

While browsing the web, you’ve probably come across websites that have popular articles section. Displaying popular posts help your website visitors find your best content and boost your pageviews. If you want to add a popular posts section on your site, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we will show you the best popular posts plugins for WordPress.

浏览网络时,您可能会遇到带有热门文章部分的网站。 显示热门帖子可帮助您的网站访问者找到最佳内容,并提高浏览量。 如果您想在网站上添加热门帖子部分,那么您来对地方了。 在本文中,我们将向您展示WordPress最受欢迎的帖子插件。

Best popular posts plugins for WordPress
在您的WordPress网站上显示热门帖子 (Showing Popular Posts on Your WordPress Site)

Before you pickup a plugin to show off your most popular content, you may want to look around and see how other successful websites are doing it.


For example, some site owners stick to the all-time most popular articles. Other popular blogs show articles that are trending that day, week, or month. This allows them to skip their old popular articles and get more pageviews for their recently trending articles.

例如,某些网站所有者坚持阅读有史以来最受欢迎的文章。 其他受欢迎的博客显示当天,每周或每月流行的文章。 这样一来,他们就可以跳过旧的热门文章,而获得近期热门文章的更多浏览量

Popular posts on list25

A few websites combine popular, recent, and most discussed articles in a tabbed widget or a featured content slider.


Trending articles example

You also need to decide where do you want to show the popular posts on your website. You can show it on front page, single articles, or every page on your website. Testing different placements will help you find out what works best for your website.

您还需要确定要在网站上显示热门帖子的位置。 您可以在首页单个文章或网站的每个页面上显示它。 测试不同的展示位置将帮助您确定最适合您的网站的位置。

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best popular posts plugins for WordPress.


1. WordPress热门帖子 (1. WordPress Popular Posts)

WordPress Popular Posts Widget

With over 200,000 active installs, WordPress Popular Posts plugin is one of the most downloaded popular posts plugin in the market. It allows you to show popular posts with many different conditions. You can show recently trending articles by selecting a date range. You can also show most commented or most viewed articles.

WordPress热门帖子插件拥有超过200,000个活跃安装,是市场上下载次数最多的热门帖子插件之一。 它使您可以显示具有许多不同条件的热门帖子。 您可以通过选择日期范围来显示近期流行的文章。 您还可以显示评论最多或查看最多的文章。

It is multi-widget capable which means you can add the same widget multiple times into the same or different sidebar. You can apply your own custom CSS, show post thumbnails, excerpts, author, comment count, number of views, and more.

它具有多组件功能,这意味着您可以将相同的小部件多次添加到相同或不同的侧边栏中。 您可以应用自己的自定义CSS ,显示帖子缩略图 ,摘录,作者,评论数,观看次数等。

Pros: WordPress popular posts is a powerful plugin with all the options that you would need to display your popular posts. Support for custom post types and the ability to add the widget multiple times allows you create different set of popular views, e.g. Popular Posts, Popular Reviews, etc.

优点: WordPress热门帖子是一个功能强大的插件,具有显示热门帖子所需的所有选项。 对自定义帖子类型的支持以及多次添加小部件的功能使您可以创建不同的流行视图集,例如,流行帖子,流行评论等。

Cons: The plugin creates two extra tables in the database to store popular posts data and cache. While some people might argue that it is a better approach to keep this data out of default WordPress tables, other may find it database intensive.

缺点:该插件在数据库中创建了两个额外的表来存储热门帖子数据和缓存。 虽然有人可能会认为将数据保留在默认WordPress表之外是一种更好的方法,但其他人可能会发现它是数据库密集型的。

2. Top 10 – WordPress热门帖子插件 (2. Top 10 – Popular posts plugin for WordPress)

Top 10 - Popular posts plugin for WordPress

Top 10 popular posts plugin for WordPress is another strong candidate in our list of the best popular posts plugins. As far as the features are concerned, it matches WordPress Popular Posts and even adds some more features. Top 10 also comes with a highly configurable widget and shortcodes.

WordPress的十大热门帖子插件是我们最热门的帖子插件列表中的另一个强力候选人。 就功能而言,它与WordPress热门帖子匹配,甚至增加了更多功能。 前10名还带有高度可配置的小部件和短代码

Despite the name, the plugin actually allows you to display any number of popular posts. It allows you to select a date range to choose from. You can show post views, author, post summary or excerpt, and post thumbnails in the popular posts list.

尽管有名称,该插件实际上允许您显示任意数量的热门帖子。 它允许您选择一个日期范围。 您可以在热门帖子列表中显示帖子视图,作者, 帖子摘要或摘录 ,以及发布缩略图。

Top 10 comes with a built-in caching system to make it less resource intensive. It also plays along nicely with WordPress caching plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache.

Top 10带有内置的缓存系统,以减少资源消耗。 它还可以与WordPress缓存插件(例如W3 Total CacheWP Super Cache)配合使用

Pros: Top 10 Popular Posts Plugin is feature rich, flexible, and easy to setup. It has aggressive caching to reduce the server load, and it works nicely with WordPress caching plugins.

优点:十大热门帖子插件功能丰富,灵活且易于设置。 它具有积极的缓存功能以减少服务器负载,并且可以与WordPress缓存插件很好地配合使用。

Cons: Plugin settings page have way too many options and beginners may find it a bit complicated.


3.相关 (3. Relevant)


Would you like your popular posts plugin to also show your featured articles, related content, and latest posts? Relevant allows you to do that. It comes with multiple widgets including one for popular posts and a neat settings page.

