


As a user of WordPress and blogger writing about the platform, there are some rules about the WordPress logo and trademark that you need to keep in mind.


WordPress is an open-source software, but it is still protected by copyright and trademark laws. Many beginners don’t know them, and they may accidentally violate the guidelines.

WordPress是一种开源软件 ,但仍受版权法和商标法保护。 许多初学者不了解它们,他们可能不小心违反了准则。

In this article, we will explain the rules you need to follow when using the WordPress logo and trademark. We will also discuss why it is important and what rights you are given under the WordPress license.

在本文中,我们将说明使用WordPress徽标和商标时需要遵循的规则。 我们还将讨论为什么它很重要以及在WordPress许可证下您将获得什么权利。

How to use WordPress logo and trademark
了解GPL – WordPress许可证 (Understanding GPL – The WordPress License)

Let’s start with the basics first.


There are two types of WordPress websites. First, there is WordPress.com which is a hosted solution, and then there is the popular WordPress.org also called self-hosted WordPress.

WordPress网站有两种类型。 首先是WordPress.com,这是一个托管解决方案,然后是流行的WordPress.org,也称为自托管WordPress。

When most people say WordPress, they are talking about WordPress.org. To learn more see our guide on the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.

当大多数人说WordPress时,他们谈论的是WordPress.org。 要了解更多信息,请参阅关于WordPress.com和WordPress.org之间区别的指南。

WordPress is released under the open source GPL license. This makes WordPress a free software. However, free here is used as in freedom not as in free coffee.

WordPress是在开源GPL许可发布的 。 这使WordPress成为免费软件。 但是,这里的自由是在自由中使用,而不是在自由咖啡中使用。

This license gives anyone the freedom to download, copy, use, study, and modify the WordPress code.


WordPress freedoms and rights

While the software itself is free to use, you will need to purchase a domain name and web hosting account to install WordPress and make a website.


To learn more, see our article explaining why is WordPress free and what are the costs.


There is a misconception among beginners about free software and copyright. While you are free to to use the software code in any way you want, the software itself is protected by copyright and trademark laws.

初学者对免费软件和版权存在误解。 尽管您可以随意使用任何软件代码,但软件本身受版权法和商标法的保护。

What does that mean?


Basically, you can copy the WordPress code to make new software, but you cannot call your software WordPress.


The name WordPress is a registered trademark owned by the WordPress foundation. It is a non-profit organization which ensures that WordPress runs successfully as a free open source project.

WordPress名称是WordPress基金会拥有的注册商标。 这是一个非营利组织,可确保WordPress作为免费的开源项目成功运行。

为什么需要了解WordPress徽标和商标规则? (Why You Need to Understand WordPress Logo and Trademark Rules?)

WordPress powers nearly 33% of all websites on the internet. That’s a really huge number.

WordPress 支持 Internet上所有网站的近33% 。 这是一个很大的数字。

Millions of businesses rely on WordPress to effectively run their website, online communities, and blogs.


To make sure that everything works smoothly, WordPress brand and trademark needed to be protected. For this purpose, the WordPress trademark was transferred to The WordPress Foundation in 2010.

为确保一切顺利进行,需要保护WordPress品牌和商标。 为此,WordPress商标于2010年转让给WordPress基金会

Now the problem is that WordPress foundation is not the only one that works on WordPress. It is an open source project where thousands of people contribute to its success.

现在的问题是,WordPress基础并不是唯一适用于WordPress的基础。 这是一个开源项目,成千上万的人为它的成功做出了贡献。

Apart from those contributors, there are many companies, individuals, and freelancers who sell WordPress related products and services around the world.

除了这些贡献者之外,还有许多公司 ,个人和自由职业者在世界各地销售与WordPress相关的产品和服务。

If you are running a WordPress website, a web design agency, or providing WordPress related services, then you need to understand these rules to comply with the trademark policies.


That being said, let’s take a look at the rules and guidelines that you must follow to properly use the WordPress trademark and logo in your projects.


规则1.总是用大写字母P写WordPress (Rule 1. Always Write WordPress with a Capital P)

The correct way to spell WordPress is with a capital P. This capitalization is taken very seriously by the WordPress community.


If you are going to mention WordPress anywhere, then make sure that you use the correct spelling. Using an incorrect spelling is frowned upon and considered unprofessional.

如果要在任何地方提及WordPress,请确保使用正确的拼写。 不正确地使用拼写是不受欢迎的,并且被认为是不专业的。

WordPress team takes it so seriously that in 2010 they added a built-in filter called capital_P_dangit() in WordPress 3.0 release.

