WordPress Livefyre的内容,原因和方法

In the past two weeks, you probably noticed that we switched our commenting system. We made this crucial decision after attending BlogWorld Expo and WordCamp Raleigh. Thanks to Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy) for suggesting this platform in his presentation at WordCamp Raleigh, and Lewis Howes (@LewisHowes) for introducing me to the Livefyre team at BlogWorld Expo. Many of you have asked us the benefits of this switch, and our experience so far. In this article, we will cover what is livefyre, why we are using livefyre, and how you can use livefyre in your WordPress site as well.

在过去的两周中,您可能已经注意到我们切换了评论系统。 在参加BlogWorld Expo和WordCamp Raleigh之后,我们做出了这个至关重要的决定。 感谢Patrick O'Keefe(@ifroggy)在WordCamp Raleigh的演讲中建议了这个平台,并感谢Lewis Howes(@LewisHowes)在BlogWorld Expo上向我介绍了Livefyre团队。 你们中的许多人都向我们询问了此切换的好处以及到目前为止的经验。 在本文中,我们将介绍什么是livefyre,为什么要使用livefyre,以及如何在WordPress网站中使用livefyre。

Note: After a whole year of using Livefyre, we decided to switch back to the default WordPress comments. Here are 6 reasons why we switched away from Livefyre.

注意:使用Livefyre一年后,我们决定切换回默认的WordPress注释。 我们离开Livefyre的六个原因如下

什么是Livefyre? (What is Livefyre?)

Livefyre is a real-time engagement focused on building a community around the content of your website. It replaces your default WordPress comment system with a live stream of comments, images, tweets, and facebook posts. The whole purpose of Livefyre comment platform is to bring the social-web conversation about your content back to your content. This gives your community the most quality online conversation experience possible.

Livefyre是一项实时活动,致力于围绕您的网站内容建立社区。 它用实时评论,图像,推文和Facebook帖子流代替了您的默认WordPress评论系统。 Livefyre评论平台的全部目的是将有关您内容的社交网络对话带回到您的内容中。 这为您的社区提供了最优质的在线对话体验。

为什么要使用Livefyre? (Why use Livefyre?)

There were various features that influenced our decision on using Livefyre as our comment system. One of the coolest aspect about livefyre comment system is that it is in real-time. Users can actually have a chat-like experience in the comments (believe it or not this has happened already with us interacting with our users). The next most awesome feature is that it reduces comment SPAM to almost zero. The reason for that is user-authentication. Most spammers are not willing to connect their social accounts (twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc), or register with livefyre to comment. There is a centralized admin panel that lets you flag comments as spam, ban users from commenting, assign multiple moderators (for each post or the entire site), and white-list users. Users can also flag comments or like comments which shows up as points on your community profile which is visible to everyone (so it is like a reputation system). Right now, there is no award system or cool titles for users with good reputation, but it would be a cool feature to have.

有许多功能影响了我们决定使用Livefyre作为评论系统的决定。 livefyre评论系统最酷的方面之一是它是实时的。 用户实际上可以在评论中有类似聊天的体验(信不信由你与我们的用户互动已经发生了)。 下一个最强大的功能是将评论垃圾邮件减少到几乎为零。 原因是用户身份验证。 大多数垃圾邮件发送者不愿意连接其社交帐户(推特,脸书,linkedin等),也不愿意向livefyre注册以发表评论。 有一个集中的管理面板,可让您将评论标记为垃圾邮件,禁止用户发表评论,分配多个主持人(针对每个帖子或整个网站)以及白名单用户。 用户还可以标记评论或喜欢的评论,这些评论显示为您的社区个人资料上的点,每个人都可以看到(因此,它就像一个信誉系统一样)。 目前,尚无针对信誉良好的用户的奖励系统或出色的头衔,但这将是一个很棒的功能。

Livefyre integrates with the social web to boost social interaction. Users can connect their twitter account and facebook account. This lets them tag their friends in your site’s comments. For example when we comment, we can mention any user that we follow by simply adding the @username. It will also notify the user in the specific network. If that person choose to reply to the tweet or facebook status, that conversation will be pulled back to the specific post.

Livefyre与社交网络集成以促进社交互动。 用户可以连接其Twitter帐户和Facebook帐户。 这样一来,他们就可以在您网站的评论中标记自己的朋友。 例如,当我们发表评论时,我们可以通过简单地添加@username来提及所关注的任何用户。 它还会通知特定网络中的用户。 如果该人选择回复推文或Facebook状态,该对话将被拉回到特定帖子。

Want to try a live demo of how all this work? Simply comment on this post. Connect your twitter and facebook to see what we are referring to above (Yes you can disconnect if you don’t like it).

想尝试一下如何进行所有操作的现场演示吗? 只需对此帖子发表评论。 连接您的Twitter和Facebook,以查看我们在上方的含义(是的,如果您不喜欢它,可以断开连接)。

It has built-in threading of comments, live listener count, mobile-specific interface, new comment indicator, gravatar support.


如何在WordPress中安装Livefyre (How to Install Livefyre in WordPress)

You would probably think that integrating a system with so many features would at least take a while. The truth of the matter is that we installed and deployed Livefyre on WPBeginner in less than 10 minutes at the Livefyre booth at BlogWorld Expo. (No lies, ask @lewishowes he was there).

