
Recently, one of our readers asked if it was possible to send SMS messages to their subscribers along with email newsletters.


The answer is yes. You can easily send text messages to your website users by using one of the many SMS plugins for WordPress.

答案是肯定的。 您可以使用WordPress的许多SMS插件之一轻松地向您的网站用户发送文本消息。

In this article, we’ll show you how to send SMS messages to your WordPress users, step by step.


Sending SMS messages to your website's users
为什么要向您的用户发送短信? (Why Send SMS Messages to Your Users?)

Sending SMS messages can be highly effective in bringing back customers to your website. Particularly, when used with other marketing tools like an email newsletter, push notifications, and search traffic.

发送短信可以非常有效地将客户带回您的网站。 特别是,当与其他营销工具(如电子邮件通讯推送通知和搜索流量)一起使用时。

Text messages have a fantastic open rate. Some studies suggest that SMS open rates are as high as 98%.

短信的开放率很​​高。 一些研究表明,SMS的开放率高达98%。

Compare that with a typical open rate of just 20% for emails, and you can see why SMS messages are becoming a preferred marketing medium.


People check text messages much more quickly than they check emails. It takes an average of 90 seconds for someone to respond to a text and 90 minutes to respond to an email.

人们检查短信的速度比检查电子邮件快得多。 某人回复文本平均需要90秒,而回复电子邮件则平均需要90分钟。

Of course, you don’t want to overdo it. Even when they’ve opted in, most users won’t want daily texts from you. Even weekly might be too much.

当然,您不想过度使用它。 即使他们选择加入,大多数用户也不会希望收到您的日常短信。 即使每周一次也可能太多。

Important: Make sure you obey the law. Different countries have different legal requirements for text messages, particularly marketing messages.

重要提示:请确保您遵守法律。 不同国家/地区对短信(尤其是营销短信)有不同的法律要求。

You might also want to use SMS messages to send receipts or order updates. We’ll cover how to do that later in this tutorial.

您可能还希望使用SMS消息发送收据或订单更新。 我们将在本教程的后面部分介绍如何执行此操作。

使用Sendinblue发送SMS营销消息 (Sending SMS Marketing Messages Using Sendinblue)

Sendinblue is an email marketing service that also allows you to send SMS messages to your subscribers.

Sendinblue是一项电子邮件营销服务 ,还允许您向您的订户发送SMS消息。

To get started, you’ll need to set up an account with Sendinblue if you haven’t already got one. On the Sendinblue website, click the ‘Sign up free’ button to start creating your account.

首先,如果您还没有,请先使用Sendinblue设置一个帐户。 在Sendinblue网站上 ,单击“免费注册”按钮开始创建您的帐户。

Once you’ve finished the account setup process, you’ll see your Sendinblue dashboard. If you didn’t complete your profile during the setup stage, you’ll be prompted to do so here.

完成帐户设置过程后,您将看到Sendinblue仪表板。 如果您在设置阶段没有完成个人资料,则会在此处提示您完成个人资料。

Complete your Sendinblue profile

Before you can start sending messages, you’ll need to contact the support team. Go to the Sendinblue contact page and write a message that includes:

开始发送消息之前,您需要联系支持团队。 转到Sendinblue联系人页面,并写一条消息,其中包括:

  • A request to activate your account.

  • Your site’s URL.

  • A note that you’ll be sending marketing messages.


Once your account has been approved, you’ll get an email from Sendinblue. Note that this can take up to 24 hours.

帐户获得批准后,您将收到Sendinblue的电子邮件。 请注意,这最多可能需要24个小时。

为您的Sendinblue帐户购买短信积分 (Buying SMS Credits for Your Sendinblue Account)

While you’re waiting for your account to be approved, you can start creating an SMS campaign in Sendinblue.


First, click the + button in the Sendinblue menu to go to the Apps and Integrations page.


The Sendinblue Apps and Integrations page

Then, scroll down the page to find the SMS Campaigns app and click the slider to activate it.

然后,向下滚动页面以找到SMS Campaigns应用程序,然后单击滑块将其激活。

Switching on SMS campaigns in Sendinblue

Next, you’ll need to purchase SMS credits. In your Sendinblue dashboard, you’ll see ‘0 SMS Credits’ on the left-hand side. You need to click the ‘Get more credits’ link to purchase SMS credits.

