

Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for graphic designers? For a graphic design website, you may be looking for something creative and inspiring. Typical blog or business templates often do not meet the criteria. In this guide, we have hand-picked the best WordPress themes for graphic designers that are both functional and creative.

您是否在寻找适合平面设计师的最佳WordPress主题? 对于平面设计网站,您可能正在寻找富有创造力和启发性的东西。 典型的博客或业务模板通常不符合条件。 在本指南中,我们为功能兼具创意的图形设计师精心挑选了最佳的WordPress主题。

Best WordPress themes for graphic designers
使用WordPress创建图形设计网站 (Creating a Graphic Design Website with WordPress)

WordPress is the best website builder for artists, designers, and creative folks. It offers great flexibility and freedoms to match your artistic expression.

WordPress是针对艺术家,设计师和富有创造力的人们的最佳网站构建器 。 它提供了极大的灵活性和自由度以匹配您的艺术表现。

There are two different types of WordPress. A self hosted WordPress.org website gives you access to all features of WordPress. See our comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for more details.

WordPress有两种不同类型。 一个自托管的WordPress.org网站可让您访问WordPress的所有功能。 有关更多详细信息,请参见我们对WordPress.com与WordPress.org的比较。

You will need a WordPress hosting account and a domain name to use self hosted WordPress.


We recommend using Bluehost. They are an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider and one of the largest web hosting companies in the world.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商,也是世界上最大的网络托管公司之一。

Once you have purchased hosting. Head over to our guide on how to make a website for step by step installation instructions.

购买托管后。 请访问我们的指南, 了解如何制作网站以逐步进行安装说明。

Having said that, let’s take a look at the best WordPress themes for graphic designers that you can use on your website.


1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)

Astra's Freelancer template

Astra is a powerful and lightweight WordPress theme. It comes with dozens of starter templates, including the Freelancer template. This is a great option for graphic designers, developers, writers and more.

Astra是一个功能强大且轻量级的WordPress主题。 它带有许多入门模板,包括Freelancer模板。 对于图形设计师,开发人员,作家等而言,这是一个不错的选择。

Astra is a great theme for SEO that will help your website rank highly in search engines. You can easily customize exactly how your site looks using drag and drop page builders and the WordPress live customizer.

Astra是SEO的绝佳主题,它将帮助您的网站在搜索引擎中排名很高。 您可以使用拖放页面构建器和WordPress实时自定义程序轻松自定义网站的外观。

2.流星 (2. Meteor)


Designed to build portfolio and resume websites, Meteor is the perfect theme for graphic designers. Its main feature would be the masonry grid layout for your portfolio items at the front.

流星专为建立作品集和简历网站而设计,是平面设计师的理想主题。 它的主要功能是在前面放置您的投资组合项目的砖石网格布局。

Each portfolio item has its own details page where you can add more videos, image galleries, description, and more. It also comes with a resume template to showcase your qualifications and experience to prospective clients.

每个投资组合项目都有其自己的详细信息页面,您可以在其中添加更多视频, 图像库 ,描述等。 它还带有简历模板,向潜在客户展示您的资格和经验。

3.苏活区 (3. Soho)


Soho is a WordPress art gallery theme which can easily repurposed for graphic design galleries and exhibitions. It includes sections to display upcoming events, artists, a blog section, exhibitions, and contact form.

Soho是一个WordPress艺术画廊主题,可以轻松地重新用于图形设计画廊和展览。 它包括显示即将发生的事件的区域,艺术家,博客部分,展览和联系表

It includes features like custom columns, buttons, tables, panels, icon fonts, and more. It is easy to set up and includes a simple theme options panel and full live customizer support.

它包括自定义列,按钮,表格,面板,图标字体等功能。 它易于设置,并包括一个简单的主题选项面板和完整的实时定制器支持。

4.镜头 (4. Lense)


Lense is a beautiful WordPress theme suitable for graphic designers, artists, and photographers. It includes 6 beautiful photo gallery layouts including horizontal scrolling, sliders, and multi-column masonry grids.

