
Thinking about building an email list? Beginner’s often end up making email marketing mistakes that are detrimental to their business. In this article, we will share 11 email marketing mistakes that all WordPress users must avoid.

考虑建立电子邮件清单? 初学者经常最终会犯对他们的业务有害的电子邮件营销错误。 在本文中,我们将分享所有WordPress用户必须避免的11个电子邮件营销错误。

Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
1.使用WordPress运行电子邮件列表或新闻通讯 (1. Using WordPress to Run an Email List or Newsletter)

WordPress is a robust platform with built-in capability to send email notifications. However, it was not designed to send out email newsletters.

WordPress是一个强大的平台,具有内置功能来发送电子邮件通知 。 但是,它并非旨在发送电子邮件新闻通讯。

There are plenty of WordPress plugins that allow you to send out newsletter without signing up for an email marketing service. Using such a plugin to build your email list is a terrible idea.

有很多WordPress插件,可让您无需注册电子邮件营销服务即可发送新闻通讯。 使用这样的插件来建立您的电子邮件列表是一个糟糕的主意。

First, your WordPress hosting provider would consider this as a misuse of their terms and service. These mail servers are often poorly configured, have strict limits, and cannot send all your emails at once.

首先,您的WordPress托管服务提供商会将其视为滥用其条款和服务。 这些邮件服务器通常配置不当,具有严格的限制,并且无法一次发送所有电子邮件。

Almost all users who start out with a WordPress plugin or an email script, end up signing up with a proper email marketing service. The switch affects their existing subscribers as many email service providers will ask them to opt-in again.

几乎所有以WordPress插件或电子邮件脚本开头的用户最终都使用适当的电子邮件营销服务进行了注册。 由于许多电子邮件服务提供商会要求他们再次选择加入,因此该切换会影响其现有订阅者。

If you haven’t already done so, then it is time to signup with a reputable email service provider like Constant Contact, AWeber, etc. This will ensure that you don’t lose any email address and that your emails always land into user’s inbox.

如果您尚未这样做,那么是时候与信誉卓著的电子邮件服务提供商(如Constant ContactAWeber等)进行注册了。这将确保您不会丢失任何电子邮件地址,并且您的电子邮件始终可以进入用户的收件箱。

For more on this topic, take a look at our article on why you should never use WordPress to send newsletter emails.


2.混淆博客订阅工具和电子邮件列表 (2. Confusing Blog Subscription Tools with an Email List)

Confusing email list with blog subscription tools

Another common misconception among WordPress users is confusing blog subscription tools with an email list.


Plugins like JetPack or services like Feedburner allow your users to receive blog posts via email. However, this is not really an email list.

诸如JetPack之类的插件或诸如Feedburner之类的服务使您的用户可以通过电子邮件接收博客文章。 但是,这实际上不是电子邮件列表。

  • You cannot send out private email newsletters to your users with these tools.

  • You do not own your contacts list.

  • There are no contact-management, advanced analytics, or any other features

  • You cannot effectively use such tools to capture more email subscribers


For more on this topic, you may want to see our guide on how to switch from JetPack subscription to MailChimp, Aweber, etc.


3.不立即开始建立电子邮件列表 (3. Not Starting Email List Building Right Away)

Missing out by not starting early

Many small businesses and bloggers don’t realize how important it is to use email marketing. They keep adding new content and reach out to audiences on social media, while ignoring the most cost effective marketing tool at their disposal.

许多小型企业和博客作者没有意识到使用电子邮件营销的重要性。 他们不断添加新内容并在社交媒体上吸引受众,而忽略了可支配的最具成本效益的营销工具。

Almost 75% visitors coming to your website from search engines will never come back again. Building an email list allows you to reach out to your users, bring them back, and boost your sales.

几乎75%的访问者从搜索引擎访问您的网站将永远不会再回来。 通过建立电子邮件列表,您可以联系用户,吸引他们回头并提高销售量。

If you haven’t already started building your email list, then check out our article about why you should start building your email list right away.


4.不使用潜在客户生成软件 (4. Not Using a Lead Generation Software)

Lead generation

Many users complain that their email list is not growing fast enough or that users are not signing up at all. Some users rely purely on guess work on what would work on their site.

许多用户抱怨他们的电子邮件列表增长不够快,或者用户根本没有注册。 一些用户纯粹依靠猜测来猜测他们网站上的内容。

You need to use a lead generation software like OptinMonster to quickly grow your email list. OptinMonster helps you convert abandoning website visitors into email subscribers. See our case study of how we increased our email subscribers by 600% using OptinMonster.

您需要使用诸如OptinMonster之类的销售线索生成软件来快速增长您的电子邮件列表。 OptinMonster可帮助您将放弃的网站访问者转换为电子邮件订阅者。 请参阅我们的案例研究,了解如何使用OptinMonster将电子邮件订户增加600%

5.仅使用一次注册表单 (5. Using only a Single Sign up Form)

Many bloggers and small business owners just place a signup form on their website and then forget about it. Your users have a shorter attention span, and unless you are a celebrity, most users will probably not even notice your signup form.

许多博客作者和小型企业主只是在他们的网站上放置了一份注册表格,然后就忘记了。 您的用户的关注范围较短,除非您是名人,否则大多数用户可能甚至不会注意到您的注册表单。

You will need to improve your lead generation by placing multiple optin forms at strategic locations. Using OptinMonster, you can use smart popups, slide in forms, after post optins, and many more ways to make your email signup forms more noticeable.

