

Do you want to add a privacy policy on your WordPress site?


A privacy policy page is a document required by law that discloses the information you collect about visitors on your website.


It is recommended to add a privacy policy page to your website whether you are a blogger, freelancer, or a business owner.


Now, the problem is most beginners don’t know how to create a legitimate privacy policy, and then display it on their website.


In this article, we will show you how to easily add a privacy policy in WordPress. We will also explain the various elements you must include in your privacy policy page.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何轻松地在WordPress中添加隐私策略。 我们还将说明您必须在隐私政策页面中包含的各种元素。

How to add a privacy policy page in WordPress
什么是隐私政策,您是否需要在网站上使用它? (What is Privacy Policy and Do You Need it on Your Website?)

All websites collect information about their visitors in different ways.


In many countries (including the United States), websites are required by law to disclose the information they collect about their visitors, and how this information is used.


Here are some of the ways in which a typical WordPress site collects user information.


All websites on the internet should have a privacy policy page. It protects your business from legal issues and also helps build consumer trust.

互联网上的所有网站都应有一个隐私政策页面。 它可以保护您的企业免受法律问题的困扰,还可以帮助建立消费者信任。

You also need to add a privacy policy page to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


For those who don’t know, GDPR is a European Union (EU) law that gives its citizens control over their personal data.


This law applies to every business (including WordPress blogs) around the world, even if you are not from the EU countries.

该法律适用于世界各地的所有企业(包括WordPress博客 ),即使您并非来自欧盟国家也是如此。

For more details, you may read our ultimate guide on GDPR and understand its impact on your WordPress site.


您应在隐私政策中包括什么? (What should you include in a Privacy Policy?)

The basic requirements for a privacy policy are quite simple. You need to list all the ways you collect or intend to collect user information on your website.

隐私策略的基本要求非常简单。 您需要列出收集或打算收集网站上用户信息的所有方式。

A simple privacy policy page should contain the following information:


  • Information you collect about users visiting your website.

  • Methods used to collect information, e.g. cookies and web beacons, sign up, registration, comment forms, etc.

  • Google Adsense.Google Adsense
  • Include links to the privacy policy of each advertising program you participate in.

  • How users can block cookies and opt-out of third party advertisements.

  • Your contact information so that users can reach out if they have questions.


There are many websites on the internet that allow you to automatically generate text for your privacy policy or terms of service pages.


WordPress itself comes with a basic privacy policy generator that you can use.


You can also take a look at WPBeginner’s privacy policy page as an starting point. Simply replace all references to WPBeginner and our parent company with the name of your website or business.

您也可以从WPBeginner的隐私策略页面开始。 只需使用您的网站或公司名称替换​​所有对WPBeginner和我们的母公司的引用。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


在WordPress中添加隐私政策页面 (Adding a Privacy Policy Page in WordPress)

WordPress makes it super easy to generate a privacy policy page for your website. It also gives you a generic privacy policy template to use with instructions on how to add content to it.

WordPress使您可以轻松地为您的网站生成隐私策略页面。 它还为您提供了一个通用的隐私策略模板,可与有关如何向其中添加内容的说明一起使用。

First, you need to visit Settings » Privacy page. You’ll notice that WordPress has already created a Privacy Policy page draft for you.

首先,您需要访问设置»隐私页面。 您会注意到WordPress已经为您创建了隐私政策页面草稿。

Privacy policy generator in WordPress

You can click on the ‘Use this draft’ button to save this page as your privacy policy.


You can also click on the create new page button to generate a new Privacy Policy page. WordPress will automatically create a new page and open it for you to make changes.

您也可以单击“创建新页面”按钮来生成新的“隐私政策”页面。 WordPress将自动创建一个新页面并打开以供您进行更改。

If you are using the default draft, then you need to click on the Edit link to make changes and publish it.


Edit privacy policy page

Once you open the privacy policy page for editing, you will see a notification on top with a link to the default WordPress privacy policy page guide.


View WordPress privacy policy guide for tips

The content of the privacy policy also contains instructions on how to edit and change each sections.


You will notice that it has sections for different ways a WordPress website may collect personal information. For example, comments, login cookies, embeds, and more.

