

Do you want to move your custom domain Blogger blog to WordPress? Blogger is a free blogging platform that has been around for a very long time.

您是否要将自定义域Blogger博客移至WordPress? Blogger是一个免费的博客平台 ,已经存在了很长时间。

Normally, a free blog on Blogger has in their website address. For example,

通常,Blogger上的免费博客的网站地址中包含。 例如,。

In our main Blogger to WordPress migration tutorial, one of our readers asked us for step by step instructions on moving custom domain blogger website to WordPress.

在我们的主要Blogger到WordPress迁移教程中 ,我们的一位读者要求我们提供有关将自定义域博客网站迁移到WordPress的逐步说明。

That’s because Blogger also allows users to connect custom domain names to their blogs such as


If you have a custom domain Blogger blog, and you want to move it to WordPress, then this tutorial is for you.


In this step by step guide, we will show you how to easily move a custom domain blog from Blogger to WordPress.


Moving custom domain Blogger blog to WordPress

Note: If you’re looking for moving a normal Blogger subdomain blog to WordPress, then see our guide on how to switch from Blogger to WordPress.


Following are the steps we will cover to help you move your custom domain blog from Blogger to WordPress.


  1. Getting started入门
  2. Change DNS settings更改DNS设置
  3. Remove domain redirect删除域重定向
  4. Install WordPress安装WordPress
  5. Export content from Blogger从Blogger导出内容
  6. Import content in WordPress在WordPress中导入内容
  7. Setup Permalinks设置固定链接
  8. Redirect Blogger feeds to WordPress将Blogger供稿重定向到WordPress
  9. Customizing WordPress自定义WordPress
  10. Extending your WordPress site扩展您的WordPress网站
步骤1:入门 (Step 1: Getting Started)

Before we start, it is important to note that this guide is for the self-hosted WordPress blog. See our guide on the difference between self hosted site vs blog.

在开始之前,请务必注意本指南适用于自托管的WordPress博客。 请参阅我们的指南,了解自托管WordPress.org网站与WordPress.com博客之间的区别。

In order to get started, you will need a WordPress hosting provider to set up your self hosted WordPress website.


We recommend Bluehost because they are an officially recommended WordPress hosting company, and they are giving WPBeginner users exclusive 60% discount + free domain and SSL.


Basically, you can get started for $2.75 / month.

基本上,您每月只需$ 2.75即可开始使用。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


If you want a Bluehost alternative, then take a look at Siteground. They also have a special offer for WPBeginner users.

如果您想使用Bluehost替代产品,请查看Siteground 。 他们还为WPBeginner用户提供了特别优惠。

步骤2:更改DNS设置 (Step 2: Change DNS Settings)

Blogger allows you to use any domain name registered by a 3rd party. U.S. based users can also use a domain registered with Google Domains.

Blogger允许您使用第三方注册的任何域名。 美国用户也可以使用在Google Domains中注册的域。

When you first setup the domain pointing to your Blogger blog, you were asked to add CNAME and A records to your domain’s DNS settings.


These domain name records help browsers decide where to direct users when they enter your domain name. See our guide on domain names and how they work)

这些域名记录可帮助浏览器确定用户输入域名时将用户定向到何处。 请参阅我们的域名指南及其工作原理 )

You will need to delete those old records and add your new WordPress host’s DNS settings.


You can get DNS settings required by your WordPress hosting company from their documentation or support websites. A typical DNS nameserver looks something like this:

您可以从WordPress托管公司的文档或支持网站获取DNS设置。 典型的DNS名称服务器如下所示:


In this guide, we will show you how to update DNS settings in Godaddy. However the basic settings are the same across all popular domain registrars.

在本指南中,我们将向您展示如何在Godaddy中更新DNS设置。 但是,所有流行的域名注册商的基本设置都相同。

Changing DNS Settings in GoDaddy


You need to Login to your Godaddy account and click on the manage button next to domains. After that you need to click on the gear icon next to your domain and then select manage DNS.

您需要登录到您的Godaddy帐户,然后单击域旁边的管理按钮。 之后,您需要点击您域旁边的齿轮图标,然后选择管理DNS。

Launch DNS management in GoDaddy

You will see your domain information page. Next, you need to click on the DNS Zone File. This is where all the DNS level records for your domain are stored.

您将看到您的域信息页面。 接下来,您需要单击DNS区域文件。 这是您域的所有DNS级别记录的存储位置。

Edit DNS zone file in GoDaddy

On the DNS Zone File page, you need to locate the A record and CNAME aliases you added for your Blogger blog and delete them.

在“ DNS区域文件”页面上,您需要找到为Blogger博客添加的A记录和CNAME别名,然后删除它们。

Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to apply your changes.


The next step is to setup nameservers for your WordPress hosting provider.


Go back to manage DNS page for your domain and then click on ‘Manage’ under the namservers section.


Manage nameserver settings

On the next page, you need to click on ‘Custom’ and then click on edit nameservers link to add your new WordPress hosts nameservers.


