wordpress静态方案_什么是WordPress VIP? 有什么好处? (以及3个替代方案)


Recently, one of our readers asked us about WordPress VIP and its benefits? WordPress VIP is a managed WordPress hosting service for enterprise and large-scale websites. In this article, we will explain what is WordPress VIP, what are the benefits, and what are some good alternatives for it.

最近,我们的一位读者向我们询问了WordPress VIP及其好处? WordPress VIP是针对企业和大型网站的托管WordPress托管服务 。 在本文中,我们将解释什么是WordPress VIP,有什么好处以及有哪些好的替代方案。

WordPress.com VIP - Benefits and Alternatives
什么是WordPress VIP? (What is WordPress VIP?)

WordPress VIP is a high-end managed WordPress hosting platform for enterprise and large-scale websites.

WordPress VIP是用于企业和大型网站的高端托管WordPress托管平台。

It is said to be the fastest, most secure, and totally hassle-free WordPress hosting that you can buy. Aside from the high cost, WordPress VIP has very strict coding standards and processes which means it’s not suitable for most companies.

据说这是最快,最安全且完全无忧的WordPress托管平台 ,您可以购买。 除了成本高外,WordPress VIP还具有非常严格的编码标准和流程,这意味着它不适用于大多数公司。

谁应该使用WordPress.com VIP? (Who Should Use WordPress.com VIP?)

WordPress.com VIP is a powerful hosting plan designed specifically to handle high-traffic volume with unrivaled performance and security.

WordPress.com VIP是一个功能强大的托管计划,专门设计用于以无与伦比的性能和安全性处理大量流量。

It is suitable for large businesses and high-traffic websites with tens of millions of page views.


WordPress.com VIP pricing is a mystery because the website does not have a public pricing page. However research shows that plans range from $5,000 to $25,000 per month for up to 5 websites with a minimum $5,000 USD setup fee per-site.

WordPress.com VIP定价是一个谜,因为该网站没有公开定价页面。 但是研究表明,最多5个网站的计划每月费用从$ 5,000到$ 25,000不等,每个网站的最低安装费为$ 5,000 USD。

For that price, you will get unlimited storage, bandwidth, CDN, and dedicated support.


Here are some of the top brands that are already using WordPress VIP.

以下是一些已经在使用WordPress VIP的顶级品牌。

1. Facebook

1. Facebook

Facebook Newsroom

2. Spotify

2. Spotify


3. VentureBeat

3. VentureBeat


4. Quartz



5. USA Today


USA Today

6. TechCrunch

6. TechCrunch

WordPress VIP的好处 (Benefits of WordPress VIP)

WordPress.com VIP is in it’s own class because it takes away the pain associated with managing a mission-critical, high traffic content-rich website. Here are some of the key benefits of using WordPress.com VIP:

WordPress.com VIP属于同类,因为它消除了管理关键任务,高流量内容丰富的网站所带来的痛苦。 以下是使用WordPress.com VIP的一些主要好处:

1. Fully Managed WordPress Platform


WordPress.com VIP is more than a managed WordPress hosting platform. It includes the following managed services:

WordPress.com VIP不仅仅是一个托管的WordPress托管平台。 它包括以下托管服务:

  • Automated hourly backups

  • Proactive security and scanning

  • Automatic updates for core software

  • Review process for third-party plugins and custom code

  • Uptime and performance monitoring

  • Automatic scaling to handle massive traffic spikes without a blink


It is like having your own development team taking care of everything for you without any downtime to your website.


2. Planning & Training


Each WordPress.com VIP plan starts with a detailed planning and strategy assessment of your website. During this time, WordPress.com’s VIP team will work with your team to review your needs and what you want to do.

每个WordPress.com VIP计划都以对您的网站的详细计划和策略评估开始。 在此期间,WordPress.com的VIP团队将与您的团队一起审查您的需求和您想做的事情。

The team will also help you pick the theme (website design) and WordPress plugins for your project. If you already have a theme developed, then they will review every line of the code. Same goes for third-party plugins and all custom code to make sure that it is compatible with the platform’s coding and security standards.

该团队还将帮助您为项目选择主题(网站设计)和WordPress插件。 如果您已经开发了主题,那么他们将检查代码的每一行。 第三方插件和所有自定义代码也是如此,以确保它与平台的编码和安全标准兼容。

They will train your development team about the platform, security, and performance. This training also extends to your website’s editors, authors, and administrators, so that they can make the most out of the WordPress VIP’s robust content management and publishing features.

他们将培训您的开发团队有关平台,安全性和性能的信息。 该培训还扩展到您网站的编辑作者管理员 ,使他们可以充分利用WordPress VIP强大的内容管理和发布功能。

3. Best Performance & Blazing Fast Speed


The entire hosting platform for WordPress.com VIP is optimized to offer the best WordPress performance. You don’t have to worry about caching, code optimization, CDN service, or plugins.

WordPress.com VIP的整个托管平台均经过优化,可提供最佳的WordPress性能 。 您不必担心缓存,代码优化, CDN服务或插件。

The WordPress VIP platform is served by a delivery network of 20 data centers across the globe. This offers you the best time-to-first byte result, latency, SSL security, and protection against DDOS attacks.

