
Do you want to get more comments on your blog posts? We often get asked about tips on increasing comments on WordPress blog posts. In this article, we will share 11 ways to get more comments on your WordPress blog posts.

您想在博客文章上获得更多评论吗? 我们经常被问到有关增加对WordPress博客文章的评论的提示。 在本文中,我们将分享11种方法来获取有关WordPress博客文章的更多评论。

Getting more comments to build user enagement in a WordPress blog
1.获得更好的WordPress托管 (1. Get a Better WordPress Hosting)

Comments are resource intensive. Each time a user submits a comment on your WordPress site, your server runs a PHP script. If multiple users are submitting comments at the same time, this could slow down your site.

评论占用大量资源。 每当用户在您的WordPress网站上提交评论时,您的服务器就会运行一个PHP脚本。 如果多个用户同时提交评论,这可能会降低您的网站速度。

You will need to make sure that your WordPress hosting provider can handle it. If you have a larger site, then try a managed WordPress hosting provider like WPEngine for better speed.

您需要确保您的WordPress托管提供商可以处理它。 如果您的网站较大,请尝试使用WPEngine之类的托管WordPress托管提供商,以提高速度。

2.使用评论审核代替验证码 (2. Use Comment Moderation Instead of Captcha)

Adding CAPTCHA to block spam is an effective way to deal with comment spam.


However, CAPTCHA is not user-friendly, and it discourages regular users from commenting.


Instead of using CAPTCHA, you should enable comment moderation on your site and manually approve each and every comment (if you have to).


Comment moderation will not only allow you to block spam, it will also provide you a chance to interact with your users more often.


See our beginner’s guide on how to moderate comments in WordPress for detailed instructions.


3.允许用户订阅评论 (3. Allow Users to Subscribe to Comments)

By default when a user leaves a comment on your website, they will have to bookmark the link to come back and see if there is a new comment on the article.


If they forget to bookmark or can’t remember the name of your blog, then they will probably never come back again.


You can provide users a chance to subscribe to comments on your WordPress posts. This way they can get immediate notifications when there is a new comment.

您可以为用户提供订阅WordPress帖子评论的机会。 这样,当有新评论时,他们可以立即收到通知。

This will significantly increase your pageviews and number of comments on your website. Your users will find discussions on your site to be more engaging.

这将显着增加您的网页浏览量和网站评论数。 您的用户会在您的站点上发现讨论,从而更加吸引人。

Subscribe to comments

Take a look at our guide on how to allow users to subscribe to comments in WordPress.


4.通知用户对自己的评论的回复 (4. Notify Users on Replies to Their Own Comments)

When a user leaves a comment on your site, there is no way for them to find out if anyone has replied to their comment. They will have to bookmark the page and visit it later. Most users will not do that.

当用户在您的网站上留下评论时,他们无法找出是否有人回复了他们的评论。 他们将必须在页面上添加书签,然后再访问。 大多数用户不会这样做。

You can easily allow users to subscribe to their own comments. This way they will ONLY receive a notification email when someone replies to their comment.

您可以轻松地允许用户订阅他们自己的评论。 这样,只有当有人回复他们的评论时,他们才会收到通知电子邮件。

If you make it a habit to reply to most user comments on your site, then this could develop a highly engaging community around your blog.


For detailed instructions check out our tutorial on how to notify users on replies to their own comments in WordPress.


5.首先显示最新评论 (5. Show Newest Comments First)

By default WordPress shows the newest comment at the bottom of the comments list. Now if you have lots of comments on a post, then users will be seeing the oldest comments on top.

默认情况下,WordPress在评论列表的底部显示最新评论。 现在,如果您在帖子中有很多评论,那么用户将在顶部看到最早的评论。

This can be easily changed in WordPress.


Simply go to Settings » Discussion and scroll down to other comments settings section. You need to select newer from the drop down menu.

只需转到设置»讨论,然后向下滚动到其他评论设置部分。 您需要从下拉菜单中选择较新的版本。

Show newer comments first in WordPress

For more details, take a look at our tutorial on how to rearrange comments in WordPress – Display the most recent one on top.


6.打开旧帖子的评论 (6. Turn on Comments for Old Posts)

Most bloggers turn off comments on older posts to reduce comment spam. However, there will be lots of users who might want to comment on these posts.

大多数博客作者会关闭较旧帖子的评论,以减少垃圾评论。 但是,会有很多用户可能想对这些帖子发表评论。

Since you are already using comment moderation, you can safely turn on comments on old posts.


