停止使用FeedBurner –转到FeedBurner替代方案

In 2010, we wrote our popular step by step guide on how to setup FeedBurner. A little over a year ago, we decided to stop using FeedBurner for all of our sites. Ever since we have received hundreds of questions about various FeedBurner bugs, issues, etc. In this article, we will talk about why you should avoid using FeedBurner. If you’re already using it, then we will show you why you need to stop using FeedBurner, and how you can move to reliable FeedBurner alternatives.

在2010年,我们撰写了有关如何设置FeedBurner的受欢迎的分步指南。 一年多以前,我们决定在所有网站上停止使用FeedBurner。 自从我们收到数百个有关各种FeedBurner错误,问题等的问题。在本文中,我们将讨论为什么应避免使用FeedBurner。 如果您已经在使用它,那么我们将向您显示为什么需要停止使用FeedBurner,以及如何使用可靠的FeedBurner替代品。

FeedBurner is Dead

FeedBurner is Google’s RSS feed management service that many bloggers relied upon several years ago (What is RSS?). While Google hasn’t shut it down yet, it has been rumored for quite sometime that Google is going to shut it down.

FeedBurner是Google的RSS提要管理服务,几年前许多博客作者都在使用它( 什么是RSS? )。 虽然Google尚未关闭它,但有一段时间的谣言称Google将要关闭它。

FeedBurner hasn’t seen any features or updates for as long as we can remember. FeedBurner API was taken down. They also retired the Adsense for Feeds feature. All of this happened in 2012.

据我们所知,FeedBurner尚未看到任何功能或更新。 FeedBurner API已删除。 他们还淘汰了Adsense for Feeds功能。 所有这些都发生在2012年。

So why are writing about this now – two years later?


Well because we are still getting emails from users regarding FeedBurner. In the past 30 days, our old FeedBurner setup guide received over 3500 unique visitors from search engine traffic. Since FeedBurner has no support, we have received dozens of bug reports and support requests.

好吧,因为我们仍然从用户那里收到有关FeedBurner的电子邮件。 在过去30天内,我们的旧FeedBurner设置指南从搜索引擎访问量中吸引了3500多名唯一身份访问者。 由于FeedBurner不支持,因此我们收到了许多错误报告和支持请求

We want to point all concerned users to a more up to date article.


FeedBurner替代品 (FeedBurner Alternatives)

Aside from subscriber analytics and ability monetize with Adsense, FeedBurner offered two main features that bloggers loved.


  1. FeedBurner gave bloggers a better way to display their RSS feed along with offering sharing options to users.

    FeedBurner为博客提供了一种更好的方式来显示其RSS feed以及向用户提供共享选项。
  2. FeedBurner offered a free and easy way for users to subscribe to your blog via Email.


Let’s take a look at how we replaced FeedBurner with alternatives that are better.


At WPBeginner, we use default WordPress feeds and manage them on our own. Using default WordPress feeds gives you the control on your feed. We recommend our users to rely on the default WordPress functionality and manage feeds on their own. Here is why:

在WPBeginner,我们使用默认的WordPress提要并自行管理它们。 使用默认的WordPress提要可让您对提要进行控制。 我们建议用户依靠默认的WordPress功能并自行管理供稿。 原因如下:

Pretty Feed Display with Sharing Options


Google Play Newsstand

You need to understand that people don’t visit your feed URL to read your content. Instead most folks utilize feed readers like Feedly, Flipbook, Google’s Newsstand, etc. These feed readers already perform most of the tasks that FeedBurner did some five years ago.

您需要了解,人们不会访问您的供稿URL来阅读您的内容。 取而代之的是,大多数人都使用Feedly,Flipbook,Google的书报摊等Feed阅读器。这些Feed阅读器已经执行了FeedBurner大约五年前所做的大部分任务。

If you are using FeedBurner for better feed display and social sharing, then you don’t need to do that anymore. However you can definitely educate your users on how to subscribe to your site.

如果您正在使用FeedBurner进行更好的Feed显示和社交共享,那么您就不需要这样做了。 但是,您绝对可以教育您的用户如何订阅您的网站。

Blog subscription via Email


A lot of users still prefer to receive blog updates via email, so it’s crucial that you replace this functionality.


While the JetPack plugin offers the closest alternative to FeedBurner subscribe via email functionality, we strongly recommend our users against using that.


Why? Because just like FeedBurner, you can’t send out exclusive updates to your subscribers. The only way to update your subscribers is by making a public post.

为什么? 因为就像FeedBurner一样,您无法向订阅者发送独家更新。 更新订阅者的唯一方法是发布公开帖子。

Since you have made the decision to do things the RIGHT way, then we recommend you start building an email list.


Professional email marketing services like MailChimp, AWeber, etc allow you to offer blog subscription via email along with giving you the full power of a robust email marketing platform. You get better analytics such as how many users opened your email, how many clicked on it, etc.

