
本文介绍了如何在WordPress中添加社交分享按钮以提高用户参与度和网站流量。使用Shared Counts插件,您可以轻松添加社交共享按钮并显示计数,从而促进内容的分享和品牌的传播。此外,还提供了在特定页面和浮动分享栏添加按钮的方法,以增加可见性和用户互动。


Do you want to add social share buttons in WordPress? Social media websites are where people spend a lot of their time on internet.

您是否要在WordPress中添加社交分享按钮? 人们在社交媒体网站上花费大量时间在互联网上。

You can use social media to build user engagement and bring new users to your website. The simplest way to do this is by adding social sharing buttons to WordPress posts and pages.

您可以使用社交媒体建立用户参与度,并吸引新用户访问您的网站。 最简单的方法是在WordPress帖子和页面上添加社交共享按钮。

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add social share buttons and display share counts in WordPress. We will cover couple of different ways to do this, so you can add social buttons above and below post content or make a floating share bar..

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何轻松地在WordPress中添加社交共享按钮和显示共享计数。 我们将介绍几种不同的方法来执行此操作,因此您可以在帖子内容的上方和下方添加社交按钮,或创建浮动的共享栏。

How to Add Social Share Buttons in WordPress - Easy Way
为什么要在WordPress中添加社交共享按钮? (Why You Should Add Social Share Buttons in WordPress?)

Social networking is one of the most popular online activities today. It is estimated that by the end of 2019, there will be around 2.77 billion social media users around the globe. (Source)

社交网络是当今最受欢迎的在线活动之一。 据估计,到2019年底,全球将有大约27.7亿社交媒体用户。 ( 来源 )

That’s why social media marketing is now a crucial part of any businesses’ growth strategy. If you want to reach more potential customers, then social media platforms are highly effective channels to communicate with them.

这就是为什么社交媒体营销现在成为任何企业增长战略中至关重要的部分的原因。 如果您想吸引更多潜在客户,那么社交媒体平台是与他们进行交流的高效渠道。

The problem is that when you share your content on your own social media profiles, it only reaches a limited number of your own followers.


The best way to reach people who don’t follow your business on social media is by adding social sharing buttons to your WordPress site.


Social share buttons prompt your website visitors to share your content on their social media timeline. This allows your content to be seen by their friends and followers who can then add comments, like, and re-share it.

社交共享按钮提示您的网站访问者在其社交媒体时间轴上共享您的内容。 这样一来,他们的朋友和关注者就可以看到您的内容,他们可以添加喜欢的评论并重新共享。

Adding social sharing buttons to your website can help you:


  • Get more traffic to your website
  • 吸引更多访问您网站的流量
  • Increase your social media following

  • Generate more leads and sales

  • Build social proof and brand recognition


Having said that, let’s see how to easily add social share buttons in WordPress.


在WordPress中添加社交共享按钮 (Adding Social Share Buttons in WordPress)

For this tutorial, we’ll be using the Shared Counts plugin. It is the best WordPress social media plugin available on the market.

在本教程中,我们将使用“ 共享计数”插件。 它是市场上最好的WordPress社交媒体插件

Using this plugin, you can easily add social share buttons in your WordPress posts and also display the share counts. The best part is that it is optimized for performance and doesn’t slow down your website.

使用此插件,您可以轻松地在WordPress帖子中添加社交共享按钮,还可以显示共享计数。 最好的部分是它针对性能进行了优化,并且不会降低您的网站速度。

Unlike other social sharing plugins, Shared Counts uses a unique caching method to have minimal impact on your website’s speed and performance.

与其他社交共享插件不同,Shared Counts使用独特的缓存方法将对您网站的速度和性能的影响降至最低。

The first thing you need to do is to install and activate the Shared Counts plugin. For detailed instructions, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Shared Counts插件。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

After you’ve installed the plugin, you need to go to Settings » SharedCounts menu to configure plugin settings.

安装插件后,需要转到“设置”»“ SharedCounts”菜单以配置插件设置。

Shared Counts WordPress menu

Next, you need to scroll down to the ‘Display’ section and choose the share buttons you want to display. By default, three buttons are selected (Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest).

接下来,您需要向下滚动到“显示”部分,然后选择要显示的共享按钮。 默认情况下,三个按钮被选中(Facebook,Twitter和Pinterest)。

Shared Counts Plugin - select social share buttons

You can click on the white area in the field to add additional share buttons that you want.


Add social share buttons in Shared Counts

Next, you can choose the share button style from the dropdown menu labeled “Share Button Style”. Shared Counts plugin comes with 8 beautiful button styles.

