
Are you looking for maintenance page ideas for your WordPress site? While nobody likes putting up a maintenance page, sometimes adding a maintenance page becomes unavoidable. In this article, we will share some creative examples of different types of maintenance pages. We will also show you how to easily add one to your WordPress site.

您是否正在寻找WordPress网站的维护页面提示? 尽管没有人喜欢设置维护页面,但有时不可避免地要添加维护页面。 在本文中,我们将分享一些不同类型的维护页面的创意示例。 我们还将向您展示如何轻松地将其中一个添加到WordPress网站。

Maintenance Page Ideas for WordPress
为什么以及何时需要WordPress中的维护页面? (Why and When Do You Need a Maintenance Page in WordPress?)

Normally you can do most things on your WordPress site without ever taking it down. However, there are some situations when you will need to put your site in maintenance mode to avoid any conflicts.

通常,您可以在WordPress网站上执行大多数操作,而无需删除它。 但是,在某些情况下,您需要将站点置于维护模式下,以避免发生任何冲突。

If you are moving WordPress from local server to live site, or switching from one hosting server to another, then you will need a maintenance page.

如果要将WordPress从本地服务器移动到实时站点 ,或从一台托管服务器切换到另一台托管服务器 ,则需要一个维护页面。

You will also need a maintenance page if you run an online store or a membership site to make sure customer orders aren’t lost and user sessions don’t end abruptly.

如果您经营在线商店会员网站 ,则还需要维护页面,以确保不会丢失客户订单并且用户会话不会突然结束。

如何在WordPress中创建维护页面? (How to Create A Maintenance Page in WordPress?)

First thing you will need to do is install and activate the WP Maintenance Mode plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WP Maintenance Mode插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » WP Maintenance Mode page to configure plugin settings.


WP Maintenance Mode

Here you can add a background image, choose design options, and add your custom message to the maintenance mode page.


For detailed instructions see our step by step guide on how to put your WordPress site in maintenance mode.


Now that you know how to create a maintenance page in WordPress, let’s take a look at different types of maintenance pages that you can create.


来自网络的维护页面示例 (Examples of Maintenance Pages from Across The Web)

Maintenance Pages are not visible to your users for a long period of time, but they definitely have an impact on how users see your brand.


Ugly error pages generated by your servers can adversely affect your brand image. On the other hand, a creative maintenance page can be memorable and strengthen your brand identity in user’s mind.

服务器生成的错误错误页面会对品牌形象产生不利影响。 另一方面,创意性的维护页面可以令人回味,并在用户的脑海中增强您的品牌形象。

Here are some examples of how popular brands use their maintenance mode pages to achieve this.


1.简短而甜美 (1. Short and Sweet)

Instead of giving detailed explanation to your users about what’s going on, you can keep it short and simple. This approach avoids confusion among your users and delivers the message effectively.

无需向用户详细说明正在发生的事情,而是可以使其简短而简单。 这种方法避免了用户之间的混乱,并有效地传递了消息。

One of the best examples of this is probably Twitter’s famous ‘Fail Whale’.


Twitter Maintenance Page

There are many variations of this famous illustration. Twitter has also used the Fail Whale as their overcapacity page and 404 error page for sometime.

此著名插图有很多变体。 Twitter还使用Fail Whale作为其产能过剩页面和404错误页面一段时间。

This confused their users as the error message didn’t properly communicate the issue. You should always use a different page as your 404 error template. Here are some examples of great 404 page examples.

由于错误消息无法正确传达问题,这使他们的用户感到困惑。 您应该始终使用其他页面作为404错误模板。 以下是一些很棒的404页面示例的示例

Another example of short and simple is Atlassian’s maintenance page.


2.有同情心 (2. Be Compassionate)

Its frustrating when users want to visit their favorite website and they can’t. You need to acknowledge the inconvenience caused by the maintenance, apologize for the trouble, and promise that you are working hard to bring the website back as soon as possible.

当用户想要访问自己喜欢的网站而不能访问时,它令人沮丧。 您需要确认维护带来的不便,对造成的麻烦表示歉意,并保证您正在努力尽快恢复该网站。

Check out this maintenance page from GitHub. It starts with an apology and then offers a way for users to check the status.

从GitHub检查此维护页面。 它从道歉开始,然后为用户提供一种检查状态的方法。

GitHub maintenance page
3.幽默有趣 (3. Be Humourous and Entertaining)

Downtimes are annoying, and your users may feel angry about it. A little humor can go a long way.

停机很烦人,您的用户可能对此感到生气。 一点点幽默可以大有帮助。

Here is how Product Hunt used cat puns on their maintenance page.

这是Product Hunt在其维护页面上如何使用双关语的方法。

Product Hunt maintenance page

Patreon used their mascot and if you look closely, then you can notice that the little fox had a little accident.


Patreon maintenance page

Tumblr used a photograph of earth as seen from International Space Station with their maintenance mode message.


Tumblr maintenance page example

Flickr used this image for their maintenance page.


Flickr down for maintenance message
4.熟悉的外观 (4. Familiar Look and Feel)

Using your brand’s logo, colors, and style makes a maintenance page more effective. Unlike your live website, user attention is way more focused on the message, and it is a good opportunity to build brand recognition.

使用品牌的徽标,颜色和样式可使维护页面更有效。 与您的实时网站不同,用户的注意力更多地集中在消息上,这是建立品牌知名度的好机会。

Apple does a great job with this.


Apple maintenance page
5.倒数计时 (5. Countdown for Return)

Adding a countdown timer to your maintenance page makes it look more alive. It also builds anticipation among your users.

在维护页面上添加倒数计时器可以使其看起来更生动。 它还可以在用户中建立预期。

However, if you don’t want to add a timer, you can still add the time when your site is expected to be back online.


Here’s an example for how Etsy did it on their maintenance page.


Etsy maintenance page
6.进度和更新 (6. Progress and Updates)

Most popular websites use Twitter during scheduled maintenance to keep their users updated. Some of them also add the status updates right on the maintenance page.

最受欢迎的网站在计划维护期间使用Twitter来保持其用户更新。 其中一些还可以在维护页面上直接添加状态更新。

Here’s an example of how Upwork’s adds live updates to their maintenance page.


Upwork maintenance page with status updates
WordPress网站上计划维护的提示 (Tips for Scheduled Maintenance on Your WordPress Site)

When working on a live site you are losing visitors and potential customers every minute your website is down. Here are some tips that will help you do it more effectively.

在实时站点上工作时,每当您的网站关闭时,您就会失去访问者和潜在客户。 这里有一些技巧,可以帮助您更有效地进行操作。

1. See your Google Analytics reports to find out the least busy hours on your site and then use them for maintenance.

1.查看您的Google Analytics(分析)报告,找出您网站上最不繁忙的时间,然后将其用于维护。

2. Send out an email to your email list about maintenance schedule earlier. This way you regular users will not be taken by surprise.

2.提前将有关维护计划的电子邮件发送到您的电子邮件列表 。 这样,您的普通用户将不会感到惊讶。

3. Make sure your maintenance page offers users a quicker way to get in touch using Twitter, Facebook, etc.


4. Most importantly, make sure your website is back online as soon as possible.


We hope this article helped you find inspiration for your maintenance page. You may also want to see our guide on how to create beautiful coming soon pages in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您从维护页面中找到灵感。 您可能还希望查看我们的指南, 了解如何在WordPress中创建漂亮的即将发布的页面

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/six-types-of-maintenance-pages-which-one-works-for-you/





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