
本文向想要创建类似eBay拍卖网站的读者介绍了使用WordPress的详细步骤,包括准备域名、选择合适的主机、安装WordPress和电子商务插件、安装拍卖插件、添加和管理拍卖品,以及允许用户参与拍卖等。推荐使用自托管WordPress.org,同时提供了蓝host的优惠方案以降低成本。文章还提到了YITH WooCommerce Auctions插件,这是一个付费插件,用于将电子商务商店转变为拍卖网站。

Do you want to build an auction site like eBay using WordPress? An auction website allow users to bid on products to purchase them. This allows you to maximize profits while selling unique products. In this article, we will show you how to easily build an auction site like eBay using WordPress without any technical skills.

您是否要使用WordPress建立像eBay这样的拍卖网站? 拍卖网站允许用户对要购买的产品进行出价。 这使您可以在销售独特产品的同时最大程度地获利。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在没有任何技术技能的情况下使用WordPress轻松构建像eBay这样的拍卖网站。

Building an auction site like eBay using WordPress
您需要使用WordPress建立拍卖网站吗? (What Do You Need to Build an Auction Site Using WordPress?)

You will need the following things to make your own auction site like eBay using WordPress.


  • A domain name (This will be your website’s name that people will type to find your site e.g. wpbeginner.com)

  • A web hosting account (This is where your website’s files are stored)

  • SSL Certificate (You need this to recieve online payments)

  • An ecommerce addon (This will turn your website into an ecommerce platform)

  • An auctions addon (This will add auction features to your website)

  • Your undivided attention for 40 mins


Yes, you can start your own auction site in 40 minutes, and we will walk you through the whole process, step by step.


In this tutorial, we will cover the following:


  • How to get a domain name for free

  • How to choose the best website hosting

  • Install WordPress and set up your ecommerce addon

  • Install and set up auctions addon

  • Add and manage auctions

  • Resources to learn WordPress and grow your business


That being said, let’s get started.


步骤1.正确的设置 (Step 1. The Right Setup)

First, you need to make sure that you are using the right website platform, and since you’re on this article, you won’t be making the mistake that others do.


There are two types of WordPress software, so it’s easy for beginners to get confused. First, there is WordPress.com which is a hosting platform, and then you have WordPress.org also known as self-hosted WordPress.

WordPress软件有两种类型,因此初学者很容易感到困惑。 首先,有一个WordPress.com作为托管平台,然后有WordPress.org(也称为自托管WordPress)。

We recommend using self-hosted WordPress.org because it gives you access to all WordPress features out of the box. For comparison, see the difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.

我们建议使用自托管的WordPress.org,因为它使您可以立即使用所有WordPress功能。 为了进行比较,请参阅WordPress.com与WordPress.org之间的区别。

First, you will need a domain name and a web hosting account. But you cannot sign up with just any web hosting company. You will need a hosting provider that specializes in WooCommerce hosting because this is the software you’ll be using as your e-commerce platform.

首先,您将需要一个域名和一个虚拟主机帐户。 但是您不能仅与任何网络托管公司注册。 您将需要专门从事WooCommerce托管的托管服务提供商,因为这是您将用作电子商务平台的软件。

Usually, a domain name costs $14.99/year, web hosting 7.99/month, and SSL certificate 69.99/year.


Now, this is a lot of money if you are just starting out.


Fortunately, Bluehost, an officially recommended WordPress and WooCommerce hosting provider has agreed to offer our users a free domain + free SSL and discount on their cloud WordPress hosting.


Basically, you can get started for $6.95 / month.

基本上,您可以每月$ 6.95的价格开始使用。

← Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer →


Once you have purchased the hosting, then follow our step by step tutorial on how to start an online store for complete setup instructions.


You would now have a WordPress website with WooCommerce installed on it. By default, WooCommerce doesn’t allow you to add products for auction on your website.

您现在将拥有一个安装了WooCommerce的WordPress网站。 默认情况下,WooCommerce不允许您在网站上添加要拍卖的产品。

Let’s change this by installing an auctions addon for WooCommerce.


步骤2.将您的电子商务商店变成拍卖网站 (Step 2. Turn Your Ecommerce Store into an Auctions Site)

First, you need to install and activate the YITH WooCommerce Auctions plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活YITH WooCommerce Auctions插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

YITH WooCommerce Auctions is a paid plugin and a single site license will cost you 81 Euros. This gives you access to the plugin downloads, documentation, and 1 year of support and updates.

YITH WooCommerce Auctions是一个付费插件,一个站点许可证的价格为81欧元。 这使您可以访问插件下载,文档以及1年的支持和更新。

Upon activation, you need to visit YITH Plugins » License Activation page to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on plugin’s website.

激活后,您需要访问YITH插件»许可证激活页面以输入许可证密钥。 您可以在插件网站上的帐户下找到此信息。

Enter WordPress auctions plugin license key

Next, you need to head over to the YITH Plugins » Auctions page to configure plugin settings.


Auction settings

The default settings would work for most websites, but you can still review and adjust them as needed.


步骤3.添加拍卖品 (Step 3. Adding an Auction Item)

YITH WooCommerce Auctions makes it super easy for you to add an item for auction using the built-in WooCommerce products.

