

Starting a blog these days has become easy with platforms like WordPress. However once it is up and running, the next big challenge you have is to bring more traffic to your blog or website.

如今,使用 WordPress之类的平台来开始博客已变得很容易。 但是,一旦启动并运行,您面临的下一个重大挑战是为博客或网站带来更多流量。

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a marketing guru to promote your blog. You can easily increase your blog traffic to get more visitors by using some proven best practices.

不用担心,您无需成为营销专家即可推广您的博客。 您可以使用一些行之有效的最佳实践轻松地增加博客流量,以吸引更多访问者。

In this article, we will share some of the easiest and tested tips to increase your blog traffic like an expert marketer.


Easy tips to increase your blog traffic

Unlike other articles on growing blog traffic, we are only going to share tips that we have personally used to increase our website traffic to millions of pageviews every month.


We also have done our best to make this the most comprehensive website traffic guide, so you can have a holistic blog traffic strategy for your business.


Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

1.创建受众档案以了解您的用户 (1. Create Audience Profiles to Understand Your Users)

Audience profiles

Before you start creating content for your blog, it’s important to spend a little time understanding your target audience and what they are looking for.


You can quickly build an audience framework by answering the following questions:


  • Who is your target audience?

  • What problems are they facing that you can help solve?

  • What kind of content are they looking for?

  • How would they ideally try to find the answers to their questions?


Answering these questions will help you get a clearer picture of your target audience.


You can also expand on this by adding further personalized questions such as:


  • How old are they?

  • What are their occupations?

  • What is their education level?

  • What is their expertise level in the subject matter of your blog?


These audience profiles are also known as buyer personas in the eCommerce industry. If you run an online store, then we highly recommend that you check out this detailed guide on how to create a buyer persona with examples and templates.

这些受众档案在电子商务行业中也被称为买方角色。 如果您经营在线商店 ,那么我们强烈建议您查看有关如何使用示例和模板创建买方角色的详细指南。

2.进行关键字研究以计划您的内容策略 (2. Do Keyword Research to Plan Your Content Strategy)

Keyword research

Keyword research is a technique used by content creators and SEO experts. It helps you discover specific words and sentences that users type in Google and other search engines to find the content they are looking for.

关键字研究是内容创建者和SEO专家使用的一种技术。 它可以帮助您发现用户在Google和其他搜索引擎中键入的特定单词和句子,以找到他们想要的内容。

Normally, beginners just rely on their best guesses when creating content. As you can imagine, this strategy is a hit or miss.

通常,初学者在创建内容时仅依靠他们的最佳猜测。 可以想象,这种策略是成功或失败的。

If you use the “best-guess” strategy, then a lot of your articles will likely not do well in search engines. Simply because no one’s looking for the keywords you have used, or there is just too much competition for those keywords.

如果您使用“最佳猜测”策略,那么您的许多文章在搜索引擎中可能效果不佳。 仅仅是因为没有人在寻找您使用过的关键字,或者这些关键字的竞争太激烈了。

By doing proper keyword research, you will unlock the following benefits:


  • Discover actual search terms people are looking for

  • Find unique content ideas for popular search terms

  • Learn from your competitors and beat them with better content

  • Create a series of pillar-articles to drive steady traffic to your blog


Now the question is how do you actually do keyword research? Luckily, it is not as difficult as you would think.

现在的问题是,您实际上如何进行关键字研究? 幸运的是,这并不像您想的那样困难。

There are a lot of free and paid tools that can help you do proper keyword research.


All you would have to do is enter a keyword, a competitors blog/website URL, or your own URL to find out more keyword ideas.


We have created a detailed guide on how to do keyword research for your WordPress blog with step by step instructions.


3.制作编辑日历 (3. Make an Editorial Calendar)

Editorial calendar

Once you have done the keyword research, you’ll likely come up with tons of blog post ideas.


Sometimes, the large list of keywords can overwhelm beginners to a point where they simply give up.


To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, we recommend creating an editorial calendar (a game plan). Remember, no large blog was built in a day.