Lense是一个美丽的WordPress主题,适合图形设计师,艺术家和摄影师使用。 它包括6种精美的照片库布局,包括水平滚动,滑块和多列砖石网格。

Despite its minimalist design, Lense gives you full control to use any colors, add widgets, and create custom layouts with page builder of your choice. It is super easy to use and customize and has a powerful theme options panel.

尽管具有极简设计,Lense仍使您能够完全控制使用任何颜色,添加小部件以及使用您选择的页面构建器创建自定义布局 。 它非常易于使用和自定义,并具有强大的主题选项面板。

5.卡诺普 (5. Kanop)


Kanop is another gorgeous WordPress theme for graphic designers, artists, and creative professionals. Its homepage features a masonry grid layout with a welcome message at the top.

Kanop是另一个精美的WordPress主题,适用于图形设计师,艺术家和创意专业人士。 它的主页具有砌体网格布局,顶部带有欢迎消息。

It is super easy to use and includes 1-click demo installer, custom theme settings page, and drag and drop page builder. It ships with a premium WordPress slider plugin and full support for multilingual websites using WPML.

它非常易于使用,包括一键式演示安装程序,自定义主题设置页面和拖放页面构建器。 它附带一个高级WordPress滑块插件,并完全支持使用WPML的多语言网站

6.胡椒+ (6. Pepper+)


Pepper+ is a beautifully crafted WordPress theme for designers and artists. It takes a modular approach to design and allows you to create any kind of website using simple drag and drop modules.

Pepper +是为设计师和艺术家精心制作的WordPress主题。 它采用模块化方法进行设计,并允许您使用简单的拖放模块创建任何类型的网站。

It ships with 4 ready-made websites that can be installed with 1-click. These websites include one designed specifically for individual artists. Other notable features include beautiful typography, icon fonts, contact form and more.

它附带4个现成的网站,可以一键安装。 这些网站包括一个专门为个人艺术家设计的网站。 其他显着功能包括精美的字体 ,图标字体, 联系表格等。

7.堪萨斯州 (7. Kansas)


Kansas is a minimalist WordPress theme for graphic designers, photographers, and artists. It comes with a spacious layout with lots of white space and crisp typography.

堪萨斯州是一个极简主义的WordPress主题,面向图形设计师,摄影师和艺术家。 它具有宽敞的布局,带有大量空白和清晰的版式。

It is easy to setup with demo installer and a custom theme settings panel. It includes a filterable portfolio, image galleries, unlimited colors, and custom widgets.

使用演示安装程序和自定义主题设置面板可以轻松进行设置。 它包括可过滤的作品集 ,图像库,无限的颜色和自定义小部件。

8.代理专业版 (8. Agency Pro)


Agency Pro is a powerful WordPress theme for graphic design agencies. It features gorgeous full screen background image with your featured work and recent posts on the homepage.

Agency Pro是图形设计代理商的强大WordPress主题。 它以华丽的全屏背景图片为特色,并在首页上显示您的特色作品和最新文章

It is designed for Genesis theme framework, which is built for speed and performance. Other features include custom page templates, widgetized homepage, customizable header, and more.

它是针对Genesis主题框架而设计的,该框架旨在提高速度和性能 。 其他功能包括自定义页面模板,微件化主页,可自定义标题等。

9.玛索 (9. Martho)


Martho is a powerful yet minimalist WordPress theme for artists, designers, and photographers. It comes with beautiful portfolio templates to easily showcase your best work.

Martho是一个功能强大但极简的WordPress主题,适用于艺术家,设计师和摄影师。 它带有精美的作品集模板 ,可轻松展示您的最佳作品。

It ships with page builder and slider plugins. Other features include photo galleries, featured content carousels, social media sharing, WooCommerce support, and more.

它附带页面构建器和滑块插件。 其他功能包括照片库, 特色内容轮播 ,社交媒体共享,WooCommerce支持等等。

10.时尚 (10. Vogue)


Vogue is a modern WordPress theme designed for fashion, designers, artists, and photographers. Its refreshing design uses lots of white space which breathes new life into your images.

Vogue是现代WordPress主题,专为时装,设计师,艺术家和摄影师设计。 其令人耳目一新的设计使用了大量空白,为您的图像注入了新的活力。

It includes a beautiful slider on the homepage, followed by your content. Inside you’ll also find custom widgets for social media profiles, Instagram widget, popular posts, and contact form popup.

