wordpress 重定向_在WordPress中创建301重定向的初学者指南(逐步)

wordpress 重定向

Are you trying to create a redirect in WordPress? Not sure what a redirect is and why it is important? Don’t worry, we have got you covered in this beginner’s guide to WordPress redirects, we will cover what a redirect is, how to create a redirect in WordPress, why do you need, and when you should use redirects.

您是否要在WordPress中创建重定向? 不确定重定向是什么,为什么重定向很重要? 不用担心,我们已经在WordPress重定向新手指南中介绍了您,我们将介绍什么是重定向,如何在WordPress中创建重定向,为什么需要以及何时使用重定向。

Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

Website Redirects
WordPress中的重定向是什么? (What is a Redirect in WordPress?)

A redirect is a way for your website to send a quick message to your reader’s browser and tell them that the page they want to visit has been moved, so their browser can automatically point them to the new page of your choice.


There are various different types of redirects such as 301 redirect, 302 redirect, 307 redirect, etc.


However to keep this article simple and useful, we will only cover 301 redirects as that’s the most important.


Let’s take a look at why it is important by understanding the use case.


您何时需要在WordPress中进行301重定向? (When do you need a 301 redirect in WordPress?)

The primary reason to use 301 redirects is when your site or a page on your site has been moved, and you want to point the user to a new page instead.


This article idea came to us when one of our readers asked us for a way to redirect users from an old post to a new post.


– You need to create a redirect when you are planning on deleting a post or page in favor of new content.


– You need to create a redirect when you are planning on changing the permalinks of your post or page.


Why? Because not creating a redirect will cause your users to see a 404 not found error. Which is not only bad for users, but it can also impact your site’s SEO and hurt your search engine rankings.

为什么? 因为不创建重定向将导致您的用户看到404 not found错误。 这不仅对用户不利,而且还会影响您网站的SEO并损害搜索引擎排名。

That’s when 301 redirects become very important.


It allows you to tell search engines and your user’s browser that the page they are trying to reach has been permanently moved to a new location.


This allows for all your old page’s traffic and backlink (SEO) strengths to be transferred on to the new page.


Now that we have covered the why and when of redirects, let’s take a look at how you can create 301 redirects in WordPress using the different methods that are available.


影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


如何在WordPress中创建重定向(使用插件) (How to Create Redirects in WordPress (using Plugins))

An easier approach to create and manage 301 redirects is by using one of the many WordPress redirect plugins. This allows you to setup redirects without ever writing a single line of code.

创建和管理301重定向的一种更简单的方法是使用许多WordPress重定向插件之一。 这使您可以设置重定向,而无需编写任何代码。

1.重定向 (1. Redirection)

The simplest way to add and manage redirects in WordPress is by using the Redirection plugin. Install and activate the plugin. Once activated, visit Tools » Redirection to setup your redirects.

在WordPress中添加和管理重定向的最简单方法是使用重定向插件。 安装并激活插件。 激活后,请访问工具»重定向以设置重定向。

Setting up WordPress redirects using Redirection plugin

Redirection plugin not only allows you to setup redirects, it also helps you find out 404 errors on your WordPress site. You can then redirect those URLs to an appropriate destination. See this tutorial on how to track 404 pages and redirect them in WordPress.

重定向插件不仅可以设置重定向,还可以帮助您在WordPress网站上找出404错误。 然后,您可以将这些URL重定向到适当的目的地。 请参阅本教程,了解如何跟踪404页面并在WordPress中重定向它们

2.页面链接到 (2. Page Links to)

Sometimes you may want to keep a post/page, but redirect it to another post or page. This is where Page Links to comes in handy. This simple plugin adds a meta box on your post edit screen where you can enter the address of the new location where you want to send your users.

有时您可能想保留一个帖子/页面,但将其重定向到另一个帖子或页面。 这是“页面链接”派上用场的地方。 这个简单的插件在您的帖子编辑屏幕上添加了一个meta框,您可以在其中输入要发送用户的新位置的地址。

Adding redirect link in post editor
3.简单的301重定向 (3. Simple 301 Redirects)

Another easy to use plugin is Simple 301 Redirects. As the name suggests, it makes 301 Redirects simple. Simply install and activate the plugin and then visit Settings » 301 Redirects to add your URLs.

另一个易于使用的插件是Simple 301 Redirects。 顾名思义,它使301重定向变得简单。 只需安装并激活插件,然后访问设置»301重定向即可添加您的URL。

Adding redirects using Simple 301 Redirects plugin for WordPress

Now while setting up 301 redirects using a WordPress plugin is easy, it has some minor performance setback. Based on your WordPress hosting provider, your WordPress redirects maybe a bit slower by some microseconds.

现在,虽然使用WordPress插件设置301重定向很容易,但它的性能会受到一些影响。 根据您的WordPress托管提供商 ,您的WordPress重定向可能会慢一些微秒。

If you want to make your redirects faster, then you can do so by using the code method and .htaccess file.


使用.htaccess在WordPress中设置301重定向 (Setting Up 301 Redirects in WordPress using .htaccess)

Using the web server configuration file .htaccess, WordPress users can set up 301 redirects that are fast.

使用Web服务器配置文件.htaccess ,WordPress用户可以设置301快速重定向。

Please keep in mind that a small mistake in your .htaccess code can make your WordPress site inaccessible, and it may start showing Internal Server Error.

请记住,.htaccess代码中的一个小错误会使您的WordPress网站无法访问,并且可能开始显示Internal Server Error

That’s why it is important that you backup your .htaccess file before making any changes.


To edit your .htaccess file, you will need to connect to your website using an FTP client. The .htaccess file resides in your WordPress site’s root directory.

要编辑.htaccess文件,您需要使用FTP客户端连接到您的网站。 .htaccess文件位于WordPress网站的根目录中。

If you can’t see your .htaccess file there, then you need to force your FTP client to show hidden files. (See why you can’t find .htaccess file on your WordPress site.)

如果您在此处看不到.htaccess文件,则需要强制FTP客户端显示隐藏文件。 (看看为什么在WordPress网站上找不到.htaccess文件 。)

You can edit .htaccess file in any plain text editor like Notepad.


Here is a simple redirect, where we are trying to send a user visiting an old post to a new post.


RewriteEngine On
Redirect 301 /a-very-old-post/ http://yoursite.com/a-very-new-post/

You can add the code above preferably at the end of your .htaccess file.


That’s all. We hope this beginner’s guide to creating WordPress redirects helped you setup redirects on your site.

就这样。 我们希望这份有关创建WordPress重定向的初学者指南可以帮助您在网站上设置重定向。

You may also want to check out these 9 most useful .htaccess tricks for WordPress.


If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/beginners-guide-to-creating-redirects-in-wordpress/

wordpress 重定向





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