为确保您不会发生这种情况,我们建议您创建编辑日历(游戏计划)。 请记住,一天之内没有建立大型博客。

It takes time and consistent effort to create a successful blog.


Creating an editorial calendar will help you create and stick to the plan.


There are plenty of useful tools that you can use like Asana and Trello to name a few.

您可以使用许多有用的工具,例如AsanaTrello ,仅举几例。

These tools come with a powerful set of features that will help you stay on top of your game.


The goal is to organize, create a bird’s eye view of your strategy, and be more productive.


Here are some more tips on managing your editorial workflow more efficiently.


  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Start with two articles a week and gradually increase your pace when you can.

    不要对自己太苛刻。 每周从两篇文章开始,然后尽可能地加快步伐。
  • Be consistent with your publishing schedule. Make sure you follow your calendar and publish regular content as planned.

    与您的发布时间表保持一致。 确保遵循日历并按计划发布常规内容。
  • Add notes, keyword ideas, and outlines to your calendar. This will help you produce better quality content when you sit down to write.

    在您的日历中添加注释,关键字提示和大纲。 当您坐下来写作时,这将帮助您产生质量更高的内容。
  • Use colors, tags, categories, and other features in your calendar app to make it more visual and organized.


Here are some more tips on managing an editorial calendar for your blog.


4.创建全面而有用的内容 (4. Create Comprehensive and Useful Content)

Create comprehensive content

The most important thing that users and search engines look for is good quality content.


For a blog, a quality piece of content is usually a comprehensive article on a specific topic that covers all the details. This makes it extremely helpful for users.

对于博客而言,高质量的内容通常是涵盖特定细节的特定主题的综合文章。 这对用户非常有帮助。

These comprehensive articles are known as “pillar articles”. Other experts may refer to them as flagship content or cornerstone articles.

这些综合性文章称为“Struts文章”。 其他专家可能会将其称为旗舰内容或基石文章。

Basically, these are your most important articles. You need choose the most promising keyword and then provide as much information as you could in one long-form article.

基本上,这些是您最重要的文章。 您需要选择最有希望的关键字,然后在一篇长篇文章中提供尽可能多的信息。

You should create as many pillar articles as possible to cover all the important keywords in your industry.


Following are some tips that you should keep in mind when creating pillar content:


  • Pillar content could be any type of article. For example, a how-to guide, tutorial, comparison article, opinion piece, a listicle, and so on.

    Struts内容可以是任何类型的文章。 例如,操作指南,教程,比较文章,意见书,清单等等。
  • The difference between pillar content and other articles is that your pillar articles are more comprehensive and provide in-depth information on the topic.

  • Your pillar articles are not time-dependent. They are evergreen and always useful. Although we recommend keeping them updated with new information to stay on top of search results.

    您的Struts文章与时间无关。 它们是常绿的,并且总是有用的。 尽管我们建议使用新信息为他们提供最新信息,以使它们始终位于搜索结果之上。

We will cover more tips later in this article that will help you create high-quality pillar articles to get more traffic from search engines.


5.使您的内容可读 (5. Make Your Content Readable)

Make your content more readable

As we mentioned earlier, search engines and users love longer and comprehensive articles that provide all the information they need.


Now the problem is that humans have a short attention span.


A slight difficulty in reading or understanding will put off your users, and they will leave without looking at all the useful information that you offered.


To solve this problem before it happens, you need to make all your content easy to read.


A good place to start would be to present your article in bite-size sentences using a friendly tone and lots of visuals.


Following are just some basic tips to make your content more readable and user-friendly.


  • Use smaller sentences and paragraphs. This leaves a lot of white space around text making it easier to look and read.