Adding nameservers

Click on the save button to make your DNS changes go live.


Important: DNS changes may take anywhere between a few hours to one or even two days to fully propagate. During this time, you can access your Blogger blog by logging into your account.

重要提示: DNS更改可能需要几小时到一天甚至两天的时间才能完全传播。 在此期间,您可以通过登录帐户访问Blogger博客。

步骤3:删除域重定向 (Step 3: Remove Domain Redirect)

Your Blogger blog’s original address is redirecting users to your custom domain. Since we have changed the domain settings, we need to remove this from Blogger too.

您Blogger博客的原始blogspot.com地址会将用户重定向到您的自定义域。 由于我们更改了域设置,因此我们也需要将其从Blogger中删除。

Simply log into your Blogger account and go to Settings » Basic page. Under the publishing section, click on the cross icon to cancel the redirect.

只需登录您的Blogger帐户,然后转到“设置”»“基本”页面。 在发布部分下,单击十字图标以取消重定向。

Remove custom domain redirect from Blogger
步骤4:安装WordPress (Step 4: Install WordPress)

If your domain’s DNS has propagated now, then you can install WordPress on your hosting provider.


If your domain is registered on a 3rd party service other than your web host, then you will need to add the hosting for the domain.


For example, in Bluehost you will add your domain as an Addon domain through cPanel unless it is the main domain on your account.


Adding a domain name to your hosting account

After adding domain to your new host, the next step is to install WordPress. Most hosting companies have simple 1-click WordPress installers that you can use to quickly install WordPress.

将域添加到新主机后,下一步是安装WordPress。 大多数托管公司都有简单的一键式WordPress安装程序,您可以使用它们快速安装WordPress。

If you need more help, then follow the instructions in our complete WordPress installation tutorial.


After successful installation of WordPress on your custom domain, you will be ready to import content from your Blogger blog.


步骤5:从Blogger导出内容 (Step 5: Export Content From Blogger)

Before you can import content into WordPress, first you need to export it from your Blogger blog.


Blogger allows you to export content in an XML file.


Simply login to your Blogger blog and visit Settings » Other page. Under the blog tools, click on the Backup Content link.

只需登录到您的Blogger博客,然后访问设置»其他页面。 在博客工具下,单击“备份内容”链接。

Export blog posts from Blogger

This will bring up a popup where you need to click on the ‘Save to your computer’ button.


Depending on the file size, it may take a few seconds or a few minutes. Once you have your data, it is time to import it into your WordPress site.

根据文件大小,可能需要几秒钟或几分钟。 拥有数据后,就该将其导入到WordPress网站中了。

第6步:将Blogger博客导入WordPress (Step 6: Import Blogger Blog into WordPress)

Login to your WordPress admin area and visit Tools » Import page. There you will see a list of importers for different services. You need to click on Blogger to install the Blogger importer.

登录到您的WordPress管理区域,然后访问工具»导入页面。 在这里,您将看到不同服务的进口商列表。 您需要单击Blogger才能安装Blogger导入程序。

Install Blogger importer tool for WordPress

WordPress will now download and install the Blogger Importer plugin for you. Once it is finished installing the plugin, you need to click on Run Importer link to continue.

WordPress现在将为您下载并安装Blogger导入程序插件。 完成插件安装后,您需要单击“运行导入程序”链接以继续。

Run Blogger importer

On the Import Blogger screen, WordPress will ask you to upload the XML file. Simply click on choose file button and upload the XML file you downloaded earlier. Click on the Upload file and import button to continue.

在“导入Blogger”屏幕上,WordPress将要求您上传XML文件。 只需单击选择文件按钮,然后上传您先前下载的XML文件。 单击上载文件并导入按钮以继续。

Upload file to import

WordPress will now import your blog posts from Blogger, once it is finished you will be asked to assign an author to the imported posts. You can assign your blogger posts to an existing author or create a new one.

WordPress现在将从Blogger导入您的博客文章,完成后,系统将要求您为导入的文章分配作者。 您可以将博主帖子分配给现有作者,也可以创建一个新帖子。

Congratulations! you have successfully imported your Blogger blog into WordPress.

恭喜你! 您已成功将Blogger博客导入WordPress。

However, you still need to make sure that you don’t lose any search rankings by redirecting search engines and visitors to the same content on your new WordPress powered website.


WordPress comes with a feature that allows you to set up SEO friendly URL structure.


However, since you are importing content from Blogger, you would want your permalink structure to be as close to your Blogger URL structure as possible. To set permalinks you need to go to Settings » Permalinks and paste this in the custom structure field:

但是,由于您是从Blogger导入内容,因此您希望永久链接结构尽可能接近Blogger URL结构。 要设置永久链接,您需要转到设置»永久链接并将其粘贴到自定义结构字段中:



Change permalinks
设置8:设置Feed重定向 (Setp 8: Setup Feed Redirects)

You have successfully redirected your Blogger blog to WordPress. However, users who have subscribed to your Blogger RSS feed will stop receiving updates.

