

jQuery, one of the best things that happened to programming. jQuery is fast and concise yet it is able to produce mind blowing animations and interactions. On the other hand, we have WordPress, which is known best for its customization. When customized, it can ultimately power any type of website. In this post we are going to combine these two powerful elements by the use of the plugins below to create effects that will rock your WordPress site.

jQuery,发生在编程上的最好的事情之一。 jQuery快速简洁,但能够产生令人震撼的动画和交互。 另一方面,我们有WordPress,它以其自定义而闻名。 定制后,它最终可以为任何类型的网站提供支持。 在这篇文章中,我们将通过使用下面的插件来结合这两个强大的元素,以创建将影响您的WordPress网站的效果。

1. J Post滑块 (1. J Post Slider)

J Post Slider

This plugin will rotate latest posts from blog, presented with selected image, post headline, and optional post excerpt. One post can have one J Post Slider, image for this animation. This is a feature rich plugin which let you set up how many post to rotate, which posts you want to show, animation speed, and much more.

此插件将轮播博客中的最​​新帖子,并提供所选图片,帖子标题和可选的帖子摘录。 一个帖子可以有一个J帖子滑块,此动画的图像。 这是一个功能丰富的插件,可让您设置要旋转的帖子数量,要显示的帖子数量,动画速度等等。

2. 实时Blogroll (2. Live Blogroll)

Live Blogroll

Live Blogroll will make your blogroll livelier. It will show a number of ‘recent posts’ for each link in your Blogroll using Ajax. When the user hovers the mouse above the link, RSS feed from the site is automatically discovered and a number of recent posts is shown dynamically in a box. Live Blogroll uses internal caching for feed discovery and WordPress caching for RSS feeds to make sure everything is smooth. The looks of the hover box are fully customizable with CSS, and the position is editable in the options.

实时Blogroll将使您的Blogroll更生动。 对于使用Ajax的Blogroll中的每个链接,它将显示许多“最新帖子”。 当用户将鼠标悬停在链接上方时,会自动发现该站点的RSS提要,并且框中会动态显示一些最新帖子。 Live Blogroll使用内部缓存进行提要发现,并使用WordPress缓存进行RSS提要,以确保一切顺利。 悬停框的外观可以使用CSS完全自定义,并且位置可以在选项中进行编辑。

3. GD Star Rating插件 (3. GD Star Rating Plugin)

GD Star Rating

GD Star Rating features full rating and review support that will allow you to integrate ratings into comments, posts, and pages. You can also display Rating and Review aggregation data such as stats on your sidebar and tons of more feature.

GD Star Rating具有完整的评分和评论支持,可让您将评分整合到评论,帖子和页面中。 您还可以在侧边栏上显示评分和评论聚合数据,例如统计信息和更多功能。

4. WP墙 (4. WP Wall)

WP Wall

WP Wall allows readers to add a quick comment about the blog as a whol. The comment will appear in the sidebar immediately, without reloading the page. All comments are internally handled by WordPress so that means you have normal comment moderation, SPAM protection and new comment notification.

WP Wall允许读者快速添加有关博客的快速评论。 注释将立即显示在侧栏中,而无需重新加载页面。 所有评论都由WordPress内部处理,这意味着您具有正常的评论审核,SPAM保护和新的评论通知功能。

5. jQuery灯箱 (5. jQuery Light Box)

jQuery Light Box

This plugin makes the smaller image larger on the page and overlay it on the content with the description text.


6. jQuery评论预览 (6. jQuery Comment Preview)

Comment Preview

This plugin allows your users to preview their comments without refreshing the page by using the html editor which is their comment field.


7. 见解 (7. Insights)


Insights is a powerful tool to write your blog posts. It increases productivity and the quality of your posts by using dynamic AJAX interface. This interface loads the relevant information about your post in seconds. Insights performs following functions: Interlink your posts, Insert Flickr images, Insert Youtube

见解是撰写博客文章的强大工具。 通过使用动态AJAX界面,可以提高工作效率和帖子的质量。 此界面会在几秒钟内加载有关您帖子的相关信息。 Insights执行以下功能:链接您的帖子,插入Flickr图像,插入Youtube

videos, Search Wikipedia, Search Google, Insert a Google Map and more.

