幕右上角的插件设置标签。

Disqus Plugin Settings

On the plugin’s settings page, scroll down to Import and Export section and click on Export Comments button. This will initiate the import process and all your old WordPress comments will be exported to Disqus commenting system.

在插件的设置页面上,向下滚动到“ 导入和导出”部分,然后单击“ 导出注释”按钮。 这将启动导入过程,您所有的旧WordPress注释都将导出到Disqus评论系统。

Export WordPress comments to Disqus Commenting System
审核Disqus评论 (Moderating Disqus Comments)

You can moderate Disqus comments by visiting Comments » Disqus. There you will find a button linking to your comment administration page on Disqus. This is where you can approve, spam, or delete comments.

您可以通过访问评论»Disqus评论来审核Disqus评论。 在那里,您将找到一个链接到Disqus上您的评论管理页面的按钮。 您可以在此处批准,发送垃圾邮件或删除评论。

Disqus comment moderation page
对Disqus评论显示问题进行故障排除 (Troubleshooting Disqus Comment Display Issue)

On some WordPress themes Disqus comment area may appear wider than rest of the post and page area. To fix this, you need to figure out the width of the content area in your theme and then add this CSS into your theme or child theme‘s stylesheet.

在某些WordPress主题上,Disqus注释区域可能比其余的帖子和页面区域宽。 要解决此问题,您需要弄清楚主题中内容区域的宽度,然后将此CSS添加到主题或子主题的样式表中。

#disqus_thread {
	margin: 0 auto;
	max-width: 604px;

This CSS sets max-width of the comment area to 604px and centers it to the screen. Your theme may have different width so you will have to adjust it accordingly to meet your needs.

该CSS将注释区域的最大宽度设置为604px,并将其居中显示在屏幕上。 您的主题可能具有不同的宽度,因此您必须相应地对其进行调整以满足您的需求。

We hope this article helped you add Disqus comment system in WordPress. If you liked this article, then subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials or join us on Twitter and Google+.

我们希望本文能帮助您在WordPress中添加Disqus评论系统。 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道的WordPress视频教程,或通过TwitterGoogle+加入我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-add-disqus-comment-system-in-wordpress/





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