接下来,您可以从标记为“共享按钮样式”的下拉菜单中选择共享按钮样式。 Shared Counts插件具有8种精美的按钮样式。

Shared Counts share button styles

After that, you’ll need to select the theme location where you want to display the social share buttons. You can choose from 3 options: Before Content, After Content, and Before and After Content.

之后,您需要选择要显示社交共享按钮的主题位置。 您可以从3个选项中进行选择:“在内容之前”,“在内容之后”以及“在内容之前和之后”。

Theme Locations for Social Share Buttons

Lastly, you need to select the supported post types. It has ‘post’ selected by default.

最后,您需要选择支持的帖子类型。 默认情况下,它已选择“发布”。

If you want to display share buttons on your pages and other post types, then you can check the box next to page option.


Supported Post types Shared Counts

Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

不要忘记单击“ 保存更改”按钮来存储您的设置。

Once done, you can visit any post on your website to see the social sharing buttons in action. Here’s how our demo website looks with the ‘Classic’ button style on default Twenty Nineteen theme.

完成后,您可以访问网站上的任何帖子,以查看实际使用中的社交分享按钮。 这是我们的演示网站在默认的“二十一十九”主题上使用“经典”按钮样式的外观。

Social Share Buttons by Shared Counts
如何在WordPress中显示社交共享计数? (How to Display Social Share Counts in WordPress?)

As the name suggests, Shared Counts plugin can also show your social share counts without slowing down your website.


To enable social share counts, you’ll need to go to the Shared Counts settings and set up the share count source.


On the Shared Counts settings window, you’ll see the ‘Share Counts’ settings at the top.


By default, you’ll see the None option selected for ‘Count Source’ which means that share counts are not being retrieved and displayed.

默认情况下,您会看到为“计数来源”选择了“ 无”选项,这意味着不会检索和显示共享计数。

Share Counts Source none Shared Counts

To show the social share counts, you can choose from two sources.


Share Counts Source Options

The SharedCount.com is the recommended option for the plugin. If you choose this option, the counts are retrieved from the SharedCount service API. It allows fetching all counts with only 2 API calls which is the best for performance.

对于插件,建议使用SharedCount.com。 如果选择此选项,则从SharedCount服务API中检索计数。 它允许仅使用2个API调用来获取所有计数,这是性能最好的。

If you choose the ‘Native’ option, share counts are retrieved from the respective social service, like Facebook API for Facebook counts, Pinterest API for Pin counts. This method can slow down your site because it will require multiple API calls.

如果您选择“本地”选项,则会从相应的社交服务中检索共享计数,例如用于Facebook计数的Facebook API,用于Pin计数的Pinterest API。 此方法可能会降低您的网站速度,因为它将需要多个API调用。

We recommend choosing SharedCount.com as your count source. Next, you’ll see a field for SharedCount API key.

我们建议选择SharedCount.com作为计数来源。 接下来,您将看到SharedCount API密钥的字段。

Shared Counts API field

You can get the SharedCount API by signing up to for a free account on SharedCount.com website.

您可以通过在SharedCount.com网站上注册一个免费帐户来获取SharedCount API。

Register for SharedCounts com

Enter your email address and a password. Then click Create Account.

输入您的电子邮件地址和密码。 然后单击创建帐户。

Create SharedCounts.com account

The website will now send a confirmation link to your email address. You need to click the link to verify.

该网站现在将向您的电子邮件地址发送一个确认链接。 您需要单击链接进行验证。

SharedCounts.com account verified

Once your email is verified, you need to log into your SharedCount account and navigate to your account at the top right side of the screen. There, you’ll see your email address and a dropdown icon next to it.

电子邮件通过验证后,您需要登录到SharedCount帐户并导航至屏幕右上角的帐户。 在此,您会看到您的电子邮件地址和旁边的下拉图标。

SharedCounts.com account

Next, you need to click the drop-down menu and select ‘Settings’. From here you’ll find your SharedCount API key.

接下来,您需要点击下拉菜单,然后选择“设置”。 从这里您将找到您的SharedCount API密钥。

SharedCounts.com API key

You need to copy the API key and go back to your plugin’s settings page on your WordPress site. Now, go ahead and paste the API key in the ‘SharedCount API Key’ field.

您需要复制API密钥,然后返回到WordPress网站上插件的设置页面。 现在,继续将API密钥粘贴到“ SharedCount API密钥”字段中。

Insert SharedCounts API key

Below that, you’ll see some other settings related to social share counts. You can review and change them if you like.

在其下,您将看到与社交分享计数相关的其他设置。 您可以根据需要查看和更改它们。

If you want to show the total counts, then you can check the box next to ‘Count Total Only’ option.


