

Recently one of our users asked us for help in finding free social media icon sets that they can use on their website. While, there are plenty of WordPress plugins that allow you to add social media icons in WordPress, some users may want to manually add custom icon images and link them to their social media profiles. In this article, we will show you some of the best free social media icon sets for WordPress users.

最近,我们的一位用户向我们寻求帮助,以帮助他们找到可在其网站上使用的免费社交媒体图标集。 虽然有很多WordPress插件可让您在WordPress中添加社交媒体图标,但某些用户可能希望手动添加自定义图标图像并将其链接到他们的社交媒体配置文件。 在本文中,我们将为您展示一些针对WordPress用户的最佳免费社交媒体图标集。

If you’re looking for WordPress plugins that lets you add social media icons, then check out our articles on how to add social media icons in your WordPress sidebar and menus.

如果您正在寻找可以添加社交媒体图标的WordPress插件,请查看有关如何在WordPress 边栏菜单中添加社交媒体图标的文章。

If you’re looking to add a floating share bar like our site, then use Floating Social Bar.

如果您要添加像我们网站这样的浮动共享栏,请使用Floating Social Bar

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best free social media icon sets that you can use.


影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


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1.泛型 (1. Genericons)

Genericons is a free and GPL licensed icon font created by Automattic. It is a complete icon set, with icons for the most popular social media sites. For beginners, adding icon fonts can be a bit difficult.

Genericons是由Automattic创建的免费的GPL许可图标字体。 这是一个完整的图标集,带有最流行的社交媒体网站的图标。 对于初学者来说,添加图标字体可能会有些困难。

A simpler way to use Genericons icon set on your WordPress site is by installing and activating the Genericon’d plugin. Upon activation, simply go to Appearance » Genericon’d and click on the icon you want to add.

使用WordPress网站上的Genericons图标集的一种更简单的方法是安装并激活Genericon的插件。 激活后,只需转到外观»Genericon'd ,然后单击要添加的图标。

Genericond usage

Your selected icon will appear on top. Click on the copy shortcode link next to your icon and a popup window will appear with the shortcode. Copy and paste the shortcode wherever you want to display the icon. You can also copy the HTML and paste it in a text widget to display the icon font.

您选择的图标将显示在顶部。 单击图标旁边的复制简码链接,将出现一个包含简码的弹出窗口。 将简码复制并粘贴到要显示图标的任何位置。 您也可以复制HTML并将其粘贴到文本小部件中以显示图标字体。

2.字体很棒 (2. Font Awesome)

Font Awesome

Font Awesome is another free and open source icon font that you can use with WordPress. Font Awesome comes with an large collection of icon fonts.

Font Awesome是另一种免费的开源图标字体,可以与WordPress一起使用。 Font Awesome带有大量图标字体。

You can manually add Font Awesome to your WordPress theme or you can use a plugin. Simply install and activate the Better Font Awesome plugin. It comes with shortcodes, HTML, and TinyMCE options to easily add icons anywhere on your WordPress site.

您可以将Font Awesome手动添加到WordPress主题,也可以使用插件。 只需安装并激活Better Font Awesome插件即可。 它带有短代码,HTML和TinyMCE选项,可轻松在WordPress网站上的任何位置添加图标。

3.最佳PSD赠品平的社交媒体图标 (3. Flat Social Media Icons by Best PSD Freebies)

Flat social media icon set

We understand that most beginner level users would find adding icon fonts more difficult than adding image files. Flat Social Media Icons is a compact set of the most commonly used social media icons. You can simply download and extract the icon set and then upload them to your website from Media » Add New page in WordPress admin area.

我们知道,大多数初学者用户会发现添加图标字体比添加图像文件更困难。 平面社交媒体图标是最常用的社交媒体图标的紧凑集。 您可以简单地下载并提取图标集,然后从WordPress管理区域中的Media»Add New页面将它们上传到您的网站。

4.怪胎– 40个图标集 (4. Geekly – 40 Icons Set)


This icon set comes with 40 beautiful icons including 25 social media icons. Each icon comes in 512px dimensions and you can customize them in photoshop if you need.

该图标集带有40个精美的图标,其中包括25个社交媒体图标。 每个图标的尺寸均为512像素,您可以根据需要在photoshop中对其进行自定义。

5.免费的彩色图标 (5. Free Colorful Icons)

Free Colorful Icons

This is a simple but beautifully done social media icon set. Created by Michael Dolejs, this icon set is available as a PSD file. You can open the PSD file in Adobe Photoshop and use the icons as you see fit.

这是一个简单但精美的社交媒体图标集。 此图标集由Michael Dolejs创建,可作为PSD文件使用。 您可以在Adobe Photoshop中打开PSD文件,并根据需要使用图标。

6.平社交媒体图标集 (6. Flat Social Media Icon Set)

Free Flat Social Media Icon Set

This beautiful free social media icon set contains two variations rounded and square icons. There are 10 icons of 64x64px in jpg and png formats.