    使用较小的句子和段落。 这在文本周围留有很多空白,使其更易于查看和阅读。
  • improve typography by using more readable fonts, large font-size, and plenty of line spacing.改善版式
  • Check the readability score of your content. Yoast SEO comes with a built-in tool for that, you can also find tons of other online readability checkers

    检查内容的可读性得分。 Yoast SEO附带有一个内置工具,您还可以找到大量其他在线可读性检查器
  • Grammarly, it not only checks grammar but actually helps you write better.Grammarly ,它不仅可以检查语法,而且实际上可以帮助您更好地写作。
  • Use images, screenshots, videos, infographics, and other visual elements. These media elements make your article highly-engaging and easier to read.

    使用图像,屏幕截图,视频,信息图表和其他视觉元素。 这些媒体元素使您的文章更具吸引力并且更易于阅读。
6.学习并将SEO基础知识应用到您的网站 (6. Learn and apply the SEO basics to your Website)

Learn basic SEO

SEO is a set of best practices that help you make your website more search engine friendly. You don’t need to be an ‘SEO Guru’ to improve your website.

SEO是一组最佳实践,可帮助您使网站对搜索引擎更友好。 您无需成为“ SEO专家”即可改善您的网站。

Contrary to popular belief, anyone can do SEO for their own websites without hiring an expert. There are plenty of SEO tools and plugins, free advice, and step by step tutorials available that you can use.

与流行的看法相反,任何人都可以在不雇用专家的情况下为自己的网站进行SEO。 您可以使用许多SEO工具和插件 ,免费建议以及分步教程。

We recommend using Yoast SEO plugin for all WordPress websites. It is the most comprehensive SEO and website optimization tool. The free version includes all the SEO features that you will need on your website.

我们建议对所有WordPress网站使用Yoast SEO插件。 它是最全面的SEO和网站优化工具。 免费版本包括您在网站上需要的所有SEO功能。

You can learn all you need to know about SEO, in our complete WordPress SEO guide for beginners. It includes step by step instructions, and it is the exact same SEO setup that we use on our own websites.

在面向初学者的完整WordPress SEO指南中 ,您可以了解关于SEO所需的所有知识。 它包括分步说明,它与我们在自己的网站上使用的SEO设置完全相同。

7.学会写大标题 (7. Learn to Write Great Headlines)

Learn to write effective headlines

When users find your content in search results or RSS feeds, the first thing they see is your article headline.

当用户在搜索结果或RSS feed中找到您的内容时,他们看到的第一件事就是您的文章标题。

A catchy blog post title stands out and gets more clicks. Whereas a plain and boring headline gets ignored, and users are likely to scroll by it.

醒目的博客文章标题引人注目,获得了更多点击。 普通无聊的标题会被忽略,用户可能会滚动它。

This makes headlines very important.


You need to learn how to write better titles for your blog posts that capture user attention and get more clicks.


Luckily, blogging experts have been doing research on headlines for a very long time, and you can benefit from their findings.


These are the basic building blocks of an effective headline:


  • A good headline triggers an emotional response (joy, surprise, shock, curiosity, fear, excitement, greed, and so on).

  • It offers users a reward and value

  • It promotes the content by including target keywords


Copywriters use power words to trigger emotional responses. They tell users why the article is valuable or what they will get from clicking on the headline.

撰稿人使用能量词来触发情感React。 他们告诉用户文章为什么有价值,或者单击标题将获得什么。

Lastly, a good headline includes a call to action for users which is often subtle and sometimes implied.


To learn more, we recommend you to check out these headlines that went viral and what you can learn from them.


You can also use the following free headline analyzer tools to help create better headlines:


Our team regularly uses these three tools to create better blog post titles and headlines.


8.使内部链接成为例行任务 (8. Make Internal Linking a Routine Task)

Make internal linking a habit

Now that you have started creating good content, it is important to link to your articles from your existing blog posts. This is called internal linking, and it plays a huge role in SEO.

现在您已经开始创建好的内容,从现有博客文章链接到文章很重要。 这称为内部链接,在SEO中起着巨大的作用。

Here is why internal linking is so important:


  • Internal links help Google understand the context and relationship between different articles on your website. It then uses this information as ranking signals.

    内部链接可帮助Google了解您网站上不同文章的上下文和关系。 然后,它将这些信息用作排名信号。
  • Internal links, when placed strategically and in context, can help you increase page views and reduce bounce rate.

