

简历:简历 (CV: Curriculum Vitae)

The CV is an abbreviation of Curriculum Vitae. It is a written outline summary of a person's educational training and qualifications and his other experiences. It is an absolute profile of a candidate comprising his full name, phone number, address, email id, educational qualifications, hobbies, achievements, soft skills, languages known, computer skills, career objective, marital status, etc. In the case of A4 size pages of an ideal CV, a person should not include more than 2 or 3 pages in his CV.

简历是简历的缩写 。 它是一个人的教育培训和资格以及他的其他经验的书面概述。 这是候选人的绝对资料,包括他的全名,电话号码,地址,电子邮件ID,学历,嗜好,成就,软技能,已知语言,计算机技能,职业目标,婚姻状况等。一个理想的CV的大小的页面,一个人不应该包括在他的简历超过2或3页。

There is no requirement to make available your photo, history of salary, references and the motive for leaving the previous job in the CV. These details should be made available individually to the employer upon demand.

无需提供您的照片,薪水历史,参考资料以及将上一份工作留在简历中的动机。 这些详细信息应根据需要单独提供给雇主。

CV full form

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个人简历写作技巧 (CV Writing Tips)

Mentioned below following are some common suggestions or tips for writing a CV or a Resume,


  • The CV or Resume matching according to the position: It is significant to highlight your education, work experience, and skills correlated to the position of a job for which you are applying.

    根据职位匹配的简历或简历 :突出显示与您所申请工作职位相关的教育,工作经验和技能非常重要。

  • Keywords: In your CV or Resume comprise the keywords from the job description to show that you are a fitting candidate for the job.

    关键字 :在简历或简历中,包含职位描述中的关键字,以表明您是该职位的合适人选。

  • Template: In your CV or Resume use an appropriate template to organize the CV. It helps in noticing your experience and qualification to the employer rapidly.

    模板 :在您的简历或简历中,使用适当的模板来组织简历。 它有助于Swift将您的经验和资格通知雇主。

  • Proofread: In your CV or Resume systematically examine to make sure there are no mistakes in spelling or grammar.

    校对 :请对您的简历或简历进行系统检查,以确保拼写或语法没有错误。

简历和简历之间的区别 (Difference between CV and Resume)

There are very fewer differences between CV and resume, like CV and resume both are used for the same purpose,


CriteriaCurriculum VitaeResume
LayoutIt comprises your educational and academic information as well as teaching and research experiences, awards, honors, etc. The CV is fixed and there is no requirement to change for different designations.It is a summary of most significant professional experiences about the specific job for which you are applying. The resume can be changed according to the job designation.
LengthCV length is long. There is no limit for pages to write. It covers your whole career comprising educational and academic background.The resume length is short. There is a requirement of only 1 or 2 pages to write. No specified layout rule, its information is only arranged around the best suit of the applicant.
PurposeIt is commonly used for academic positions like faculty opening, internship, fellowship, etc.It is commonly used for the business industry, governmental and non-profit jobs.
标准 个人简历 恢复
布局 它包含您的教育和学术信息以及教学和研究经验,奖项,荣誉等。简历是固定的,无需更改其他名称。 它是有关您所申请的特定工作的最重要专业经验的摘要。 可以根据职务指定更改简历。
长度 简历的长度很长。 没有写页面的限制。 它涵盖了您的整个职业,包括教育和学术背景。 简历长度短。 只需要写1或2页即可。 没有具体的布局规则,其信息仅围绕申请人的最佳位置进行排列。
目的 它通常用于教师职位,实习,进修等学术职位。 它通常用于商业行业,政府和非营利性职位。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/cv-full-form.aspx






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