
Do you want to set up and install WordPress multisite network? WordPress comes with a built-in capability to create multiple websites using the same WordPress installation.

您是否要设置和安装WordPress多站点网络? WordPress具有内置功能,可以使用相同的WordPress安装创建多个网站。

A WordPress multisite network is used by blogs, schools, and businesses, who need to run separate websites but want to manage them under one dashboard.


In this article, we will show you how to properly install and setup a WordPress multisite network.


How to install and setup WordPress multisite network

Since this is a comprehensive article, we have added the table of contents for easier navigation:


WordPress Multisite Basics


  1. What is WordPress Multisite?什么是WordPress多站点?
  2. Pros of using a WordPress multisite network使用WordPress多站点网络的优点
  3. Cons of using a WordPress multisite network使用WordPress多站点网络的缺点
  4. Who needs a WordPress multisite network?谁需要WordPress多站点网络?

WordPress Multisite Installation and Set up


  1. Requirements for a WordPress multisite networkWordPress多站点网络的要求
  2. Choosing a domain structure for your multisite network为您的多站点网络选择域结构
  3. Setting up wildcard subdomains设置通配符子域
  4. Enabling WordPress multisite network feature启用WordPress多站点网络功能
  5. Setting up your WordPress multisite network设置WordPress多站点网络

WordPress Multisite Configuration Settings


  1. Configuring network settings配置网络设置
  2. Opening your multisite network for registrations打开您的多站点网络进行注册
  3. New site settings新网站设置
  4. Upload settings for your multisite network上载您的多站点网络的设置
  5. Plugin menu settings插件菜单设置

Setting up Default Content, Theme, and Plugins


  1. Adding new sites to your WordPress multisite network将新站点添加到您的WordPress多站点网络
  2. Adding themes and plugins to your multisite network将主题和插件添加到您的多站点网络
  3. Adding default Content to new sites将默认内容添加到新站点
  4. Troubleshooting and FAQs


    1. Troubleshooting WordPress multisite issues对WordPress多站点问题进行故障排除
    2. FAQs about WordPress multisite关于WordPress多站点的常见问题解答
    什么是WordPress多站点网络? (What is WordPress Multisite Network?)

    A WordPress Multisite network allows you to run and manage multiple WordPress sites or blogs from a single WordPress installation.

    一个WordPress 多站点网络允许您运行和管理从单一的WordPress安装多个WordPress网站或博客。

    It enables you to create new sites instantly and manage them using the same username and password. You can even allow other users to signup and create their own blogs on your domain.

    它使您可以立即创建新站点并使用相同的用户名和密码进行管理。 您甚至可以允许其他用户在您的域上注册并创建自己的博客。

    The WordPress multisite network comes with advanced settings that you can use to customize each website / blog on your network.


    Pros of Using a WordPress Multisite Network


    In many situations, a WordPress multisite network can be more useful than managing multiple standalone WordPress sites. Here are some of the advantages of using a WordPress multisite network:

    在许多情况下,WordPress多站点网络比管理多个独立WordPress网站更有用。 以下是使用WordPress多站点网络的一些优点:

    1. As the network administrator, you can easily manage multiple sites from a single dashboard.

    2. Each site on the network can have its own admins. The site admins will have the capabilities to manage only their own website.

      网络上的每个站点都可以有自己的管理员。 网站管理员将只能管理自己的网站。
    3. You can install plugins / themes and activate them for multiple sites with one download.

    4. Multisite network also makes it easier for you to manage updates. You only need to update your WordPress, plugins, or themes on one “master” install.

      多站点网络还使您更轻松地管理更新。 您只需要在一个“主”安装上更新WordPress,插件或主题。

    Cons of Using a WordPress Multisite Network


    Creating a WordPress multisite network is not always helpful in managing multiple sites. Here are some of the disadvantages that you should keep in mind before setting up a multisite network.

    创建WordPress多站点网络并不总是有助于管理多个站点。 在建立多站点网络之前,应牢记以下一些缺点。

    1. All sites on the network share the same resources. This means that when your network is down, all other sites go down as well.

