

Are you looking to choose a business VoIP provider but not sure which one is right for your needs?


VoIP is a term used for business phone service which allows you to use advanced call management features on your computer or mobile device.


Unlike the old school bulky phone setup, business VOIP is a perfect phone solution for small businesses. You can cut down phone costs while enjoying all the powerful tools to grow your business.

与传统的老式电话设置不同,企业VOIP是小型企业的理想电话解决方案。 您可以享受所有强大的工具来发展业务,同时降低电话成本。

In this article, we will explain what is business VoIP, and how to choose the best business VoIP provider for your company. Since we had to choose a VoIP provider for our own business, we will also share our best VoIP phone providers for small and growing businesses.

在本文中,我们将解释什么是商务VoIP,以及如何为您的公司选择最佳的商务VoIP提供商。 由于我们必须为自己的业务选择VoIP提供商,因此我们还将分享针对小型和成长型企业的最佳VoIP电话提供商。

Best business VoIP services compared
什么是VoIP? (What is VoIP?)

VoIP or Voice over IP is a term used to describe internet phone service. Unlike a traditional phone service which uses the landline, VoIP services use the internet to receive and make calls.

VoIP或IP语音是用于描述互联网电话服务的术语。 与使用固定电话的传统电话服务不同,VoIP服务使用互联网来接收和拨打电话。

Benefits of using VoIP


Following are just some of the benefits of using a business VoIP phone system:


  • You can receive calls using computers, VoIP phonesets, and even cell phone.

  • You can share one number with several employees.

  • You can easily track call duration, hold times, wait times, and overall usage.

  • Most business VoIP services come with call forwarding, caller ID, call waiting, call routing, and more.

  • You can use the same number anywhere you want.

  • It gives you a business phone number, so you don’t have to share your personal cellphone number with clients.

  • Business VoIP offers cheaper local and international calls.


The business VoIP technology offers a lot of flexibility and freedom, and it has made it easy for businesses of all sizes to have a business phone number. Whether you’re a small 1 person company, a growing 10 people team, or established business with over 100+ people, you can use business VoIP.

商业VoIP技术提供了很大的灵活性和自由度,它使各种规模的企业都可以轻松拥有商业电话号码。 无论您是一家小型的1人公司,正在发展的10人团队,还是拥有100多个员工的成熟企业,都可以使用企业VoIP。

However if you don’t choose the best business VoIP provider, then you can run into some serious challenges.


For example, the voice quality on VoIP calls varies depending on the internet connection and the service provider you’re using. Unlike landlines, you’ll loose VoIP connection during a power outage or internet disruption, but this shouldn’t impact most small businesses if you’re well prepared.

例如,VoIP呼叫的语音质量取决于Internet连接和您所使用的服务提供商。 与固定电话不同,在断电或互联网中断期间,您将断开VoIP连接,但是,如果您准备充分,这不会影响大多数小型企业。

Having said that, let’s discuss when is the right time to start thinking about a business VoIP solution.


您的企业需要VoIP商务电话解决方案吗? (Does Your Business Need VoIP Business Phone Solution?)

In any business, giving people a way to contact you is helpful in building trust and boost your sales.


When starting a website, most business owners add a contact form, which makes it easy for users to contact you via email.

在启动网站时,大多数企业主都会添加联系表格 ,这使用户可以轻松地通过电子邮件与您联系。

However depending on the industry, sometimes customers may prefer more instant communication.


This is why many businesses offer live chat or phone number on their websites. Giving users more than one way to communicate with your business can improve customer support and result in more sales.

这就是为什么许多企业在其网站上提供实时聊天或电话号码的原因。 为用户提供多种与企业沟通的方式可以改善客户支持并增加销售额。

Whether you run an online store to sell products or a business website to sell services, a VoIP based business phone service can help you grow your business without the high costs.


Your website visitors can easily call you to request a quote, ask a pre-sale question, or even request support.


In short, business VoIP phone enables you to better manage and track your calls, collect customer information, and build stronger relationships with your customers.


如何选择最适合您企业的VoIP服务 (How to Choose The Best VoIP Service Your Business)

There are a lot of large companies offering business VoIP services, and it’s a very competitive space. The abundance of choices and highly competitive nature of advertising makes it difficult for business owners to choose the best VoIP provider for their business.

有很多提供商务VoIP服务的大公司,这是一个竞争非常激烈的领域。 广告的丰富选择和高度竞争性使企业主难以为其业务选择最佳的VoIP提供商。

If you are just starting out, then you may be looking for the cheapest VoIP business phone service. However, you need to be careful when going down this route because they may lack certain features, which you’d later discover to be essential for your business.

如果您才刚刚起步,那么您可能正在寻找最便宜的VoIP商务电话服务。 但是,您在走这条路线时需要小心,因为它们可能缺少某些功能,后来您发现这些功能对您的业务至关重要。

Then there are some business VoIP services that are not easy to implement, transfer, or simply too expensive.


