

Readers often ask us how to add a countdown timer to their website. Countdown timers are a great way to build anticipation, excitement, and create FOMO effect on your website.

读者经常问我们如何在其网站上添加倒数计时器。 倒数计时器是在您的网站上建立预期,兴奋并创造FOMO效果的好方法。

There are lots of different countdown plugins out there that let you create a countdown timer, so which one should you use?


In this article, we’ll share the best countdown plugins for WordPress and explain the key features of each.


Best countdown plugins for WordPress
什么是倒数计时器插件?何时需要? (What is a Countdown Timer Plugin and When You Need it?)

A countdown timer plugin allows you to display a timer that counts down to a specific time or date.


Smart marketers use countdown timers to build excitement and create a sense of urgency among their customers. It helps them take advantage of the FOMO effect to boost conversions.

精明的营销人员使用倒数计时器来激发客户的热情,并在他们的客户中产生紧迫感。 它可以帮助他们利用FOMO效应来提高转化率

There are many WordPress plugins that allow you to add countdown timers to your website. These countdown timers can be divided into two groups:

有许多WordPress插件,可让您向网站添加倒数计时器。 这些倒数计时器可以分为两组:

1. Normal Countdown Timers


A normal countdown timer, sometimes called a static or fixed countdown timer, is what most people think of when they imagine a timer.


This timer counts down to a certain fixed point. That might be the launch of a website, the end of a sale, or another event.

该计时器倒计时至某个固定点。 那可能是网站的启动,销售的结束或其他事件。

The countdown clock’s endpoint is the same for everyone and doesn’t change depending on who’s viewing it.


Evergreen Timer


An evergreen countdown timer, sometimes called a dynamic countdown timer, is specific to each user.


It begins counting down when the person arrives on your site. For instance, they might have 4 hours to take advantage of a special offer.

当有人到达您的网站时,它开始递减计数。 例如,他们可能有4个小时的时间来享受特惠。

This can be a powerful marketing technique as it lets you create a sense of urgency.


Note that most WordPress plugins are designed to run normal countdown timers, and only some let you run evergreen timers.


Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best countdown timer plugins for WordPress.


1. OptinMonster (1. OptinMonster)

The OptinMonster website

OptinMonster is a powerful popup and lead generation plugin for WordPress. It allows you to convert abandoning website visitors into subscribers and paying customers.

OptinMonster是WordPress的功能强大的弹出式窗口和销售线索生成插件。 它使您可以将放弃网站访问者转化为订阅者并付费。

With OptinMonster, you can create both static and evergreen timers. You can make as many timers as you want, and you can use different timers on different pages.

使用OptinMonster,您可以创建静态和常绿计时器。 您可以根据需要制作任意数量的计时器,并且可以在不同页面上使用不同的计时器。

There are lots of ways you can position your countdown timer using OptinMonster. One of the best is to use a floating bar that sticks to the top or bottom of your page. That way, it stays visible at all times.

您可以通过多种方式使用OptinMonster设置倒数计时器的时间。 最好的方法之一是使用漂浮在页面顶部或底部的浮动条。 这样,它始终保持可见状态。

OptinMonster has full instructions on how to create and customize your countdown timer.


Here’s a countdown timer we created using the OptinMonster plugin:


An example of a countdown created using OptinMonster

Note: You’ll need the OptinMonster’s Pro plan or higher in order to use countdown timers.


They allow you to add countdown timers on popups, floating bars, full screen welcome mats, scroll boxes, and inline widgets.


On top of that, you can personaize the timers based on user’s location, which page they’re on, where they’re visiting from, and more.


2. SeedProd (2. SeedProd)

The SeedProd website

The SeedProd plugin is a great option if you want a “coming soon” page for your website. It lets you easily set up a special landing page and put your site into coming soon or maintenance mode.

如果您想要网站的“即将推出”页面,SeedProd插件是一个不错的选择。 它使您可以轻松地设置特殊的着陆页,并使您的网站即将进入维护模式。

With this plugin, you’ll be creating a normal timer that counts down to the same point for everyone. That will usually be the day that your site launches. You can’t use it to create an evergreen timer.