      网络上的所有站点共享相同的资源。 这意味着当您的网络关闭时,所有其他站点也会关闭。
    2. It’s not easy to manage traffic and server resources for the beginner level users. In case, one of your websites gets unexpected traffic, then it will affect all other websites on the network.

      对于初学者来说,管理流量和服务器资源并不容易。 如果您的网站之一收到了意外的流量,那么它将影响网络上的所有其他网站。
    3. If one website gets hacked, then this means all sites on your network will get hacked.

    4. Some WordPress plugins may not work well on a multisite network.

    5. WordPress multisite network is not properly supported by all web hosting providers which limits your options. We will talk more about this later in the article.

      并非所有的Web托管提供商都正确支持WordPress多站点网络,这限制了您的选择。 我们将在本文后面详细讨论。
    谁需要WordPress多站点网络? (Who needs a WordPress multisite network?)

    Just because you manage multiple WordPress websites does not mean you need to start using a multisite network.


    There are third party tools to manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard. Tools like InfiniteWP or iThemes Sync make it easier to maintain multiple WordPress sites under one roof without switching back and forth from one site to another.

    有第三方工具可从单个仪表板管理多个WordPress网站 。 诸如InfiniteWPiThemes Sync之类的工具可以更轻松地在一个屋檐下维护多个WordPress网站,而无需在一个网站之间来回切换。

    Here are some scenarios when creating a multisite network makes sense:


    1. A magazine website with different sections managed by different teams.

    2. business website with sub-sites for different locations and branches.商业网站 ,其子站点用于不同的位置和分支机构。
    3. Government or non-profit websites can use WordPress multisite for different departments, locations, and regions.

    4. Your own network of blogs running on multiple subdomains.

    5. Schools and colleges allowing students to create their own blogs on school servers.

    WordPress多站点网络的要求 (Requirements for a WordPress Multisite Network)

    All websites on a WordPress multisite network share the same server resources. This means that the most important thing you will need is a good WordPress hosting.

    WordPress多站点网络上的所有网站共享相同的服务器资源。 这意味着您将需要的最重要的东西是一个好的WordPress托管

    If you are planning on having just a couple of websites with low traffic, then you can probably get away with shared hosting.


    However, due to the nature of multisite network, you’d need VPS hosting or a dedicated server as your sites grow.


    We recommend Bluehost because they offer both shared hosting and VPS/Dedicated servers, and they are also one of the official WordPress hosting partners.

    我们推荐Bluehost,因为它们既提供共享托管又提供VPS /专用服务器,并且它们也是WordPress官方托管合作伙伴之一。

    If you’re looking for an alternative, then SiteGround and WP Engine provide excellent service for WordPress multisite network.

    如果您正在寻找替代方案,则SiteGroundWP Engine可为WordPress多站点网络提供出色的服务。

    Apart from web hosting, you will need the basic knowledge of how to install WordPress and editing files using FTP.


    为您的多站点网络选择域结构 (Choosing a Domain Structure for your Multisite Network)

    On a WordPress multisite network, you can add new sites using either subdomains or sub-directories.


    Example of subdomain:


    Example of sub-directory:


    If you choose subdomains, then you will have to configure wildcard subdomains on your server. We will show you how to do that in the next step.

    如果选择子域,则必须在服务器上配置通配符子域。 我们将向您展示下一步的操作。

    On the other hand, if you choose sub-directories or path based URLs for sites on your network, then you can skip the next step.


    设置通配符子域 (Setting Up Wildcard Subdomains)

    If you decide to use subdomains for websites on your multisite network, then you will need to setup wildcard subdomains for your multisite network.


    To do that, first you need to login to your WordPress hosting account’s cPanel dashboard. After that, you need to scroll down to the ‘Domains’ section and then click on ‘Subdomains’.