WordPress VIP平台由全球20个数据中心的交付网络提供服务。 这样可以为您提供最佳的首字节时间,延迟, SSL安全性以及DDOS攻击防护。

4. The Best WordPress Security


All WordPress.com VIP websites are protected by a custom built infrastructure and WordPress security best practices to proactively block brute force and other types of attacks. All your website traffic will be fully encrypted from edge to origin.

所有WordPress.com VIP网站均受到定制的基础架构和WordPress安全最佳实践的保护,以主动阻止暴力破解和其他类型的攻击。 您所有的网站流量从边缘到源头都将被完全加密。

Every piece of custom code is reviewed manually, which adds another security layer to protect your website from running potentially vulnerable code.


WordPress.com VIP的替代品 (Alternatives to WordPress.com VIP)

Despite it’s advantages, WordPress.com VIP is not for everyone primarily because of the cost. However many companies don’t like the additional restrictions and processes that they have to go through to push changes on their website.

尽管具有优势,但WordPress.com VIP并不适合所有人,主要是因为成本高昂。 但是,许多公司不喜欢在网站上进行更改所必须经历的其他限制和流程。

Thankfully due to the growth of WordPress, there are other WordPress hosting providers that have stepped up to offer similar levels of hosting plans as WordPress.com VIP.

值得庆幸的是,由于WordPress的增长,还有其他WordPress托管提供商已加紧提供与WordPress.com VIP相似级别的托管计划。

Here is our pick of the top alternatives to WordPress.com VIP that are offering enterprise grade hosting services for e-commerce and high-scale websites.

这是我们精选的WordPress.com VIP的最佳替代产品,它们为电子商务和大型网站提供企业级托管服务。

1. WP引擎 (1. WP Engine)

WP Engine

WP Engine is the most popular managed WordPress hosting service on the market. Their enterprise offering is also the top WordPress.com VIP alternative for high-traffic websites and enterprise clients.

WP Engine是市场上最受欢迎的托管WordPress托管服务。 他们的企业产品也是流量高的网站和企业客户的最佳WordPress.com VIP替代产品。

WP Engine’s enterprise plan is a high redundancy, scalable, and fully managed hosting solution. Their platform is built on top of Amazon web services and Google Cloud Platform with custom optimizations. On top of that, they use their own proprietary caching solution to improve page load speed.

WP Engine的企业计划是一个高度冗余,可扩展且完全托管的托管解决方案。 他们的平台基于具有自定义优化功能的Amazon Web服务和Google Cloud Platform构建。 最重要的是,他们使用自己的专有缓存解决方案来提高页面加载速度。

It also includes global CDN, managed onboarding, dedicated support response, and 24/7 performance and security monitoring.


WP Engine hosts top websites including Under Armour, AMD, SoundCloud, JobVite, Thomson Reuters, and more.

WP Engine托管着一些顶级网站,包括Under Armour,AMD,SoundCloud,JobVite,Thomson Reuters等。

2.液体网 (2. Liquid Web)

Liquid Web

Liquid Web is another reliable managed WordPress hosting provider offering multiple levels of hosting plans, including custom plans for enterprise clients. They serve many big name brands including Motorola, Red Bull, ESPN, and United Way.

Liquid Web是另一家可靠的托管WordPress托管提供商,提供了多层托管计划,包括针对企业客户的自定义计划。 他们为许多知名品牌提供服务,包括摩托罗拉,红牛,ESPN和联合之路。

They own their own data centers and offer 24/7 US based support via phone, live chat, and email. All their managed hosting plans have no overage charges, managed plugin updates, and no limits on which plugins you use on your WordPress site.

他们拥有自己的数据中心,并通过电话,实时聊天和电子邮件提供基于24/7美国的支持。 他们所有托管的托管计划都没有超额费用,托管插件更新,并且对您在WordPress网站上使用哪些插件没有限制。

3. SiteGround (3. SiteGround)


SiteGround is an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider that has recently entered the Enterprise hosting space. They specialize in offering completely custom infrastructure designed specifically for your needs. Their service is 100% managed, and you get dedicated support team that works alongside you 24/7 all year round.

SiteGround是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商,最近已进入企业托管空间。 他们专门提供完全定制的基础架构,专门为您的需求而设计。 他们的服务是100%托管的,您会得到专门的支持团队,全年与您保持24/7的工作。

Last year, we switched all of our eCommerce websites including WPForms, MonsterInsights, and OptinMonster to SiteGround Enterprise structure, and we cannot be happier with the decision. Their support is absolutely top-notch available through Slack, email, and direct personal phones.

去年,我们交换我们所有的电子商务网站包括WPFormsMonsterInsightsOptinMonster到SiteGround企业结构,我们不能与决策快乐。 通过Slack,电子邮件和直接个人电话,他们的支持绝对是一流的。

We hope this article helped you learn more about WordPress VIP, its benefits, and alternatives. You may also want to see our list of must-have WordPress plugins for business websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解有关WordPress VIP及其优势和替代方法的更多信息。 您可能还希望查看我们的商务网站必备WordPress插件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/what-is-wordpress-vip-what-are-the-benefits-and-alternatives/






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