  • It is harder to ask third-party websites to link to your articles. It is way easier to create links on your own site.

    要求第三方网站链接到您的文章比较困难。 在您自己的站点上创建链接更容易。

We recommend making it a habit to link to your older articles from your new articles.


Because internal links play such an important role in SEO, we have even made it part of our pre-publish checklist for our writers.


9.开始生成更多反向链接 (9. Start Generating More Backlinks)


A backlink is an incoming link to your content from an external website. Backlinks are one of the most influential signals in Google’s rankings.

反向链接是从外部网站到您的内容的传入链接。 反向链接是Google排名中最具影响力的信号之一。

Getting backlinks from reputable websites and blogs is very difficult. Not just for beginners, even experienced bloggers struggle with it.

从知名网站和博客获得反向链接非常困难。 不仅仅针对初学者,甚至是经验丰富的博客也为此奋斗。

Here are some tips to get quality backlinks to your website:


  • Reach out to influencers and reputable blogs in your industry, and then tell them about specific content on your website that they might want to link.

  • Write guest posts on other blogs and websites.

  • Interview influencers and bloggers on your blog. They will likely want to let their users know to come checkout their interview, and you’ll get a backlink.

    在您的博客上采访影响者和博客作者。 他们可能希望让用户知道来结帐他们的采访,然后您将获得反向链接。
  • The easiest way to get a backlink is to add a link to your website on all your social media profiles.

10.添加图像,图表,信息图以创建视觉上有吸引力的内容 (10. Add Images, Charts, Infographs to Create Visually Attractive Content)

Use images

In step 5, we mentioned that adding images and charts to your articles makes it more readable.


Since visual elements are so important, we believe they deserved their own spot on this list.


As human beings, our brain prefers visual elements. We love colors and objects because aesthetics trigger emotional responses in our brains. This makes us more engaged and immersed in our surroundings.

作为人类,我们的大脑更喜欢视觉元素。 我们喜欢颜色和物体,因为美学会触发大脑的情感React。 这使我们更加参与并沉浸在周围的环境中。

People love looking at infographics because they make information engaging and easy to consume.


Images in your blog posts grab user’s attention and help them focus on not just the visual element but also the text around it.


If you’re just starting out, then it’s important to know that you cannot just use any image you see on the internet. Images are protected by copyright and stealing copyrighted material can have serious consequences.

如果您只是刚入门,那么重要的是要知道您不能只使用互联网上看到的任何图像。 图片受版权保护,窃取受版权保护的材料可能会造成严重后果。

Ideally, you want to use your own images, graphics, and photographs, but not all bloggers are graphic designers or photographers.


Luckily, there are so many great resources to find royalty free images, and there are even tools that you can use to easily create your own graphics. Here are some helpful resources:

幸运的是,有很多很棒的资源可以找到免版税的图像,甚至还有一些工具可用于轻松创建自己的图形。 以下是一些有用的资源:

11.将视频添加到您的文章中 (11. Add Videos to Your Articles)

Add videos to your blog posts

Videos are the most successful form of content on the internet. Users spend more time on blog posts containing videos than just text and images.

视频是互联网上最成功的内容形式。 用户在包含视频的博客文章上花费的时间更多,而不仅仅是文本和图像。

Adding videos to your articles in WordPress is super easy. However, you should never upload videos to WordPress because it is not optimized to stream videos.

将视频添加到WordPress中的文章非常简单。 但是, 永远不要将视频上传到WordPress,因为它并未经过优化以流式传输视频。

A video hosted on your WordPress hosting server will take up too many resources, and the user experience would be terrible.


The best way to add videos to your WordPress site is by uploading them to YouTube and then embedding them in your blog posts.


This gives you even more exposure as YouTube itself is the world’s second largest search engine, and a popular social media platform.