您可能会认为,集成具有如此众多功能的系统至少需要一段时间。 事实是,我们在不到10分钟的时间内就在BlogWorld Expo的Livefyre展位上将Livefyre安装和部署到WPBeginner上。 (没有谎言,问@lewishowes他在那里)。

All you have to do is install the LiveFyre plugin for WordPress (Use our Step by Step guide to Install a WordPress plugin).

您所要做的就是为WordPress安装LiveFyre插件 (使用我们的分步指南安装WordPress插件 )。

Once you activate the plugin, it will ask you to register an account with Livefyre, so your user can be assigned as an administrator of the site. After you create an account, Livefyre will be ready on your site. Really the steps are this simple. If you don’t believe us, then check out the video that the Livefyre Support team put together (its 1 minutes and 13 seconds long).

激活插件后,它将要求您在Livefyre中注册一个帐户,以便您的用户可以被分配为该站点的管理员。 创建帐户后,Livefyre将在您的网站上就绪。 真的,步骤很简单。 如果您不相信我们,请查看Livefyre支持团队整理的视频(长1分钟13秒)。

在安装之前有什么疑问吗? (Questions that we had prior to installing?)

It would be silly if we didn’t have questions about the platform before we installed it. (Heck we made a live change from the middle of an expo hall at a conference).

如果在安装平台之前对平台没有疑问,那将是愚蠢的。 (哎呀,我们在会议的展览厅中间进行了现场更改)。

How easy it is to get all the older comments to be on Livefyre?


It’s very easy. You don’t have to do anything. Depending on the amount of comments your site has time varies. For our site it took roughly 10 minutes. But that also depends on your internet connection (conference internet are not the best).

很简单 您无需做任何事情。 根据您网站的评论量,时间会有所不同。 对于我们的网站,大约花费了10分钟。 但这还取决于您的互联网连接(会议互联网不是最好的)。

How does livefyre affect site speed?


It is a relatively light weight script, so it doesn’t slow your site down too much. We haven’t heard any complains.

这是一个相对较轻的脚本,因此不会使您的网站速度降低太多。 我们没有听到任何抱怨。

How easy it is to revert back if we did not like the system?


Livefyre follows the command of your WordPress database. Each comment is stored in the database by default, so it is fairly easy to switch back.

Livefyre遵循WordPress数据库的命令。 默认情况下,每个注释都存储在数据库中,因此切换回相当容易。

我们的经验 (Our Experience)

We have been using Livefyre for a little over two weeks. Its been a great experience using this platform. You are probably wondering did the number of our comments went down because it now requires users to login before commenting. The answer to that question is NO! Did the number of spam comments went down? The answer to that is significantly.

我们已经使用Livefyre超过两个星期了。 使用该平台的经验非常丰富。 您可能想知道我们的评论数量是否减少了,因为它现在需要用户登录才能发表评论。 这个问题的答案是否定的! 垃圾邮件评论的数量是否减少了? 答案很明显。

Some users complained about the platform because they did not want to log in to comment. But to be honest with you, it is not that bad. There is way too much SPAM on the web. Same user commenting twice on the post just to get backlinks while they try to stuff keywords. This is the vary reason why top tech sites like Mashable, TechCrunch, TheNextWeb etc. all use user-authentication. TheNextWeb actually uses Livefyre. You just need to login once, and then forget about it. You will be able to comment without any issues. Some folks think that connecting their twitter or facebook account will somehow give us permission to post on their account. NO, it does not. There is a check box that says Share on Twitter and Facebook which by default is UNCHECKED. Unless that field is checked, the comment will NEVER be posted on any of your social media profile.

一些用户抱怨该平台,因为他们不想登录以发表评论。 但老实说,这还不错。 网络上有太多垃圾邮件。 同一位用户在帖子中发表了两次评论,只是在他们尝试填充关键字时获得反向链接。 这就是为什么Mashable,TechCrunch,TheNextWeb等顶级科技网站都使用用户身份验证的原因多种多样。 TheNextWeb实际上使用Livefyre。 您只需要登录一次,然后忘记它。 您将可以发表评论而没有任何问题。 有些人认为连接他们的twitter或facebook帐户将以某种方式使我们可以在其帐户上发布。 不,不是的。 有一个复选框显示“在Twitter和Facebook上共享”,默认情况下为“未选中”。 除非选中该字段,否则评论永远不会发布在您的任何社交媒体个人资料上。

Loving the chat style system. We have actually had real-time conversations in our comments answering support question. The users were so impressed that the response was almost instant. It was a great experience for us as well. There is one email that is dedicated to receive notifications from Livefyre. We check it regularly and do our best to respond.

喜欢聊天风格的系统。 实际上,我们在评论中回答支持问题时进行了实时对话。 用户印象深刻,以至于响应几乎是即时的。 对我们来说,这也是一次很棒的经历。 有一封电子邮件专用于接收来自Livefyre的通知。 我们会定期检查并尽力做出回应。

Instead of moderating for SPAM, we can now spend that time engaging with the users in comments. This is a lot more productive way of spending our time.

现在,我们不必花时间进行SPAM讨论,而是可以花时间在评论中与用户互动。 这是一种花费更多时间的更有效率的方式。

Want to try a demo? Just comment on this post below.

要尝试演示吗? 只需评论下面的这篇文章。

See the Full list of LiveFyre features


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/what-why-and-how-tos-of-livefyre-for-wordpress/





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