

Update: After a few years of trying out various different plugins, we realized that most solutions were buggy and didn’t solve all the problems. That’s why we created a much better solution for our own sites. It has A/B testing, built-in reporting, tons of great designs, various different optin types, exit-intent and much more. You can get it at Check out OptinMonster.

更新:在尝试了各种不同的插件几年之后,我们意识到大多数解决方案都是错误的,不能解决所有问题。 因此,我们为自己的网站创建了更好的解决方案。 它具有A / B测试,内置报告,大量出色的设计,各种不同的optin类型,退出意图等等。 您可以在Checkin OptinMonster上获得它。

Feel free to read the article below, but this comparison has not been updated in a while. We only recommend what we use. In this case, we’re using a plugin that we created ourselves because we only want to use the best.

随时阅读下面的文章,但是这种比较已经有一段时间没有更新了。 我们只推荐我​​们使用的东西。 在这种情况下,我们使用的是我们自己创建的插件,因为我们只想使用最好的插件。

Check out OptinMonster


Also we did a case study on how OptinMonster allowed us to increase our email subscribers by 600%. Industry experts like Search Engine Journal, Chris Brogan, John Dumas, and various others are seeing great results as well.

我们还进行了一个案例研究,研究OptinMonster如何使我们的电子邮件订户增加600% 。 搜索引擎杂志,克里斯·布罗根,约翰·杜马斯等行业专家也都看到了不错的结果。

Not too long ago, we wrote our review about a plugin called Pippity. In the comments, some users asked what is the difference between Pippity and the famous Popup Domination. As promised, we will be comparing the two plugins side by side to determine the pros and cons of each. We are friends with both Michael Dunlop of Popup Domination and Grant Griffiths of Pippity, so this is going to be as honest as it gets.

不久前,我们撰写有关名为Pippity的插件的评论。 在评论中,一些用户询问Pippity和著名的Popup Domination有什么区别。 按照承诺,我们将并排比较两个插件,以确定每个插件的优缺点。 我们是Popup Domination的Michael Dunlop和Pippity的Grant Griffiths的朋友,所以这将是诚实的。

If you are wondering what the heck do these plugins do? Well in short, they allow you to create lightbox popups in WordPress to increase the opt-in rate for your email newsletter. Now lets see where do these plugins stand when you compare them side by side.

如果您想知道这些插件到底在做什么? 简而言之,它们允许您在WordPress中创建灯箱弹出窗口,以提高电子邮件新闻稿的选择率。 现在,让我们看看将这些插件并排比较时的位置。

特征 (Features)

Both plugins allow you to create lightbox popups for your WordPress site, but one has significantly better features that the other lack.


  • Pippity lets you have multiple popups. Popup Domination does not.

    Pippity可让您有多个弹出窗口。 弹出式控制不存在。
  • Pippity allows you the ability to do split A/B testing. Popup Domination does not.

    通过Pippity,您可以进行拆分A / B测试。 弹出式控制不存在。
  • Pippity has Advanced Filters option for (referrer status, custom post types, open at the end of post and specific post). Popup Domination only allows you to pick in categories or specific pages.

    Pippity具有“高级过滤器”选项(引荐人状态,自定义帖子类型,在帖子末尾打开和特定帖子)。 弹出窗口控制仅允许您选择类别或特定页面。
  • Pippity has analytics. Popup Domination does not.

    Pippity具有分析功能。 弹出式控制不存在。
  • Pippity lets you show only to logged out users whereas Popup Domination doesn’t have this option.

    Pippity仅允许您向注销用户显示,而Popup Domination没有此选项。
  • Pippity allows custom cookies, Popup Domination does not

    Pippity允许自定义Cookie,Popup Domination不允许
  • Pippity has a bonus Popup Bar feature

  • Popup Domination has Exit Popups. Pippity does not.

    弹出窗口控制具有退出弹出窗口。 气ipp没有。
  • Popup Domination has the option to open popup when mouse leaves the site, Pippity does not.