There are many ways to easily create video content for your website. Here are a few that you can start with:

有很多方法可以轻松地为您的网站创建视频内容。 您可以从以下几个开始:

  • You can create slideshows of how to tutorials with voice over instructions

  • You can create screencasts

  • Record interviews with other bloggers and influencers in your industry

  • Become a vlogger by adding your own videos shot in selfie mode


For video editing, if you are using Mac, then iMovie is perfectly capable of performing basic video edits. Windows users can use free video editing software like Lightworks or Shotcut for basic editing.

对于视频编辑,如果您使用的是Mac,则iMovie完全能够执行基本的视频编辑。 Windows用户可以使用LightworksShotcut等免费视频编辑软件进行基本编辑。

12.利用用户生成的内容 (12. Utilize User-Generated Content)

Add user-generated content in WordPress

User-generated content is basically any content generated on your website as a result of user activity. This includes comments, testimonials, guest posts, user reviews, and more.

用户生成的内容基本上是由于用户活动而在您的网站上生成的任何内容。 这包括评论,推荐,来宾帖子,用户评论等。

User-generated content helps you bring more traffic to your website because it gives users multiple opportunities to participate and get involved.


Users are more likely to return, share, and even purchase from your website when they spend more time on it.


There are many different kinds of user-generated content that you can add. You need to choose what works best for your blog and start from there.

您可以添加许多不同种类的用户生成的内容。 您需要选择最适合您的博客的内容,然后从那里开始。

For more ideas, see our guide on how to use user-generated content in WordPress to grow your website.


13.保持您的网站设计干净整洁 (13. Keep Your Website Design Clean and Clutter Free)

Clean design

There are a lot of great WordPress themes available on the market. The problem is that many beginners want to use a theme with all the bells and whistles. These themes are not always the perfect design for your website.

市场上有很多很棒的WordPress主题。 问题在于,许多初学者都希望使用带有所有铃声的主题。 这些主题并不总是适合您的网站的完美设计。

Bad website design stops your users from spending more time on your blog which decreases your pageviews.


Whereas a good design helps them discover more content, explore different sections, and spend more time.


We are often asked by users how to choose the best theme? Our answer is to always strive for simplicity.

用户经常问我们如何选择最佳主题 ? 我们的答案是始终追求简单。

A simple, clean, and functional theme makes a good first impression and offers the best user experience.


If you are looking for some theme recommendations, then check out our expert-pick showcases:


14.优化网站速度以更快地加载页面 (14. Optimize Website Speed to Load Your Pages Faster)

Improve your website speed

In this era of instant gratification, no one wants to wait for a website to load. If your website is slow, then users will simply leave your website before it even loads.

在这个即时满足的时代,没有人愿意等待网站加载。 如果您的网站运行缓慢,那么用户甚至会在加载之前离开您的网站。

Search engines like Google also consider website speed and page load time as one of the important ranking factors.


To make sure that your website loads fast, you need to optimize your WordPress performance. This means you need to use caching, avoid unnecessary bloat, and optimize your images.

为了确保您的网站快速加载,您需要优化WordPress性能。 这意味着您需要使用缓存,避免不必要的膨胀,并优化图像。

We have prepared a step by step WordPress performance optimization guide that will help you speed up your website without hiring a developer.

我们已准备了逐步的WordPress性能优化指南 ,该指南可帮助您加快网站速度,而无需雇用开发人员。

15.立即开始您的电子邮件列表 (15. Start Your Email List Right Away)

Start building your email list

Most beginners spend too much of their time bringing new users to their website. However, more than 70% of users leaving your website will never return.

大多数初学者花太多时间将新用户带到他们的网站。 但是,超过70%的用户离开您的网站将永远不会回来。

The trick to growing your blog traffic is NOT to just get new visitors, but you also need to keep existing visitors coming back.


How do you make sure that users return to your website?


You do that by asking them to subscribe to your blog.


Users can subscribe to your website’s social media profiles. However, most social networks limit your reach, and your users can only see some of your content.

用户可以订阅您网站的社交媒体资料。 但是,大多数社交网络都会限制您的访问范围,并且您的用户只能看到您的某些内容。

This is why you need to start building your email list.


