wordpress谷歌字体_如何在WordPress中添加Google Maps


You can add all kind of content into your WordPress site. At WPBeginner we have shown you how to add audio files, videos, PDF and Spreadsheets in WordPress. Adding content from external sources allows you to create rich content that are useful and highly interactive. In this article, we will show you how to add Google Maps in WordPress.

您可以将所有类型的内容添加到WordPress网站中。 在WPBeginner,我们向您展示了如何在WordPress中 添加音频文件视频PDF和电子表格 。 从外部来源添加内容使您可以创建有用且高度互动的丰富内容。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress中添加Google Maps。


在WordPress中手动添加Google Map (Manually Adding a Google Map in WordPress)

Go to Google Maps website, and simply type in the address of the location you want to show or search for a location. Once you have found the location, click on the link button in the right hand panel. This will show you the embed code. Copy the iframe code or you can also click on the “Customize and preview the embedded map” to further customize the appearance of the map on your site.

转到Google Maps网站,只需输入要显示的位置的地址或搜索位置。 找到位置后,单击右侧面板中的链接按钮。 这将向您显示嵌入代码。 复制iframe代码,或者您也可以单击“自定义并预览嵌入式地图”,以进一步自定义地图在您网站上的外观。

Manually embed a Google Map in WordPress

Go to your WordPress website and paste the code in a post, page, or a template. That’s all, save your post/page and see Google map live in action on your site.

转到您的WordPress网站,然后将代码粘贴到帖子,页面或模板中。 就是这样,保存您的帖子/页面,并在您的网站上实时查看Google Map。

使用插件在WordPress中添加Google Maps (Adding Google Maps in WordPress Using a Plugin)

The first method is good, if you only want to embed a Google map to just one location on your WordPress site. But if maps play an important role on your site’s main content and you need to frequently add maps in your posts, then we would recommend using a plugin.

第一种方法是好的,如果您只想将Google地图嵌入到WordPress网站上的一个位置。 但是,如果地图在您网站的主要内容中起着重要的作用,并且您需要经常在帖子中添加地图,那么我们建议您使用插件。

First thing you need to do is install and activate MapPress Easy Google Maps plugin. Edit a post/page where you want to add the map. Scroll down to MapPress section on your post edit screen and click on New Map button.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活MapPress Easy Google Maps插件。 编辑要在其中添加地图的帖子/页面。 向下滚动至帖子编辑屏幕上的MapPress部分,然后单击“ 新建地图”按钮。

Adding Google Maps into WordPress Posts using a Plugin

This will open MapPress editor where you can enter an address or click on My Location link to allow plugin to automatically detect your location. Provide a title to your map and choose the map size. Once you are satisfied with the map, click on the save button and then click on Insert into Post button to add the map into your post. Update or publish your post and see the preview.

这将打开MapPress编辑器,您可以在其中输入地址或单击“我的位置”链接以允许插件自动检测您的位置。 提供地图标题,然后选择地图尺寸。 对地图满意后,单击“保存”按钮,然后单击“插入到帖子中”按钮以将地图添加到帖子中。 更新或发布您的帖子并查看预览。

With MapPress you can add multiple maps to a post or page. Even though it works out of the box but it also adds a plugin settings menu in your WordPress admin sidebar. Clicking on it you can change plugin settings, such as map type, border, alignment, controls, etc.

使用MapPress,您可以将多个地图添加到帖子或页面。 即使开箱即用,它也会在WordPress管理员侧边栏中添加插件设置菜单。 单击它可以更改插件设置,例如地图类型,边框,路线,控件等。

MapPress settings page
在小部件和灯箱中添加Google Maps (Adding Google Maps in a Widget and a Lightbox)

Another easier way to add Google maps to your WordPress site is by installing Google Maps Widget plugin. After activating the plugin, go to Appearance » Widgets and drag and drop Google Maps Widget to your sidebar.

将Google地图添加到WordPress网站的另一种简便方法是安装Google Maps Widget插件。 激活插件后,转到外观»小部件 ,然后将Google Maps小部件拖放到侧边栏中。

Google Maps Widget Settings

Enter the address you want to show on the map in Widget settings. You can also choose the map size, pin color, zoom level, etc. Click on the lightbox tab to configure the lightbox settings. Lastly click on the Save button to save your widget settings. Go to your site to see the widget in action.

在窗口小部件设置中输入要在地图上显示的地址。 您还可以选择地图大小,图钉颜色,缩放级别等。单击灯箱选项卡以配置灯箱设置。 最后,单击“ 保存”按钮以保存小部件设置。 转到您的站点以查看运行中的小部件。

Google Maps Widget with Lightbox popup

We hope this article helped you add Google Maps in your WordPress site. For questions and feedback, please leave a comment below.

我们希望本文能帮助您在WordPress网站中添加Google Maps。 如有疑问和反馈,请在下面发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-google-maps-in-wordpress/






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