We also recommend checking the box to hide empty counts instead of displaying a zero (0).


Share count options

Next, you will see a new ‘Total Counts’ field in the Display section. This allows you to show total share counts alongside your share buttons.

接下来,您将在“显示”部分中看到一个新的“总数”字段。 这使您可以在共享按钮旁边显示总共享计数。

Add Total Counts button Shared Counts Plugin

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save changes’ button to store your settings.


You can now visit your website to see the social sharing buttons with share count for each blog post.


在所选页面上添加社交共享按钮 (Adding Social Share Buttons on Selected Pages)

Typpically social share buttons aren’t usually added to WordPress pages however sometimes you may want to enable them on some specific pages.


If so then, you can use the Shared Counts shortcode: [shared_counts].


You can add this shortcode anywhere on your website to display the share buttons.


To add shortcodes in WordPress, there is a shortcode block in the WordPress block editor.

要在WordPress中添加简码, WordPress块编辑器中有一个简码块。

Shortcode Block in Gutenberg Editor

You can simply add the block to your content area and then paste the Shared Counts shortcode.


Insert Shared Counts Shortcode

Using the shortcode, you can add social share buttons really anywhere on your site.


在WordPress中添加浮动社交共享栏 (Adding Floating Social Share Bar in WordPress)

The Shared Counts plugin allows you to add social share buttons above content, below content, or both above and below content. These share buttons are static and not visible all the time.

共享计数插件可让您在内容上方,下方,或者内容上方和下方添加社交共享按钮。 这些共享按钮是静态的,并非始终可见。

Another popular way to display social sharing buttons is by adding a floating social sharing bar. It is a social sharing menu that sticks on users’ screens as they scroll down.

显示社交共享按钮的另一种流行方式是添加浮动的社交共享栏。 这是一个社交共享菜单,当用户向下滚动时,它会保留在用户的屏幕上。

Unlike the standard sharing buttons, the floating social share bar will be seen the whole time a user reads your article. Making them more noticeable and helping you boost social sharing.

与标准共享按钮不同,整个用户在阅读您的文章时都会看到浮动的社交共享栏。 使它们更加引人注目,并帮助您促进社交共享。

Some user experience experts argue that it makes your website look bad as it fills out the white space. However, if you can keep it clean, then it can be quite useful.

一些用户体验专家认为,填充空白时,它会使您的网站看起来很糟糕。 但是,如果您可以使其保持清洁,那么它将非常有用。

For the floating social share buttons, you need to install and activate the Sassy Social Share plugin.

对于浮动社交共享按钮,您需要安装并激活Sassy Social Share插件。

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled ‘Sassy Social Share’ to your WordPress admin sidebar. Clicking on it will take you to the plugin’s settings page.

激活后,插件将在您的WordPress管理员侧边栏中添加一个名为“ Sassy Social Share”的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置页面。

Select your button style

First, you need to choose an icon style. The plugin comes with square, rounded, and rectangle buttons. You can choose styles for both the floating social share bar and the standard share bar.

首先,您需要选择一个图标样式。 该插件带有方形,圆形和矩形按钮。 您可以为浮动社交共享栏和标准共享栏选择样式。

Next, you need to switch to the ‘Standard Interface’ tab. From here you can enable or disable the standard static social sharing buttons.

接下来,您需要切换到“标准接口”标签。 您可以在此处启用或禁用标准的静态社交共享按钮。

Standard sharing buttons

We recommend using either floating or static social buttons. Using both of them will be an overkill and may create a bad user experience.

我们建议使用浮动或静态社交按钮。 同时使用它们将是一个过大的杀伤力,并可能导致不良的用户体验。

Next, you need to switch to the ‘Floating Interface’ tab and check the box next to ‘Enable Floating sharing interface’ option.


Floating social share plugin settings

After that, you need to choose the social media websites you want to display. You can add or remove buttons and rearrange them by simple drag and drop.

之后,您需要选择要显示的社交媒体网站。 您可以添加或删除按钮,并通过简单的拖放来重新排列它们。

Once you are finished, click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.


You can now visit your website to see floating social share buttons in action. Here’s how it looked on our demo website.

现在,您可以访问您的网站,以查看浮动的社交分享按钮的作用。 这是在我们的演示网站上的外观。

Floating social share buttons

We hope this article helped you learn how to add social share buttons in WordPress. You may also want to learn how to add social media icons to WordPress menus and how to add the social icons to the sidebar.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中添加社交分享按钮。 您可能还想学习如何将社交媒体图标添加到WordPress菜单,以及如何将社交图标添加到侧边栏

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-social-share-buttons-in-wordpress/






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