The best thing about your email list is that you own it. No one can limit your reach, and you get direct access to your user’s inboxes.

关于您的电子邮件列表,最好的事情是您拥有它。 没有人可以限制您的访问范围,您可以直接访问用户的收件箱。

Email marketing is the most cost-efficient and highly effective marketing tool at your disposal.


You are losing potential subscribers each day without an email list.


For more on this topic, please read our article on why building an email list is so important.

有关此主题的更多信息,请阅读我们的文章, 为什么构建电子邮件列表如此重要

Once you have an email list, you can send regular email newsletters to bring more visitors to your blog.


16.自动共享您的博客文章 (16. Automatically Share Your Blog Posts)

Share your content

When we stress that you should build an email list, we don’t mean that you should stop building a social media following.


Quite the opposite, in fact, we want you to continue building a social media following on all the important social platforms, and even find new niche platforms that you can explore.


The problem with social media websites is that you have to regularly post content to keep your profiles active and drive traffic to your blog.


If you do that manually, then you’ll soon be spending quite a lot of time on sharing content.


This is where IFTTT comes in. It is a free online service that allows you to automatically share your WordPress blog posts on social media websites.

这就是IFTTT的用处 。它是一项免费的在线服务,可让您在社交媒体网站上自动共享WordPress博客文章

17.定期在社交媒体上分享您的旧文章 (17. Regularly Share Your Old Articles on Social Media)

Share old posts

If you’re like most blogs, you probably only publish one article a day, this means for the rest of the day, there is no update from you on social media.


On platforms like Twitter, your Tweet will soon disappear, and your users will probably not even see it.


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could automatically share your old content at regular intervals throughout the day?


This will help you get more traffic from social media by increasing your visibility and keeping your profiles more active.


Luckily, you can automate it with tools like Buffer and Revive Old Posts.

幸运的是,您可以使用BufferRevive Old Posts之类的工具将其自动化。

With Buffer, you will have to bulk-upload your updates manually. On the other hand, Revive Old Posts will allow you to automatically share your own old articles.

使用Buffer ,您将必须手动批量上传更新。 另一方面,Revive Old Posts将允许您自动共享您自己的旧文章。

18.探索其他社交网络 (18. Explore Other Social Networks)

Explore more social networks

There are so many social media websites out there, but most of us spend all of our time on a few top platforms like Facebook and Twitter.


Obviously, you want to focus on them to drive more traffic to your blog.


However, depending on your blog’s topics you may have more success on other social platforms that are less crowded.


For example, if your blog is about building businesses, then you may find more engaged users on LinkedIn.


If you run a lifestyle or fashion blog, then Instagram may be the platform you should focus on.


You can always spend time on Quora to answer user questions which build backlinks and help increase blog traffic.


We recommend that you try spending more time on social networks other than the big two. You may find a more passionate audience and a bigger following there.

我们建议您尝试花更多的时间在社交网络上,而不是在前两者上。 您可能会发现更热情的听众和更多的关注者。

19.参与在线社区 (19. Participate in Online Communities)

Participate in online communities

Online communities are a great source of traffic mainly because they already have engaged users who are interested in the topics that you are discussing on your blogs.


You can find smaller communities on Reddit, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, YouTube communities, and more.


Pro Tip: Don’t just start posting links to your articles. This is called spamming and moderators will instantly block you.

专家提示:不要只是开始发布您文章的链接。 这称为垃圾邮件,主持人会立即阻止您。

You should spend some time building reputation, answering questions, joining discussions, and then only share your website if it is appropriate.


20.建立自己的在线小组 (20. Make Your Own Online Groups)

Make your own online groups

Another way to build a passionate following around your blog is by starting your own online group. You can use free platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn and invite your users to join in.

建立博客关注者的另一种方法是建立自己的在线小组。 您可以使用Facebook或LinkedIn等免费平台,并邀请您的用户加入。

As your community grows, so will your influence. The active participants in your group will proactively help you promote your blog on their own social media profiles.

