wordpress最大文件_您应该备份哪些WordPress文件? 正确的方法


Often we get asked which WordPress files should I backup? Having an up to date WordPress backup protects you against unexpected server failures and hacks. However you don’t to backup every file if you don’t want to. In this article, we will tell you which WordPress files are important to backup and the right way to do it.

通常我们会被问到我应该备份哪些WordPress文件? 拥有最新的WordPress备份可保护您免受意外的服务器故障和黑客攻击。 但是,如果不想备份所有文件,则不要备份。 在本文中,我们将告诉您哪些WordPress文件对于备份很重要以及正确的备份方法。

Which WordPress files to backup
为什么要设置WordPress备份? (Why Setup a WordPress Backup?)

All websites on the internet are vulnerable to hacking attempts, DDOS attacks, data theft, and data loss. This could happen to even the most secure websites on the internet.

互联网上的所有网站都容易遭受黑客攻击,DDOS攻击,数据盗窃和数据丢失。 甚至互联网上最安全的网站也可能发生这种情况。

A WordPress backup solution for your website, is your insurance against all those terrible things. It allows you to keep your content safe and restore your website after an accident.

适用于您网站的WordPress备份解决方案是您避免所有那些可怕事情的保险。 它使您可以保护内容安全并在发生事故后恢复网站。

Many beginners believe that their sites probably don’t need a backup system. Until they come across an accident and realize how easy it would have been if they had a backup.

许多初学者认为他们的站点可能不需要备份系统。 直到他们遇到事故,并意识到如果有备份,这将是多么容易。

创建WordPress备份的最佳方法是什么? (What’s the Best Way to Create WordPress Backups?)

The best way to setup a backup is by using an automated backup system.


There are several free and paid WordPress backup plugins available. You can take a look at our expert pick of the best WordPress backup plugins.

有几个免费和付费的WordPress备份插件可用。 您可以查看我们精选的最佳WordPress备份插件专家。

If you have the budget, then we recommend using VaultPress. It automatically syncs your changes, keeps daily backups with security scans and easy restore. We use VaultPress for all our WordPress projects.

如果您有预算,则建议使用VaultPress 。 它会自动同步您的更改,通过安全扫描保持日常备份,并轻松还原。 我们将VaultPress用于我们所有的WordPress项目。

However most owners don’t like paying a monthly fee. That’s why we recommend using BackupBuddy. It is the most popular WordPress backup plugin in the market. See our tutorial on how to keep your WordPress content safe with BackupBuddy.

但是,大多数所有者不喜欢每月支付费用。 这就是为什么我们建议使用BackupBuddy的原因。 它是市场上最流行的WordPress备份插件。 请参阅我们的教程,了解如何使用BackupBuddy保护WordPress内容的安全

Remember, you will only have to setup a backup solution once. After that, it will automatically create backups for you.

请记住,您只需设置一次备份解决方案。 之后,它将自动为您创建备份。

要备份哪些WordPress文件? (Which WordPress Files to Backup?)

Your WordPress site has three kind of files and one database.


  • Core WordPress Files

  • Files in the wp-content Folder (your theme, plugins, and uploads)

  • WordPress configuration files

  • Your WordPress Database

备份WordPress核心文件 (Backing up Core WordPress Files)

Core WordPress files are the files that run your WordPress site. You normally would never make any changes to these files, so they remain the same on all WordPress sites.

核心WordPress文件是运行WordPress网站的文件。 通常,您永远不会对这些文件进行任何更改,因此它们在所有WordPress网站上都保持不变。

The core WordPress files include all files in the root folder, wp-includes, and wp-admin folder.


You can always get fresh copes of these files from WordPress.org website. This is why you don’t always need to backup these files.