使用此插件,您将创建一个普通计时器,每个人都可以倒数到同一时间。 通常是您网站启动的那天。 您不能使用它创建一个常绿计时器。

One really clever SeedProd feature is that you can set your site to instantly launch when the timer finishes. You don’t have to remember to do it yourself manually. Just turn on the ‘autolaunch’ feature when adding the countdown timer to your page or editing it.

一个非常聪明的SeedProd功能是,您可以将网站设置为在计时器结束时立即启动。 您不必记住自己手动进行操作。 在页面中添加倒数计时器或对其进行编辑时,只需打开“自动启动”功能即可。

Here’s a countdown timer we created using SeedProd’s Coming Soon Page Pro plugin:

这是我们使用SeedProd的Coming Soon Page Pro插件创建的倒数计时器:

An example of a countdown timer created with SeedProd
3.倒数计时器终极 (3. Countdown Timer Ultimate)

The Countdown Timer Ultimate WordPress plugin page

Countdown Timer Ultimate is another good option to consider if you want to create a normal countdown timer. It’s a simple plugin and doesn’t have the ability to show evergreen timers that are specific to individual site visitors.

如果您想创建一个普通的倒数计时器, 倒数计时器终极是另一个不错的选择。 这是一个简单的插件,无法显示特定于单个网站访问者的常绿计时器。

You can use Countdown Timer Ultimate to make as many countdown timers as you want, and you can customize how they look to some degree.

您可以使用Countdown Timer Ultimate来制作任意数量的倒数计时器,并且可以自定义它们的外观。

Here’s a countdown timer we created using the free version of the Countdown Timer Ultimate plugin:

这是我们使用Countdown Timer Ultimate插件的免费版本创建的倒数计时器:

An example timer created with Countdown Timer Ultimate

The pro plugin gives you more advanced options. These include being able to show specific text when the countdown expires and extra design features.

专业版插件为您提供了更多高级选项。 其中包括在倒数计时到期时能够显示特定文本以及其他设计功能。

For instructions, see our guide on how to add a countdown timer widget in WordPress.


4.倒计时生成器 (4. Countdown Builder)

The Countdown Builder plugin page

Countdown Builder is a simple countdown timer with multiple different styles built in. These include circle countdowns, flip clock countdowns, and even a coming soon page.

Countdown Builder是一个简单的倒数计时器,内置多种不同样式。其中包括圆形倒数,翻转时钟倒数,甚至即将到来的页面。

You can place your timer within a post or page in the WordPress block editor by selecting the ‘Countdown’ block (under ‘Widgets’). You can also choose to automatically display it on specific posts or pages.

您可以通过选择“ Countdown”块(在“ Widgets”下),将计时器放置在WordPress块编辑器中的帖子或页面中。 您也可以选择自动在特定帖子或页面上显示它。

Here’s a timer we created using it:


An example timer created using Countdown Builder

If you want, you can edit how your clock looks in detail, changing things like the font size, the labels, and the animation style. You don’t need to do this with CSS. There’s a built-in editor.

如果需要,您可以编辑时钟的详细外观,更改字体大小,标签和动画样式等内容。 您不需要使用CSS进行此操作。 有一个内置的编辑器。

With the pro version, you can add an email sign up, schedule timers in advance, show/hide timers on mobile devices, and more. The pro version is priced from $19.99 upwards, depending on what features you want.

使用专业版,您可以添加电子邮件注册,提前安排计时器,在移动设备上显示/隐藏计时器等。 专业版的价格从$ 19.99起,具体取决于您想要的功能。

5.常绿倒数计时器 (5. Evergreen Countdown Timer)

The Evergreen Countdown Timer plugin

The Evergreen Countdown Timer lets you create evergreen countdowns, as you might expect from its name. You can also use it to create normal countdowns as well.

Evergreen Countdown Timer ( 常绿倒数计时器)可让您创建常绿倒数,如您所期望的那样。 您还可以使用它来创建正常的倒数计时。

You can choose how the plugin detects visitors, either by a cookie or by their IP address.


To add the timers to your page, you’ll need to enter a shortcode. You can simply copy and paste this from the Manager section of your countdown timer settings.