您会注意到,它的各个部分分别介绍了WordPress网站收集个人信息的不同方式。 例如,评论,登录cookie,嵌入等。

Edit privacy policy sections

It will also have sections with no information below them. For example, contact form and analytics.

它还将在其下面没有任何信息的部分。 例如,联系表格和分析。

As for contact forms, you can mention the information you collect and what it used for.


If you are using WPForms plugin to create contact form, then you can already create GDPR compliant contact forms.


For Google Analytics, you can follow this complete Google Analytics and GDPR compliance guide.

对于Google Analytics(分析) ,您可以遵循此完整的Google Analytics(分析)和GDPR合规性指南

After reviewing the privacy policy page thoroughly, you can click on the Publish button to save your changes.


在WordPress中将链接添加到隐私政策页面 (Adding Link to Privacy Policy Page in WordPress)

Most websites display a link to their privacy policy page in the footer area of their website. This way the link appears on every page but does not take space in your main navigation menu.

大多数网站在其页脚区域显示指向其隐私策略页面的链接。 这样,链接会显示在每个页面上,但不会在主导航菜单中占用空间。

There are multiple ways to do this.


Let’s start with the easiest one.


Many WordPress themes come with widget-ready areas in the footer also called Footer sidebar. You can go to Appearance » Widgets page to confirm if your theme has a footer widget area.

许多WordPress主题在页脚中都提供了小部件就绪区域,也称为“页脚侧边栏”。 您可以转到外观»小部件页面,以确认您的主题是否具有页脚小部件区域。

Footer widget area

If your theme has one, then you can use the navigation menu widget to display a list of links to your informational pages including the privacy policy.


First, you will need to create a new custom navigation menu.


Simply visit Appearance » Menus page to create a new custom menu. You will need to click on the ‘Create new menu’ link on the top.

只需访问外观»菜单页面即可创建新的自定义菜单。 您需要点击顶部的“创建新菜单”链接。

Creating a new menu in WordPress

Next, you need to provide a name for your navigation menu. After that, select pages from the left column and then click on the Add to menu button.

接下来,您需要为导航菜单提供一个名称。 之后,从左栏中选择页面,然后单击“添加到”菜单按钮。

Add to menu

You would notice your selected pages appear under your newly created menu. You can now arrange menu items by simply moving them up or down.

您会发现所选页面出现在新创建的菜单下。 现在,您可以通过向上或向下移动菜单项来对其进行排列。

Once you are done, don’t forget to click on the Save menu button to store your changes.


Now go to Appearance » Widgets page and add the ‘Navigation Menu’ widget to your footer widget area.


Navigation menu widget

Now select the custom menu you created earlier in the widget settings and click on the save button to store your changes.


You can now visit your website to see the privacy policy links in footer area of your website.


Privacy policy link

Manually Add a Link to Privacy Policy Page in WordPress


If your theme does not come with a footer widget area or a footer navigation menu, then you can manually add link to your privacy policy page using HTML code.


You’ll need to edit the footer.php file for your theme. If you haven’t done this before, then take a look at our guide on how to copy / paste code in WordPress..

您需要编辑主题的footer.php文件。 如果您以前没有做过,请查看我们的指南, 了解如何在WordPress中复制/粘贴代码

In your footer.php file add the following HTML to an appropriate location just before the </body> tag.

在footer.php文件中,将以下HTML添加到</ body>标记之前的适当位置。

<a href="http://example.com/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a>

<a href="http://example.com/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a>

Don’t forget to replace the href value with the URL of your privacy policy page. You can now save your changes and preview your site to see the link in action.

不要忘记用您的隐私政策页面的URL替换href值。 现在,您可以保存所做的更改并预览您的站点,以查看有效的链接。

That’s all! You have successfully added a privacy policy page to your WordPress site.

就这样! 您已成功将隐私策略页面添加到WordPress网站。

We hope this article helped you learn how to add a privacy policy in WordPress. You may also want to see our step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中添加隐私策略。 您可能还想看看我们针对初学者的逐步WordPress SEO指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-add-a-privacy-policy-in-wordpress/






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