它在首页上包括漂亮的滑块,然后是您的内容。 在内部,您还将找到社交媒体资料的自定义小部件,Instagram小部件,热门帖子以及联系表单弹出窗口

11.动词 (11. Verb)


Verb is designed specifically for graphic designers, illustrators, and photographers. This beautiful WordPress theme comes with a powerful portfolio section. Each portfolio item has a detailed page where you can add more details.

动词是专门为图形设计师,插画家和摄影师设计的。 这个美丽的WordPress主题带有功能强大的产品组合部分。 每个投资组合项目都有一个详细页面,您可以在其中添加更多详细信息。

Other notable features include crisp typography, lightbox popup for galleries, color picker, full width page template, and more. It is easy to use and comes with a getting started dashboard to help you set up your website.

其他显着功能包括清晰的字体,画廊的灯箱弹出窗口 ,颜色选择器, 全角页面模板等。 它易于使用,并带有入门仪表板,可帮助您设置网站。

12. Hellomouse (12. Hellomouse )


Hellomouse is a creative WordPress theme for graphic designers, artists, and illustrators. Designed for great first impression it puts your latest work at the front and center of your website. This will help you generate more leads and get more work.

Hellomouse是一个创意的WordPress主题,适用于图形设计师,艺术家和插画家。 为给人留下深刻的第一印象而设计,它将您的最新作品放在网站的正面和中央。 这将帮助您产生更多的线索并获得更多的工作。

It is quicker to setup and easier to customize with more than 60 options in customizer. Other notable features include custom widgets for social media and content discovery, full width page templates, and page builder support.

使用定制程序中的60多个选项,设置起来更快,更容易自定义。 其他值得注意的功能包括用于社交媒体和内容发现的自定义小部件,全角页面模板以及页面构建器支持。

13.单色 (13. Monochrome)


If you are looking for an ultra minimalist option, then you’ll love Monochrome. This Genesis child theme uses lots of white space and beautifully displays your images.

如果您正在寻找极简主义的选择,那么您会喜欢Monochrome的。 此创世纪子主题使用大量空白,并精美显示您的图像。

It includes a simpler theme options panel and live customizer support. The homepage layout is fully widgetized and you can just drag and drop widgets to set it up. It is also ecommerce ready and can be easily used to add an online store to your site.

它包括一个更简单的主题选项面板和实时定制器支持。 主页布局已完全进行窗口小部件化,您只需拖放窗口小部件即可进行设置。 它也支持电子商务,可以轻松用于在您的站点上添加在线商店

14.坦率的 (14. Candid)


Candid is a WordPress theme for story-tellers, designers, and artists. It allows you to combine your artwork with text to create compelling content that looks great and inspires you to create more.

Candid是讲故事的人,设计师和艺术家的WordPress主题。 它使您可以将图稿与文本结合起来,创建引人入胜的内容,使内容看起来很棒,并激发您创作更多内容。

It includes social icons menu, contact page, lightbox galleries, and background color picker. It is designed to work out of the box and includes only the options you’ll need. It even includes a getting started section which will help you go live in minutes.

它包括社交图标菜单 ,联系页面,灯箱画廊和背景颜色选择器。 它旨在开箱即用,仅包含您需要的选项。 它甚至包括入门部分,可帮助您在几分钟内上线。

15.真北 (15. True North)

True North

True North is a stylish WordPress theme suitable for graphic designers, illustrators, and photographers. It comes with a built-in portfolio section where you can easily upload your work samples with descriptions and case studies.

True North是一个时尚的WordPress主题,适合平面设计师,插画家和摄影师使用。 它带有内置的投资组合部分 ,您可以在其中轻松上传带有描述和案例研究的工作样本。

Its homepage features a grid layout to display your work at the front and center of your website. It includes custom backgrounds and headers, custom widgets for social media profiles and content discovery features, and a powerful theme options page.

它的主页具有网格布局,可在网站的正面和中央显示您的工作。 它包括自定义背景和标题,用于社交媒体配置文件和内容发现功能的自定义窗口小部件,以及功能强大的主题选项页面。

16.设计师 (16. Designer)


Designer is WordPress theme to quickly showcase your artwork, web design, photography, and more. It is super easy to use and includes minimal theme options which makes it quick to setup.

