

A lot of you have asked us about the floating social share bar that we use on WPBeginner. In the past, our reply was simply that it was a custom plugin that we created for our site. That usually followed up with a question what is the best social media plugin that you would recommend? Sadly, there was not a single one that met our standards. We only recommend what we use or would use. After much thought and consideration, we have decided to release our floating social share bar plugin for WPBeginner users and the greater WordPress community. In this article, we will show you how to add a horizontal floating social share bar in WordPress.

许多人向我们询问了有关WPBeginner上使用的浮动社交共享栏的问题。 过去,我们的答复仅仅是,这是我们为网站创建的自定义插件。 通常,接下来会提出一个问题,您会推荐什么是最好的社交媒体插件? 可悲的是,没有一个符合我们的标准。 我们仅建议我们使用或将要使用的东西。 经过深思熟虑,我们决定为WPBeginner用户和更大的WordPress社区发布我们的浮动社交共享栏插件。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress中添加水平浮动社交共享栏。

好处 (Benefits)

Most social media plugins for WordPress are bloated. Partially because they support all sorts of social networks. The other part is because social media scripts are inherently slow. Well we fixed both of those issues in this plugin. First, we are only supporting the major social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

WordPress的大多数社交媒体插件都肿了。 部分是因为它们支持各种社交网络。 另一部分是因为社交媒体脚本天生就很慢。 好吧,我们在此插件中解决了这两个问题。 首先,我们仅支持主要的社交网络:Twitter,Facebook,Google +,LinkedIn和Pinterest。

Second, we delay the loading of social scripts until the user actually brings their mouse over, so your initial page load time is the fastest that it can be. In the past people simply put placeholder images, but we took it one step further. We show the cached version of the count which refreshes at an interval you decide (default 30 minutes). So when the user sees your share bar, it looks exactly the same as it would if the social media scripts are enabled.

其次,我们延迟社交脚本的加载,直到用户实际将鼠标移到上方,因此您的初始页面加载时间是最快的。 过去,人们只是放置占位符图像,但我们又将其放了一步。 我们显示计数的缓存版本,该版本以您确定的间隔(默认为30分钟)刷新。 因此,当用户看到您的共享栏时,其外观与启用社交媒体脚本后的外观完全相同。

Simply put, this floating social bar allows us to maximize our social media visibility without impacting our site speed.


如何在您的网站上添加浮动社交共享栏 (How to Add the Floating Social Share Bar on Your Site)

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Floating Social Bar plugin. Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu under Settings » Floating Social Bar.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Floating Social Bar插件。 激活后,插件将在“设置”»“浮动社交栏”下添加一个新菜单。

Floating Social Bar Admin Screeen

To add the floating social share bar to your blog posts, simply drag and drop the available social buttons in the enabled social services area in the order you would like to display them. Next, add your twitter ID in the field in the following format wpbeginner. Remember not to include the @ symbol.

要将浮动社交共享栏添加到您的博客帖子中,只需按想要显示的顺序将可用的社交按钮拖放到已启用的社交服务区域中即可。 接下来,以以下格式wpbeginner在字段中添加您的Twitter ID。 切记不要包含@符号。

The title for the share bar will only show up if there is enough space for it. If you use all sharing buttons, then chances are that you can’t get the title due to width constraints.

共享栏的标题只有在有足够的空间时才会显示。 如果使用所有共享按钮,则由于宽度限制,您可能无法获得标题。

You can choose the post types you want to add the floating social share bar such as posts, pages, or any other custom post type.


The last field is the cache interval which is what allows this plugin to be the most efficient. We recommend that you don’t change this number unless you know what you are doing. Here is how it works. By default, this plugin gets the social media count from the APIs and store it in a cache for 30 minutes. It only gets the count for the post when its loaded to reduce server load. For example, if no one visits your two year old post, then this plugin will not waste your precious server resources for that post. It only gets the count right when a user visits the post or page.

最后一个字段是缓存间隔,此间隔可使此插件效率最高。 我们建议您不要更改此号码,除非您知道自己在做什么。 下面是它的工作原理。 默认情况下,此插件从API获取社交媒体计数,并将其存储在缓存中30分钟。 它仅在帖子加载时获取该帖子的计数,以减少服务器负载。 例如,如果没有人访问您已有两年历史的帖子,那么此插件不会浪费您宝贵的服务器资源。 仅当用户访问帖子或页面时,它才能正确计数。

That’s it. Now when you go to your post page, there will be a horizontal floating share bar.

而已。 现在,当您转到帖子页面时,将出现一个水平浮动共享栏。

Get Floating Social Bar for your site. It’s free, and please do let us know your thoughts. We have tested this plugin for over a year on WPBeginner, but we always appreciate feedback. To help us out, you can go to our WordPress.org page for Floating Social Bar and leave us a rating.

为您的网站获取Floating Social Bar 。 它是免费的,请让我们知道您的想法。 我们已经在WPBeginner上对该插件进行了一年以上的测试,但我们始终感谢您的反馈。 为了帮助我们,您可以转到WordPress.org页面上的Floating Social Bar并给我们评分。

We hope that this article helped you get the coveted floating social share bar to your WordPress site. Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Lastly, don’t forget to help us out by spreading the word.

我们希望本文能帮助您将梦floating以求的浮动社交共享栏带到您的WordPress网站。 在下方留言,让我们知道您的想法。 最后,不要忘记通过传播信息来帮助我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-add-a-floating-social-share-bar-in-wordpress/


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