接下来,您需要购买短信积分。 在您的Sendinblue仪表板中,您会在左侧看到“ 0 SMS积分”。 您需要点击“获取更多积分”链接来购买短信积分。

Click the 'Get More Credits' link

You’ll be taken to the ‘My Plan’ area of the dashboard. In the SMS Credits section, click the ‘Get More SMS Credits’ link.

您将被带到仪表板的“我的计划”区域。 在“短信信用”部分中,单击“获取更多短信信用”链接。

Click to Get More SMS Credits

Sendinblue defaults to selling you 100 credits at a time. You can buy fewer, but the minimum charge is still $1.14 plus tax.

Sendinblue默认一次卖给您100个信用。 您可以少买点东西,但是最低费用仍然是$ 1.14加上税。

Choose how many credits you want to buy

Note: It costs 1 credit to send a text message in the US, but you’ll need to pay more than 1 credit per message in other countries.


Once you have selected the number of credits, go ahead and complete your purchase.


Pay for your SMS credits

Once you’ve bought your credits, you may need to wait for up to 48 hours for them to appear in your account. You may also get an email from Sendinblue asking you for more details about what type of SMS marketing you plan to do.

购买积分后,您可能需要等待48小时才能将其显示在您的帐户中。 您可能还会收到Sendinblue的电子邮件,询问您有关计划进行哪种SMS营销的详细信息。

This is to help you stay in compliance with SMS laws.


You’ll need to reply to them with answers to their questions before your credits can be added to your account.


创建您的短信营销列表 (Creating Your SMS Marketing List)

In order to send out SMS messages, you’ll need to import your list. You can do this by going to the Contacts tab in your Sendinblue dashboard. Then, click the ‘Import contacts’ button.

为了发送SMS消息,您需要导入列表。 您可以通过转到Sendinblue仪表板中的“联系人”选项卡来执行此操作。 然后,点击“导入联系人”按钮。

You can either upload a .csv file from your computer, or you can copy and paste contacts line by line. Whichever option you choose, Sendinblue offers examples to help you.

您可以从计算机上载.csv文件,也可以逐行复制和粘贴联系人。 无论您选择哪个选项,Sendinblue都会提供示例来帮助您。

Sendinblue's import options for your contacts list

Important: Your users need to have opted in for SMS marketing messages.


You can collect website visitor’s phone numbers and consent using a WordPress form plugin like WPForms, or using a marketing popup plugin like OptinMonster.

您可以使用WordPress表单插件(如WPForms )或市场营销弹出插件(如OptinMonster)来收集网站访问者的电话号码并征得其同意。

发送您的第一个SMS广告活动 (Sending Your First SMS Campaign)

Once your credits show up and your account is approved, you can start sending messages.


First, you’ll want to add a test contact in Sendinblue, so you can test your SMS campaign.


Simply, go to the Contacts section in your dashboard, then click the ‘Add a contact’ button.


Adding a contact in Sendinblue

Next, fill in your details, including your mobile phone number.


Enter your own details to create a sample contact

After that, you can either add your test contact to an existing list, or you can create a new one.


Add your sample contact to a list

Once you’ve done that, click ‘Save and close’. You should see a message telling you that the subscriber has been successfully added.

完成此操作后,点击“保存并关闭”。 您应该看到一条消息,告诉您该订户已成功添加。

When your SMS credits have been added to your account, you can test out sending a text message.


First, go to the SMS tab in your Sendinblue dashboard. Next, click the ‘Create my first SMS campaign’ button.

首先,转到Sendinblue仪表板中的“ SMS”选项卡。 接下来,点击“创建我的第一个SMS广告系列”按钮。

Create your first SMS campaign

You can enter whatever you want for your Campaign Name. This isn’t seen by the recipients. You should also enter an SMS Sender. This will display for users in certain countries.

您可以输入任何想要的广告系列名称。 收件人看不到。 您还应该输入短信发送器。 这将显示给某些国家/地区的用户。

Entering a name and a sender for your SMS campaign

Next, enter your SMS message. Beneath the message box, you can see how many characters you’ve used and how many SMS messages will be sent.