Simply go to Settings » Discussion and scroll down to other comments settings section. Uncheck the box next to ‘Automatically close comments on articles older than X days’.

只需转到设置»讨论,然后向下滚动到其他评论设置部分。 取消选中“自动关闭对X天以上的文章的评论”旁边的框。

Turn on comments on older posts
7.展示您的顶级评论员 (7. Showcase Your top Commenters)

A good way to encourage and appreciate your most loyal users is by highlighting your top commenters. This shows users that they are part of your blog’s community, and you appreciate their effort to bring life into your comments.

鼓励和赞赏最忠实的用户的一种好方法是突出显示您的热门评论者。 这向用户表明他们是您博客社区的一部分,并且您感谢他们为您的评论添加生命的努力。

Simply install and activate the Top Commenters Widget plugin. Upon activation, go to Appearance » Widgets page and add Top Commenters Widget to a sidebar.

只需安装并激活Top Commenters Widget插件即可。 激活后,转到外观»小部件页面,然后将顶部评论者小部件添加到侧边栏。

Top commenters widget settings

For more detailed instructions, please see our guide on how to display your top commenters in WordPress sidebar.


8.显示最近的评论 (8. Display Recent Comments)

When users are looking at your homepage, they have no idea what’s happening in your blog’s comments section. For example, there may be a heated debate going on a new post where a user may want to chime in.

当用户查看您的主页时,他们不知道博客评论部分中发生了什么。 例如,在一个新帖子上可能会引起激烈的辩论,用户可能希望对此感兴趣。

You can provide users a chance to look at current discussions by showing recent comments on your site.


Simply go to Appearance » Widgets and add Recent Comments widget to a sidebar.


Adding recent comments widget in WordPress
9.允许用户评分和分享评论 (9. Allow Users to Rate and Share Comments)

The default WordPress commenting system is plain and simple. It does not have the social, gamification, and user engagement elements of a modern discussion platform. However, you can easily add these features in WordPress using plugins.

默认的WordPress评论系统简单明了。 它没有现代讨论平台的社交,游戏化和用户参与元素。 但是,您可以使用插件轻松在WordPress中添加这些功能。

Simply install and activate the De:comments plugin. Upon activation the plugin will beautifully transform your WordPress commenting system into a highly engaging discussion platform.

只需安装并激活De:comments插件即可。 激活后,该插件将精美地将您的WordPress评论系统转变为一个高度参与的讨论平台。

De:comments preview

De:comments comes with features like voting, user awards, social sharing, comment subscription, and many more. It will save you from installing some other plugins mentioned in this article.

De:comments具有投票,用户奖励,社交共享,评论订阅等功能。 这将使您免于安装本文中提到的其他一些插件。

See our detailed tutorial on how to improve WordPress comments with De:comments.


10.批准用户时通知用户 (10. Notify Users When Their Comment is Approved)

When a user submits a comment on your blog, WordPress shows them that their comment is awaiting moderation. The users have no idea when you approve their comment or delete it.

当用户在您的博客上提交评论时,WordPress会向他们显示他们的评论正在等待审核。 用户不知道何时批准或删除他们的评论。

You increase your pageviews as well as user engagement by simply notifying users when their comment is approved.


Simply install and activate the Comment Approved plugin. Upon activation, go to Settings » Comment Approved page to configure the plugin.

只需安装并激活“ 评论批准”插件即可。 激活后,转到“设置”»“已批准评论”页面以配置插件。

Comment Approved Settings

For detailed instructions see our tutorial on how to notify users when their comment is approved in WordPress.


11.回复用户评论 (11. Reply to User Comments)

This should go without saying, but if you want to get more comments, then you will need to actively take part in discussions on your website.


This means you need to reply to as many user comments as possible.


You can easily take a look at comments that you can reply by installing and activating the DX Unanswered Comments plugin. It will allow you to filter and see comments that are unanswered.

您可以通过安装并激活DX未答复的注释插件轻松查看可以答复的注释 。 它将允许您过滤并查看未答复的评论。

See our tutorial on how to filter unanswered comments by admin in WordPress.


We hope this article helped you get more comments on your WordPress blog. You may also want to see our list of 40 useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您在WordPress博客上获得更多评论。 您可能还想查看我们的40种有用工具的列表, 这些工具可以管理和发展WordPress博客

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/11-ways-to-get-more-comments-on-your-wordpress-blog-posts/





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