
Are you looking for the best places to hire WordPress developers? WordPress is a popular platform, and you’ll find thousands of people offering WordPress development services. Not all of them have the same skill set, experience, and expertise. In this article, we will show you the best places to hire WordPress developers with the right skills and experience for the job.

您是否在寻找雇用WordPress开发人员的最佳场所? WordPress是一个流行的平台,您会发现成千上万的人提供WordPress开发服务。 并非所有人都具有相同的技能,经验和专业知识。 在本文中,我们将向您展示雇用具有适当技能和经验的WordPress开发人员的最佳场所。

Best places to hire WordPress developers
为什么以及何时需要雇用WordPress开发人员 (Why and When You Need to Hire a WordPress Developer)

WordPress is quite easy to use and most people don’t need to hire anyone to create a website. However, as your website grows, your costs increase as well. See how much does it really cost to build a WordPress website for more details.

WordPress非常易于使用,大多数人不需要雇用任何人来创建网站 。 但是,随着网站的发展,您的成本也随之增加。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅构建WordPress网站实际需要多少费用

Many small businesses can run successfully by applying the DIY approach. They can also keep the cost low by using as many free tools and plugins as possible.

通过应用DIY方法,许多小型企业可以成功运营。 他们还可以通过使用尽可能多的免费工具和插件来降低成本。

Once your website starts making money, you may consider building a custom WordPress theme or custom plugins. In that case, you’ll need to look for a developer to help you get the job done, the right way.

网站开始赚钱后,您可以考虑建立自定义WordPress主题或自定义插件。 在这种情况下,您需要寻找开发人员来帮助您以正确的方式完成工作。

Let’s take a look at the best places to hire WordPress developers.


1.可编码 (1. Codeable)


Codeable is the #1 outsourcing platform for WordPress related work. Unlike other outsourcing platforms, Codeable pre-screen each developer and make sure that they pass a strict vetting process.

Codeable是WordPress相关工作的第一大外包平台。 与其他外包平台不同,可编码可预筛选每个开发人员,并确保他们通过严格的审核流程。

Your work with Codeable experts is 100% risk-free! Codeable stands behind you and will provide a full refund if you are not satisfied with the results.

您与可编码专家的合作是100%无风险的! Codeable站在您身后,如果您对结果不满意,将全额退款。

This is why Codeable is our top recommendation for businesses who’re looking for WordPress outsourcing help.


2.托塔尔 (2. Toptal)


Toptal is an exclusive network of the top freelance software developers, designers, and finance experts in the world.


They have a very rigorous screening process to only work with the best talent in the world. This also means that hiring a freelancer from Toptal will cost you more than normal.

他们的筛选流程非常严格,只能与世界上最优秀的人才一起工作。 这也意味着从Toptal雇用自由职业者比平常花费更多。

Our users have reported great results when working with developers from Toptal.


Since Toptal only highlights the best talent, the rates for each expert is higher than other sites. However we have found that several experts are also available for hire on other networks where their rates are a lot lower.

由于Toptal仅强调最优秀的人才,因此每位专家的评估率都高于其他网站。 但是,我们发现,还有一些专家可以在其价格低很多的其他网络上租用。

If you’re willing to do the leg work, then you will save yourself a lot of money while working with a top-notch WordPress developer.


3.工作 (3. Upwork)


Upwork is one of the largest online jobs marketplace. You can post a job online with detailed description and prospective candidates can bid for your job.

Upwork是最大的在线工作市场之一。 您可以在网上发布带有详细说明的职位,潜在的候选人可以竞标您的职位。

Each developer have detailed profile and Upwork shows you several indicators about their past experience, jobs completed, ratings, skill tests, and more.


You can select the best developers and interview them. Platforms like Upwork usually have all levels of developers with varying skills and experience. This also means that you can find the balance between your budget and the developer you want to hire for the job.

您可以选择最佳的开发人员并进行采访。 诸如Upwork之类的平台通常会吸引具有不同技能和经验的所有级别的开发人员。 这也意味着您可以在预算和要雇用的开发人员之间找到平衡。

4.自由职业者 (4. Freelancer)


Freelancer.com is another very large online jobs marketplace. Similar to other such platforms, it has a large community of freelancers including WordPress developers.

Freelancer.com是另一个非常大的在线工作市场。 与其他此类平台类似,它具有由WordPress开发人员组成的庞大的自由职业者社区。

Freelancer does maintain a detailed profile of each freelancer that you can review. You can also interview and communicate directly with the freelancer to learn more about their skills and experiences.

Freelancer确实会维护您可以查看的每个自由职业者的详细资料。 您也可以采访自由职业者并直接与他们交流,以了解有关他们的技能和经验的更多信息。

For each job listing, you will get responses from all levels of freelancers. While this means you can get a good developer at lower rates, it also means that you will have to do the due diligence.

对于每个职位列表,您都会收到来自各个级别的自由职业者的反馈。 虽然这意味着您可以以较低的价格获得优秀的开发人员,但也意味着您必须进行尽职调查。

5.聘用 (5. WPhired)


WPhired is a WordPress specific job board popular among top WordPress companies and freelancers. It allows you to add your job listing for free. However, you can subscribe to paid listings to get your job featured or listed for longer period of time.

WPhired是WordPress特定的工作委员会,在WordPress顶级公司和自由职业者中很受欢迎。 它允许您免费添加您的工作清单。 但是,您可以订阅付费列表,以使您的工作特色化或列出更长的时间。

You can add part-time, full-time, and freelance gigs as well. Developers can submit their resume by creating an account. However, platform also allows users to apply for the job without creating an account. This leaves all the screening and due diligence work up to you.

您还可以添加兼职,全职和兼职演出。 开发人员可以通过创建帐户来提交简历。 但是,平台还允许用户无需创建帐户即可申请该职位。 这样,所有的筛选和尽职调查工作就交给您了。

6. WordPress工作 (6. WordPress Jobs)

Jobs WordPress

WordPress Jobs website is an officially maintained jobs board by the folks behind WordPress.org. Job postings are free and you don’t even need to create an account.

WordPress Jobs网站是由WordPress.org背后的人们正式维护的工作委员会。 职位发布是免费的,您甚至无需创建帐户。

Job listings are neatly organized into categories. Interested developers can contact you using the method described by you in the job listing. You can then proceed to evaluate them on their own. WordPress.org doesn’t verify job listings and has no control on what kind of developers contact you.

职位清单被整齐地分类。 有兴趣的开发人员可以使用您在工作清单中描述的方法与您联系。 然后,您可以继续对它们进行评估。 WordPress.org不会验证职位列表,也无法控制与哪种开发人员联系。

We hope this article helped you find the best places to hire WordPress developers. You may also want to see our list of the must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到雇用WordPress开发人员的最佳场所。 您可能还想查看我们的必须具有用于商务网站的WordPress插件的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-places-to-hire-wordpress-developers/





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