    为此,首先您需要登录到WordPress托管帐户的cPanel仪表板。 之后,您需要向下滚动到“域”部分,然后单击“子域”。

    Setting up wild card subdomains

    Note: Depending on your web hosting service, your cPanel dashboard may look slightly different than the screenshot above. This screenshot is from the cPanel on Bluehost.

    注意:根据您的网络托管服务,您的cPanel仪表板看起来可能与上面的屏幕截图略有不同。 此屏幕快照来自Bluehost上的cPanel。

    On the next page, you need to enter the * sign in the subdomain field and select your main domain from the drop-down menu.


    Adding wildcard subdomain

    Cpanel will automatically detect the document root and will display it in the field below. Now click on the ‘Create’ button to add your wildcard subdomain.

    Cpanel将自动检测文档根目录并将其显示在下面的字段中。 现在,点击“创建”按钮以添加您的通配符子域。

    启用WordPress多站点网络功能 (Enabling WordPress Multisite Network Feature)

    Multisite Network feature comes built-in with each WordPress installation. All you need to do is install and setup WordPress like you normally would. After that, you just need to enable the multisite feature.

    每个WordPress安装都内置了多站点网络功能。 您需要做的就是像平常一样安装和设置WordPress 。 之后,您只需要启用多站点功能。

    You can also enable the multisite feature on any existing WordPress site. Before you enable multisite, don’t forget to create a complete backup of your WordPress site.

    您还可以在任何现有的WordPress网站上启用多站点功能。 在启用多站点之前,请不要忘记为WordPress网站创建完整的备份

    To enable Multisite, connect to your site using a FTP client or cPanel file manager, and open the wp-config.php file for editing.


    You need to add the following code to your wp-config.php file just before the /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ line.

    您需要在/ *之前将以下代码添加到wp-config.php文件中,那就停止编辑! 快乐的博客。 * /行。

    /* Multisite */
    define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

    Once you are done, you can save and upload your wp-config.php file back to the server.


    This code simply enables the multisite feature on your WordPress site. Once enabled, you will still need to setup the multisite network.

    此代码仅在WordPress网站上启用多站点功能。 启用后,您仍然需要设置多站点网络。

    设置您的WordPress多站点网络 (Setting Up Your WordPress Multisite Network)

    Now that you have successfully enabled the Multisite Network feature on your WordPress site, it is time to set up your network.


    If you are setting up a mutlisite network on an existing WordPress website, then you will need to deactivate all plugins on your site.


    Simply visit the Plugins » Installed Plugins page and select all plugins. You need to select ‘Deactivate’ from the ‘Bulk Actions’ dropdown menu and then click on the ‘Apply’ button.

    只需访问“ 插件»已安装插件”页面,然后选择所有插件。 您需要从“批量操作”下拉菜单中选择“停用”,然后单击“应用”按钮。

    Deactivate plugins

    You can now head over to Tools » Network Setup page to configure your multisite network.


    WordPress multisite network setup

    On the network setup screen, you will see a notice that you need Apache’s mod_rewrite module installed on your server. This module is installed and enabled on all the best WordPress hosting providers.

    在网络设置屏幕上,您会看到一个通知,您需要在服务器上安装Apache的mod_rewrite模块。 该模块已在所有最佳WordPress托管提供商上安装并启用。

    The next thing you need to do is to tell WordPress what kind of domain structure you will be using for sites in your network, e.g. Subdomains or Sub-directories.


    After that, you would need to provide a title for your network and make sure that the email address in the Network admin email is correct.


    Click on the install button to continue.


    WordPress will now show you some code that you need to add to your wp-config.php and .htaccess file respectively.


    Add code to wp-config and .htaccess files

    You can use an FTP client or file manager in the cPanel to copy and paste the code in these two files.


    After that you will need to re-login to your WordPress site to access the multisite network.


    配置网络设置 (Configuring Network Settings)

    Now that you have setup the multisite network, it is time to configure network settings.


    You need to switch to the ‘Network Dashboard’ to change network settings, add new sites, and configure other settings.


    When you take your mouse over to the ‘My Sites’ menu in the admin toolbar, a flydown popup will appear. Click on the Network Admin » Dashboard.