您是否希望您的热门帖子插件也显示您的精选文章 ,相关内容和最新帖子 ? 相关允许您执行此操作。 它带有多个小部件,其中包括一个热门帖子和一个整洁的设置页面。

You can display popular posts by comments or by page views. It also allows you to display post thumbnail, author, excerpt, and post date.

您可以通过评论或页面浏览来显示热门帖子。 它还允许您显示帖子缩略图,作者,摘录和帖子日期。

Don’t want to use the widget? Relevant also comes with shortcodes and template tags that you can use to display popular posts anywhere on your website. You can also enable post blocks before or after post content.

不想使用小部件? 相关的还带有短代码和模板标签,可用于在网站上的任何地方显示热门帖子。 您还可以在发布内容之前或之后启用发布阻止。

Pros: It combines featured, latest, and related posts functionality into one convenient package.


Cons: The popular posts feature does not allow you to show popular posts in a particular date range.


4. WP-PostRatings (4. WP-PostRatings)


Want to show the most highly rated posts on your website? WP-PostRatings helps you to do that. It allows your users to rate articles on your website.

想要显示您网站上评价最高的帖子吗? WP-PostRatings可以帮助您做到这一点。 它允许您的用户对您网站上的文章进行评分。

You can choose the rating icons, and who can vote on articles (all users vs only logged in users). It supports rich snippets, and it is highly customizable through filters and template tags.

您可以选择评分图标,以及可以对文章进行投票的人(所有用户vs仅登录用户)。 它支持丰富的代码段 ,并且可以通过过滤器和模板标签进行高度自定义。

The best part about the plugin is its ratings widget which shows top rated posts on your website. This allows you to show popular posts by user votes. The plugin also works with WordPress Popular Posts plugin.

关于插件的最好的部分是它的评级小部件,它显示您网站上评价最高的帖子。 这使您可以按用户投票显示热门帖子。 该插件还可以与WordPress Popular Posts插件一起使用。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add post rating system in WordPress


Pros: You can show popular posts based on user rating instead of page views or comments.


Cons: To implement the plugin, you will need to add template tags in your WordPress theme files. If you haven’t done this before, then check out our guide on how to copy and paste code in WordPress.

缺点:要实现该插件,您将需要在WordPress主题文件中添加模板标签。 如果您以前没有做过,请查看有关如何在WordPress中复制和粘贴代码的指南。

5.趋势/热门帖子滑块和小部件 (5. Trending/Popular Post Slider and Widget)

Popular posts slider

As the name suggests, this plugin allows you to show popular posts in a slider, a grid block, or as a plain list. This way you can show your best content in more engaging ways than just a list of links in your sidebar.

顾名思义,此插件可让您以滑块,网格块或普通列表形式显示热门帖子。 这样一来,您不仅可以通过侧边栏中的链接列表来以更具吸引力的方式显示最佳内容。

It comes with a simple settings page where you can choose the time range. This allows you to show posts trending during a particular year, month, or week.

它带有一个简单的设置页面,您可以在其中选择时间范围。 这使您可以显示特定年份,月份或星期内趋势的帖子。

The plugin comes with easy to use shortcodes that you can add to your posts or pages. You can also use the shortcode in your page builder plugin modules.

该插件带有易于使用的简码,您可以将其添加到帖子或页面中。 您还可以在页面构建器插件模块中使用简码。

If you want to implement it directly into your theme, then you can use template tags to do that.


Pros: Ability to add popular posts sliders, carousels, and grid blocks and show them anywhere on your site.


Cons: Limited features than other popular posts plugin. The slider, carousel, and grid blocks only work with shortcode. The widget is basically a list of links with post thumbnails, excerpt, and some meta data.

缺点:比其他流行的帖子插件功能有限。 滑块,轮播和网格块仅适用于简码。 窗口小部件基本上是带有帖子缩略图,摘录和一些元数据的链接的列表。

We hope this article helped you find the best popular posts plugin for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of the most useful WordPress widgets for your site.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到WordPress最受欢迎的帖子插件。 您可能还想查看我们的网站上最有用的WordPress小部件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/5-best-popular-posts-plugins-for-wordpress/


WordPress 热门文章插件Wordpress Popular Posts2.0.3汉化中文包 作者:Héctor Cabrera Wordpress Popular Posts是一个显示在您的博客最受欢迎的日志工具挂件。你还可以用它作为模板标签。 重要提醒:从版本2.0开始,Wordpress Popular Posts需要至少要是WordPress2.8版本才能正常工作。如果你当前没有运行WordPress 2.8版本或是无法更新您的博客,请不要升级或安装2.x版本! 警告:如果您是从任何1.4.6之前的版本升级,请先升级到1.4.6然后再转到2.X! 最新更新 Wordpress Popular Posts现已支持多挂件!在你的侧栏安装多个Wordpress Popular Posts实例,并分别独立设置! 简码支持! – 从版本2.0开始,您还可以在页面上展示你最受欢迎的日志! WP-Cache和WP Super Cache 现已支持!从版本2.0起,Wordpress Popular Posts完全兼容缓存插件! 分类排斥 – 要在表单上排除某些分类?使用排除分类设置! 新增WP-PostRatings投票支持!向访客显示您的读者如何评价该篇文章数据库改进 – Wordpress Popular Posts 现使用更少的空间来缓存您最热门的日志模板标签! – 不喜欢小工具栏?没问题!您仍然可以使用get_mostpopular()模板标签在你的主题中嵌入最热门的内容。此外,一个新的标签已被列入此版本: 使用方法: 下载汉化包解压后上传到/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-popular-posts/上目录即可 Wordpress Popular Posts2.0.3汉化中文包截图:




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