

Do you want to improve accessibility on your WordPress site? Most of the times accessibility gets neglected in our effort to create more beautiful websites. This creates problems and bad user experience for people with disabilities. In this article, we will show you how to improve accessibility on your WordPress site.

您想提高WordPress网站的可访问性吗? 在大多数情况下,可访问性在我们创建更漂亮的网站的努力中被忽略了。 这给残疾人带来了问题和糟糕的用户体验。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何改善WordPress网站上的可访问性。

Improving accessibility in WordPress
WordPress网页设计中的可访问性是什么? (What is Accessibility in Web Design in WordPress?)

Accessibility is a term used to describe design techniques that make a product accessible to users with disabilities.


In web design, there are some common best practices that are recommended by experts to make websites more accessible. The same best practices can also be used in your own WordPress website.

在网页设计中,专家建议一些常见的最佳做法,以使网站更易于访问。 同样的最佳做法也可以在您自己的WordPress网站中使用。

By making your website more accessible, you can make it easier for many people to use your website without requiring assistance.


The problem is that most people using WordPress don’t know much about web design, accessibility, or design standards. Majority of the people just install a theme that looks great and helps them do what they want to do. We at WPBeginner are guilty of this too, but we are working on improving things around our site.

问题是大多数使用WordPress的人对网页设计,可访问性或设计标准了解不多。 大多数人只会安装一个看起来很棒的主题,并帮助他们做自己想做的事情。 WPBeginner对此也感到内,,但我们正在努力改善网站周围的状况。

Let’s take a look at how you can improve the accessibility of your WordPress site without writing any code.


改善WordPress网站的可访问性 (Improving Accessibility of Your WordPress Site)

First thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Accessibility plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WP Accessibility插件。

Upon activation, you need to go to Settings » WP Accessibility to configure the plugin.


WP Accessibility Settings

The first section is to remove the title attribute from tag clouds and archives. The title attribute is considered to be useless by some accessibility experts. Most screen readers usually ignore the title attribute and instead read the anchor text.

第一部分是从标签云和存档中删除title属性。 一些可访问性专家认为title属性是无用的。 大多数屏幕阅读器通常会忽略title属性,而是阅读锚文本。

In the next section, you can enable the skip link on your website. A skip link allows users to jump directly to the content. This is an extremely useful feature for people using screen readers. Without a skiplink they will have to hear through lots of things like navigation menus before they can reach the content part.

在下一部分中,您可以在网站上启用跳过链接。 跳过链接允许用户直接跳至内容。 对于使用屏幕阅读器的人来说,这是一项非常有用的功能。 没有skiplink,他们将必须先通读很多内容,例如导航菜单,然后才能到达内容部分。

WP Accessibility provides a variety of accessibility settings, under miscellaneous accessibility settings section. You can go through each option and see if you need it on your site.

WP Accessibility在“其他辅助功能设置”部分下提供了各种辅助功能设置。 您可以浏览每个选项,然后在站点上查看是否需要它。

Miscellaneous Accessibility Settings

Some of these options will be checked by default. These options are removing target attribute from links, force search error on empty search submission, and removing tabindex from focusable elements.

其中的某些选项将默认为选中状态。 这些选项是从链接中删除目标属性,在空搜索提交时强制搜索错误,以及从可聚焦元素中删除tabindex。

WP Accessibility plugin comes with an accessibility toolbar. Enabling it will add a toolbar on your website where users can resize fonts or view your site in high contrast color mode.

WP Accessibility插件附带一个辅助工具栏。 启用它会在您的网站上添加一个工具栏,用户可以在其中调整字体大小或以高对比度颜色模式查看您的网站。

Adding an accessibility toolbar in WordPress

Lastly, you will see the color contrast checker tool. Using this tool, you can test the foreground and background color contrast ratio and whether they match the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. You may also want to see our guide on choosing the perfect color scheme for your WordPress site.

最后,您将看到颜色对比度检查器工具。 使用此工具,您可以测试前景色和背景色的对比度以及它们是否与《 Web内容可访问性准则》相匹配。 您可能还需要看我们的指南, 为您的WordPress网站选择完美的配色方案

Color contrast testing tool

You can find out the colors your theme is using in the stylesheet, or you can use Eye Dropper, a color picker extension for Google Chrome.

您可以在样式表中找到主题使用的颜色,也可以使用Eye Dropper (用于Google Chrome的颜色选择器扩展程序)。

To learn more about the accessibility features of the plugin, take a look at WP Accessibility Plugins page on WordPress accessibility team website.

要了解有关该插件的辅助功能的更多信息,请查看WordPress无障碍团队网站上的WP Accessibility Plugins页面。

We hope this article helped you improve accessibility of your WordPress site. You may also want to check out our guide on how to add breadcrumb navigation links in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您改善WordPress网站的可访问性。 您可能还需要查看有关如何在WordPress中添加面包屑导航链接的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-improve-accessibility-on-your-wordpress-site/






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