专业的电子邮件营销服务(例如MailChimp,AWeber等)使您可以通过电子邮件提供博客订阅,并为您提供强大的电子邮件营销平台的全部功能。 您可以获得更好的分析结果,例如打开了您的电子邮件的用户数,点击了电子邮件的人等等。

You also get higher delivery rate meaning more of your users will get your updates. Last but not the least, you get the flexibility and options.

您还将获得更高的交付率,这意味着更多的用户将获得您的更新。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,您将获得灵活性和可选项。

For example, you can offer multiple subscription option (daily updates, weekly updates, etc) – see our guide on how to create a daily and weekly newsletter.


We’re using MailChimp for our site, and it’s FREE for up to 2000 subscribers.


Now that we have covered the alternatives, let’s take a look at how you can move away from FeedBurner.


远离FeedBurner (Moving Away From FeedBurner)

If you had been using FeedBurner’s email subscription service, then the first thing you need to do is to export your email subscribers. Simply login to your FeedBurner account and click on your feed. After that click on the link ‘See more about your subscribers’.

如果您一直在使用FeedBurner的电子邮件订阅服务,那么您要做的第一件事就是导出电子邮件订阅者。 只需登录您的FeedBurner帐户,然后单击您的Feed。 之后,点击链接“查看有关您的订户的更多信息”

Manage your FeedBurner subscribers

On the next screen, scroll down to the Email Subscription Services section and click on FeedBurner Email Subscriptions. This will expand the section, and you will be able to see a link to manage your email subscribers list. Click on the link to see your email subscribers.

在下一个屏幕上,向下滚动到“ 电子邮件订阅服务”部分,然后单击FeedBurner电子邮件订阅。 这将扩展该部分,并且您将能够看到一个链接,用于管理您的电子邮件订阅者列表。 单击链接查看您的电子邮件订阅者。

FeedBurner email subscribers

FeedBurner will now show you the list of your email subscribers. You will see an Export CSV link above the list. Simply click on it, and it will download your list in the CSV format. You can then import this file into an email marketing service of your choice such as MailChimp, AWeber, etc.

FeedBurner现在将向您显示您的电子邮件订阅者列表。 您将在列表上方看到“ 导出CSV”链接。 只需单击它,它将以CSV格式下载您的列表。 然后,您可以将此文件导入到您选择的电子邮件营销服务中,例如MailChimp ,AWeber等。

Export your FeedBurner email subscribers

Because we use MailChimp for our site, we will show you how the import functionality works in MailChimp. Most other providers have a similar process.

由于我们在网站上使用MailChimp ,因此我们将向您展示MailChimp中的导入功能。 其他大多数提供者也有类似的过程。

First thing you need to do is login to your MailChimp dashboard and create a new list in MailChimp.


Creating a new list for your blog's email subscribers in MailChimp

After you have created a new list, you can import your email subscribers using the CSV file you downloaded from FeedBurner. Start by clicking on the Lists menu in MailChimp dashboard and select your newly created list. This will take you to list management page. There you need to click on Subscribers » Import Subscribers.

创建新列表后,可以使用从FeedBurner下载的CSV文件导入电子邮件订阅者。 首先单击MailChimp仪表板中的“列表”菜单,然后选择新创建的列表。 这将带您到列表管理页面。 在那里,您需要单击订户»导入订户

Import FeedBurner email subscribers to MailChimp

On the next screen, click on the ‘Import from a CSV or TXT file’ option and then import the CSV file you downloaded from FeedBurner.


Once you have imported your list, you will need to create a RSS to Email campaign.

导入列表后,您将需要创建RSS to Email营销活动。

Different email marketing services will have different names for this functionality. In MailChimp, they call it RSS to Email campaign. In AWeber, they call it Broadcasts. Simply Google the “name of your email marketing service and blog RSS”, and you will find a tutorial for that.

不同的电子邮件营销服务将为此功能使用不同的名称。 在MailChimp中,他们将其称为RSS to Email活动。 在AWeber中 ,他们将其称为广播。 只需在Google上找到“您的电子邮件营销服务和博客RSS的名称”,您就会找到相应的教程。

After you have all this setup, then you can turn off your Email Subscriptions in FeedBurner, so your users don’t receive two emails. You can do this by going under the Publicize Tab in FeedBurner and click on the Email Subscriptions link in the left column.

完成所有设置后,您可以在FeedBurner中关闭电子邮件订阅,这样您的用户就不会收到两封电子邮件。 您可以通过在FeedBurner中的“公开”标签下并单击左列中的“电子邮件订阅”链接来完成此操作。

Remember that when transitioning your email subscribers to a new email service, you might lose some subscribers, but these are inactive subscribers who you probably don’t want anyways.


