

Did you know that you can use your WordPress contact form to grow your email list? Users are most engaged when they are trying to reach out using the contact form on your website. In this article, we will show you how you can use contact forms to grow your email list in WordPress.

您是否知道可以使用WordPress联系人表格来增加电子邮件列表? 当用户尝试使用您网站上的联系表进行联系时,他们会参与度最高。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用联系表单来增加WordPress中的电子邮件列表。

How to use Contact Forms to Grow Your Email List
为什么在WordPress中使用联系表单建立电子邮件列表? (Why Use Contact Forms for Email List Building in WordPress?)

Email marketing is the most cost effective way to reach your audience. If you haven’t started it yet, then you need to see our article on why you should start building your email list right away.

电子邮件营销是吸引您的受众的最经济有效的方式。 如果尚未开始,那么您需要阅读我们的文章,了解为什么您应该立即开始构建电子邮件列表

You will need to combine different tools and methods for encouraging users to signup. Offering multiple choices to sign up helps you quickly get more subscribers.

您将需要组合不同的工具和方法来鼓励用户注册。 提供多种选择来注册,可帮助您快速获得更多订户。

Many users focus on adding email signup forms to their websites, which is good start but you need to get more creative. Contact forms, in fact any kind of forms on your website are the perfect place to add an email signup option.

许多用户专注于在其网站上添加电子邮件注册表单 ,这是一个好的开始,但是您需要发挥更大的创造力。 联系表格,实际上您网站上的任何形式都是添加电子邮件注册选项的理想场所。

Here is why:


  • Your users have already entered their email address in the contact form.

  • They are already interested in what you have to offer, that’s why they are filling the form. Why not ask them to subscribe as well?

    他们已经对您所提供的产品感兴趣,这就是他们填写表格的原因。 为什么不要求他们也订阅呢?
  • Many users feel that their chances of getting a response will increase if they opted in for your email list

  • You can use it in a variety of ways not just contact forms, but surveys, quizzes, ebook downloads, and more.


That being said let’s see how to easily integrate your email list to your WordPress forms and use contact forms to boost your email subscribers.


将您的电子邮件列表连接到WordPress联系人表单 (Connecting Your Email List to WordPress Contact Forms)

First thing you will need to do is install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WPForms插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

It is a paid plugin, and you will need at least the Plus plan to access email marketing addons.


You can use this WPForms Coupon: WPB10 to get 10% off your purchase on any WPForms plan.


Upon activation, you need to visit WPForms » Settings page to enter your license key. This will enable automatic updates and give you access to respective addons.

激活后,您需要访问WPForms»设置页面以输入许可证密钥。 这将启用自动更新,并允许您访问相应的插件。

WPForms license key

Next, head over to WPForms » Addons page to install the addon for your email marketing service.


WPForms comes with integration addons for the top email marketing services including Constant Contact, MailChimp, AWeber, and more.

WPForms带有用于顶级电子邮件营销服务的集成插件,包括Constant ContactMailChimpAWeber等。

Install addon

Once you have installed and activated the Addon, you need to visit WPForms » Settings page and click on the integrations tab. You will see your email service provider listed there.

安装并激活插件后,您需要访问WPForms»设置页面,然后单击集成选项卡。 您将在此处看到您的电子邮件服务提供商。

Click on your email service provider name and enter the required credentials. You can find this information from your email service account.

单击您的电子邮件服务提供商名称,然后输入所需的凭据。 您可以从您的电子邮件服务帐户中找到此信息。

Connect your email service provider to WPForms

Now that you have connected WPForms to your email marketing service, you can easily add email optins into your forms and add them anywhere on your website.


将电子邮件注册复选框添加到您的联系表单 (Adding Email Signup Checkbox to Your Contact Forms)

First you need to create a simple contact form for your website. See our detailed instructions on how to easily create a contact form in WordPress.

首先,您需要为您的网站创建一个简单的联系表。 请参阅有关如何轻松在WordPress中创建联系表单的详细说明。

Once you have created your form, the next step is to add an email sign up option into the same form. Click on the checkbox field from the fields column.

创建表单后,下一步就是将电子邮件注册选项添加到同一表单中。 单击字段列中的复选框字段。

Add checkbox to your form

You will notice a new field added to your form with three checkboxes. Clicking on the field will open its settings. You need to remove the two checkboxes and change the field label to something appropriate like ‘Signup for our Email List’.

您会注意到带有三个复选框的表单中添加了一个新字段。 单击该字段将打开其设置。 您需要删除两个复选框,并将字段标签更改为类似“注册我们的电子邮件列表”之类的内容。

Edit checkbox

You can check the box next to the choice field. Doing so, your email signup field will be checked by default.

您可以选中选择字段旁边的框。 这样做将默认检查您的电子邮件注册字段。

Now your form is ready, we just need to tell it what to do when someone fills up the form.


You can do this by clicking on the ‘Marketing’ tab in the form builder. Here you need to select your email service provider and then click on the ‘Add New Connection’ button.

您可以通过点击表单构建器中的“营销”标签来做到这一点。 在这里,您需要选择您的电子邮件服务提供商,然后单击“添加新连接”按钮。

Add new email connection

You will be asked to provide a name for this connection.


Next, WPForms will fetch your email service account. It will show the label you added for the account when you added it in the integrations.

接下来,WPForms将获取您的电子邮件服务帐户。 在集成中添加帐户时,它将显示为该帐户添加的标签。

It will also fetch email lists available under your email service account. You need to select the email list where you want to add users.

它还将获取您的电子邮件服务帐户下可用的电子邮件列表。 您需要选择要在其中添加用户的电子邮件列表。

Mapping form fields to email list fields

In the next section, you will be asked to map the form fields to your email service fields. After that you need to click on the checkbox next to ‘Enable conditional logic’ option.

在下一部分中,将要求您将表单字段映射到您的电子邮件服务字段。 之后,您需要单击“启用条件逻辑”选项旁边的复选框。

Enable conditional logic

Select ‘Process’ this form if condition and then select your checkbox field and the checked reply.


Your contact form with email signup optin is now ready. You need to click on the Save button at the top bar and then exit form builder.

您的带有电子邮件注册选项的联系表现已准备就绪。 您需要单击顶部栏上的“保存”按钮,然后退出表单构建器。

You can now add this form into any WordPress post or page. Simply click on the Add Form button when editing a post and then select your contact form.

您现在可以将此表单添加到任何WordPress帖子或页面中。 编辑帖子时,只需单击添加表单按钮,然后选择您的联系表单。

Add form button

Here is a preview of a contact form on our demo website with email sign up optin.


A contact form with email subscription optin
将电子邮件订阅复选框添加到其他表单 (Adding Email Subscription Checkbox to Other Forms)

You can add email subscription checkbox to any form you create with WPForms. Here are a few creative ways to display forms and then you can add email subscription option to all these forms.

您可以将电子邮件订阅复选框添加到使用WPForms创建的任何表单中。 这是一些显示表单的创造性方法,然后您可以向所有这些表单添加电子邮件订阅选项。

We hope this article helped you learn how to use contact forms to build your email list in WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate guide on how to do lead generation in WordPress like a pro.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用联系表单在WordPress中建立电子邮件列表。 您可能还想看看我们关于如何像专业人士一样在WordPress中进行销售线索的最终指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-use-contact-form-to-build-your-email-list-in-wordpress/


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