When comparing business VoIP providers for our business, we looked for a balance of features and reasonable cost. Here’s a quick checklist that we used:

在比较公司的业务VoIP提供商时,我们在功能和合理成本之间寻求平衡。 这是我们使用的快速清单:

  • Cost of local vs international calls. Most business VoIP services offer different plans for international calls. You need to choose a provider based on the geographic location of your customers.

    本地电话与国际电话的费用。 大多数企业VoIP服务为国际电话提供不同的计划。 您需要根据客户的地理位置选择提供商。
  • Features available in the VoIP plans. Many companies offer different features while some sell them as separate add-ons which would increase your costs.

    VoIP计划中可用的功能。 许多公司提供不同的功能,而有些公司将其作为单独的附件出售,这会增加您的成本。
  • Mobile apps and features that you can share among multiple users.

  • CRM software, CRM软件email marketing service, and more.电子邮件营销服务等。

That being said, let’s take a look at our pick of the best business VoIP providers.


1. Nextiva (1. Nextiva)


Nextiva is the best business VoIP service on the market. We can say this confidently because while researching for a VoIP service for our own business, we ended up choosing Nextiva.

Nextiva是市场上最好的企业VoIP服务。 我们可以自信地说,因为在为我们自己的企业研究VoIP服务时,我们最终选择了Nextiva。

Their business VoIP service offers all the essential features needed by a growing business including call routing, free domestic calling, voicemail to email and text, online fax, and more.


Other standard features include free number porting, caller ID, call forwarding, custom greetings, hold music, and more.


They also offer a free local or toll-free number with their plans.


We were able to quickly setup professional sounding welcome message with directory and phone routing which helps make our small business compete with the big guys.


What we really liked about Nextiva was their support team was extremely helpful from pre-sales all the way to onboarding and setup.


Even though we didn’t need any fancy desk phone sets, they gave us a full demo and showed us how we can easily use Nextiva with traditional desk phones or conference phones as our business grows.


The best part was they went above and beyond even though we’re a relatively small customer for them considering they help large businesses like Taco Bell, Ashleys Furniture, Conan, and others.

最好的部分是,尽管我们对他们来说是一个相对较小的客户,但考虑到他们对Taco Bell,Ashleys Furniture,Conan等大型企业的帮助,他们还是超越了自己。

Pricing: Starts from $20 / per user / per month. Unlike other business VoIP providers, they don’t require annual contracts. However you can get discounts on buying pre-paid packages, and you can also get lower rates when you add more users to your plan.

定价:每位用户每月$ 20美元起。 与其他商业VoIP提供商不同,它们不需要年度合同。 但是,您可以在购买预付费套餐时获得折扣,并且在向计划中添加更多用户时也可以享受更低的价格。

2. RingCentral (2. RingCentral)


RingCentral is another excellent business VoIP provider. With RingCentral, you get all the standard feature you would expect from a reliable business VoIP provider like call forwarding, advanced routing, call waiting, caller ID, hold music, and more.

RingCentral是另一个出色的企业VoIP提供商。 借助RingCentral,您可以获得可靠的商业VoIP提供商所期望的所有标准功能,例如呼叫转移,高级路由,呼叫等待,呼叫者ID,保持音乐等。

They offer easy integrations with third-party services like Dropbox, G Suite, Salesforce, and more.

他们提供与Dropbox, G Suite ,Salesforce等第三方服务的轻松集成。

Other notable features include online meetings, video calls, screen sharing, conferencing, and an easy to use web-based administration panel.


We first discovered RingCentral organically because they are very well known and a fairly large company in the business VoIP space. While their feature offering is great, their pricing is a bit on the higher end unless you sign the annual contract.

我们首先有机地发现了RingCentral,因为它们在商业VoIP领域非常知名并且是一家相当大的公司。 尽管他们提供的功能很棒,但是除非您签订年度合同,否则他们的价格会偏高一些。

Pricing: Starting from $34.99 / per user every month for the first user. Their monthly pricing drops significantly when you add the second user to $24.99 per user every month. You can also save 40% by switching to the annual plan.

定价:第一个用户的价格为每用户每月$ 34.99起。 当您将第二个用户添加到每个用户每月$ 24.99时,他们的月度定价会明显下降。 您还可以通过切换至包年套餐节省40%的费用。

3. GrassHopper (3. GrassHopper)


GrassHopper is a popular business VoIP service suitable for startups and growing businesses.


They offer virtual phone numbers over VoIP platform, allowing call forwarding to any numbers or devices. The downside is that you’ll need a landline for outgoing calls.

他们通过VoIP平台提供虚拟电话号码,允许将呼叫转移到任何号码或设备。 缺点是您需要固定电话打出电话。

They offer all the features you will expect like call waiting, forwarding, hold music, advanced routing, voicemail to email, and more. You can manage it from a computer using your web browser or mobile phone apps.

它们提供了您期望的所有功能,例如呼叫等待,转接,保留音乐,高级路由,语音信箱到电子邮件等等。 您可以使用网络浏览器或手机应用程序从计算机上对其进行管理。

It works with local, toll-free, vanity numbers, and you can choose from the US, Canada, or UK based numbers.