接下来,输入您的短信。 在消息框下方,您可以查看已使用的字符数以及将发送的SMS消息数。

Entering the text for your SMS message

At the bottom of the screen, click the ‘Send a test’ button.


Send a test SMS message

Next, a popup box will appear. Enter your mobile number, which you included when you added yourself as a contact earlier.

接下来,将出现一个弹出框。 输入您的手机号码,该手机号码是您之前将自己添加为联系人时包括的。

Enter your mobile number

You should see a message telling you that your test message has been sent successfully.


Confirmation that the test SMS message was successfully sent

Now, check your phone to see if the text has come through. Here’s ours:

现在,检查您的手机以查看文本是否通过。 这是我们的:

The text message campaign shown on a mobile phone

If your text hasn’t arrived, wait a minute or two and it should appear. If not, double-check that you’re using the right mobile number.

如果您的文本尚未到达,请等待一两分钟,然后它就会出现。 如果没有,请仔细检查您使用的手机号码是否正确。

Once you know everything’s working, you can continue setting up your campaign. Click the X to close the ‘Send a test’ window, then click the ‘Next Step’ button on the top right of the screen.

知道一切正常后,您可以继续设置广告系列。 单击X关闭“发送测试”窗口,然后单击屏幕右上方的“下一步”按钮。

Moving to the next step of the SMS campaign

Now, you’ll need to choose your contact list(s). Check all the lists you want to use, then click the ‘Next Step’ button.

现在,您需要选择联系人列表。 检查您要使用的所有列表,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Choosing the contact list for your SMS campaign

That’s all you need to do! Your SMS campaign is now ready to send.

这就是您需要做的! 您的SMS广告系列现在可以发送了。

You can review the details and change them if you want to, using the ‘Return to this step’ links. Once you’re happy, click ‘Schedule’ on the top right.

您可以使用“返回到此步骤”链接查看详细信息并根据需要进行更改。 感到满意后,点击右上角的“计划”。

Reviewing your SMS campaign before sending

You can either schedule your campaign so that your texts are sent out at a specific time, or you can send it immediately.


Send or schedule your SMS campaign

Important: Avoid sending your text messages early in the morning or late at night. Be mindful of timezones, too. Not everyone will remember to turn on Do Not Disturb mode overnight.

重要提示:避免在清晨或深夜发送短信。 也要注意时区。 并非所有人都会记得隔夜打开“请勿打扰”模式。

向您的WooCommerce客户发送短信 (Sending SMS Messages to Your WooCommerce Customers)

What if you want to send your customers notifications about their orders?


If you’ve decided to start an online store, then you might want to send text updates as well as emails to your customers.

如果您决定开设在线商店 ,那么您可能希望向客户发送文本更新和电子邮件。

The easiest way to do that is with a suitable plugin such as YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications. This plugin lets you use an SMS gateway, such as Twilio, to send SMS messages to your customers. They receive these when their order status changes, such as when it’s dispatched.

最简单的方法是使用合适的插件,例如YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications 。 此插件使您可以使用SMS网关(例如Twilio)将SMS消息发送给客户。 当订单状态发生更改(例如,下达订单)时,他们会收到这些通知。

You can set up YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications so that it’s enabled for all customers, or you can let customers opt-in at the checkout.

您可以设置YITH WooCommerce SMS通知,以便为所有客户启用它,或者可以让客户在结帐时选择加入。

Also, you can use it to get SMS notifications yourself about new orders. This makes it easy to stay on top of things if you’re away from your computer.

另外,您可以使用它来获取有关新订单的SMS通知。 如果您不在计算机旁,则可以轻松掌握最新信息。

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to send SMS messages to your WordPress users. You may also want to see our list of best business phone services for small business, and our list of the best live chat software to grow your sales.

我们希望本教程可以帮助您学习如何向WordPress用户发送短信。 您可能还需要查看我们的小型企业最佳商务电话服务列表,以及能够提高销售量的最佳实时聊天软件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-send-sms-messages-to-your-wordpress-users/





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