    当您将鼠标移到管理工具栏中的“我的网站”菜单上时,将显示一个弹出窗口。 单击网络管理»仪表板

    Network admin dashboard

    This will take you to the multisite network dashboard. You will notice that there are new menu items to manage your multisite network. You will also see a “Right Now” dashboard widget that allows you to create a new site and add new users.

    这将带您到多站点网络仪表板。 您会注意到,有一些新菜单项可以管理您的多站点网络。 您还将看到“立即使用”信息中心小部件,该控件可让您创建新站点并添加新用户。

    Network dashboard

    To configure network settings, you need to click on the ‘Settings’ link in the admin sidebar.


    The first option on network settings page is to set your site title and admin email address. These fields will be filled automatically with the network title and admin email you entered during setup.

    网络设置页面上的第一个选项是设置您的网站标题和管理员电子邮件地址。 这些字段将自动用您在设置过程中输入的网络标题和管理员电子邮件填充。

    Network settings

    Opening Your Multisite Network for Registrations


    The ‘Registration Settings’ section on the network settings page is probably the most important setting in your network setup.


    By default, both user and site registrations are disabled on the network.


    You can choose to open your site for user registration, or allow existing users to create new sites, or allow both user and site registration.


    WordPress multisite registration settings

    If you are opening your multisite network to registration, then you can check the box next to ‘Registration Notification’ option to receive email notifications every time a new user or site is registered.


    If you want to allow individual site administrators to add new users on their sites, then you can check the box next to ‘Add New Users’ option.


    Registration options

    Limited Email Registration option allows you to limit site or user registration to email addresses from specific domains. This is particularly useful if you only want to allow people from your own organization to register and create users or sites.

    受限电子邮件注册选项使您可以将站点或用户注册限制为来自特定域的电子邮件地址。 如果您只想允许您自己组织中的人员注册和创建用户或站点,则此功能特别有用。

    Similarly, you can also ban certain domains from registration.


    New Site Settings


    The ‘New Site Settings’ section allows you to configure default options for new sites created on your multisite network.


    You can modify the welcome emails and the contents of first default post, page, and comment in these settings.


    New site settings

    As a network administrator, you can change these settings anytime.


    Upload Settings for Your Multisite Network


    It is important for you to keep an eye on the usage of your server resources. Under the Upload Settings section, you can limit the total amount of space a site can use for uploads.

    对您而言,请务必注意服务器资源的使用情况。 在“上传设置”部分下,您可以限制网站可用于上传的总空间量。

    The default value is 100 MB which is probably good for at least 100 photo uploads. You can increase or decrease this space depending on how much disk space you have.

    默认值为100 MB,这可能适合至少上传100张照片。 您可以增加或减少此空间,具体取决于您拥有多少磁盘空间。

    Upload settings

    The default upload file types are images, audio, video, and pdf files. You can add additional file types if you want like doc, docx, odt, etc.

    默认的上传文件类型为图像,音频,视频和pdf文件。 您可以根据需要添加其他文件类型 ,例如doc,docx,odt等。

    After that, you can choose a file size limit, so that users can’t upload insanely large files to the server.


    Plugin Menu Settings


    Next, you can jump to the menu settings. It will allow you to enable the administrative menu for the plugins section on your network sites.

    接下来,您可以跳至菜单设置。 它将允许您在网络站点上启用插件部分的管理菜单。

    Show or hide plugins menu to site admins

    Enabling this will show plugins menu to respective site admins. They can activate or deactivate a plugin on their individual sites, but they cannot install new plugins.

    启用此选项将向相应站点管理员显示插件菜单。 他们可以在各自的站点上激活或停用插件,但不能安装新的插件。

    Once you are satisfied with all the configuration settings, make sure to click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.


    将新站点添加到您的WordPress多站点网络 (Adding New Sites to Your WordPress Multisite Network)

    To add a new site to your WordPress multisite network, simply click on ‘Sites’ under My Sites » Network Admin menu in the admin toolbar.

