
Want to increase your website traffic? One of the easiest and smartest method to get more pageviews is to promote your old evergreen articles. In this article, we will show you some of the best ways to promote old posts in WordPress.

想要增加您的网站流量? 获得更多网页浏览量的最简单,最聪明的方法之一就是宣传您的常绿老文章。 在本文中,我们将向您展示一些在WordPress中推广旧帖子的最佳方法。

Promote Old Posts in WordPress

But before we start, let’s take a look at why it’s important to promote old posts.


You see most people write a blog post, share it once or twice, and then leave it to die in their blog’s archive page.


Why let all your time, money, and efforts go to waste? Promoting older relevant articles allow you to maximize your traffic potential. Here are 8 proven methods to promote old posts in WordPress.

为什么要浪费所有的时间,金钱和精力呢? 宣传较旧的相关文章可让您最大程度地发挥点击量。 这里有8种行之有效的方法来推广WordPress中的旧帖子。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


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1.定期在社交媒体上分享您的旧帖子 (1. Regularly Share Your Old Posts on Social Media)

Automatically share old WordPress posts

Most of your social media updates are seen by a fraction of your followers. Mainly because there is so much noise and not everyone is online at the same time.

您的大多数关注者都可以看到大部分社交媒体更新。 主要是因为噪音太大,并非所有人都同时在线。

That’s why it is recommended to share at various different times of the day. The Revive Old Post plugin automatically shares your old posts on social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. It spreads out your updates for different times allowing you to maximize your exposure.

这就是为什么建议在一天的不同时间共享的原因。 Revive Old Post插件会在Twitter,Facebook和LinkedIn等社交媒体网络上自动共享您的旧帖子。 它将您的更新散布在不同的时间,从而使您的曝光率最大化。

For detailed instructions see our guide on how to automatically share your old WordPress posts.


2.在您的博客上展示相关帖子 (2. Showcase Related Posts on Your Blog)

Related Posts in WordPress

When you visit popular blogs like TechCrunch, Mashable, or even WPBeginner, you will notice that there is related content next to or below each article.


If a user has scrolled down to read your entire article, then they are engaged. Using a related posts plugin, you can provide them an opportunity to explore more of your website.

如果用户向下滚动以阅读您的整篇文章,那么他们就会参与其中。 使用相关的帖子插件 ,您可以为他们提供探索更多网站的机会。

3.显示您的热门帖子 (3. Display Your Popular Posts)

List25 showing popular posts

It’s true that 20% of your website content gets 80% of your traffic. Some articles are simply more popular than others.

的确,您20%的网站内容获得了80%的流量。 有些文章比其他文章更受欢迎。

Why not get more traffic to them? You can start showcasing your most popular content with a few simple clicks. People coming to your website are more likely to read what many other users have already found interesting.

为什么不吸引更多流量给他们呢? 只需单击几下即可开始展示最受欢迎的内容。 进入您网站的用户更有可能阅读许多其他用户已经发现的有趣内容。

Here are some great popular posts plugins for WordPress that you can use.


4.创建更好的404页面 (4. Create Better 404 Pages)

404 Error

Most WordPress themes come with a default 404 page template. A 404 page is displayed when a page that the user is looking for cannot be found.

大多数WordPress主题都带有默认的404页面模板。 当找不到用户正在寻找的页面时,将显示404页面。

You can use this opportunity to showcase the most important content of your website, and keep that visitor engaged. You can also add a search form on the page, so that users can locate the content they were looking for.

您可以利用此机会展示您网站上最重要的内容,并保持访问者的参与度。 您还可以在页面上添加搜索表单,以便用户可以找到他们要查找的内容。

Here are detailed instructions on how to improve your 404 page template in WordPress.


5.更好的WordPress搜索 (5. Better WordPress Search)

Improving WordPress search feature

The default search feature in WordPress is fairly limiting, but you can improve the search feature. There are two common approaches for that.

WordPress中的默认搜索功能相当有限,但是您可以改进搜索功能。 有两种常见的方法。

The first one is to use Google Custom Search form to replace the WordPress search. The other method is to use a search plugin like SearchWP.

第一个是使用Google自定义搜索表单来替换WordPress搜索。 另一种方法是使用SearchWP之类的搜索插件。

Both of these solutions will help improve your WordPress search.


6.自定义存档页面 (6. Custom Archive Pages)

Custom archives page showing categories

Creating a custom archive page is one of the best way to highlight your old but still useful content.


You can show the most popular articles, most commented posts, recent posts, and so on. You can even display all your post categories / tags, add compact archives, and include a search form. This will help people not only in finding content, but will also help them understand what your blog is about. Don’t forget to add an email sign up form on the page.

您可以显示最受欢迎的文章,评论最多的帖子,最近的帖子等。 您甚至可以显示所有帖子类别/标签,添加紧凑的存档并包括搜索表单。 这不仅可以帮助人们查找内容,还可以帮助他们了解您的博客内容。 不要忘记在页面上添加电子邮件注册表单。

You may also want to check out WPBeginner archives.


7.链接旧文章 (7. Interlink Old Articles)

Interlink Your Articles

Building internal links is one of the most important SEO strategy. You need to make internal linking a habit.

建立内部链接是最重要的SEO策略之一。 您需要养成内部链接的习惯。

It’s helpful to the user when you link to your old posts whenever it is relevant. People browse the web by clicking on one link to another. Make sure that there are plenty of your own links for them to click on.

只要相关,当您链接到旧帖子时,这对用户很有帮助。 人们通过单击一个链接到另一个链接来浏览网络。 确保有很多您自己的链接供他们单击。

Check out our guide on WordPress SEO tips for beginners for some more SEO advice.

查阅我们针对初学者的WordPress SEO技巧指南, 获取更多SEO建议。

8.在评论中链接旧文章 (8. Link Old Articles in Comments)

Link to your articles in comments on your blog

When answering user comments on your own blog, you should try to use links to point them to other articles on your own website.


It’s not something you should force, rather it’s important to keep it in the back of your mind, and you will be surprised how many opportunities will come up.


This builds trust and increases your pageviews. This link you add is going to stay there and any future visitors with the same question will continue to click on that link.

这可以建立信任并增加您的综合浏览量。 您添加的此链接将保留在该位置,以后任何有相同问题的访客都将继续单击该链接。

We hope this article helped you fine some new ways to promote old posts on your WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on 40 useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到一些新方法来推广WordPress网站上的旧帖子。 您可能还想查看有关40种有用工具的指南, 以管理和发展WordPress博客

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/8-proven-methods-to-promote-old-posts-in-wordpress/





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