这个美丽的免费社交媒体图标集包含圆形和方形图标两个变体。 有10个jpg和png格式的64x64px图标。

7. 40个社交媒体平面图标 (7. 40 Social Media Flat Icons)

40 Social Media Flat Icons

This beautiful icon set contains 40 social media icons. Each icon is available in four sizes 32×32 px, 64×64 px, 128×128 px, and 256×256 px. There is a long shadow added to each icon giving a beautiful effect to each icon.

这个漂亮的图标集包含40个社交媒体图标。 每个图标有四个大小,分别为32×32像素,64×64像素,128×128像素和256×256像素。 每个图标上都有一个长长的阴影,使每个图标具有美丽的效果。

8. Enfuzed提供的免费Flat Social Media图标 (8. Free Flat Social Media Icons by Enfuzed)

Free flat social media icons by Enfuzed

This flat social media icons set by Enfuzed comes in two variations. The full color flat social media icons and light transparent social media icons for dark backgrounds.

Enfuzed设置的这种扁平化社交媒体图标有两种变体。 全彩色平面社交媒体图标和深色背景的光透明社交媒体图标。

9.十六进制图标包 (9. Hex Icons Pack)

Hex Icons Pack by Martz90

This social media icon pack by Martz90 showcases the popular social media icons in hexagonal shape. The icon pack contains a large number of icons for most popular social media sites, news sites, services and games.

Martz90制作的此社交媒体图标包以六边形展示流行的社交媒体图标。 图标包包含用于最流行的社交媒体网站,新闻网站,服务和游戏的大量图标。

10.视网膜就绪圆圈平面图标 (10. Retina Ready Circle Flat Icons)

Retina Ready Flat Icons Set

This beautiful circle flat social media icon set by Land of Web is retina ready. All icons are in png format and are available in 256x256px, 128x128px, 64x64px, and 32x32px sizes.

由Web of Land设置的这个美丽的圆圈平社交媒体图标已准备好视网膜。 所有图标均为png格式,并提供256x256px,128x128px,64x64px和32x32px大小。

11.矢量多边形社交媒体图标 (11. Vector Polygon Social Media Icons)

Free Vector Polygon Social Media Icons set by LunarPixel

This beautiful social media icon set by LunarPixel contains 80 polygon shaped icons. The package also contains the original vector files for you to play with.

LunarPixel设置的这个漂亮的社交媒体图标包含80个多边形图标。 该软件包还包含原始矢量文件供您使用。

12. 20个社交媒体图标 (12. 20 Social Media Icons)

20 Social Media Icons by Dawid Dapszus

This unique and beautiful icon set is created by Dawid Dapszus. It contains 20 icons for most popular social media websites. All icons are 80x80px and in png format.

这个独特而美丽的图标集是由Dawid Dapszus创建的。 它包含20个最流行的社交媒体网站的图标。 所有图标均为80x80px,采用png格式。

13.简单的平面社交媒体图标 (13. Simple Flat Social Media Icons)

Simple flat social icons

This beautiful icon set comes with PSF and PNG files. It contains 20 icons, each icon file is 114x114px in dimensions.

这个漂亮的图标集带有PSF和PNG文件。 它包含20个图标,每个图标文件的尺寸为114x114px。

14. 24个免费的扁平化社交图标 (14. 24 Free Flat Social Icons)

24 Flat Social Icons Set

This beautiful set of free social icons set by Mohammed Alyousfi comes with 24 icons. It contains icons in sizes ranging from 512px to 16px. The package also includes source files in AI and EPS file formats.

由Mohammed Alyousfi设置的精美的免费社交图标集带有24个图标。 它包含大小在512像素到16像素之间的图标。 该软件包还包括AI和EPS文件格式的源文件。

15.社交媒体图标 (15. Social Media Icons)

Social Media Icons

This icon set by Luke Taylor comes in two variations for dark and light backgrounds. The package contains 89 social media icons in both variations.

卢克·泰勒(Luke Taylor)设置的此图标有两种深色和浅色背景。 该软件包包含两种版本的89个社交媒体图标。

16. Hugo提供的免费社交媒体图标集 (16. Free Social Media Icon Set by Hugo)

Free Social Media Icon Set by Hugo

A beautiful set of social media icons created by Hugo. The package contains 8 icons in a neat PSD file. You can then use save for web to save the icons you want ot use on your site.

雨果创建的一组漂亮的社交媒体图标。 该软件包在一个整洁的PSD文件中包含8个图标。 然后,您可以使用“另存为Web”来保存要在网站上使用的图标。

We hope this article helped you find the best free social media icon set to use on your WordPress site. You may also want to check out our list of 40 useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到在WordPress网站上使用的最佳免费社交媒体图标集。 您可能还需要查看我们的40种有用工具列表, 以管理和发展WordPress博客

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/16-best-free-social-media-icon-sets-for-wordpress/






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