随着社区的发展,您的影响力也会随之增加。 小组中的积极参与者将主动帮助您在他们自己的社交媒体个人资料上推广博客。

After some time, this little community can become a major source of traffic for your blog.


21.参与问答网站 (21. Participate in Q & A Websites)

Participate on question and answers websites

You may have noticed that sometimes years old answers from websites like Stack Exchange, Quora, or TripAdvisor would still outrank more established blogs in search results.

您可能已经注意到,有时来自Stack Exchange,Quora或TripAdvisor之类的网站的旧答案有时仍会在搜索结果中排名超过成熟的博客。

Question and Answer websites are one of the biggest online communities on the internet.


The advantage of answering questions on these platforms is that your answer will remain live for a very long time which means that it can become a regular source of traffic to your blog.


Once again, we will not recommend you to just go there for posting your links. Instead, you should write actual detailed answers with links to your blog posts only if they fit in the context.

再一次,我们不建议您只去那里发布链接。 相反,只有在适合上下文的情况下,才应使用指向博客文章的链接来编写实际的详细答案。

22.在社交媒体上寻找影响者并与之互动 (22. Find and Engage with Influencers on Social Media)

Influencer marketing

Influencers can help you promote your blog and can significantly boost your website traffic.


However, the problem is that most influencers get tons of messages already. Since you are a new blogger, they assume you probably don’t have anything to offer them in return.

但是,问题在于大多数影响者已经收到大量消息。 由于您是新博客作者,因此他们认为您可能没有任何回报。

So how do you get the attention of an influencer? More importantly, how do you get them to promote your blog?

那么,如何吸引有影响力的人呢? 更重要的是,您如何让他们推广您的博客?

First, you need to start a conversation with them on social media.


Next, share their content with your own commentary, reply to their threads, leave comments on their blog posts.


Make sure each of your interaction adds value to their discussion.


Influencers love it when users appreciate their efforts. They will notice and remember you. Once you have established a relationship, you can approach them to give you advice.

当用户赞赏他们的努力时,有影响力的人会喜欢它。 他们会注意到并记住您。 建立关系后,您可以向他们寻求建议。

It sounds like a lot of work, but it helps you build life-long friendships that are mutually profitable.


23.使用社交证明获得更多流量 (23. Use Social Proof to Get More Traffic)

Using social proof

Human beings are social animals. We like to know about other people’s experiences as social proof and use it to make our own decisions.

人类是社会动物。 我们喜欢了解他人作为社会证明的经历,并利用它来做出自己的决定。

You need to use this social proof on your website, on your social media profiles, in your tweets, and in emails to promote your blog.


Now you may be wondering, what if I am just starting out? How do I leverage social proof on my blog?

现在您可能想知道,如果我刚开始呢? 如何在博客上利用社交证明?

There are tons of ways to leverage social proof, even on a new blog.


  • feedback form and ask users to leave you feedback that you can share on your blog.反馈表单,并要求用户留下您可以在您的博客上共享的反馈。
  • collect testimonials收集推荐
  • Ask users to rate your articles

  • Ask users to write reviews

  • social media counts, email list subscriber counts, and other numbers as social proof.社交媒体计数 ,电子邮件列表订阅者计数以及其他数字作为社交证明。

Don’t worry if your numbers aren’t as big as other successful blogs, they are still powerful social proof.


24.监控社交媒体 (24. Monitor Social Media)

Monitor social media

People are asking questions all the time on social media websites like Twitter. Set up alerts to monitor keywords on social media and then jump into conversations to answer their questions with a link back to a relevant article on your website.

人们一直在诸如Twitter之类的社交媒体网站上提问。 设置警报以监视社交媒体上的关键字,然后跳回到对话中以通过返回指向您网站上相关文章的链接来回答他们的问题。

You can also monitor social media websites for your brand name, links, conversations, and more.


There are plenty of tools that you can use for this. Here are some of the best social media monitoring tools that can make it all easy for you.