    当鼠标离开站点时,“弹出窗口控制”选项可以打开弹出窗口,而“ Pippity”则不会。

If you notice Pippity clearly takes the win in the features category.


易用性(UI / UX) (Ease of Use (UI/UX))

Both plugins are fairly easy to use however one plugin certainly makes the job a lot easier.


You have to manually click on the Popup Domination link as you are going through the process of creating a popup. There is no option to Save and Continue to the next step.

在创建弹出窗口的过程中,必须手动单击“弹出窗口控制”链接。 没有保存和继续下一步的选项。

Popup Domination User Interface

Pippity guides users by providing the option of Save and Continue at the end of each step. The overall User Interface of Pippity is much more friendly to new users whereas Popup Domination lacks styling on its pages like Template Fields, List points etc.

通过在每个步骤的最后提供“保存并继续”选项,Pippity可以指导用户。 Pippity的整体用户界面对新用户更友好,而Popup Domination在其页面上缺少样式,如模板字段,列表点等。

One thing that Pippity lacks in terms of UI is the Activate button which we pointed out in our video review. When you are done creating your popup, you never know that its inactive. You have to click on the little Activate button. Popup Domination because it only allows you to create one popup, has a clear way of telling the user when its inactive.

就用户界面而言,Pippity缺少的一件事是我们在视频评论中指出的“激活”按钮。 完成创建弹出窗口后,您永远不会知道它是不活动的。 您必须单击激活小按钮。 Popup Domination因为它仅允许您创建一个弹出窗口,因此可以清晰地告诉用户何时不活动。

Winner: Pippity


前端设计 (Front-End Design)

Beautiful designs increase conversion. Popup Domination comes with 7 pre-built templates whereas Pippity comes with 8 pre-built templates. While the designs are very similar which there was a big debate between the founders on Twitter, we believe that Popup Domination’s graphics are of better quality. Pippity’s templates seems to lack the designer touch that Popup Domination pre-built templates have.

精美的设计可提高转化率。 Popup Domination带有7个预建模板,而Pippity带有8个预建模板。 尽管设计非常相似,但Twitter上的创始人之间仍在争论不休,但我们认为Popup Domination的图形质量更好。 Pippity的模板似乎缺少Popup Domination预制模板所具有的设计风格。

Design is subjective to beholder’s eye, so in our eyes Popup Domination is a clear winner in this category.

设计受旁观者主观,因此在我们看来,Popup Domination是该类别的明显赢家。

This doesn’t turn away Pippity for us though because we can easily duplicate existing Pippity themes and modify its styling.


开发者工具 (Developer Tools)

Both plugins offer developer tools in terms of the ability to modify templates. Pippity however does an exceptionally great job at this. You can easily replicate existing themes and customize it. There is just much more support for Developer tools than it is in Popup Domination. Pippity also has the option to open lightboxes on click which allows developers to really customize things around. Popup Domination does not have such option (or they do not have clear documentation).

这两个插件都提供了修改模板能力的开发人员工具。 然而,Pippity在这方面做得非常出色。 您可以轻松复制现有主题并对其进行自定义。 与Popup Domination中相比,对Developer工具的支持要多得多。 Pippity还可以选择点击打开灯箱,从而使开发人员可以真正自定义周围的事物。 Popup Domination没有此选项(或者它们没有清晰的文档)。

我们的选择 (Our Pick)

If you skimmed past our update, we found most of these solutions very buggy and lacking support. This is why we built and released our own plugin called OptinMonster. It is better coded, does not slow down your site, and have the same quality support that you have come to expect from WPBeginner.

如果您略过了我们的更新,我们发现这些解决方案中的大多数都是错误的并且缺乏支持。 这就是为什么我们构建并发布了自己的名为OptinMonster的插件的原因 。 它具有更好的编码,不会降低您的网站速度,并且具有与WPBeginner相同的质量支持。

Use our OptinMonster coupon WPB10 to get 10% OFF

使用我们的OptinMonster优惠券 WPB10可获得10%的折扣

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/pippity-vs-popup-domination-which-one-is-a-better-choice/


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