要将计时器添加到页面中,您需要输入简码。 您可以简单地从倒数计时器设置的“管理器”部分复制并粘贴此内容。

Once your timer hits zero, you can automatically redirect the visitor to a URL of your choice. For instance, you could send them to a registration page if you’re counting down to the launch of your new course.

计时器归零后,您可以自动将访问者重定向到您选择的URL。 例如,如果您要倒计时开始新课程,则可以将其发送到注册页面

Here’s a timer we created using the Evergreen Countdown Timer plugin:

这是我们使用Evergreen Countdown Timer插件创建的计时器:

An example timer created using the Evergreen Countdown Timer

There’s a pro version of the plugin, which gives you lots of extra options. It also lets you choose more colors than just black or white for your timer.

该插件有一个专业版,可为您提供许多额外的选择。 它还可以让您为计时器选择多种颜色,而不仅仅是黑色或白色。

With the pro version, you can provide a countdown for available “spots” such as seats or tickets. This could work well if you’re selling places for a paid webinar or another live event.

使用专业版,您可以为可用的“地点”(例如座位或门票)提供倒计时。 如果您要出售付费的在线讲座或其他现场活动,这可能会很好地工作。

6. WordPress倒数计时小部件 (6. WordPress Countdown Widget)

The WordPress Countdown Widget plugin

WordPress Countdown Widget is a free plugin that has a drag and drop interface. You can use it to create multiple timers on your site.

WordPress Countdown Widget是一个具有拖放界面的免费插件。 您可以使用它在您的站点上创建多个计时器。

The plugin allows you to add countdown timers in side widgets, posts or pages by using a shortcode. The plugin’s website has full instructions for using the shortcode.

该插件可让您使用简码在辅助小部件,帖子或页面中添加倒数计时器。 插件的网站上有完整的使用说明。

Unlike other plugins, this plugin also offers “countup” timers, where your timer counts up from a point in the past rather than counting down to a point in the future.


For instance, you could create a plugin to show how long it’s been since a historical event, like the birth of someone famous.


You could even use this to show how long it’s been since your company was founded or since you started your blog. Here’s an example that we created:

您甚至可以使用它来显示距公司成立或博客开始已有多长时间了。 这是我们创建的示例:

An example timer created using the WordPress Countdown Widget
7. HurryTimer (7. HurryTimer)

The HurryTimer plugin

The free version of HurryTimer lets you create both evergreen and regular timers. The evergreen timer uses both cookie and IP detection to display the right timer to each individual user.

免费版本的HurryTimer可让您创建常绿和常规计时器。 常绿计时器同时使用Cookie和IP检测,以向每个用户显示正确的计时器。

You can also set up timers to run a countdown between two fixed dates. This is useful if you want to get ready for an upcoming sale in advance.

您还可以设置计时器以在两个固定日期之间运行倒计时。 如果您想提前准备即将进行的销售,这将很有用。

The timer works with WooCommerce, though you don’t have to run WooCommerce to use it. You can display your timer several times on the same page, if you want to.

该计时器可用于WooCommerce ,尽管您不必运行WooCommerce即可使用它。 如果需要,您可以在同一页面上多次显示计时器。

Here’s a timer we created using HurryTimer:


An example timer created using HurryTimer

If you have the pro version, you can set up a recurring timer. This is a timer that runs according to rules that you specify. For instance, you could have a timer that shows shipping cut-off times.

如果您拥有专业版,则可以设置一个定期计时器。 这是根据您指定的规则运行的计时器。 例如,您可以使用一个计时器来显示运送截止时间。

With the pro version, you can also create an announcement bar that sticks to the top or bottom of the screen to keep your timer visible.


We hope this article helped you learn about the best countdown plugins for WordPress. You may also be interested in our tips to recover WooCommerce abandoned cart sales, and our list of the best email marketing services to grow your sales.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解WordPress的最佳倒数插件。 您可能也对我们恢复WooCommerce放弃的购物车销售的提示以及我们为提高您的销售量的最佳电子邮件营销服务列表感兴趣。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-countdown-plugins-for-wordpress/






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