Pricing: Starting from $29 per month with 1 number and up to 3 extensions. They offer a 10% discount if you sign an annual contract.

定价:每月29美元起,有1个号码,最多3个扩展名。 如果您签订年度合同,他们会提供10%的折扣。

4. Ooma办公室电话 (4. Ooma Office Phone)

Ooma Office Phone

Ooma is a popular business VOIP phone provider that offers 1-800 toll free phone numbers at affordable prices. You can add a toll free number to any Ooma office plan. By default they will pre-select a toll-free phone number for you, but you also have the option to choose a new one.

Ooma是一家颇受欢迎的企业VOIP电话提供商,以合理的价格提供1-800个免费电话号码。 您可以向任何Ooma办公室计划添加免费电话号码。 默认情况下,他们会为您预选一个免费电话号码,但您也可以选择一个新的电话号码。

Ooma office platform comes with all powerful features that you would expect such as virtual receptionist, extension dialing, music-on-hold, smart mobile phone apps, and more. Best of all the setup is very easy, and you can do it within minutes.

Ooma办公平台具有您所期望的所有强大功能,例如虚拟接待员,分机拨号,保留音乐,智能手机应用程序等。 最好的设置是非常容易的,您可以在几分钟内完成设置。

Pricing: Their plan starts at $19.95 per month which comes with a free toll-free number and 500 minutes included for free. They also allow you to purchase additional minutes at discounted rates.

定价:他们的计划起价为每月19.95美元,带有免费电话号码和500分钟免费。 他们还允许您以折扣价购买更多分钟。

5. Phone.com (5. Phone.com)


Phone.com is another popular choice among small business VoIP service providers. They include many European countries and Canada in their local call minutes. If you are operating in those locations, then it could be a cheap business VoIP service for your needs.

Phone.com是小型VoIP服务提供商中的另一个流行选择。 他们的本地通话分钟包括许多欧洲国家和加拿大。 如果您在这些地方工作,那么它可能会成为满足您需求的廉价商务VoIP服务。

Their service includes call forwarding, routing, waiting, custom greetings and music, conferencing, and more. You can also integrate your VoIP plan to popular CRM software like Salesforce or Zoho.

他们的服务包括呼叫转移,路由,等待,自定义问候和音乐,会议等。 您还可以将VoIP计划集成到流行的CRM软件(如Salesforce或Zoho)。

Pricing: Starting from $12.99 per month with 300 monthly minutes. Their unlimited plan starts at $29.99 per month per user extension.

定价:每月12.99美元起,每月300分钟。 他们的无限计划起价为每个用户扩展每月29.99美元。

6.薪资 (6. Vonage)


Vonage is famous for offering residential VoIP however they also offer business VoIP services for small to medium-sized businesses as well as enterprise clients. They offer a wide range of business communication tools including VoIP.

Vonage以提供住宅VoIP而闻名,但是它们也为中小型企业以及企业客户提供商业VoIP服务。 他们提供了包括VoIP在内的各种商务通信工具。

It includes all the usual features such as call forwarding and routing, caller ID, waiting, and more. Apart from that, they also offer team messaging and chat, conference calling, CRM integration, automatic call attendant, call recording, and more.

它包括所有常用功能,例如呼叫转移和路由,呼叫者ID,等待等。 除此之外,他们还提供团队消息和聊天,电话会议,CRM集成,自动呼叫服务员,电话录音等。

They offer different plans each with different features and limitations.


Pricing: Their base plan starts from $19.99 per month per line.


哪个是您的企业VoIP提供商? (Which is the Business VoIP Provider for You?)

Above we have shared the best business VoIP providers in the market today. Each of them offer a slightly different product and service at different prices.

以上,我们分享了当今市场上最好的企业VoIP服务提供商。 他们每个人以不同的价格提供略有不同的产品和服务。

When looking for a business VoIP solution for our company, we did extensive research to compare each of these companies, their ratings on top user review websites, and even what their employees were saying about them.


At the end, we ended up choosing Nextiva for our business.


We recommend using Nextiva as the best business VoIP provider. Their plans are suitable for businesses of all sizes with an impressive set of features and great customer service.

我们建议使用Nextiva作为最佳的企业VoIP提供商。 他们的计划适用于各种规模的企业,具有令人印象深刻的功能和出色的客户服务。

They offer fair pricing, do not require annual contracts, and their customer service is top-notch.


RingCentral came as a close second. They offered a lot of the same features, but at the end it came down to pricing where Nextiva clearly won.

RingCentral紧随其后 。 他们提供了许多相同的功能,但最终归结为Nextiva明显胜出的价格。

We hope this article helped you find the best business VoIP provider for your business. You may also want to see our list of most useful tools to manage and grow your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您企业的最佳企业VoIP提供商。 您可能还希望查看我们用于管理和发展网站最有用工具的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-choose-the-best-business-voip-platform-compared/


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