

Ok, so 2011 is coming to an end. We are not going to any events in December. But a lot of users like us to share the name of events that we will be attending. We will be attending quite a few events in the first 3 months period of 2012. So I thought instead of creating an individual post for each, I should just create one mega events post. We will be attending a total of 5 events in the first 3 months of 2012.

好的,2011年即将结束。 我们不会在12月举行任何活动。 但是,像我们这样的许多用户分享了我们将参加的活动的名称。 在2012年的前三个月中,我们将参加很多活动。因此,我认为与其创建一个单独的帖子,不如创建一个大型活动帖子。 在2012年的前3个月中,我们将参加总共5项活动。

In January, we will be attending Affiliate Summit West and Consumer Electronic Show (CES). Both of these are held back to back in Las Vegas. If you are planning on attending either one of these, then please let us know. Its always great to meet our readers.

一月份,我们将参加西方会员峰会消费电子展(CES) 。 两者都在拉斯维加斯举行。 如果您打算参加其中任何一个,请告诉我们。 很高兴认识我们的读者。

February is the month of WordCamps for us. We will be in Atlanta for WordCamp Atlanta 2012. Syed is speaking at the event about “Monetizing Your Blog”. Will have new case studies from List25 as well. This event is held on Feb 3rd – 4th. If you can make it, then would love to see you there.

对我们来说,二月是WordCamps的月份。 我们将在亚特兰大参加WordCamp Atlanta 2012 。 Syed在关于“通过博客获利”的活动上发言。 List25也将提供新的案例研究。 该活动于2月3日至4日举行。 如果您能做到,那就很乐意在那里见您。

The second WordCamp is very very close to home. It is in Miami. Yup, if you need an excuse for a vacation and want your business to pay for it. Just head on over to WordCamp Miami 2012. We will be volunteering at the event for sure because it is a local event. Not sure if Syed is speaking there, but we will update you guys once we receive the decision. We have been to WordCamp Miami for the past 2 years. Both years were amazing, and they were both SOLD OUT events. Miami not only has a great WordPress community, but it has great beaches. The first day of the event is dedicated totally to BEGINNERS!!! It is going to be amazing. Mark the dates in your calendar. February 17th – 18th. They might have a 3rd day for developers ONLY with BBQ. Its in the works.

第二个WordCamp离家非常近。 在迈阿密。 是的,如果您需要休假的借口并希望您的业务为此支付费用。 只需前往WordCamp Miami 2012 。 我们肯定会自愿参加该活动,因为这是本地活动。 不确定Syed是否在这里讲话,但是一旦收到您的决定,我们会及时通知您。 在过去的两年中,我们已经去过WordCamp Miami。 两年都是很棒的,而且都是售罄的活动。 迈阿密不仅有一个很棒的WordPress社区,而且还有很多海滩。 活动的第一天完全献给了BEGINNERS !!! 这将是惊人的。 在日历中标记日期。 2月17日-18日。 对于开发人员,他们可能只有烧烤才有第三天的时间。 它的作品。

In March, we will be crashing in Austin for SXSW most likely. Although we haven’t bought our tickets yet, but it is very likely that we will be at SXSW for the interactive section of the event.

3月,我们极有可能在奥斯汀因SXSW坠毁。 尽管我们还没有买票,但是很有可能我们将在SXSW参加活动的互动环节。

Are you planning on attending any of these? Would love to see you there. Leave a comment if you are (or just tweet @wpbeginner)

您打算参加其中的任何一项吗? 很想在那见到你。 如果您有意见,请发表评论(或只是在@wpbeginner发推文)

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/first-quarter-of-2012-affiliate-summit-wordcamps-ces-oh-my/






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