设计师是WordPress主题,可快速展示您的艺术品,网页设计,摄影等。 它非常易于使用,并且包含最少的主题选项,因此可以快速设置。

It includes a powerful portfolio post type with gorgeous templates to display each portfolio item with as much detail as you like. Other features include photo galleries, lightbox carousel, video popups, social media icons, and more.

它包括一个功能强大的投资组合帖子类型 ,其中包含漂亮的模板,可以根据您的需要显示每个投资组合项目的详细信息。 其他功能包括照相馆,灯箱轮播,视频弹出窗口,社交媒体图标等。

17.恢复 (17. Resume)


Resume is a WordPress theme to build personal portfolio or resume website. It features a modern homepage layout allowing you to beautifully showcase your skills, experience, and portfolio on the front.

简历是一个WordPress主题,用于建立个人投资组合或简历网站 。 它具有现代的首页布局,可让您在正面精美地展示自己的技能,经验和作品集。

It includes a beautiful about me section which allows you to add bio, show awards and recognition, and more. It includes custom widgets for social media, filterable portfolio, featured content slider, and powerful theme settings page.

它包括一个关于我的美丽部分,可让您添加个人简介,显示奖项和认可等等。 它包括社交媒体的自定义小部件,可过滤的作品集,特色内容滑块和强大的主题设置页面。

18.角落 (18. Corner)


Corner is another great minimalist WordPress theme for designers and creative folks. It features a two column layout with navigation menu and sidebar on the left.

Corner是设计师和创意人士的另一个伟大的极简主义WordPress主题。 它具有两列布局,左侧具有导航菜单和侧栏。

It includes a featured work slider, custom widgets, social media icons, unlimited colors, and ecommerce support. It comes with a powerful theme options panel and support for all popular page builders plugins.

它包括一个特色工作滑块,自定义窗口小部件, 社交媒体图标 ,无限制的颜色和电子商务支持。 它带有强大的主题选项面板,并支持所有流行的页面构建器插件。

19.汉密尔顿 (19. Hamilton)


Hamilton is a free minimalist WordPress theme for creative types. This elegant portfolio theme allows you to display posts in a beautiful grid layout using your featured images as thumbnails.

汉密尔顿是免费的极简主义WordPress主题,适用于广告素材类型。 这个优雅的作品集主题使您可以使用特色图像作为缩略图以漂亮的网格布局显示帖子。

The homepage grid can be set up using two or three column layout. It comes in two color schemes light and dark. You can also use custom background colors.

可以使用两列或三列布局来设置主页网格。 它有浅色和深色两种配色方案。 您还可以使用自定义背景色。

20.尼科 (20. Nico)


Nico is a WordPress theme for artists and designers. Its homepage comes in a two column layout with sidebar on the left and a grid of your latest work on the right. The latest work grid can be configured to use three, or even four columns.

Nico是艺术家和设计师的WordPress主题。 它的主页采用两列布局,左侧为侧边栏,右侧为您最新作品的网格。 最新的工作网格可以配置为使用三列,甚至四列。

It includes a filterable portfolio post type to easily showcase your best work. It comes in different color schemes and you can also create your own. All theme options are quite easy to use and setup.

它包括一个可过滤的投资组合帖子类型,可轻松展示您的最佳作品。 它具有不同的配色方案,您也可以创建自己的配色方案。 所有主题选项都非常易于使用和设置。

21.时装 (21. Couture)


Couture is a free WordPress theme suitable for fashion, photography, and design blogs. It features an elegant and simple layout with your custom logo on the top, navigation menus, followed by your recent posts grid.

Couture是适用于时尚, 摄影和设计博客的免费WordPress主题。 它具有优雅而简单的布局,顶部有您的自定义徽标,导航菜单,然后是您最近的帖子网格。

It is really simple to use and works out of the box. You will find familiar customization options under live theme customizer.

