
People like to connect with other people and learn more about them. That’s why you see author bio box on most popular blogs, even on blogs written by a single author. Adding an author bio box allows users to associate content with an actual person. It also helps them learn more about those authors by visiting their websites or following them on social media. In this article, we will show you 7 best free author bio box plugins for WordPress.

人们喜欢与他人建立联系并了解更多有关他们的信息。 这就是为什么您在最流行的博客(甚至是由单个作者撰写的博客)上看到作者简介框的原因。 添加作者简介框可让用户将内容与实际人员相关联。 它还可以通过访问他们的网站或在社交媒体上关注他们,帮助他们更多地了解这些作者。 在本文中,我们将向您展示WordPress的7个最佳免费作者简介盒插件。

入门 (Getting Started)

Before you start displaying author info box on your WordPress site, you need to know how WordPress handles user profiles.


If you are an administrator, then you will edit your user information by visiting Users » Your Profile page. Other users will see a profile link in their WordPress admin bar.

如果您是管理员 ,则将通过访问用户»您的个人资料页面来编辑用户信息。 其他用户将在其WordPress管理栏中看到个人资料链接。

User profile settings

On the profile screen, you can change your display name among other WordPress settings. You can also add useful information about yourself. Most plugins in this list will add additional fields on the profile screen which you can use to provide more information about yourself. This could be links to your social media profile, link to your company website, etc.

在配置文件屏幕上,您可以在其他WordPress设置中更改显示名称。 您还可以添加有关您自己的有用信息。 此列表中的大多数插件都会在配置文件屏幕上添加其他字段,您可以使用这些字段来提供有关您自己的更多信息。 这可能是指向您的社交媒体资料的链接,指向公司网站的链接等。

More adventurous users can learn how to manually add an author info box in WordPress and even add additional fields to user profiles in WordPress. However, for beginners it would be more convenient to use a plugin.

更多喜欢冒险的用户可以学习如何在WordPress中手动添加作者信息框 ,甚至可以在WordPress中向用户个人资料添加其他字段 。 但是,对于初学者来说,使用插件会更方便。

1.简单作者框 (1. Simple Author Box)

Simple Author Box

As the name suggests, Simple Author Box tries to simplify the process of adding an author bio box to your WordPress posts. Upon activation, the plugin adds social profile fields in user’s profile. Each author on your site can fill in this information to show social icons along with their author bio. You can choose colors, fonts, style, and author photo style from the plugin’s settings page.

顾名思义,“简单作者框”试图简化向您的WordPress帖子中添加作者生物框的过程。 激活后,插件会在用户个人资料中添加社交个人资料字段。 您网站上的每个作者都可以填写此信息,以显示社交图标及其作者简介。 您可以从插件的设置页面选择颜色,字体,样式和作者照片样式。

2. WP关于作者 (2. WP About Author)

WP Author Box

This plugin also comes with a simple settings page. It allows you to choose Author photo style, add social profiles, and even lets you display author bio box on archive, front page, and in RSS feeds. Another thing we noticed is that it works with Simple Local Avatars Plugin.

该插件还带有一个简单的设置页面。 它允许您选择作者照片样式,添加社交资料,甚至可以在存档,首页和RSS feed中显示作者简介框。 我们注意到的另一件事是,它可与简单本地头像插件一起使用。

3.鸽友箱 (3. Fancier Author Box)

Fancier Author Box

Fancier author box not only shows an author bio box with social buttons, it also shows the latest post by the author as a separate tab. The plugin settings page gives you full control over the appearance of your author bio box. Another great feature of this plugin is the ability to disable author bio box on user profiles. This allows authors to turn off author bio section on their posts.

Fancier作者框不仅显示带有社交按钮的作者生物框,还以单独的选项卡显示作者的最新帖子。 插件设置页面可让您完全控制作者简介框的外观。 该插件的另一个强大功能是能够在用户个人资料上禁用作者简介框。 这使作者可以在其帖子上关闭作者简介部分。

4.性感的作者传记 (4. Sexy Author Bio)

Sexy Author Bio

Sexy Author Bio is a beautiful author bio box plugin with flat social media icons. By default it uses larger font size for author name which looks bold and nice. You can adjust font and avatar size, border, background, and link colors from the plugin’s settings page.

Sexy Author Bio是一个带有平面社交媒体图标的美丽author bio盒子插件。 默认情况下,它使用较大的字体作为作者名称,看起来粗体且美观。 您可以从插件的设置页面调整字体和头像大小,边框,背景和链接颜色。

5.共同作者加 (5. Co-Author Plus)

Co-Author Plus

On multi-author blogs and magazine sites, sometimes multiple authors contribute to an article. By default, you can not credit multiple authors on a post. Co-Author Plus allows you to add credit for multiple authors and contributors for a post on your WordPress site. However, the plugin does not come with an author info box. In order to display multiple authors with their own author info boxes, you will have to modify your theme files and Co-Author Plus templates tags. See our guide how to credit multiple authors in WordPress.

在多作者博客和杂志网站上,有时多位作者撰写一篇文章。 默认情况下,您不能将多位作者归功于帖子。 使用Co-Author Plus,您可以为WordPress网站上的帖子增加多位作者和撰稿人的功劳。 但是,该插件不带有作者信息框。 为了显示带有其自己的作者信息框的多个作者,您将必须修改主题文件和Co-Author Plus模板标签。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中感谢多位作者

6.作者简介Box (6. Author Bio Box)

Author Bio Box

If you are looking for a simpler author box plugin, then Author Bio Box is for you. It comes with all the basic options you will need from an author bio box plugin. You can configure colors, add social profiles, adjust gravatar size. It is very straight forward and simple to use.

如果您正在寻找一个更简单的author box插件,那么Author Bio Box就是您的理想选择。 它带有作者生物盒插件所需的所有基本选项。 您可以配置颜色,添加社交资料,调整图形显示大小。 它非常简单明了,易于使用。

7. Author Box Ultimate (7. Author Box Ultimate)

Author Box Ultimate

Author Box Ultimate comes with multiple predefined themes with different background images. This allows you to try different combination and styles to see what looks best with your website.

Author Box Ultimate带有多个带有不同背景图像的预定义主题。 这使您可以尝试不同的组合和样式,以查看最适合您的网站的内容。

The plugin’s settings page is divided into different sections. First you will need to click on the Content tab and enable it for posts and pages otherwise you will probably keep wondering why the author box is not appearing on your site.

插件的设置页面分为不同的部分。 首先,您需要单击“内容”选项卡,然后将其启用以用于帖子和页面,否则您可能会一直想知道为什么“作者”框未出现在您的网站上。

We hope this article helped you find the best author bio box plugin for your WordPress blog. Author bio box is a great way to attract guest contributors and give them credit.

我们希望本文能帮助您为WordPress博客找到最佳的作者简历盒插件。 Author bio box是吸引来宾贡献者并给予他们好评的好方法。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Google+.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterGoogle+上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/7-best-free-author-bio-box-plugins-for-wordpress/





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