    要将新站点添加到WordPress多站点网络,只需在管理工具栏中的“ 我的站点”»“网络管理”菜单下单击“站点”。

    Adding new sites to your WordPress multisite network

    This will show you a list of sites on your current multisite installation. By default, you have your primary site listed as the only site in your WordPress multisite network.

    这将向您显示当前多站点安装中的站点列表。 默认情况下,您的主站点被列为WordPress多站点网络中的唯一站点。

    To add a new site, click on the ‘Add New’ button at the top.


    Add new site

    On the ‘Add New Site’ page, you need to provide the site’s address. You don’t need to type the full address, just the part you want to use as subdomain or sub-directory.

    在“添加新站点”页面上,您需要提供站点的地址。 您不需要键入完整的地址,只需键入要用作子域或子目录的部分。

    Next, you need to add a site title, and enter the site admin’s email address.


    Adding new site details

    You can add an admin email address other than the one that you are currently using to manage your multisite network.


    If the email address is not currently in use by another user, then WordPress will create a new user and send the username and password to the email address you enter.


    Once you are done, click on the ‘Add Site’ button.


    A new site will be added to your WordPress multisite network. As the network admin, you will receive a new site registration email as well.

    一个新站点将被添加到您的WordPress多站点网络中。 作为网络管理员,您还将收到新的网站注册电子邮件。

    If you created a new user, then that user will receive an email with instructions to set a new password and login.


    向您的多站点网络添加主题和插件 (Adding Themes and Plugins to Your Multisite Network)

    By default, individual site administrators in a multisite network cannot install themes and plugins on their own.


    As the network admin, you can install the respective plugins and themes, so it’s available for all sites on your network.


    Installing themes for your multisite network


    To add themes, go to My Sites » Network Admin » Themes page.

    要添加主题,请转到“ 我的网站”»“网络管理员”»“主题”页面。

    Installed themes on your WordPress multisite network

    On this page, you will see a list of currently installed themes on your WordPress multisite.


    You can make a theme available to other sites by clicking on ‘Network Enable’ option under that theme. You can also disable a theme by clicking on ‘Network Disable’ link under the theme. Note: Network Disable option will only appear when the theme is enabled.

    通过单击该主题下的“网络启用”选项,可以使该主题可用于其他站点。 您还可以通过单击主题下的“网络禁用”链接来禁用主题。 注意:仅当启用主题时,“网络禁用”选项才会出现。

    To add a new theme, you need to click on the ‘Add New’ button at the top of your screen and then install a WordPress theme as you would normally do.


    Once the new theme is installed, you will be able to make it available to other sites on your network with the ‘Network Enable’ option.


    If you need recommendations on which themes to make available to your network, take a look at our picks of the best WordPress themes that you can use.


Setting a default theme for your Multisite Network


After you have added a couple of themes, WordPress will still activate the default WordPress theme for each new site.


If you want to make another theme to be the default theme for new sites, then you need to add the following code to your wp-config.php file.


// Setting default theme for new sites
define( 'WP_DEFAULT_THEME', 'your-theme' );

Replace your-theme with the name of your theme. You will need to use the name of the theme’s folder, which you can find out by looking at the /wp-content/themes/ folder.

用主题名称替换您的主题。 您将需要使用主题文件夹的名称,可以通过查看/ wp-content / themes /文件夹来找到它。

Installing plugins for your multisite network


Similarly, you can visit My Sites » Network Admin » Plugins page to install plugins and click on the ‘Network Activate’ link below each plugin to activate them on your multisite network.

同样,您可以访问我的站点»网络管理»插件页面以安装插件 ,然后单击每个插件下方的“网络激活”链接以在多站点网络上激活它们。

Network activate plugins on a WordPress multisite

Following are a few essential WordPress plugins that we recommend for every website:


For more plugin recommendations, see our list of the essential WordPress plugins for all websites.


Note: If you have enabled the Plugins Menu option for site admins in the ‘Network Settings’ previously, then the site administrators can activate or deactivate installed plugins on their own. Site admins cannot delete or install a new plugin on their own.