它真的很容易使用并且可以直接使用。 您将在实时主题定制器下找到熟悉的定制选项。

22. Creatica (22. Creatica)


As the name suggests Creatica is a WordPress theme for creatives, agencies, and artists. It comes with 14 ready-made demos including templates for agencies, freelancers, resume, and portfolios. You can install these demos with a single click and then use the page builder plugin to customize them.

顾名思义,Creatica是适用于广告素材,代理商和艺术家的WordPress主题。 它带有14个现成的演示,包括代理商,自由职业者,简历和投资组合的模板。 您可以单击安装这些演示,然后使用页面构建器插件对其进行自定义。

It comes with powerful theme options panel which helps you set up your website. It includes tons of customization options including social media integration, multiple header styles, custom widgets, unlimited colors and layout choices.

它带有功能强大的主题选项面板,可帮助您设置网站。 它包括大量的自定义选项,包括社交媒体集成,多种标题样式,自定义小部件,无限的颜色和布局选择。

23.山顶 (23. Peak)


Peak is a modern and stylish WordPress theme for photographers and creatives. Boasting a masonry tiles layout, Peak can automatically populate tiles from your posts with each tile size generated dynamically. You can also generate your own tile sizes if you want.

Peak是面向摄影师和创意人士的现代,时尚的WordPress主题。 Peak拥有砖石瓦布局,Peak可以自动为您的帖子填充瓦,并动态生成每个瓦尺寸。 如果需要,还可以生成自己的图块大小。

Peak comes with a built-in portfolio post type, mega menus, slide out widgets, page title banner, custom 404 error page, and full WooCommerce support.


24.苍鹭 (24. Heron)


Heron is clean cut WordPress theme designed for photography, design, art, and personal blogs. Its main feature would be its clean layout, beautiful typography, and easier setup.

苍鹭是一个干净的WordPress主题,专为摄影,设计,艺术和个人博客而设计。 它的主要特点是布局整洁,版式精美,设置简单。

Heron comes with only the features you will need. All theme options are under live customizer and you can change background color, add social media icons, and access theme options at the same location.

鹭只带有您需要的功能。 所有主题选项都在实时定制器下,您可以更改背景颜色,添加社交媒体图标以及在同一位置访问主题选项。

25.北 (25. North)


North is a WordPress theme made specifically for graphic designers, artists, and photographers. It features a simple design with your latest work displayed on the front page in a distraction free layout.

North是专门为图形设计师,艺术家和摄影师制作的WordPress主题。 它具有简单的设计,您的最新作品以无干扰的布局显示在首页上。

North includes a portfolio section and each portfolio item comes with its own unique template. It does not ship with complicated settings and can be set up with in minutes.

North包含一个投资组合部分,每个投资组合项目都有其自己的唯一模板。 它没有复杂的设置,可以在几分钟内完成设置。

26. Freelo (26. Freelo)


If you are a graphic designer or illustrator looking for a colorful bold option for your website, then take a look at Freelo. This beautifully designed WordPress theme is made specifically to help artists showcase their work and make it pop out.

如果您是图形设计师或插画家,正在为您的网站寻找色彩丰富的粗体选项,那么请看一下Freelo。 设计精美的WordPress主题专门用于帮助艺术家展示他们的作品并使之流行。

It includes multiple portfolios, blog layouts, page templates, custom widgets, and more. It ships with full support for WooCommerce and WPML for multilingual websites.

它包括多个项目组合,博客布局,页面模板,自定义小部件等。 它附带对多语言网站的WooCommerce和WPML的全面支持。

27.角度 (27. Angle)


Angle is a WordPress multi-purpose theme with a clean and professional design. It comes with a drag and drop builder, portfolio section, sliders, visual theme customizer, and multiple layout choices.

Angle是一个WordPress多功能主题,设计简洁,专业。 它带有拖放生成器,项目组合部分,滑块,可视主题定制器和多种布局选择。

Angle is optimized for speed and performance and ease of use. Its layout makes it a perfect choice for professional portfolio or graphic design website.

角度针对速度,性能和易用性进行了优化。 它的布局使其成为专业作品集或图形设计网站的理想选择。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for graphic designers. You may also want to see our ultimate step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合平面设计师的最佳WordPress主题。 您可能还想看看我们针对初学者的终极一步一步WordPress SEO指南

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如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-themes-for-graphic-designers/






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