您总是可以从WordPress.org网站上获得这些文件的最新版本。 这就是为什么您不必总是备份这些文件的原因。

Core WordPress Files
备份wp-content文件夹 (Backing up wp-content Folder)

The wp-content folder is where WordPress stores all your images, media, themes, and plugins. The contents of this folder are unique to your website.

wp-content文件夹是WordPress存储所有图像 ,媒体,主题和插件的位置。 此文件夹的内容是您的网站唯一的。

If you know what plugins and theme you had installed on your WordPress site, then you can always get fresh copies of these plugins and themes from their sources. In that case, you don’t need to backup plugins and themes folders.

如果您知道在WordPress网站上安装了哪些插件和主题,那么您始终可以从其来源中获取这些插件和主题的最新副本。 在这种情况下,您无需备份插件和主题文件夹。

If you can’t remember all the plugins or the theme you had installed, then you should backup these folders too. If you have a custom theme, then definitely backup these folders.

如果您不记得已安装的所有插件或主题,那么也应该备份这些文件夹。 如果您有自定义主题,则一定要备份这些文件夹。

All your images and uploads go into /wp-content/uploads folder. If you lose this folder, then you will not be able to recreate it. You must always backup this folder.

您所有的图像和上载都放在/ wp-content / uploads文件夹中。 如果丢失此文件夹,则将无法重新创建它。 您必须始终备份该文件夹

The wp-content folder is also the place where your other WordPress plugins may create their own folders.


wp-content folder

Plugins like W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, etc, may also create folders and files in your wp-contents folder. You can safely ignore those files as those plugins can regenerate those files.

W3 Total CacheWP Super Cache等插件也可能在wp-contents文件夹中创建文件夹和文件。 您可以放心地忽略那些文件,因为那些插件可以重新生成这些文件。

However, plugins like Envira Gallery create folders to store files for your galleries. You must backup these folders.

但是,诸如Envira Gallery之类的插件会创建文件夹来存储画廊的文件。 您必须备份这些文件夹。

You need to make sure that files that you have uploaded using plugins are not excluded from backups.


备份WordPress配置文件 (Backing up WordPress Configuration Files)

The WordPress configuration files contain important settings information for your WordPress website. The two most important WordPress configuration files are:

WordPress配置文件包含有关WordPress网站的重要设置信息。 两个最重要的WordPress配置文件是:

These files contain settings that are relevant to your WordPress site. They can be manually recreated, but it is safe to always add them to backups.

这些文件包含与您的WordPress网站相关的设置。 可以手动重新创建它们,但是始终将它们添加到备份中是安全的。

备份WordPress数据库 (Backing up WordPress Database)

WordPress stores all the data in a MySQL database. This is where all your posts, pages, users, comments, and everything else is stored.

WordPress将所有数据存储在MySQL数据库中。 这是您所有帖子,页面,用户,评论以及所有其他内容的存储位置。

This is the most frequently updated part of your WordPress site. This is why you need to create database backups more frequently.

这是WordPress网站上更新最频繁的部分。 这就是为什么您需要更频繁地创建数据库备份的原因。

为什么不每次都备份所有文件和数据库? (Why Not Just Backup All The Files and Database Everytime?)

You should create a full backup of all your WordPress files and database at least once a month. For busier websites, you can create full backups once a week or even once a day.

您应该每月至少创建一次所有WordPress文件和数据库的完整备份。 对于繁忙的网站,您可以每周一次甚至每天一次创建完整备份。

However, you need to keep in mind that creating full backups is resource intensive. If you are on shared WordPress hosting, then this could hog your server resources. It may result in a slow website or may even make your site inaccessible.

但是,您需要记住,创建完整备份会占用大量资源。 如果您使用共享WordPress托管 ,那么这可能会占用您的服务器资源。 这可能会导致网站运行缓慢,甚至使您的网站无法访问。

Storing large backup files on the cloud would take up your storage space. Transferring large files can also be difficult for shared server, which may result in unfinished uploads or corrupt backups.

在云上存储大型备份文件将占用您的存储空间。 对于共享服务器,传输大文件也可能很困难,这可能会导致上传未完成或备份损坏。

Having said that, let’s see what should be an ideal strategy to backup your WordPress site?


