wordpress评论插件_开始WordPress 3评论


Beginning WordPress 3 is quite the instructional tome by Stephanie Leary. Leary begins with a passionate argument for choosing WordPress, complete with nearly full page screen shots of some prime examples of WordPress in action. She then devotes the following three chapters to the standard “How to use WordPress” explanations, complete with screen shots of each step along the way. After these initial chapters (and of course a chapter on migrating to WordPress) Leary does something unique. Instead of ending the book with these basic ideas, or tossing in a reference or two to media uploading or content creation, Leary takes users up a step to actual tinkering with WordPress. Using actual examples, Leary guides users through the creation of themes, widgets, and plugins, allowing users to get elbow deep in code without risking getting lost. Leary then explains user roles, increasing security, and custom taxonomies before ending the book with an introduction to BuddyPress and multi-user capability of WordPress 3.0. Finally the book ends with a few quick reference guides to plugins and theme functions.

开始使用WordPress 3是Stephanie Leary的指导性书集。 Leary从选择WordPress的热烈争论开始,最后是几乎所有使用WordPress的主要示例的全屏屏幕截图。 然后,她将以下三章专门介绍标准的“如何使用WordPress”,并附有过程中每个步骤的屏幕截图。 在这些最初的章节(当然还有关于迁移到WordPress的章节)之后,Leary做了一些独特的事情。 Leary并没有以这些基本思想作为本书的结尾,也没有引用一两个参考文献来介绍媒体上载或内容创建,而是带领用户迈出了一步,开始实际修改WordPress。 Leary使用实际示例指导用户创建主题,小部件和插件,从而使用户可以深入了解代码而不会迷失方向。 然后,Leary会在介绍书中介绍BuddyPress和WordPress 3.0的多用户功能之前,先解释用户角色,提高安全性和自定义分类法。 最后,本书以一些插件和主题功能的快速参考指南结尾。

Admittedly, at first glance Beginning WordPress 3 looks daunting. At 400 pages, its length is pretty standard for a WordPress instructional book, but the sheer breath of what is covered within those pages is what is truly amazing. Leary says that she designed this book to “fill the gap” between beginner’s guides and developer’s guides and she succeeded at doing just that. Even though this book was published before the official release of WordPress 3, Leary manages to introduce WordPress, showcase the changes that version 3 brought to the table, and throw in a how to guide for theme and plugin development. Not too shabby in my opinion. While this could easily be a great book for a first introduction to WordPress, it could just as easily be a desk reference for an intermediate user who is trying to move up in the WordPress world.

Beginning WordPress 3

诚然,乍看之下WordPress 3令人望而生畏。 它的长度为400页,对于WordPress指导书来说,这是很标准的,但是这些页面所涵盖的内容真是太神奇了。 Leary说,她设计这本书的目的是为了“填补”初学者指南和开发人员指南之间的空白,并且她成功地做到了这一点。 尽管这本书是在WordPress 3正式发布之前出版的,但Leary设法引入了WordPress,展示了版本3带来的变化,并提出了主题和插件开发的指南。 我认为不是太破旧。 尽管这对于初次介绍WordPress而言可能是一本好书,但对于试图在WordPress世界中发展的中级用户而言,它也很容易成为他们的参考。

One of the biggest strengths of this book is it’s design. Reading Beginning WordPress 3 is like reading a online tutorial. The sheer number of screen shots that Leary provides is unbelievable and does wonders for the confidence of a WordPress newbie trying to find their bearings in the WordPress ocean. Also, Leary’s decision to create the appendixes as a reference guide is such an improvement over the traditional method of listing recommendations mid-chapter. I highly recommend this book to any WordPress novices out there or really anyone who wants to dip their hands a little deeper into WordPress.

本书的最大优点之一就是设计。 阅读入门WordPress 3就像阅读在线教程。 Leary提供的大量屏幕截图令人难以置信,这确实使WordPress新手试图在WordPress海洋中找到自己的方位充满信心。 而且,Leary决定创建附录作为参考指南的决定是对传统的在中部列出建议的方法的改进。 我强烈推荐这本书给任何WordPress新手,或者真的是任何想深入WordPress的人。

Ready to see what all the buzz is about? Get Beginning WordPress 3 now.

准备查看所有嗡嗡声是什么? 立即开始使用WordPress 3

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/book-reviews/beginning-wordpress-3-review/


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