注意:如果您以前在“网络设置”中为站点管理员启用了“插件菜单”选项,则站点管理员可以自行激活或停用已安装的插件。 网站管理员无法自行删除或安装新插件。

将默认内容添加到多站点站点 (Adding Default Content to Multisite Sites)

By default, WordPress allows you to edit some default content for each site on your multisite network. You can go to Settings » Network Settings page and add them under the section ‘New site settings’.

默认情况下,WordPress允许您为多站点网络中的每个站点编辑一些默认内容。 您可以转到设置»网络设置页面,并将其添加到“新站点设置”部分下。

New site defaults

You can edit the content for the default post, page, and comment. We recommend replacing the default content with something more useful for your site admins.

您可以编辑默认帖子,页面和评论的内容。 我们建议使用对您的网站管理员更有用的内容替换默认内容。

What if you wanted additional default content to be added to each new site?


By default, WordPress does not give you an option to create additional default content for new sites. If you want to do that, then you will need to add custom code to your WordPress multisite.

默认情况下,WordPress不允许您选择为新网站创建其他默认内容。 如果要这样做,则需要向WordPress多站点添加自定义代码

In this example, we are going to add a new default page to be created for each new site.


add_action('wpmu_new_blog', 'wpb_create_my_pages', 10, 2);
function wpb_create_my_pages($blog_id, $user_id){
// create a new page
  $page_id = wp_insert_post(array(
    'post_title'     => 'About',
    'post_name'      => 'about',
    'post_content'   => 'This is an about page. You can use it to introduce yourself to your readers or you can simply delete it.',
    'post_status'    => 'publish',
    'post_author'    => $user_id, // or "1" (super-admin?)
    'post_type'      => 'page',
    'menu_order'     => 1,
    'comment_status' => 'closed',
    'ping_status'    => 'closed',

You can use the same code with little modifications to create default posts for new sites. Check out the following code:

您可以使用相同的代码而无需做任何修改即可为新网站创建默认帖子。 查看以下代码:

add_action('wpmu_new_blog', 'wpb_create_my_pages', 10, 2);
function wpb_create_my_pages($blog_id, $user_id){
// create a new page
  $page_id = wp_insert_post(array(
    'post_title'     => 'A sample blog post',
    'post_name'      => 'sample-blog-post',
    'post_content'   => 'This is just another sample blog post. Feel free to delete it.',
    'post_status'    => 'publish',
    'post_author'    => $user_id, // or "1" (super-admin?)
    'post_type'      => 'post',

WordPress多站点问题故障排除 (Troubleshooting WordPress Multisite Issues)

Most common issues with WordPress multisite network setup occur due to incorrect configuration of wildcard subdomains and domain mapping issues. Make sure that your web host supports wildcard subdomains before setting up multisite.

WordPress多站点网络设置最常见的问题是由于通配符子域的配置不正确和域映射问题引起的。 设置多站点之前,请确保您的Web主机支持通配符子域。

Following are some other common issues and their quick fixes.


Fixing login issues on multisite installs


Another common issue is that when using WordPress multisite with sub-directories, some users are unable to login to the admin area of their sites after they add the required code in wp-config.php file.


To fix this, try replacing


define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false);

line in wp-config.php file with


define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', 'false');

Find unconfirmed users


Another issue that you may come across is not being able to find users who registered on your network but didn’t get the activation email. To fix this issue, see our guide on how to find pending unconfirmed users in WordPress.

您可能遇到的另一个问题是无法找到在您的网络上注册但没有收到激活电子邮件的用户。 要解决此问题,请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何在WordPress中查找待处理的未经确认的用户

Exporting a site from multisite to its own WordPress install


Later at some point, you or another site owner may want to export a site from multisite to its own WordPress install. This can be easily done. For step by step instructions see our guide on how to move a site from WordPress multisite to single install.