将FeedBurner订户重定向到WordPress Feed (Redirect FeedBurner Subscribers Back to WordPress Feed)

It was common for bloggers to redirect their WordPress feed URL to their FeedBurner page. Some did it with a plugin like FD FeedBurner, while others used their theme’s built-in functionality, and the more savvy used a code snippet.

博客作者通常将其WordPress feed URL重定向到其FeedBurner页面。 有些人使用FD FeedBurner这样的插件来完成此任务,而另一些人则使用其主题的内置功能,而更精明的人则使用了代码片段

If you’re using any of the above methods to redirect your default WordPress feed, then please stop using those right away.


The best way to check if you’re redirecting your feed is by visiting your RSS feed URL:




If this redirects to FeedBurner, then you haven’t fixed it.


Next, write a blog post and ask your subscribers to update the URL and possibly educate them on how they can subscribe to your site using other readers.


Important: DO NOT DELETE your FeedBurner feed. There are some sites that will tell you to DELETE your FeedBurner feeds which supposedly will redirect your subscribers, but it doesn’t. It’s a terrible idea, and you will lose your subscribers. Why?

重要提示:请勿删除FeedBurner供稿。 有些网站会告诉您删除FeedBurner供稿,该供稿将重定向您的订阅者,但事实并非如此。 这是一个糟糕的主意,您将失去订阅者。 为什么?

Because when you delete your feed, FeedBurner will add a new post notifying your readers that your feed has moved. This doesn’t automatically update the feed URL on your user’s feed readers. If the user doesn’t take any action within 15 days, then you lose that subscriber forever. Furthermore after 30 days, a competitor can claim your FeedBurner URL and all the users who didn’t update their feeds will start getting his updates.

因为当您删除Feed时,FeedBurner会添加一条新帖子,通知您的读者您的Feed已移动。 这不会自动更新用户的供稿阅读器上的供稿URL。 如果用户在15天内没有采取任何行动,那么您将永远失去该订阅者。 此外,在30天后,竞争对手可以声明您的FeedBurner URL,并且所有未更新Feed的用户都将开始获取他的更新。

Once again, DO NOT DELETE your FeedBurner feeds.


Simply write a blog post to notify your readers to update their URLs. Educate them with resources on how they can do it.

只需撰写博客文章以通知您的读者更新其URL。 向他们提供有关如何做的资源的教育。

After that simply let the FeedBurner feed die a slow death.


This way those who don’t update your feed URL in their RSS reader still continue to get new content, but all your new readers subscribe the right way.


创建订阅表单,订阅页面等 (Create Subscription Forms, Subscribe Page, and More)

Now that you have created your email list and defaulted back to the WordPress feed URL, you should make appropriate updates to your site such as remove all mentions of FeedBurner URL, update your email signup forms etc.

现在,您已经创建了电子邮件列表并默认使用WordPress feed URL,您应该对网站进行适当的更新,例如删除所有提及FeedBurner URL,更新电子邮件注册表单等。

OptinMonster Banner

For adding signup forms to your site, we recommend that you use OptinMonster. It allows you to create effective opt-in forms such as sidebar signup forms, after post forms, floating footer bar, slide-ins, lightbox popups, etc.

要将注册表单添加到您的网站,我们建议您使用OptinMonster 。 它使您可以创建有效的选择加入表单,例如边栏注册表单,发布表单之后,浮动页脚栏,插入,灯箱弹出窗口等。

We’re using it on our site, and it has helped us grow our email list by 600%.


Next you probably want to create a subscribe page that shows readers how they can subscribe to your site.


Since you’re using the default WordPress feed, you have a lot of flexibility and customization options.

由于您使用的是默认的WordPress feed,因此具有很多灵活性和自定义选项。

You can add thumbnails to your RSS feeds, add other custom content to RSS feeds, or you can entirely create custom RSS feeds.

您可以将缩略图添加到RSS feed, 将其他自定义内容添加到RSS feed,也可以完全创建自定义RSS feed

Another neat feature that’s built-in with WordPress is category specific feeds. You can allow your users to subscribe to individual categories with category RSS feed. Read our article on how to allow users to subscribe to categories in WordPress.

WordPress内置的另一个简洁功能是特定类别的供稿。 您可以允许您的用户使用类别RSS feed订阅各个类别。 阅读我们的文章, 了解如何允许用户订阅WordPress中的类别

We hope this guide helped you find a way to deal with the demise of FeedBurner and move on to better options. We strongly recommend that you stop using FeedBurner.

我们希望本指南可以帮助您找到一种方法来应对FeedBurner的淘汰,并继续寻求更好的选择。 强烈建议您停止使用FeedBurner。

If you liked this article, then subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more WordPress video tutorials. You can also join us on Twitter and Google+.

如果您喜欢本文,请订阅我们的YouTube频道,以获取更多WordPress视频教程。 您也可以通过TwitterGoogle+加入我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/stop-using-feedburner-move-to-feedburner-alternatives/

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