视频,搜索Wikipedia,搜索Google,插入Google Map等。

8. Slimbox 2 (8. Slimbox 2)


More powerful clone of jQuery Light Box plugin. It slides out the image to overlay above the content when clicked.

jQuery Light Box插件的更强大的克隆。 单击时,它将图像滑出以覆盖内容上方。

9. WordPress边栏变成了苹果华丽 (9. WordPress Sidebar Turned Apple-Flashy)

WordPress Sidebar Turned Apple-Flashy

This tutorial show you how to create an Accordion plugin in jQuery UI to get the sidebar like the Apple Startpage. It also lets you control whether to show or hide the sidebar.

本教程向您展示如何在jQuery UI中创建一个Accordion插件,以获取侧栏,例如Apple Startpage。 它还使您可以控制是显示还是隐藏侧边栏。

10. 通过jQuery注释表单验证 (10. Comment Form Validation via jQuery)

Comment Form Validation via jQuery

Sometimes it frustrates the user when a page reloads just to show them a validation error because most of the time their data gets lost also. This tutorial will help you use jQuery, to make an instant on-page validation for your comment form.

有时,当重新加载页面只是为了向他们显示验证错误时,它会使用户感到沮丧,因为在大多数情况下,他们的数据也会丢失。 本教程将帮助您使用jQuery对注释表单进行即时页面验证。

11. 时髦的档案 (11. Snazzy Archives)

Snazzy Archives

Snazzy Archives is a visualization plugin for your WordPress site featuring an unique way to display all your posts. Your archive page will never be boring again!

Snazzy Archives是适用于您的WordPress网站的可视化插件,采用独特的方式显示您的所有帖子。 您的存档页面将永远不会再无聊!

12. 我的页面顺序 (12. My Page Order)

My Page Order

My Page Order allows you to set the order of pages through a drag and drop interface. The default method of setting the order page by page involves alot of codes, and it can get hectic when you have alot of pages. jQuery is used for a smooth drag and drop effect. This plugin, also lets you organize categories, and blogroll links.

我的页面顺序允许您通过拖放界面设置页面顺序。 逐页设置订单的默认方法涉及很多代码,当您有很多页面时,它可能变得很忙。 jQuery用于实现平滑的拖放效果。 该插件还允许您组织类别和博客链接。

13. 令人震惊的IE6警告 (13. Shockingly Big IE6 Warning)

Shockingly Big IE6 Warning

The Shockingly Big IE6 Warning is a plugin that shows a warning message alerting the user why is bad to use IE6, the security risk and the bad compatibility of Web Standards. There are multiple different ways you can show the error to the user through this plugin. Best to use this if your site is not compatible with IE6.

令人震惊的IE6警告插件是一个显示警告消息的插件,警告用户为什么不喜欢使用IE6,安全风险以及Web标准的兼容性差。 您可以通过多种方式通过此插件向用户显示错误。 如果您的网站与IE6不兼容,最好使用此功能。

14. 通过jQuery生动地登录WordPress (14. Lively WordPress login via jQuery)

Lively WordPress login via jQuery

A creative use of jQuery lightbox to simplify the process of client login.


15. WP-Imagefit (15. WP-Imagefit)

Rather than relying on a CSS or HTML-driven approach to resize large or wide images, WP-Imagefit relies on Javascript to proportionately resize images based on the width of the containing column.


16. jQuery轮播 (16. jQuery Carousel)

jQuery Carousel

This tutorial was suggested in the comment, and it is a great plugin to display your recent posts in a carousel fashion.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/15-plugins-to-unleash-the-invincible-power-of-jquery-and-wordpress/


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