稍后,您或其他站点所有者可能希望将站点从多站点导出到自己的WordPress安装中。 这很容易做到。 有关分步说明的信息,请参阅我们的有关如何将网站从WordPress多网站迁移到单一安装的指南

You may also want to bookmark our ultimate guide of common WordPress errors and how to fix them. It will save you a lot of time by quickly fixing the most common WordPress issues.

您可能还想将我们关于WordPress常见错误的最终指南以及如何解决这些问题添加为书签。 快速修复最常见的WordPress问题,它将为您节省大量时间。

关于WordPress多站点网络的常见问题解答 (FAQs About WordPress Multisite Network)

Many of our users have asked us plenty of questions about WordPress multisite network and how to use it more efficiently. Following are the most frequently asked questions that we have answered.

我们的许多用户已经向我们询问了有关WordPress多站点网络以及如何更有效地使用它的许多问题。 以下是我们回答的最常见问题。

1. Would I be able to better manage my sites with a multisite network?


To be honest, the answer really depends on your usage scenario.


For example, if your websites are not related to each other, then you would be better off with a multiple site management tool, like InifiteWP.


If you manage multiple sites for a restaurant chain, university, or online magazine, then WordPress multisite will be more efficient.


2. Does WordPress multisite make my websites load faster?

2. WordPress多站点能否使我的网站加载更快?

Once again it depends on several factors. Better WordPress hosting with plenty of server resources will allow multisite to be faster but then again with these resources, individual WordPress sites will also run faster.

再次取决于几个因素。 具有大量服务器资源的更好的WordPress托管将使多站点变得更快,但是再次有了这些资源,单个WordPress网站也将运行得更快。

However, on a shared hosting account, traffic spikes will increase memory usage and slow down all websites on the multisite network at the same time. To improve multisite speed, see our guide on WordPress performance and speed optimization.

但是,在共享主机帐户上,流量高峰将同时增加内存使用率和多站点网络上所有网站的速度。 要提高多站点速度,请参阅有关WordPress性能和速度优化的指南。

3. Can I add an online store to a WordPress Multisite Website?


Yes, you can add an online store in WordPress multisite network. Most likely, you will be using an eCommerce plugin like WooCommerce for that, which is compatible with WordPress multisite.

是的,您可以在WordPress多站点网络中添加在线商店 。 最有可能的是,您将为此使用诸如WooCommerce之类的电子商务插件,该插件与WordPress多站点兼容。

4. Can I install ‘x plugin’ on my WordPress multisite?

4.我可以在WordPress多站点上安装“ x插件”吗?

Some WordPress plugins may not be compatible with WordPress multisite. Normally, plugin authors mention it on the plugin’s website and you can avoid installing a plugin that may not work on a multisite setup. However, if it is not mentioned, then it is safe to assume that it is multisite compatible.

某些WordPress插件可能与WordPress多站点不兼容。 通常,插件作者会在插件的网站上提及该插件,您可以避免安装可能无法在多站点设置中使用的插件。 但是,如果未提及,则可以安全地假定它是多站点兼容的。

4. How do I share user logins and roles across the multisite network?


By default, a user who is registered on one site cannot register or be added to another site on the same network. That’s because they are already registered in the shared WordPress database. However, they don’t have any user role privileges on other sites.

默认情况下,在一个站点上注册的用户无法注册或添加到同一网络上的另一个站点。 那是因为它们已经在共享的WordPress数据库中注册了。 但是,它们在其他站点上没有任何用户角色特权

You can use third-party plugins like WP Multisite User Sync to sync users across the network. However, you need to be careful as you may end up giving someone admin privileges to a site.

您可以使用WP Multisite User Sync之类的第三方插件在网络上同步用户。 但是,您需要小心,因为您最终可能会向某人授予站点管理员权限。

We hope this article helped you learn how to install and setup WordPress multisite network. You may also want to see our step by step WordPress security guide to protect and keep your WordPress multisite secure.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何安装和设置WordPress多站点网络。 您可能还希望查看我们的WordPress安全分步指南,以保护和保持WordPress多站点安全。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-install-and-setup-wordpress-multisite-network/





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