创建多个WordPress备份计划 (Create Multiple WordPress Backup Schedules)

The best way to setup a backup is by using multiple schedules. You can create multiple backup schedule like this:

设置备份的最佳方法是使用多个日程表。 您可以像这样创建多个备份计划:

  • Full WordPress backup each month

  • Partial WordPress backup every week

  • Database only backup every day


Most good WordPress backup plugins allow you to setup multiple schedules. We will show you how to do that in BackupBuddy. For other plugins, check their documentation for instructions.

大多数优秀的WordPress备份插件可让您设置多个时间表。 我们将在BackupBuddy中向您展示如何做到这一点 。 对于其他插件,请查看其文档以获取说明。

Login to your WordPress admin area and then click on BackupBuddy. You will see your backup schedules listed there.

登录到您的WordPress 管理区域 ,然后单击BackupBuddy。 您将在此处看到备份计划。

If this is your first time using BackupBuddy, then it will automatically take you to quick setup wizard.

如果这是您第一次使用BackupBuddy ,那么它将自动带您进入快速设置向导。

quick setup wizard in BackupBuddy

Follow the on-screen instructions and BackupBuddy will create your first complete backup.


After that come back to BackupBuddy » Backups page. You will notice two buttons for database-only and complete backups.

之后,返回BackupBuddy»备份页面。 您会注意到两个按钮,仅用于数据库备份和完整备份。

Click on the plus icon next to them to add a new backup profile.


Add new backup profile button

Next, you will you see two fields. Choose ‘Files only’ from the dropdown menu and then provide a name to this backup profile, e.g. Partial Backup.

接下来,您将看到两个字段。 从下拉菜单中选择“仅文件” ,然后为此备份配置文件提供一个名称,例如部分备份。

Setup and Add Backup Profile

After that you need to click on the gear icon next to your newly created profile.


Customize your backup profile

This will bring up a popup where you can customize how this profile creates backups.


First you need to uncheck the box next to ‘Use global defaults for files to backup?’ option. This will show you WordPress files and folder structure.

首先,您需要取消选中“使用全局默认值备份文件?”旁边的框 选项。 这将向您显示WordPress文件和文件夹结构。

customizing backup profile

Simply take your mouse to folder and files you want to exclude, and then click on the minus button. Repeat to improve wp-includes and wp-admin folders, files in root folder, and plugin created files inside wp-content folder.

只需将鼠标移至要排除的文件夹和文件,然后单击减号按钮。 重复以改善wp-includes和wp-admin文件夹,根文件夹中的文件以及插件在wp-content文件夹中创建的文件。

Click on the Save profile settings button when you are done.


Now you need to visit BackupBuddy » Schedules page to add a new schedule.


Give this schedule a name and then select your backup profile. After that you can choose a backup interval. BackupBuddy lets you choose from a range of options starting from once hourly to once yearly.

为该日程表指定一个名称,然后选择您的备份配置文件。 之后,您可以选择一个备份间隔。 BackupBuddy允许您从每小时一次到每年一次的一系列选项中进行选择。

Adding a new schedule

For partial files backup, we recommend once or twice a week schedule.


Click on the remote destination button to select where to save the backup. Click on the add new schedule button to save your changes.

单击远程目标按钮以选择保存备份的位置。 单击添加新时间表按钮以保存您的更改。

That’s all, BackupBuddy will now create a partial backup of your files based on the schedule defined by you.

就是这样, BackupBuddy现在将根据您定义的计划创建文件的部分备份。

You can add more schedules and backup profiles to make sure that your backups are not too bloated, can be reliably moved, and easily restored.


We hope this article helped you learn which WordPress files should you backup? And the right way to do it. You may also want to see our 13 vital tips and hacks to protect your WordPress admin area.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解应该备份哪些WordPress文件? 正确的方法。 您可能还想看看我们的13个重要提示和技巧,以保护WordPress管理区域

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/which-wordpress-files-should-you-backup-and-the-right-way-to-do-it/


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