YITH WooCommerce Auctions使您可以轻松使用内置的WooCommerce产品添加要拍卖的物品。

Simply add your auction item as a new WooCommerce product by visiting Products » Add New page.


Adding a new auction item as a product

On this page, you need to enter your auction item details like you would add a product. After that fill out the title, add details, and upload pictures.

在此页面上,您需要输入拍卖项目的详细信息,就像添加产品一样。 之后,填写标题,添加详细信息并上传图片。

Below the editor, you need to select ‘Auction’ next to Product Data option, and you will see settings for the auction item.


Auction item settings

From here you can set an auction starting price, bid up, minimum increment amount, reserve price, and buy now price.


After that, you need to select the auction dates and time. You can also add an overtime for the auction to offer a grace period after the auction ends.

之后,您需要选择拍卖日期和时间。 您还可以为拍卖添加超时,以在拍卖结束后提供宽限期。

Once you are satisfied with the settings, click on the publish button to save your changes.


Your auction will now appear on your WooCommerce shop page. Auction items on the shop page will be highlighted with an icon.

现在,您的拍卖将出现在您的WooCommerce商店页面上。 商店页面上的拍卖项目将以图标突出显示。

auction item displayed on your website

You can use the auction plugin to add auction items along with other fixed-price WooCommerce products.


You can also create a separate page to only list the products available for auction. Simply create a new WordPress page and add the following shortcode.

您也可以创建一个单独的页面,仅列出可供拍卖的产品。 只需创建一个新的WordPress页面并添加以下短代码即可



Don’t forget to publish the page to make it live on your website.


Creating an auction products page
步骤4.管理拍卖 (Step 4. Managing Your Auctions)

You can add auction items at any time, and they will start appearing on your website right away. However, the auction will not begin until the auction start time.

您可以随时添加拍卖项目,它们将立即开始出现在您的网站上。 但是,拍卖直到拍卖开始时间才开始。

This allows you to publish items way before the auction begins and use this time to promote items. Once the auction begins, any registered users can bid on an item.

这使您可以在拍卖开始之前发布项目,并利用这段时间来推广项目。 拍卖开始后,任何注册用户都可以对商品进行出价。

Auction view

The plugin will show an auction timer next to the item. Users can see the current highest bid and add their own bids.

该插件将在该物品旁边显示一个拍卖计时器。 用户可以看到当前的最高出价并添加自己的出价。

Previous bids will be displayed below with usernames partially encrypted.


Auction bids

You have the option to remove a bid at any time. Simply edit the auction product, and you will see all the bids at the bottom of product page.

您可以随时删除出价。 只需编辑拍卖产品,您将在产品页面底部看到所有出价。

Delete individual bids

The auction will end depending on each item’s individual auction settings.


If the auction time ends, then the highest bidder’s price will be accepted. If a user decides to offer the buy now price, then the auction will end, and they will be able to add the product to their cart.

如果拍卖时间结束,则将接受最高出价者的价格。 如果用户决定提供现在购买的价格,那么拍卖将结束,他们将能够将产品添加到购物车中。

Auction winner

All users who participated in the auction will receive an email notifications for each new bid, auction grace time, auction end, etc. The final email will be sent to the auction winner, informing them that they can now make their payment.


步骤5.允许其他用户添加拍卖品 (Step 5. Allowing Other Users to Add Auction Items)

If you want to allow other users to add their own products for auction, then you can do that as well. However, YITH WooCommerce Auctions plugin doesn’t allow users to add their own auction items.

如果您想允许其他用户添加自己的产品进行拍卖,那么您也可以这样做。 但是,YITH WooCommerce Auctions插件不允许用户添加自己的拍卖品。

By default, WooCommerce assumes that you are the only seller on your website and only you can add new products. To change this you need to make your WooCommerce platform a multi-vendor marketplace.

默认情况下,WooCommerce假定您是网站上的唯一卖家,并且只有您可以添加新产品。 要更改此设置,您需要使WooCommerce平台成为多供应商市场。

For detailed step by step instructions, see our guide on how to create an online marketplace using WordPress.


multi-vendor settings

Once you set up your website as an online marketplace, other users will be able to apply and become a seller on your website. After you approve their application, they will be able to add new products for auction. You can then approve their auctions and it will become live on your site.

将网站设置为在线市场后,其他用户将可以在您的网站上申请并成为卖家。 您批准他们的申请后,他们将能够添加新产品进行拍卖。 然后,您可以批准他们的拍卖,它将在您的网站上发布。

Once the auction is over and the winning bidder has made their payment, you will get your commission out of the winning bid.


步骤6.掌握WordPress来促进您的拍卖网站 (Step 6. Mastering WordPress to Promote Your Auction Site)

WordPress is the best website builder in the world. It is very easy to learn and you can customize any feature you want.

WordPress是世界上最好的网站构建器 。 它非常易于学习,您可以自定义所需的任何功能。

Here are some useful resources that will help you take your auctions site to the next level.


We hope this article helped you build your own auction site like eBay using WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您使用WordPress建立自己的拍卖网站,例如eBay。 您可能还想看看我们针对初学者的终极一步一步WordPress SEO指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-build-an-online-auction-site-using-wordpress/





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