WordPress团队非常重视这一点,以至于在2010年,他们在WordPress 3.0版本中添加了一个内置过滤器,称为capital_P_dangit()。

This function automatically corrects the misspelled instances of WordPress in title, content, and excerpts.


function capital_P_dangit( $text ) {
	// Simple replacement for titles
	$current_filter = current_filter();
	if ( 'the_title' === $current_filter || 'wp_title' === $current_filter ) {
		return str_replace( 'Wordpress', 'WordPress', $text );
	// Still here? Use the more judicious replacement
	static $dblq = false;
	if ( false === $dblq ) {
		$dblq = _x( '“', 'opening curly double quote' );
	return str_replace(
		array( ' WordPress', '‘Wordpress', $dblq . 'Wordpress', '>Wordpress', '(WordPress' ),
		array( ' WordPress', '‘WordPress', $dblq . 'WordPress', '>WordPress', '(WordPress' ),

规则2.不要在域名中使用WordPress (Rule 2. Do not use WordPress in Your Domain Name)

As we mentioned earlier that the name WordPress is a registered trademark owned by the WordPress foundation. This protects the WordPress brand and ensures its continued success.

正如我们前面提到的,WordPress名称是WordPress基金会拥有的注册商标 。 这可以保护WordPress品牌并确保其持续成功。

Just like any other registered trademark, the WordPress Foundation reserves exclusive usage rights for the term WordPress. This means you cannot use WordPress as part of your brand name or website.

就像任何其他注册商标一样,WordPress基金会保留WordPress一词的专有使用权。 这意味着您不能将WordPress用作品牌名称或网站的一部分。

This restriction also includes domain names. For example:

此限制还包括域名 。 例如:

WordPressBeginner.com Wrong!
WPBeginner.com OK!

WordPressBeginner.com 错误!

You can use WordPress in a subdomain such as (wordpress.example.com), the WordPress Foundation is mainly concerned about top-level domains.

您可以在(wordpress.example.com)等子域中使用WordPress,WordPress Foundation主要关注顶级域。

If you see someone using WordPress in their domain name or brand name, then you should contact the WordPress Foundation and notify them about the violation.


See also: How to register a free domain name for your WordPress website.

另请参阅: 如何为您的WordPress网站注册免费域名

规则3. WordPress徽标 (Rule 3. The WordPress Logo)

The WordPress logo consists of the letter W in a grey or sometimes white circle with a grey ring around it.


The height of the letter W is tall and graceful. Many bloggers and website owners sometimes mistakenly use the faux logo which usually has a shorter W in it.

字母W的高度很高且优美。 许多博客作者和网站所有者有时会错误地使用人造徽标,该徽标通常带有较短的W。

WordPress faux vs real logo

Make sure that you are using the correct WordPress logo in your projects. The WordPress logo is also available as a text mark, text mark with W logo, and W logo.

确保在项目中使用正确的WordPress徽标。 WordPress徽标也可以用作文本标记,带有W徽标的文本标记和W徽标。

WordPress logo examples

You can download all these logos from the offical WordPress logos page.


Feel free to use these images in your projects. However, make sure that you use them in accordance with WordPress trademark policy.

随时在您的项目中使用这些图像。 但是,请确保您按照WordPress商标政策使用它们。

规则4.无从属或认可 (Rule 4. No Affiliation or Endorsement)

The WordPress foundation wants you to use the WordPress logo and brand to promote the WordPress project itself.


However, you are not allowed to use it in a way that suggests endorsement or affiliation with the project. Here are some examples:

但是,您不能以暗示建议或与项目有联系的方式使用它。 这里有些例子:

  • You cannot use WordPress logo in your product’s advertisements.

  • You cannot use WordPress or its logo as part of your own logo.

  • You can place ‘Powered by WordPress.org’ on your website, but you cannot say ‘Recommended by WordPress’.

    您可以在网站上放置“ Powered by WordPress.org”,但不能说“ WordPress推荐”。

In easier words, any attempts to take unfair advantage of WordPress brand name are a violation of the trademark policy.


当有人不遵守这些规则时会发生什么? (What Happens When Someone Doesn’t Follow These Rules?)

The WordPress foundation takes these violations very seriously. You may receive an email from them to comply with their trademark guidelines.

WordPress基金会非常重视这些违规行为。 您可能会收到他们发来的电子邮件,以遵守其商标准则。

Failure to comply may lead to further actions. These actions may include several legal procedures.

不遵守可能导致进一步的行动。 这些行动可能包括一些法律程序。

For example, if you are using WordPress in your domain name, then foundation can claim that domain name. Their lawyers can also send you a legal notice.

例如,如果您在域名中使用WordPress,则Foundation可以声明该域名。 他们的律师也可以向您发送法律通知。

The legal proceedings would cost you a lot of money, and you would lose support from the WordPress community itself.


The WordPress community relies on the WordPress foundation to take these actions. It benefits everyone in the ecosystem and helps countless WordPress related companies grow and succeed.

WordPress社区依靠WordPress基础来执行这些操作。 它使生态系统中的每个人受益,并帮助无数与WordPress相关的公司成长和成功。

We hope this article helped you understand the rules you must follow to comply with the WordPress logo and trademark policies. You may also want to see our guide on the best WordPress plugins and best email marketing services for small businesses.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解遵守WordPress徽标和商标政策所必须遵循的规则。 您可能还想查看有关针对小型企业的最佳WordPress插件最佳电子邮件营销服务的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/4-rules-you-must-know-about-wordpress-logo-and-trademark/






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