您可以使用很多工具。 以下是一些最佳的社交媒体监控工具 ,可以让您轻松完成所有工作。

25.跟踪您网站的关键字排名 (25. Track Your Website’s Keyword Rankings)

Track your keyword rankings

After you have started creating content and promoting it, you need to track how well each piece content is performing. Furthermore, which keywords is it ranking for.

在开始创建内容并对其进行推广之后,您需要跟踪每个作品的效果。 此外,它为哪些关键字排名。

You can do this with a tool called, Google Search Console. It is a free tool provided by Google that helps you see how your website is doing in Google Search. We have a complete Google Search Console guide that will teach you how to use this immensely powerful tool, like a Pro.

您可以使用称为Google Search Console的工具来执行此操作。 它是Google提供的免费工具,可帮助您查看网站在Google搜索中的运行情况。 我们有完整的Google Search Console指南 ,该指南将教您如何使用此功能强大的工具(如Pro)。

Next, you would want to monitor your competitor websites. Google Search Console will not tell you who is ranking higher than you and why.

接下来,您想监视竞争对手的网站。 Google Search Console不会告诉您谁的排名高于您以及为什么。

For that, you’ll need tools SEMRush and Ahrefs. Using either of these tools, you can get detailed insights into your competitors, their top keywords, and what you need to do to outrank them.

为此,您需要工具SEMRushAhrefs 。 使用这两种工具中的任何一种,您都可以详细了解竞争对手,竞争对手的主要关键字以及需要做些什么才能使竞争对手排名更高。

26.跟踪您的网站访问量和用户参与度 (26. Track Your Website Traffic and User Engagement)

Track user analytics

Now that you have started getting some traffic, you need to know where your users are coming from, and what they do when they are on your website. Without this data, you cannot evaluate your strategy or plan your next moves.

现在,您已经开始获得一些流量,您需要知道用户来自何处,以及他们在您的网站上时的行为。 没有这些数据,您将无法评估策略或计划下一步行动。

This is where Google Analytics comes in.

这就是Google Analytics(分析)的用武之地。

It tracks your website visitors and helps you see traffic reports, engagement, and other user activity on your website. For instructions, see our step by step tutorial on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

它跟踪您的网站访问者,并帮助您查看网站上的点击量报告,参与度和其他用户活动。 有关说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)的分步教程。

The biggest advantage of using Google Analytics is that you can see what your users are doing when they visit your website. See our article on how to use Google Analytics to track user engagement on your website.

使用Google Analytics(分析)的最大优点是,您可以在用户访问您的网站时看到他们在做什么。 请参阅我们有关如何使用Google Analytics(分析)跟踪您网站上的用户参与度的文章。

Knowing this data helps you double down on what’s working, and stop doing what’s not.


27.继续学习在线营销和SEO (27. Continue Learning Online Marketing and SEO)

These tips will help you increase your blog traffic and continue getting more subscribers.


However as your blog grows, you need to learn more ways to grow your business.


WPBeginner is the largest WordPress resource site. We regularly publish tutorials on online marketing and SEO. We have a YouTube Channel as well, where you can learn more about WordPress, growing your blog, and SEO.

WPBeginner是最大的WordPress资源站点。 我们定期发布有关在线营销和SEO的教程。 我们也有一个YouTube频道 ,您可以在其中了解有关WordPress,发展博客和SEO的更多信息。

OptinMonster Blog is another great resource that you would want to follow. OptinMonster is the best conversion optimization software on the market. Their blog is where they regularly publish articles on how to get more traffic, subscribers, and sales.

OptinMonster博客是您想要关注的另一个重要资源。 OptinMonster是市场上最好的转换优化软件。 他们在博客上定期发布有关如何获得更多流量,订户和销售的文章。

We hope these tips helped you increase your blog traffic. You may also want to see our list of most useful tools to help you further grow your blog.

我们希望这些技巧能帮助您增加博客流量。 您可能还希望查看我们最有用的工具列表, 以帮助您进一步发展博客

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-increase-your-blog-traffic/


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