您需要通过在战略位置放置多个optin表单来改善潜在客户的产生。 使用OptinMonster,您可以使用智能弹出窗口,在表单中滑动,在张贴选择项之后滑动表单,以及许多其他方法来使电子邮件注册表单更引人注目。

6.使用过多的选项并破坏用户体验 (6. Using Too Many Optins and Ruining User Experience)

Confusing users with too many choices

While using multiple optins boosts your email signups, using too many optins can have an adverse effect as well. You need to find a balance between a reasonable number of optins and good user experience.

虽然使用多个选项可以提高您的电子邮件注册率,但使用过多的选项也会产生不利影响。 您需要在合理数量的选择插件和良好的用户体验之间找到平衡。

For example, using a popup form, slide in optin, welcome gate, together on the same page can annoy your users. Bad user experience not only discourages users from browsing your website, it can also have a negative effect on your sales and SEO.

例如,在同一页面上,使用弹出表单,在optin, welcome gate中滑动,可能会惹恼您的用户。 不良的用户体验不仅会阻止用户浏览您的网站,还会对您的销售和SEO产生负面影响。

We recommend having a combination of a static form (sidebar or inline) and a dynamic form (slide-in, welcome gate, or popup).


7.不通过测试和研究来改善潜在客户的产生 (7. Not Improving Lead Generation with Testing and Research)

Using blind guesses instead of testing and research

Often users turn on a sign up form and then leave it to be.


Without proper strategy and testing, your growth will be stagnant.


You need to regularly check which optins are working on your website and run A/B tests to see how you can improve.

您需要定期检查网站上正在使用哪些选择插件,并运行A / B测试以了解如何改进。

8.不使用RSS通过电子邮件发送订阅 (8. Not Using RSS to Email Subscription)

RSS to email subscription

Collecting email addresses alone is not going to do anything for your business, unless you use it to engage with your users. You need to send emails to your users and stay in touch with them.

除非您使用电子邮件地址与用户互动,否则仅收集电子邮件地址不会为您的业务做任何事情。 您需要向用户发送电子邮件并与他们保持联系。

Connecting your blog’s RSS feed to your email list allows you to send email to your users whenever there is a new post on your blog.

将博客的RSS Feed连接到电子邮件列表后,只要博客上有新帖子,您就可以向用户发送电子邮件。

It helps users check out new content and learn about your business / services. It also helps you build brand recognition among your users.

它可以帮助用户签出新内容并了解您的业务/服务。 它还可以帮助您在用户中建立品牌知名度。

For detailed instructions, see our tutorial on how to add email subscription to your WordPress blog.


9.购买电子邮件列表 (9. Buying an Email List)

Buying an email list is undoubtedly the worst thing you can do to kill your whole email marketing. Those email lists are not real and even if some addresses are real, those people don’t know you and never signed up for receiving emails from you.

毫无疑问,购买电子邮件列表是杀死整个电子邮件营销活动中最糟糕的事情。 这些电子邮件列表不是真实的,即使某些地址是真实的,这些人也不认识您,也从未注册接收您的电子邮件。

You will be sending unsolicited email and risking your brand name to be included into spam filters. You can be banned or penalized by your email service provider. Most importantly, you will be spending a lot more money to get very little response.

您将发送未经请求的电子邮件,并冒着将您的品牌名称包含在垃圾邮件过滤器中的风险。 您的电子邮件服务提供商可能会禁止或处罚您。 最重要的是,您将花费更多的钱来获得很少的响应。

10.忽略Google Analytics(分析)以提高注册量 (10. Ignoring Google Analytics to Boost Signups)

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the treasure trove of useful data that helps you make informed decisions. Many site owners aren’t aware of how they can use this information to build their email list.

Google Analytics(分析)是有用数据的宝库,可帮助您做出明智的决策。 许多网站所有者并不知道如何使用此信息来构建其电子邮件列表。

If you haven’t yet installed it, then check out our guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress. After that follow our guide on how to use Google Analytics to understand how to analyze reports.

如果尚未安装,请查看有关如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)的指南。 之后,请按照我们有关如何使用Google Analytics(分析)的指南来了解如何分析报告。

More experienced users can jump directly to this guide on how to use Google Analytics to discover ideas for lead magnets.

经验丰富的用户可以直接跳至本指南,以获取有关如何使用Google Analytics(分析)发现铅磁铁的想法的信息

11.发送太多电子邮件 (11. Sending Too Many Emails)

We mentioned earlier that not sending enough emails can be a big mistake. Sending too many emails can be equally destructive.

前面我们提到过,没有发送足够多的电子邮件可能是一个大错误。 发送过多的电子邮件可能同样具有破坏性。

Your users should know how many emails they should expect to receive when they signup. Many sites, including WPBeginner, allow users to choose from weekly, monthly, or daily emails.

您的用户应该知道注册后应该收到多少封电子邮件。 许多站点(包括WPBeginner)都允许用户从每周,每月或每天的电子邮件中进行选择。

If you are not segmenting your list like that, then you will need to find out the balance between a healthy email frequency and an annoying one.


We hope this article helped you learn about the most common mistakes WordPress users make while building their email list. You may also want to see our list of 10 WordPress plugins that will quickly help you get more traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解WordPress用户在构建其电子邮件列表时遇到的最常见错误。 您可能还想查看我们的10个WordPress插件列表, 这些列表将快速帮助您获得更多流量

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/11-mistakes-wordpress-users-make-while-building-their-email-list/





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