您已成功将Blogger博客重定向到WordPress。 但是,已订阅您的Blogger RSS feed的用户将停止接收更新。

You need to redirect feed requests to your WordPress feeds. This can be easily achieved by editing the .htaccess file in your WordPress site’s root folder.

您需要将提要请求重定向到WordPress提要。 通过编辑WordPress网站根文件夹中的.htaccess文件,可以轻松实现这一目标。

If you can’t find your .htaccess file, then see this tutorial.


Start by connecting to your WordPress site using an FTP client. You will need to enable ‘Show Hidden Files’ option in your FTP client settings. If you are using Filezilla, you will find this option under Server menu.

首先使用FTP客户端连接到WordPress站点。 您需要在FTP客户端设置中启用“显示隐藏文件”选项。 如果使用的是Filezilla,则可以在“服务器”菜单下找到此选项。

Show hidden files in FTP

Once you are connected to your website, you will find the .htaccess file in your WordPress site’s root directory. You need to edit this file and paste the following code before any other code in the file.

连接到网站后,您将在WordPress网站的根目录中找到.htaccess文件。 您需要编辑此文件,并将以下代码粘贴到文件中的任何其他代码之前。

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteRule atom.xml /feed? [L,R=301]
   RewriteRule rss.xml /feed? [L,R=301]
   RewriteRule ^feeds/posts/?.*$ /feed? [L,R=301]
   RewriteRule ^feeds/comments/?.*$ /comments/feed? [L,R=301]

Don’t forget to save your changes and upload the .htaccess file back to the server. Your Blogger feed subscribers will now be redirected to your WordPress site’s feed.

不要忘记保存更改并将.htaccess文件上传回服务器。 您的Blogger供稿订阅者现在将重定向到您的WordPress网站的供稿。

步骤9.自定义您的WordPress网站 (Step 9. Customizing Your WordPress Site)

Themes control the appearance of your WordPress site. You can use them to change your website’s colors, layout, navigation menus, and more.

主题控制着WordPress网站的外观。 您可以使用它们来更改网站的颜色,布局,导航菜单等。

WordPress themes

By default, WordPress comes with a very simple theme that doesn’t offer many features.


Luckily, there are thousands of WordPress themes available that you can choose from.


Following are a few of our showcases with our expert-pick of best WordPress themes in different categories.


Here are a few tips that you should consider when looking at these themes.


  • Simplicity is the best design. Look for a simple theme with flexible features.

    简单是最好的设计。 寻找具有灵活功能的简单主题。
  • You will not find a theme exactly as you had on Blogger, but you can look for a theme with similar layout and color choices

  • Make sure that the theme you are choosing looks good on mobile devices

  • Only install a theme from reliable sources like or one of the top WordPress theme shops.
  • 仅从可靠的来源(如WordPress.org或顶级WordPress主题商店之一)安装主题

Once you have found a theme, you can go ahead and install it. See our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress theme for step by step instructions.

找到主题后,就可以继续安装它。 请参阅有关如何安装WordPress主题的新手指南, 获取逐步说明。

Note: You can also use one of these drag & drop WordPress page builders to create completely custom website designs without writing any code.


步骤10.扩展您的WordPress网站 (Step 10. Extending Your WordPress Site)

WordPress plugins

One of the top reasons for using WordPress is the large number of plugins that you can use. Plugins are like apps for your WordPress site. You can use them to add new features and extend WordPress functionality.

使用WordPress的主要原因之一是可以使用大量的插件。 插件就像您的WordPress网站的应用程序。 您可以使用它们来添加新功能并扩展WordPress功能。

Now, as a beginner, you may be wondering how to start using these plugins? Which plugins you should try first?

现在,作为一个初学者,您可能想知道如何开始使用这些插件? 您应该先尝试使用哪些插件?

Don’t worry we got you covered there as well. Check out our expert selection of the essential WordPress plugins that you should install first.

不用担心,我们也能覆盖您。 查看我们应首先安装的基本WordPress插件的专家选择。

Next, you should know that WordPress is not just limited to blogs. You can use it to create any type of website you can imagine.

接下来,您应该知道WordPress不仅限于博客。 您可以使用它来创建您可以想象的任何类型的网站

Finally, as a new WordPress user, you may need help now and then. WPBeginner is the largest WordPress resource site for beginners. See how you can make the most out of WPBeginner’s free resources.

最后,作为新的WordPress用户,您可能会不时需要帮助。 WPBeginner是面向初学者的最大的WordPress资源网站。 了解如何充分利用WPBeginner的免费资源

We hope this article helped you move your custom domain blogger blog to WordPress. You may also want to see our list of 40 useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您将自定义域博客博客移至WordPress。 您可能还想查看我们的40种有用工具的列表, 这些工具可以管理和发展WordPress博客

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。



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